
Infinite Mage (Full)

This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human! Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though. Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it. Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic— beginning his journey as an explosive rising star! . . [This novel doesn't belong to me; I only upload and translate it. All rights belong to its rightful author.] Original Author: Kim ChiWoo/김치우 Official Page: https://m.series.naver.com/novel/detail.series?productNo=2362844

Zeom · Fantasy
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165 Chs

The name Parrot (2)

At first, Amy couldn't understand and blinked, but when she realized what Tess was trying to say, she turned her head away with a perplexed expression.

"Why are you saying something weird all of a sudden? What does Shirone have to do with my graduation?"

"But think about it. Shirone is still in Class Four and you're in the graduating class. Also, with your skills, you'll definitely be able to graduate next year. If that happens, won't you go to the capital?"

As soon as she heard the words 'go to the capital,' Amy's heart suddenly beat faster.

She had never thought about it before. But realistically, it wasn't that far off.

"It has nothing to do with me."

"Oh, really?"

Amy spoke coldly, but Tess couldn't feel the slightest hint of sincerity in her tone.

Amy, who remained silent for a moment, finally revealed what she had been keeping inside, as Tess had expected.

"Still... We made a promise. He has to catch up to me, no matter what happens. That's what he said under the condition that we could talk comfortably."

Tess let out a surprised sound, "Oh." If they had come this far in their conversation, then their mutual feelings were far from trivial.

"Hmm. Indeed, Shirone is amazing too. But you said he ascended to Class Four in just half a year, right? Even if he's a genius, do you think it would be possible for him to graduate so easily?"

Indeed, even Amy knew it. Shirone's accomplishments so far were beyond what an ordinary person could emulate.

An 18-year-old boy who had lived without even knowing magic had ascended to Class Four in just half a year.

Expecting more from him might be greedy.

Amy looked at Shirone's back in front of her. Had Shirone ever thought about something like this? If he really graduated, would Shirone miss her?

It was hard to take the first step among those who had given their best. However, Shirone was already taking several steps ahead of them. Maybe he's running with all his talents burning at their limit.

Amy knew this, but she couldn't help feeling upset. She watched Shirone's back with a piercing gaze, transmitting it to her heart.

'Hurry up and catch up to me. I won't really let you go if you fall behind.'

The two women, after finishing their secret conversation, hastened their pace to catch up to Shirone and Rian.

After they met, Shirone and the others climbed the hill to the villa while exchanging various stories. Then, suddenly, Tess stopped and cautioned in a hushed voice.

"Shh. Silence."

"Why all of a sudden...?"

asked Amy, turning to Tess. At first, she thought Tess was playing another one of her jokes. But when she saw her serious expression, Amy immediately closed her mouth.

Tess, who trains in sword handling with swords, focuses on the sensory constructions within Schema.

Although not as good as archers, her sensitivity to stimuli was far beyond ordinary people.

Shirone and Rian noticed the atmosphere with a delay and approached her. Tess also signaled to them to keep quiet with a raised finger.

"There's someone in front of the villa. Judging by his lung capacity, it's a man. If his physique is average, he should measure between 170 and 175 centimeters in height."

Rian grabbed the handle of the large sword behind his back. After the commotion in the Royal Palace last night, there was a good chance of intruders.

"I don't sense any enemies, but be prepared just in case."

Tess whispered as she silently walked like a cat, and the other three followed her slowly.

Upon reaching the villa, they saw someone standing in front of the gate. The figure, visible only in silhouette, didn't move and was looking in another direction.

Shirone's group cautiously advanced without letting their guard down. However, before they took a few steps, the figure lost balance and collapsed on the ground.

Shirone and the others glanced at each other and quickly ran towards the gate.

The unexpected midnight visitor was Jiss. It was difficult to find an intact spot on his face, indicating he had been through a tough time.

Shirone grabbed Jiss from the side and supported him. Just the touch of his hand made Jiss' face crease with pain.

"Ugh! Ouch, it hurts!"

"Are you okay? Who did this to you?"

"G-Get away from me!"

Jiss pushed Shirone away. He didn't want to reveal who was responsible for his current state. He didn't want to appear weak, especially not in front of Amy as before.

Jiss sat with his back against the door. When Shirone approached him again to support him, he forced a painful laugh and lifted the corners of his mouth.

"Having fun this late at night? Your wit seems to have dulled."

Jiss's condition seemed critical, but Tess remained alert throughout.

She knew Jiss was the one who had manipulated Amy with some strange method the previous night, leading her into danger. No matter how injured he was, she had no intention of trusting him.

Amy, on the other hand, approached without hesitation. Instead of trusting Jiss, as someone who understood the rules of this world, she had an idea of what happened.

"What happened to you? Tell me. Was it Falkoa?"

Instead of answering Amy, Jiss lifted his head and glared fiercely at Shirone.

Now that he thought he could stand up to Shirone, he felt a little better.

It's Amy's life that he saved as he was nearing the end of his life. Wouldn't it be okay for him to be the main character, at least for a minute when he had to explain everything?

"Hey, you! Listen carefully. Take care of your woman."

"What are you talking about?"

As Shirone tilted his head, not understanding, Jiss frowned terribly. He had guessed it from the conversation he had with Amy in the carriage. The fact that the relationship between the two couldn't be clearly defined.

That's why it made him even more frustrated. He didn't know why he had to go through all this trouble because of Shirone, who had everything he didn't have.

"Amy, that idiot! She messed things up with that kind of approach, so take care of her to the end!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Why Amy? We were together all day today."

Jiss remembered Falkoa's instructions. Even thinking about it now, it was absurd, and he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"He told me to bring her, even if it meant killing her. He mixed Loop into a drink in a fatal dose and asked me to give it to Amy, saying she would have no choice but to drink it."

"This lunatic...!"

Rian widened his eyes like a tiger and clenched his fists. The others were equally outraged.

Of course, Amy wasn't foolish enough not to realize Falkoa's plan. However, given her pride and her Red Eyes abilities, it was a problem where something terrible could have happened.

Tess, who had been thinking so much, shivered with chills.

"I'm going crazy. I knew he wasn't normal, but he went to such extremes."

Shirone's voice trembled like never before.

"So what about that drink..."

"I threw it away. I told him I couldn't do it. Do you understand now? I'm protecting Amy. It's not you, it's me! I risked my life to keep her safe! Got it, you idiot?"

Shirone and the others firmly closed their mouths. They couldn't refute, and they didn't want to.

Shirone knelt down to meet Jiss at eye level.

"Jiss, we..."

"That's why!"

Jiss cut off Shirone's words and shouted loudly. While shouting with all his might, the pain increased as if his ribs were breaking. But the reason his tears fell like a waterfall was not because of the pain.

"That's why...."

Jiss lay flat. Then he rested his forehead on the ground and spoke with a sobbing voice.

"Please, help me."

Shirone and the others said nothing and just looked at Jiss, who lay face down.

"My sister... It seems like they took my sister. After I regained consciousness, I went to the store, they said she had gone home, but when I went home, she wasn't there either. So I went to look for her... But no one would help me. Please help me find my sister. I beg you."

Jiss, who begged Shirone and the others, broke down crying and repeated his plea.

Shirone looked at him with a mix of anger and sadness.

How long had he wandered the streets in this state? Who would care about a sister from an alley? His desperate pleas as he shouted his sister's name amid everyone else's indifference were vividly remembered.

"My sister. My younger sister. My everything..."

"Any assumptions? Where they might have taken your sister?"

Jiss raised his head. Since no one was willing to help, he had come seeking assistance, but even if someone wanted to help, they would have to directly confront the Freeman organization ruling the island.

As strong as their magic might be, their lives wouldn't be guaranteed, so he thought it wouldn't be easy to ask for a favor. That's why he pleaded with the determination to sacrifice even his life if necessary.

However, Shirone didn't even think twice and asked where they might have taken his sister.

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

Jiss repeatedly bowed his head. This was the extent of his gratitude that he could express.

Amy, watching him disapprovingly, grabbed Jiss by the arm and lifted him up.

"Enough. Do what you were doing. Acting like this all of a sudden makes us even more suspicious. Let's get inside for now. We'll talk while we treat your wounds."

"But, my sister..."

"Stupid! If we recklessly rush without thinking, we'll be the first ones in trouble! If she was kidnapped on your way back home, there's still plenty of time. I'll even fly if necessary, so let's treat your wounds first."

Amy supported Jiss and opened the villa's door. Even though she was also concerned about the girl named Yuna, for now, tending to his injuries took precedence.

As Jiss lay on the bed, Tess helped him remove his clothes. Having learned numerous combat aids, she could assess Jiss's condition at a glance. From the pattern of the bruises, it was evident his ribs were injured.

Tess pressed various parts of Jiss's body.

"Ow! It hurts."

"Of course, it hurts. You were ruthlessly beaten. Endure a bit. I need to check your organs too."

Tess pressed as hard as she could on Jiss's abdomen. Organs shielded by skin and muscles were difficult to examine unless they were pressed hard enough to cause unbearable pain.


It must have been maddeningly painful, but Jiss desperately endured it. It was for the idea that he might go rescue Yuna alone once the treatment was completed as soon as possible.

"Thank goodness. He has a broken rib, but the rest are minor superficial wounds. Organs are fine too. Surprisingly, you have a robust body."

Jiss smiled bitterly. While he couldn't fight, because he constantly faced numerous nobles, he had become accustomed to being beaten.

Jiss explained the situation while Tess applied bandages.

Based on Yuna's work schedule and the time she should have arrived home, they estimated she was kidnapped about two hours ago.

"They would have taken her to their hideout, so they haven't arrived there yet. However, we couldn't have precisely matched their time. I just want Yuna to be alive..."

Amy cut off Jiss's words.

"No, it's okay. They probably travel by carriage, but if we borrow horses, we can easily catch up to them. Where exactly is the hideout? It must be quite far from here."

"I haven't been there either. I heard it's in the north of the island, but I'm not sure."

"No, that's probably it."

Shirone was sure that place would be a hideout. The north of the island was a natural cliff. Wasn't that why when they first arrived here, the boat circled the island and docked at the southern port?

Additionally, if it was in the north, it was close to the Autonomous District of Kerugo, so it was out of the government's reach. There was no better environment to use as a hideout.

"Okay, let's go then. Can you manage on your own?"

Jiss nodded. He intended to accompany Shirone even if the wound worsened.

Still, the reason for his dark expression was self-reproach for involving unrelated people in this.

"Are you really okay? It's fun to ask for help and say this, but they're very strong."

Amy snorted. Even if it wasn't for Jiss's sister, she had always intended to deal with Falkoa someday.