
Chapter 18 - Tony and Fury

"Agent Romanoff?"

"Director Tony Stark is on the way to meet you."

Nick leaned back on the chair, "what? He changed his mind about joining?"

"No, it's more complicated than that. It seems Tony has Palladium Poisoning. The Arc Reactor that is keeping him alive will kill him in a few months, about four."

Fury stood up in shock, "what? He's dying?"

"Not exactly. It seems there is some way to save him. Jay told him that there are some things that Howard Stark left for Tony. In them is a video message, with a clue to New Material. And Tony is rushing over to get it."

Nick Fury sat back down, his frown becoming deeper, "how did he know about that?"

"It's Jay? He said he hacked to read the files. To know what Primo knows."

Nick Fury seemed surprised, "Agent Romanoff, are you lying to me?"

"No, Sir, No. I wouldn't do that."

Nick Fury nodded, "I will handle Tony. Don't blow your cover."


Nick Fury cut the call, leaning back on the chair, pressing a button on the side of his chair.

He kept his eyes closed until someone entered the room, "Director, you called?"

"Yes, it seems Agent Romanoff has been compromised," Fury opened his eye, looking at Maria Hill.

"Did Jay slip up about her identity?"

Fury shook his head, "No. I think Agent Romanoff might be in love."

"Excuse me?" Maria's jaws fell as she watched Fury with her mouth agape.

Fury's lips curled into a smile, "she just lied to me. To protect Jay, I think. What do you think? Should I send someone else for the job?"

Maria looked down, thinking, "I don't believe that is a good idea. If the two are seeing each other, then you pulling Natasha because of that might not be such a good idea. He is smart enough to recognize any agent that we send. And with the new movements at Stark Industries, Natasha might be the only one that could stay there."

"What new movements?" Fury's eyes sank even further after hearing that.

Maria put a tablet in front of him, "there was a call for certain people. Scientists, and not just any scientists, best of the best, from different fields. Some have a budding company with a lot of talent. And some are working on projects that even we are keeping an eye on. Today, all these people are under one roof."

Fury narrowed his eyes, watching the list of scientists, "Stark was supposed to meet them? Interesting. Jay didn't tell him before or after, but now. When there was such an important meeting at the head. He's finally showing his true colors."

Maria was a bit surprised, looking at him, "why would you say that? It might have been a coincidence."

"There are no coincidences with him. I always thought there was something wrong with him. Something that he was hiding. It's good to know that it's true," Fury stood up, smiling, "Where is Coulson?"

"On the way."

Sometime later,

Iron Man came flying, landing in front of Stark Headquarters in New York. He took a private jet, and when he was in New York airspace, he jumped off wearing the suit.

He walked into the headquarters, wearing the suit, causing the agents acting as office workers to stop and look at him.

Tony put his armored hand on the reception table. Raising his mask, charmingly smiling at the receptionist, "sweetheart, why don't you tell Nick Fury that Tony Stark is here?"

The receptionist stood up, her smile remained on her lips, "he knows. I have been told to bring you up. Please follow me."

Tony was taken aback for a moment, but he kept in control, walking with her.

The two of them took the elevator, reaching the upper floors, walking to Nick Fury's office.

The receptionist walked in without any trouble, standing near Fury, making Tony narrow his eyes, "you are not a receptionist, are you?"

"I am Maria Hill, Deputy Director of Shield."

Tony curled his lips, staring at Nick Fury, "you should have sent her to talk to me."

Fury calmly nodded, "noted. And, what do you want here? Barging in, wearing the Iron Armor. Didn't have any clean clothes left?"

Tony didn't take the bait, "my father left something for me. I want it."

"That is property of Shield." Nick leaned back, "why do you even want it? Because of Palladium poisoning? Can't you create one of your own?"

Tony smirked, "I can. Just give me the Tesseract."

Fury frowned, sitting up, "that is top-secret. Where did you hear about that?"

"Doesn't matter where I heard about it. Either give me the things my father left for me or the Tesseract to create a new element. After all, my father might not have the technology. But he was in contact with one of the most powerful artifacts of the universe. If you don't, my lawyers will drag Shield out in public's eyes."

Fury's eye twitched hearing that, not the part about Stark dragging them. But the one where he said that Tesseract was one of the most powerful objects in the universe, "what do you know about Tesseract?"

Tony sat down, putting one leg on the other's thigh, crossing his hands, "give me my things, and I will tell you everything that I know about Tesseract."

Fury tapped his finger on the chair's arm, glancing at Maria and nodding.

Maria raised her head, going outside, coming back with agents carrying boxes, "these are Howard Starks old materials that were still at Shield."

Tony stood up, looking at the items inside the boxes, when Fury narrowed his eyes, "now, what do you know about Tesseract?"

Tony gave Fury a mocking smile, "nothing. I told you what I knew before."

Fury smiled, relaxing, looking towards Maria Hill, "see, I was right."

Maria pressed her lips, nodding, making Tony shift his eyes between them, "Is this some agent talk?"

Fury stood up, his fingers tracing the table as he walked over, "No, I told Maria that Jay must have told you something. Something that would give you the edge in conversation, but not enough that we would think you know too much. I can even say the whole conversation was part of his plan. Why do you think that is?"

Tony pointed at Fury's fingers, "checking for dirt? What? Cleaners can't come here because it's top secret?"

Nick looked towards Maria, nodding, watching her walk over, keeping a mobile tablet on the desk, "these are the people that you were going to meet now. All of these are intelligent enough that they are on our watchlist. And he brought them all together."

"Now only that, when it was time to talk to them. Jay sent you on this chase just so that he could talk to them rather than you. Don't you see? He's manipulative and dangerous," Fury spoke, narrowing his eyes.

Tony hesitated for a moment, "wasn't he one of your agents?"

Maria dragged her hand across the tab, showing Primo's information, "his name is Primo. We don't know what he is, who he is, and what his purpose is. Primo has been attacking Shield agents and for the past 18 years. And who knows what else he has been doing. The only one that ever came close to catching him was Jay. But at the last moments, he failed and left Shield. I always believed that he didn't catch Primo on purpose. Now, I am beginning to think that the two are working together. I just don't know since when, before he joined Shield, or around the time when he left it. Now, he is running out of control, and you are helping him."

Tony picked up his things, smiling at Fury, "do you even know the technologies that we are working on? None of them could be used to attack. If he is running out of control and making people's lives better, then I would ask for a few more of him."

Maria slid her hand again, showing Tony a picture of a High-Powered Plasma Gun, "this is not a weapon?"

"That thing has an identification. It can't be hacked. It can be controlled, every fire will be perfectly recorded. Moreover, it has inbuilt cameras and microphones that could be used to keep an eye on the people using them. Like police officers whom I am selling it to, and I will create another committee. That will view those records and destroy the corruption from police forces, making our country. Hell, the world will be a much safer place. Don't tell me if I sold, then you won't buy them? It comes free with a Low-Level AI, which you can control to keep an eye on your agents. Wouldn't you want that?"

Nick didn't answer, making Tony scoff and leave, leaving Nick and Maria behind.

Maria took the mobile tab, glancing at Fury, "Director?"

Fury glanced towards her, "I want all eyes on Stark Industries and The Six that are emerging now. I want to know every project there, and I want to know everything about the people working there. Try sending more agents to these new facilities."

"Is it necessary?"

"I don't know. Let's hope not."

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