
Infinite growth with my lottery system

Tatsumaki is killed by a powerful being by mistake and is compensated with wishes. Join his journey to being strong enough to do whatever the heck he wants

Orithium · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 3

It has been over 7 months since I got my memories back after my reincarnation and all I can say is children are absolute menaces to society! I have to constantly hear the newborns cry at every moment the older ones are always coming to me to cause chaos under the guise of playing around, I never have the opportunity to exercise it has been absolute hell but fortunately after putting down my foot and being an absolute asshole none of the kids want to play with me anymore.

I had noticed that I had gotten older meaning my birthday was in September in this world but I never paid attention to my age so I didn't notice when the exact day was but that will be something I can focus on later in the future. I have been given time to exercise thanks to it, things were going great as my power level went up after exercising for a week my Ki control was rising albeit slowly due to low values from the draw as I had a slightly lower than average luck value.

I got a bit impatient and started messing around with the lottery spins and decided to spin the wheel for different stats, I had done a spin for intelligence and got a value of 100 and it felt like what I would assume being on shrooms would be like, while it only lasted a few seconds it was euphoric, I was worried it would be addictive but fortunately it was just my mind getting used to a rapid increase in intelligence and it never happened again, all I can say is the results of increasing the intelligence vale was beyond satisfactory, my mind felt clearer I found it easier to understand topics that I sucked at in my last life, while I wasn't able to pick it up instantly I could tell that in the future once I had enough stats in intelligence I would be able to pick things up instantly heck I could be the next tony stark or even reed Richards.

I discovered another boon from increasing my intelligence and that was an increase in the amount of mana I had, while it wasn't a significant increase it was something and I decided to take note of it as it could be vital to me in the future. I had increased my wisdom stat as well and unlike intelligence that allowed me to pick things up easily, I felt like I could solve puzzles much easier It was like intelligence allowed me to understand what was shown in the textbook while wisdom allowed me to apply what was taught in the textbook, I might never truly be able to explain how it truly works.

During these few months I had an epiphany while talking to the orphanage matron, she had told me that I had been alone and training too hard for my age like I was expecting a great battle, naturally I was but I couldn't exactly explain that to her so I just told her I wanted to be a martial artist when I grew up and needed a good foundation and that when she changed my whole view on what I have been doing.

Matron: "I understand that you want to become a powerful martial artist in the future but its no reason to avoid the other children, you are possibly already the strongest person in the orphanage right now maybe even one of the strongest in our village with the weights of the boulders I have seen you lifting. Despite you being so strong you look like you are still afraid of something like someone is watching you and it's worrying me especially if you don't talk about it, if you need help you can talk to me or the older kids about it maybe if we all help it will be easier after all it is easier to deal with any issues with more numbers"

The matron might not have done it on purpose, but she let me see my mistake, I was trying to grow slowly where no one could find me till I was ready, but I had no reason to do that, like a quote used in some of the anime I used to watch in my last life "before absolute power, all strategies are useless"

Even if was lacking skills with a high enough power level I could easily destroy my opponents, as long as my power is high enough no one would be willing to offend me, it would never be too late to increase my Ki control later on after all I have the legendary cheat 'a system' I just need to religiously spin the wheel and add points to my stats every day and eventually I will be the strongest in the universe and any skills can be learnt later.

Since that day I had been putting the stats for the lottery in my luck value and once the value is high enough, I will use the next spin for my power level.


Name: Tatsumaki

Age: 6 years old

Race: Human

Health: 100/100

Mana: 70/70

Power level: 4

Vitality: 8

Intelligence: 182

Wisdom: 87

Charm: 7

Luck: 1,354


Observation (lv:MAX)

Language Mastery (lv:MAX)

Ki control (3,900/750,000)

Lottery spin: 0
