
Infinite Fortune

Aaron Sanders, a 24-year-old computer science graduate, is struggling to make ends meet in bustling Los Angeles. Orphaned young and isolated, Aaron’s future seems bleak as he faces rejection after rejection in the competitive job market. But everything changes in an instant when he discovers an astonishing balance of $100 trillion in his bank account. Initially believing it to be a glitch or prank, Aaron is stunned when a holographic screen appears, introducing him to the Fortune Ascended System. [English is not my 1st language. So pardon me for any grammatical mistakes.]

monjormorshed · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter-9: Concert(II)

The anticipation in the VIP cabin had built to a fever pitch by the time the lights in the arena dimmed, signaling the start of the concert. A collective cheer rose from the crowd, filling the massive venue with a palpable energy. Sally leaned forward in her seat, her eyes wide with excitement, while Aaron settled back, feeling the buzz of the moment as well.

The stage lights flared to life, bathing the space in a dazzling array of colors. The massive screens flanking the stage lit up, displaying a montage of images as the music began to build. The crowd's cheers grew louder, almost deafening, as the silhouette of Daisy Sawyer appeared on stage. She stood still for a moment, basking in the adoration, before stepping into the spotlight.

Daisy Sawyer was everything her fans had imagined and more. Her presence was magnetic, her beauty almost unreal as she stood there, shimmering in a glamorous outfit that caught the light with every movement. The opening notes of her first song echoed through the arena, and she began to sing, her voice powerful and captivating.

Sally was completely entranced, her eyes fixed on Daisy as she moved across the stage with effortless grace. Aaron, too, found himself drawn into the performance. He'd seen plenty of concerts before, but there was something about Daisy's presence, her energy, that held him spellbound.

Song after song, Daisy delivered a flawless performance. Her voice soared, dipping into emotional lows and rising into triumphant highs, taking the audience on an unforgettable journey. The lights, the music, the choreography—all of it came together in a mesmerizing spectacle. As the concert went on, Sally and Aaron exchanged glances, both of them equally engrossed, sharing in the magic of the moment.

When the final song ended, the crowd erupted in applause, the noise reverberating through the entire venue. Daisy took her final bow, her smile radiant as she waved to the adoring fans. Then, with one last look at the audience, she disappeared backstage, leaving behind a sea of satisfied concertgoers.

As the house lights slowly came up, an announcement echoed through the VIP cabin, drawing Sally and Aaron's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please stay in your rooms. Daisy Sawyer will be visiting the VIP and VVIP sections shortly."

Sally's eyes went wide with disbelief. "Did you hear that?" she whispered excitedly to Aaron, barely able to contain her joy. "We're going to meet her!"

Aaron smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity. "Yeah, this is going to be interesting."

They didn't have to wait long. About half an hour later, a soft knock came at the door. Sally jumped up, practically vibrating with anticipation. Aaron stood as well, straightening his jacket as the door slowly opened.

Daisy Sawyer entered the room, looking just as stunning up close as she had on stage. Despite the obvious signs of fatigue from the performance, she carried herself with grace and poise, her smile warm and inviting. Following closely behind her was her manager, a sharply dressed man with a keen, observant gaze.

Sally was the first to react. She rushed forward, her face glowing with happiness. "Hi, Daisy! I'm Sally, and this is my brother Aaron. I'm such a big fan of yours!"

Daisy smiled genuinely and extended her hand for a handshake, which Sally eagerly accepted, holding on a little longer than usual. "It's so nice to meet you, Sally. Thank you for coming tonight."

Aaron stepped forward next, offering a firm handshake. Daisy noted how his hand was strong yet gentle, a reflection of his composed demeanor. "You put on an amazing show, Daisy. Truly unforgettable," Aaron said, his voice calm but with a hint of admiration.

"Thank you, Aaron," Daisy replied, her smile never wavering. She took a seat on one of the plush chairs, gesturing for them to sit as well. "I'm glad you both enjoyed it."

As they settled in, Sally could hardly contain her excitement. "I've been following your career since your first album dropped. You're such an inspiration to me! I can't believe we're actually here, talking to you!"

Daisy laughed softly, clearly pleased. "That means a lot to me, Sally. It's always amazing to hear from fans who've been there from the beginning."

As the conversation continued, Daisy couldn't help but notice the siblings' polished appearance and their reserved yet confident manner. Curiosity piqued, she decided to inquire about their background. "So, what brings you both here tonight? Are you from around here?"

Before Aaron could answer, Sally jumped in. "Oh, we're not from here, if that's what you're wondering," she said with a laugh. "I'm from Edmond, and my brother Aaron just graduated recently. We are not from any particular family."

Daisy raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Before she could respond, Aaron quickly added, "I did well with some investments after graduation. Got lucky with a few tech startups and real estate. Managed to make a good amount, enough to enjoy a night out like this."

The surprise was clear on Daisy's face. "Wow, that's impressive, Aaron. You're quite the self-made success."

Aaron shrugged modestly. "I had some help along the way, but yeah, it's been a wild ride. I'm just grateful for how things turned out."

Daisy's manager, who had been quietly observing the conversation, seemed equally surprised by this revelation. It wasn't every day that they met someone who had built such wealth so quickly, especially someone as young as Aaron.

Sally, still brimming with excitement, took the opportunity to ask, "Daisy, would it be alright if we exchanged contacts? I'd love to stay in touch, if that's okay."

Daisy hesitated for a brief moment, surprised by the request. She glanced at her manager, who gave a subtle nod of approval, his eyes still wide with curiosity. "Of course, Sally," Daisy said with a warm smile, pulling out her phone. "Let's exchange numbers."

Sally nearly squealed with delight as they swapped contact information. Aaron also took the chance to exchange contacts with Daisy, his curiosity about her life and career growing with every passing moment.

After taking a few selfies together—Sally couldn't resist capturing the moment—Daisy and her manager stood up to leave. "It was great meeting you both," Daisy said sincerely. "I hope we'll see each other again soon."

"Thank you so much for taking the time to visit us," Aaron replied, shaking her hand once more. "We really appreciate it."

As Daisy and her manager left the room, they exchanged a few murmured words. "Interesting pair, aren't they?" the manager said quietly, glancing back at the door.

"Very," Daisy agreed, a thoughtful expression on her face. "There's something about them… I think we'll be hearing more from them in the future."

Inside the VIP cabin, Sally was practically bouncing with happiness. "I can't believe that just happened!" she exclaimed, staring at her phone, where Daisy's number was now saved. "This is the best night of my life!"

Aaron smiled at his sister's joy but kept his tone cautious. "Just remember, Sally—don't share Daisy's contact info or those selfies with anyone. This is private, okay?"

"Of course, of course," Sally agreed quickly, still too elated to argue. "I just want to call my friends and tell them everything, except the contact info part."

After a while, they decided to leave the venue and grab a late dinner at a nearby restaurant. The excitement of the night still lingered in the air as they enjoyed a delicious meal, talking animatedly about the concert and their unexpected encounter with Daisy.

Later that night, when they finally returned home, Sally was still on cloud nine. She called her friends to share the details of the concert, gushing about how amazing Daisy was in person. Aaron, feeling protective, reminded her again not to share any of the personal details, and she assured him that she wouldn't.

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