
Infinite Fortune

Aaron Sanders, a 24-year-old computer science graduate, is struggling to make ends meet in bustling Los Angeles. Orphaned young and isolated, Aaron’s future seems bleak as he faces rejection after rejection in the competitive job market. But everything changes in an instant when he discovers an astonishing balance of $100 trillion in his bank account. Initially believing it to be a glitch or prank, Aaron is stunned when a holographic screen appears, introducing him to the Fortune Ascended System. [English is not my 1st language. So pardon me for any grammatical mistakes.]

monjormorshed · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter-8: Concert(I)

The next morning, both Aaron and Sally slept in. The sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. It wasn't until around 11 AM that Aaron finally stirred awake. He rolled out of bed, stretching out the sleep from his muscles, feeling the satisfying pop of his joints. With a deep breath, he padded over to Sally's room, the floor cool under his bare feet. Gently knocking on her door, he called out, "Hey, sis, you up?"

A muffled groan was the only reply he got, which made him chuckle. "Alright, sleepyhead," he said, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. "I'm making breakfast. You better get up, or I'm eating it all."

The only response was another, slightly louder groan, followed by the rustling of sheets. Aaron grinned to himself and decided to let her be for now. He headed to the bathroom, the cool water on his face waking him up fully. After freshening up, he headed to the kitchen, enjoying the quiet of the house. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as he started to make scrambled eggs and toast, the comforting sizzle of the eggs in the pan making the house feel warm and cozy.

While flipping the eggs, he noticed Sally shuffling into the dining room, her hair still a mess from sleep. She was wearing one of Aaron's old T-shirts, which hung loosely on her small frame, and her face still had the imprint of the pillow on one cheek.

"Morning," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes and taking a seat at the table. Her voice was thick with sleep, and she yawned widely.

"Morning," Aaron replied, turning to give her a smile. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah," she said, yawning again. "Need any help?"

"Nah, I got it. Just relax," he said, gesturing for her to stay put. "Coffee's on the way."

She nodded appreciatively, her eyes still half-closed as she rested her head on her hand. "You're a lifesaver," she murmured. "I don't think I could function without coffee right now."

Aaron chuckled, grabbing a mug and pouring her a cup of the freshly brewed coffee. "Here you go," he said, placing it in front of her.

"Thank you," she said, wrapping her hands around the warm mug and inhaling the rich aroma. "This smells amazing."

As they ate breakfast together, the familiar sound of the silverware clinking against the plates filled the kitchen. Aaron asked, "So, any plans for today?"

Sally shook her head, swallowing a bite of toast. "Not really. Just thought I'd relax. Maybe catch up on some shows. What about you?"

Aaron shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee. "Nothing major. Thought I might tinker with the cars later. But we could do something together if you're up for it."

She smiled at him over her mug. "That sounds nice. But I think I'll just be lazy today."

Aaron nodded thoughtfully, then asked, "You sure you've got enough clothes? We can go shopping if you need anything."

"I'm good, but thanks," Sally replied. "I might just order a few things online. You know, avoid the crowds."

"Go ahead," Aaron said, cutting into his eggs. "Get whatever you need. Or we can hit the stores if you feel like it."

Sally shook her head. "Nah, I'm not in the mood for shopping malls today. Online is just easier."

"Fair enough," Aaron said, smiling at her. "Just let me know if you change your mind."

After breakfast, they lingered at the table, the conversation turning to more serious matters. Aaron leaned back in his chair, watching Sally as she twirled her fork absentmindedly. "So," he began, his tone more serious, "how's life back home? How are your friends doing?"

Sally sighed, her expression turning thoughtful. "They're good, I guess. Everyone's kind of doing their own thing. It's weird, you know? We used to be so close, but now… it feels like we're all drifting apart."

Aaron nodded, understanding the feeling all too well. "That happens sometimes. People grow, life changes. But you'll always have those memories."

"Yeah," she said softly, "I just didn't expect it to happen so soon." She paused, looking down at her hands. "I've been thinking a lot about the future, you know? What I want to do with my life."

Aaron leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "And what's that?"

Sally hesitated, then in a rare moment of vulnerability, admitted, "I want to be an actress. Or at least work in something related to the entertainment industry. It's what I've always loved, but… it just feels like such a long shot."

Aaron smiled slightly. "You've got the talent for it. I've seen you in those school plays, Sally. You were incredible. I'll help you get there, sis. You just need to believe in yourself."

Sally's face lit up at his words, a mixture of hope and fear in her eyes. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely," Aaron said firmly. "But you've got to work hard. It's not going to be easy, but if it's what you want, go for it. I'll be there to support you every step of the way."

Before Sally could respond, her phone buzzed on the table. She picked it up and immediately screamed in excitement, causing Aaron to jump in his seat, nearly spilling his coffee.

"What? What happened?" he asked, half-laughing, half-alarmed.

"Oh my God, Aaron!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she clutched the phone to her chest. "There's a concert tonight! Daisy Sawyer is performing in LA! We have to go!"

"Daisy Sawyer?" Aaron repeated, recognizing the name of the recent sensation who had taken the music and acting world by storm. He quickly pulled out his own phone, his fingers flying over the screen as he started searching for tickets. His heart sank when he saw that the event was sold out.

"Sorry, Sally," he began, glancing up at her. But she wasn't listening, already imagining the night ahead, her excitement undampened.

"Wait," Aaron said, his eyes narrowing as he noticed something on the ticketing site. "There are still a few VIP room tickets left. They're pricey, but…"

"Do it!" Sally interrupted, practically bouncing in her chair, her earlier moodiness completely forgotten.

Aaron didn't hesitate. He clicked through the options, his heart racing slightly as he secured one of the last VIP room tickets available. He showed the confirmation on his phone to Sally, who screamed again, this time launching herself at Aaron in a bear hug that nearly knocked him off his chair.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cried, squeezing him tightly, her excitement radiating off her in waves.

Aaron laughed, patting her back. "You're welcome. It should be fun."

Sally pulled back, grabbing his phone to read the details, her eyes wide with wonder. "Oh my God, Aaron, we can even take pictures with Daisy after the show! This is going to be epic!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's going to be great," Aaron chuckled, taking his phone back. "Now, we've got a few hours before we need to head out. Want to order lunch and hang out here?"

"Definitely," Sally said, her fingers already flying over her phone's screen as she texted her friends from back home to brag about the concert. "This is going to be the best night ever!"

They spent the afternoon relaxing, with the soft hum of conversation and the occasional burst of laughter filling the house. The doorbell rang around 1 PM, signaling the arrival of their lunch. Aaron went to get it, returning with bags of food that smelled heavenly.

"This looks amazing," Sally said as she helped him unpack the bags. "I'm starving."

They settled down in the living room, the TV playing in the background as they dug into their food. Sally couldn't stop smiling as she chatted with her friends about the concert, her fingers moving rapidly over her phone's keyboard.

Aaron watched her, a soft smile on his face. "You're practically glowing with excitement."

Sally looked up at him, her eyes shining. "I can't believe we're going to see Daisy Sawyer live. This is seriously the best thing ever."

Aaron grinned, happy to see her so excited. "I'm glad you're excited. It's going to be a great night."

After lunch, they both took a short nap, the anticipation of the evening ahead leaving them both feeling a bit drained. When Aaron emerged from his room, he found Sally in the living room, wearing a stylish new outfit she'd recently bought. The black leather jacket, paired with a chic dress and ankle boots, gave her a look that was both edgy and fashionable.

She looked up as he walked in, her eyes widening at the sight of him. "Wow," she said, her voice filled with admiration. "You clean up nice."

Aaron grinned, adjusting his jacket. He was wearing a sleek black suit, the crisp lines and tailored fit making him look effortlessly sharp. "Thanks. You look great too."

"Thanks," Sally said, giving a little twirl. "I wanted to look good for the concert. This is Daisy Sawyer, after all."

Aaron chuckled, grabbing his keys. "You ready to go?"

"Absolutely," Sally said, practically bouncing with excitement.

They decided to take the Rolls-Royce La Rose, one of the most prized cars in Aaron's collection. As they drove to the concert venue, Sally couldn't stop admiring the luxurious interior, her fingers running over the smooth leather and polished wood.

"This car is amazing," she said, her voice filled with awe. "I can't believe we're going to a Daisy Sawyer concert!"

Aaron just smiled, his hands steady on the wheel as they navigated through the evening traffic. "You deserve it, sis."

When they arrived at the venue, the place was already buzzing with energy. People of all ages were milling about, eager to see the show. The large LED screens outside the venue flashed images of Daisy Sawyer, her name in bold letters above them.

Aaron drove up to the VIP entrance, where a security guard checked their tickets. The guard, a tall man with a serious expression, looked up from the scanner and smiled. "Right this way, Mr. Sanders," he said, guiding them through a private entrance.

The VIP cabin was even better than they'd expected. It had four plush seats, a small fridge stocked with drinks, and a perfect view of the stage. Sally immediately pulled out her phone to take pictures, her excitement bubbling over.

"This is unreal," she said, looking around in awe, her voice a mixture of disbelief and happiness. "We're actually here!"

Aaron smiled, watching her as she snapped pictures. "Want to grab some snacks before the show starts?" he asked, noticing a menu on the table.

"Definitely," Sally agreed, her eyes sparkling as she continued to take pictures. "This is going to be the best night ever."

Aaron nodded, picking up the menu and scanning the options. He pressed the button to call the attendant, ordering a selection of snacks and drinks for them to enjoy during the concert. As they waited, Sally chatted excitedly about the concert, her energy infectious.