
Infinite Evolution: From Spider To Poison All Things.

Before evolution: Butterflies are delicious food. Evolve 1 time: Try to survive. Evolve 3 times: Try to become strong. Evolution 10 times: I don't eat beef. Mei transmigrates into a spider and receives the evil evolution system. As long as she poisons her opponent to death, she can evolve. “Humanity is nothing more than prey inside my spider web.” Kill people, destroy sects, abuse the Beast Clan, become this world's nightmare.

Litch_Mei · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Scorpio centipede

After nearly a day of traveling, Mei finally arrived at the place the arrow indicated.

"Ah, system, why are the arrows gone?"

[Of course because, you have arrived at the place where the Scorpion Centipede lives!]

"If you help, help to the end, why don't you mark the specific location of Scorpion that is equal to my realm!!!"

[ Nah, embarrassed, I'm lazy.]


Mei is also helpless, since that's the case, she can only search for it herself.

In front of her eyes was a completely deserted mountain forest, even the trees were pitifully sparse.

There were a few weeds on the ground, a lot of loose ground, and three humans not far away.

Huh?? Humans.

Mei looked at the three humans in surprise.

Holding a fishing rod at the cave mouth... Fishing??

"Can we really catch it if we fish like this?"

"Hehe, you don't know, this Scorpio centipede's favorite food is chicken thighs!"

"If we can just catch a Scorpio centipede, we will be rich!"

The three people were supposed to be fishing for Scorpio centipede.

But the strength of these three people is not too strong.

Combat power is about 4.

Mei quietly walked behind the three people without a sound.

The three of them didn't make any discoveries.


Three tiny spider webs spewed out.

Amidst the miserable screams of the three people, Mei was given an additional 5% evolution value.

Has reached 37% evolution value.

"Human wisdom, fishing for Scorpio centipede, this idea is not bad."

While talking, he used spider silk to wrap around the bodies of 3 people.

Take the bodies of three people and throw them into the cave.

Mei's three legs pulled at the spider's silk, occasionally moving a little, patiently like an old fisherman.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a spider silk to instantly tighten.

In the cave, there was a sound of intense struggle.

Mei was very happy and quickly stretched the spider silk.

On the other hand, the five legs simultaneously use force to pull back.

"Ah, its strength is quite big, I don't know what realm it is."

Boom, rock and collision, screams kept ringing out.

After dragging about ten meters, she finally saw the body. After the body, suddenly there was a giant monster.

Is a centipede as large as a water barrel in size.

The centipede's legs were like scythes that clamped down on the body. Even though it was pulled out of the ground, it was still biting humans, greedily swallowing flesh and blood.

The blue body is divided into one segment, the solid crustacean reflects strange light.


[Poisonous creature: Scorpio centipede.]

[Brief introduction: Lives in Poison Cloud Mountains, has a huge body. The tail has an upside-down shoe, filled with poisonous poison, inside the body there is a Poison core, desired by humans, it is a dangerous and sparse poisonous creature!]

[ Cultivation: Beast.]

[ Bloodline skill: None.]

[Combat power: 2.5.]

[Rating: Underground Assassin.]

Sure enough, it's Scorpio centipede. Unfortunately, it's a Beast-level beast and hasn't yet reached the Acquired Realm, which doesn't meet the requirements of Mei's mission.


Scorpio centipede turned towards Mei and let out an angry scream.

Apparently Mei was stealing his food.

Mei tossed her body and immediately fell on top of it.

Thanks to her sharp teeth, Scorpio centipede crustaceans are like french fries.

[Ding, congratulations, you have killed Scorpio centipede, obtained evolution value: 2%]

[Current evolution value: 39%.]

Mei did not lose heart and continued to use humans as bait, fishing for another centipede.

However, what happened next was not so smooth.

For ten minutes straight, not a single Scorpio centipede was hooked.

"What happened? Is there only one here? System, is there anywhere else?"

[Yes, if you want to know where, beg me.]

"Calculate, wait a moment, if not, go to the next one!"

Right when Mei focused on catching centipedes.

The down on the body suddenly swayed and tilted in the same direction.

Mei slowly turned around and looked towards the forest.

Someone is coming.

Along the way, when Mei rested, there were spider silks left as a warning.

Just now, all the spider silk was torn apart.

The eight feet touch the ground, the villi can even detect abnormalities in the air.

"It looks like there are a lot of people!"

Mei determinedly cut out the spider silk.

Climb up the tree and hide in the leaves.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a noisy sound.

There were more than a hundred people, dozens of meters apart, coming towards him in this direction.

"You guys, look carefully. I just found spider silk. That Iron-walled Wolf Spider should be nearby!"

"Whoever finds the Iron-walled Wolf Spider must immediately release the signal. That spider is an Acquired Realm Magical Beast!"

"Yes, Deacon Yu!"

Leading the way was a middle-aged man wearing a black robe.

Mei stood at a distance and looked at that person's information immediately appearing in his mind.

[Name: Jin Yu.]

[Brief introduction: Deacon of Ten Thousand Poison Sect, in charge of protecting Holy Son, is a cunning and insidious person, very trusted by Holy Son.]

[ Cultivation: Peak of Acquired Realm.]

[ Technique: Ten Thousand Poison Needles!]

[Combat power: 45.]

[ Rating: Enough to die.]

The brief introduction was very short, but Mei's heart was a little shaken.

45 combat power points, how can she fight?

"They actually came here, damn Ten Thousand Poison Sect!"

So she couldn't stay, she had to be sure to leave.

But right when Mei wanted to run away.

On the ground, there was a sudden rumble.


An angry roar rang out.

From the ground of the cave, a huge Scorpio centipede came out.

This Scorpio Centipede is more than double as big as the last one.

Twisting and hitting the body, with one bite, the human body Mei left behind was bitten off.

Mei's face changed dramatically: "Scorpio centipede at the late stage of Acquired Realm? What is he doing out now!?"

Scorpio centipede appeared and instantly attracted the attention of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

Quickly gathered in the direction of Mei.

Jin Yu is at the forefront.

Mei did not dare to move, hibernating in the dark.

"Deacon Yu, this is Scorpio centipede!"

Jin Yu's eyes shined: "Acquired Realm Scorpio centipede, good, catch it, don't let it escape!"

While talking, several poisonous needles were fired from his hand.

The needle instantly entered the abdomen of Scorpio centipede.

Scorpio centipede is in pain and spins around, kicking up dust.


Ten Thousand Poison Sect disciples released their webs one after another and walked towards the Scorpio Centipede.

This Scorpio Centipede is very unlucky. He was originally the king of this Scorpio Centipede region. He was hibernating underground. He smelled the scent of a corpse and was surrounded by a group of people when he came out.

Jin Yu also did not take action, letting the disciples consume Scorpio centipede stamina.

The Scorpio Centipede that has been hit by his poisonous needle, wanting to run away is impossible.

Mei saw that both sides were entangled and stood up slightly, wanting to leave.

But in the blink of an eye she stood up.

All of the Spider-eating Cats were all tangled up in her direction, emitting heavy meowing sounds.

At this moment, countless eyes looked towards Mei's place.

Jin Yu's eyes widened, his face full of surprise: "Iron-walled Wolf Spider, catch it!!"

"Sigh, discovered!" Mei's compound eyes looked at Scorpio centipede: "There is only one way out!"

Using its eight legs at the same time, the huge body jumped up very high, instantly falling on the body of Scorpio centipede.

Jin Yu roared loudly: "Quick, catch him, capture him alive!!"

Poof poof!!

Countless webs, towards Mei fell.