
Infinite Evolution: A spy in multiverse

An ace spy died and woke up in the body of Sheyan, protagonist of the Ultimate Evolution novel. With all his previous life skills and experience plus a System, read how he conquers all worlds while having fun along the way. I am not good with synopsis, just read til 10th chapter, I am sure you will be hooked. ✌️ --------&-------- First world: Terminator second world: Pirates of the carribbean Discord: https://discord.gg/mDFWsGubjt

_Crimson_ · Movies
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94 Chs

Chapter 38 - Hunting Anti-terror task force

In a secluded alley, many buff bodybuilder dudes were standing in attention. There were two blonde women standing in front of them.

"Police station is just hundred meters away from here." Krist spoke.

"Plan is, all of you belonging to Mr. Series will hide in the houses building or alleys, surrounding the police station and when we give you the signal fire at the Vehicle that appears." Charl spoke.

"Okay!" All Mr. Terminators replied and walked away.

"Krist, hack the police database and get us the pictures of criminals who have been in hiding for a long period of time." Charl said to Krist.

Krist nodded and walked towards the computer shop at a little distance. She entered the shop and came to a computer.

Krist lifted her hand, at the top of her index finger a blue needle appeared. She stabbed the needle in computer's cable.

Within a second she got complete access of the computer and the network, hacking into police database was like walk in a park for her. She searched for criminal records and soon found out two criminals who have been in hiding for a long period of time.

She came out of the shop and went back to alley. She shared the information with Charl, both of them smiled as their faces, bodies and clothes soon changed.

Charl and Krist turned into two caucasian white males wearing white shirt and black pants.

"Let's make some noise." Charl spoke in a heavy male voice.

Krist nodded with a smile. Both of them came out of the alley and walked towards the police station.

A small part of liquid metal detached from their bodies and turned into laser Blasters. Since their bodies merged with T-1000s, quantity of liquid metal in their bodies was all time high and they could do other things which were not possible previously.

They aimed at the police station with their laser Blasters, a yellow static current appeared at the tip of muzzle and slowly merged into yellow spheres.

When charged completely, Charl and krist blasted both yellow spheres made out of electricity towards the police station.


Walls around police station's gate burst open, cement dust flew all around. Whole police station shook from the attack.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" "what the heck just happened?" "What the hell is going on?" Voices and screams of policemen came from inside.

Some of the policemen got buried in rubble, while other also had minor injuries from flying rubble.

They soon made their way out thinking it was some sort of earthquake. But when they came out they were greeted by two caucasian males holding some unseen weapons.

Before they could register what was happening, two more attacks of lazer blaster rushed towards them.

Some of the quick ones quickly got out of the way, but most of them got blasted away.

"Emergency! We are being attacked! We have suffered many casualties, whole police station is in ruins, attackers have some sort of special weapons which is very destructive, send reinforcements as soon as possible." A officer hiding behind the rubbles quickly made a call to headquarters.

Krist and Charl could hear what the policeman just reported, but didn't stop it, after all that's what they wanted.

Charl and Krist attacked the walls of police station in intervals to make more noise, after 3 minutes many police cars appeared with their sirens blaring.

2 helicopters also appeared in the sky above police station.

From many police cars, one attracted the most attention, a car which was as big as a truck and didn't have any siren on top of it.

Charl and krist looked at the police cars, after they hacked into police database they knew about the appearance of their target.

"Fire." Charl ordered all the Mr. Terminators.


Before the police cars could come any closer to Charl and Krist, firing sounds appeared from all around the place. Many bullet holes appeared in all police cars.

Krist hacked the helicopters flying in the air and made them crash into each other.

Police car of the Anti-terror task force was bullet proof, but being fired at from all over the place, wasn't something it could take. All four of its tires were punctured, all its windows were covered in cracks and bullets.

Christ and Charl walked to the car and tore the door open.


Bullets greeted Charl who was in front, many light holes appeared on her face.

Although these special policemen were in a critical situation they still didn't give up or breakdown in fear, they still chose to retaliate at their attackers.

Charl snorted and all the bullet holes in her body completely disappeared, her laser blaster morphed into flame Blaster and she fired it inside the police car at full power.


The whole police lit up in a dazzling light, policemen didn't even get the chance to scream properly before their clothes and skins got completely burned while their muscles got charred.

The smell of roasted meat filled the air.

"This one is done, ask those Mr. Series ones to discreetly send these bodies back to the Carousel bar." Krist spoke.

"There are still two more teams left of these Anti-terror force guys, i checked that they are searching for their delta team, if we send them a message that we know the location of their team, then we should be able to lure them out." Charl said.

Charl ordered Mr. Series Terminators to send two of them over and take away the bodies to the Carousel bar.

"Let's go to some open area to call out the other teams." Charl spoke to Krist.

Krist nodded and walked away with Charl, leaving behind burning cars and dead bodies of policemen lying around.

Mr. Joe and Mr. Mama came to the big police car and loaded all the bodies in other working police cars, then drove away to find some less conspicuous vehicle to hijack and get the bodies back to the Carousel bar.


Krist and Charl found an abandoned factory and went inside while other Mr. Series Terminators hid around the factory.

Krist hacked into police headquarters once again and connected to the police car of the beta team of Anti-terror task force.

In the city, a big police car was moving from place to place. Inside the police car were 25 policemen.

The atmosphere was very solemn inside the police car, everyone held guns in their hands and weren't talking at all.

*Hello guys, i know you guys are trying to find your comrades, i have news about them, they are in the abandoned factory near the sandway highway. Go there as quickly as possible before the kidnappers change their location.* Suddenly the radio of their car came to life on its own and a rough male voice gave them a message.

Everyone turned their faces to look at the radio quickly.

"What? What just happened!" One of the guys got up and came to the radio to check it.

"I don't know." Driver spoke.

"That guy said our missing comrades are at an abandoned factory near the sandway highway." A ruff looking guy said.

"This is obviously a trap." Another guy spoke.

"Yes it is, but it is also a lead, our only lead to find the delta team." The ruff looking guy spoke again.

"But we don't know what might be waiting there for us." Driver said.

"Are you scared? If you are then leave i will go there on my own." Ruff looking guy said loudly to the driver.

"Gunther, mind your words, no one is scared. We are just being cautious." A guy sitting in the last said to the ruff looking guy Gunther.

"My brother was in the Delta team, i have to find him, this is my only lead, Kreig." Gunther said to the guy who just spoke.

Kreig looked at the agitated Gunther then at the radio. He thought for a while before speaking.

"Okay call the alpha team we will go there together, with our two teams going together, it won't matter what trap they set for us." Kreig spoke.

Gunther sat down satisfied with this decision. Driver contacted the Alpha team and gave them the location.

Both teams set together to see what type of trap those criminals prepared for them.


Krist and Charl have been waiting inside the factory for almost 25 minutes.

"Why are these guys so slow?" Krist spoke in an irritated tone.

"What else can be expected from these humans, only our sir is best, others are just trash heaps." Charl spoke while looking at her nails.


Suddenly, the gate of the factory burst open as a police car as big as a truck, drove right through it.


Many bullet holes appeared in Krist and Charl's bodies as the car entered the factory.

Krist and Charl looked at the car and anger surfaced on their faces.

Both of their hands turned into laser blasters and fired at the police car at the same time.


Police car blasted out of the factory even faster than it came in. Krist and Charl quickly followed it out.

Outside the factory, beside the broken police car was a black zeep.

Policemen in black camo suit quickly came out of it and fired at Krist and Charl without any delay.

But at this time, Mr. Series Terminators appeared from behind and fired at the policemen in black camo suits.

Policemen dropped like broken dolls one by one.

Krist and Charl went to the broken police car and tore the door, inside were policemen groaning in pain, Krist's hand turned into flame Blaster and she fired it inside the car at full power.


I am really sorry guys because of my sickness, i couldn't post all the extra Chapters. I will make sure that all chapters get posted on time from now on.

For the previous week i had three extra Chapters, i already posted one, this is the second one, third will be posted very soon too.

Thank you for the support.