
Infinite Cosmic Knight

"I am not Good or Evil but sometimes I wish I could be both... because are they not 2 sides of the same coin?". Aavesh thought this before a flash of light appeared and disintegrated him to nothingness... In a world of an Eternal Interstellar War between the Prime Alignments - Law Vs Chaos, Good Vs Evil... was it so easy to simply judge a person without talent as trash? Why must he be judged for his actions, despite trying to only save those he cared about... Why must the Fate of Trillions be under the Control of Anyone? An oath formed within his dying soul and An ancient will awoke... So Time was reset and he was sent back But Something else has been stirred in the Universe when he awoke, Something No Mythic Power has ever Seen Before! When the Final Day of Reckoning Arrives when none can Escape At the Precipice of Oblivion, Between the All life and the Final Apocalypse, Only One Man will stand tall and be the Bulwark against Fate, The Infinite Cosmic Knight! Authors Note: This novel is for those who are tired of illogical cold MCs and want characters to be more memorable. I will try to Do My best to give you something enjoyable! This is My first Novel! FAQs Romance - Slow Type, Will focus more on other Aspects School/Academy - Hell Yeah Harem - Nope NTR - Nope Rape - Nope High-Speed Leveling - Well... yes and No Just read it Guys Also, this novel is inspired by several mainstream DnD Series and is Not fanfic but do expect those elements to interact... I hope you all enjoy a good Story!!!!

COSMIC_DICE_77 · Sci-fi
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187 Chs

The Heroes Part - 2

" I don't think they would let the matter rest Eon, The Outer Gods will force atleast some form of tragedy - His Parents for instance, From what I know, they had gone bankrupt when trying to heal his hunchback - Even Holy Runes, Expensive surgeries and implants would not stop the tumor from recurring again in his back"

" It was only until He awakened his Talent that his Tumor was finally cured - I know this, You could say I know the whole course of tragedies he will soon face"

"His father will soon suffer from Cyber Psychosis - due to implant malfunction and incompatibilities - He will soon die from his body rejecting the Low-Grade implants that can't bond with it - In the alternate Timeline - Wang Ling - Zhong's Dad sacrificed himself to create a way for his family to reach the Space Port to evacuate, His Mother Lin Xia lost her life due while shielding Zhong from Demonic Flames - He saw it all with his own eyes, helpless to do anything for them..."

"Eon - tell me what is exactly going on with Zhong, How do I help-"

But Eon cut Aavesh from speaking further,

"Aavesh wait a sec -"

Eon let out a small almost invisible Energy pulse from his purple Orb form - And Aavesh could see around 7 mores slight ripples reflect back to Eon from different regions in Atrios Compound, apart from the one emanating from Wang Zhong.

"Eon what's going on? Why are you So Excited?"

Aavesh said as he could literally see Eon shiver aggressively in his orb form - like a vibrating energy ball.

"Aavesh - What Luck You Have! You brought all the Nine Key Spirits together in the same Place at the same time! Damn What Monstrous Luck!"

"WTF you going about EON! My Luck has always been shitty - although things have changed recently- one can't be really sure when Luck changes-"

"Aavesh - My Dude - YOU HAVE FREAKING BROUGHT OVER ALL NINE KEY SPIRIT HOLDERS- This is the Ultimate Luck! If we act now - We can awake all of them Sooner and Gain Ultra Strong allies on our side!"

"WAIT - EON ! Chill Down - You have not told me much about key spirits or whatever, you seem a bit way too excited, Almost as if you are reuniting with Family"

"You are not wrong Aavesh - All of us were forged Together - When placed Together We form 10 pieces of Nine Treasures - We all chose different Cosmic Autarchs - To bond with - Unfortunately I lost my Partner in the Previous End War, while the others managed to reincarnate with the souls of their Partners"

" I have waited for a far Long Time to reunite with my siblings - With Them we have a chance to use our unique skills together to secretly grow stronger while those 'bastards Outer Gods' won't notice"

Aavesh looked at Eon funnily, in an almost dazed manner while brain tried to process another bombshell Eon dropped on him.

"Eon - Tell me beforehand itself that you are about to fry my brains, I need a warning so that my brain does not melt in the process..."


"So - These sibling spirit keys of yours, how do you want to go about it?"

"You agree Aavesh?"

Eon asked in an incredulous manner,

"Yeah I mean - Come On Eon, I am not opposed to getting New Allies, but we should take a more methodological approach to this situation, These new key spirit holders might not share the same interest as us, without awakening their memories"

"We will need to assess the whole situation carefully - I will definitely help you awaken Zhong's key spirit, But for others, we must see and observe first"

" if possible - in the Best case we turn them into close and equal allies, in the worst case we do not want to be their enemies, considering that they might have that Protagonist Energy"

"What! Don't look at me like that -You know what I mean!"

"Come On Eon, These guys will have monstrous Talent waiting to awaken and suddenly they begin to pummel All Powerful Beings and get caught up in all forms of Shit storms! I am speaking from experience OK- Zhong always got caught in this n That-"

"Aavesh - You are reading way tooooooooooo many Webnovels! I assure you reality is different from webnovels!"

"Web Novels are simply a series of Permutations and Combinations of Different Scenarios that happen in Life! They are Quite Logical Eon! Expand Your Horizons!"

"Expand My Ass! I will debate a 1000000 million times against this hypothesis!"

Eon let out exasperatedly!

But Aavesh only smiled in a knowing manner. He spoke in a smug manner,

"I Bet You - I will know All of the Key Spirit Holders and I claim that they were all Famous Figures in the Alternate Timeline!"

"Yeah I won't accept that bet- Obviously they would be famous figures with the Keys Spirits! You Can't fool me into bets using such Childish Reasoning!"

Aavesh sighed internally inside - it was very hard to score against this Key Spirit. Eon was way too smart for this!

" Anyways, Before we Awaken Zhong's Key Spirit - We need to find where the others are Located and who they have been bonded with!"

"Come let us peer into the Astral world to find out where they are exactly"

"I'll help you see the Astral world for the first Time"


Eon infused his power into Aavesh and Executed his spell.

With a fuse lighting up like sound, Aavesh's pupils turned light bluish purple as his vision completely changed - The whole world had been replaced by an eternal night realm, where dream like sand kept flowing.

He could see shapes and forms of different souls and a slight tint of reflection of reality onto the Astral world - It was like walking in a mirror universe which was shrouded in Eternal Night, but illuminated by Souls - Like walking on a windy Beach in the Night.

Almost all the souls around him were pretty remarkable - all were in bright silver or in pale golden color, reflecting faint outlines of their physical bodies.

The Powerful ones glowed even more brightly - with various patterns that Aavesh could not yet understand. Aavesh looked at his own soul, it was incredibly dull bronze and a formless dust like energy seemed to be avoiding him.

He noticed it seeping into other souls .

'The Curse of the Abyss..."

He then turned to look at Eon, who was now in his Primal Humanoid Form - he looked the same when they had met the for the first time. But in the Astral world, there was a slight difference - there was a distinct symbol ☥ key inscribed on Eon's Body.

☥ - ankh symbol, it was key symbol that held the gates of the Nile River in Mythology.

It emanated a mysterious frequency, Almost as if Containing a Multiverse within. Eon then Manipulated the Astral space around them which cracked like glass forming eight panels before them - The First One held Zhong who was feeding his mother food, they could see another entity fused into his mortal soul containing the ☥ symbol.

They switched to the second Panel, showing a Platinum Blonde Girl with blindfolded Eyes that would not stop bleeding, She was in the same situation as Zhong - A Key spirit with the symbol ☥ was present.

Aavesh recognized her - Alena 'Valkyrie' Valyria, a girl from a different family in the Atrios Group - She was blind and bled from her eyes until the age of 10- after which she suddenly unlocked her talent and burnt demons with Heavenly Flame Swords.

She went on to survive the Demon Invasion and Became a Legendary General who slaughtered countless Demons and Undead in Battle. She lost her life when during the Assault on Heavensborough Space Citadel at the Hands of a Demon Lord.

Aavesh sighed a bit as he had a rather complicated history with her - Their Parents were friends - She was his first crush and first rejection - She did it quite resolutely and ruthlessly which made rendered him speechless and awkward.

After this, A few years later He pursued the other Girl who liked Zhong .

Heh - He never had luck in Love, This time he was not going to take chances or think too much - You could say he was less inclined towards finding a life Partner and would rather focus on building his strength.

Nevertheless, He deeply respected Alena and would rather prefer her friendship - She was a powerful friend!

The Third Panel shifted to a hybrid Boy in bandages trying to eat grub with his father who had an injured eye - He had the stature of an Orc - Yet the Facial features of a half-human and half-elf with his striking eyes. He knew this brat, He was Kai Alto Fife - A son of a Half Orc Nomad Ship Captain who roamed different Star Systems to trade Goods and Crucial Merchandise.

The special thing about him was that he was unable to hear or speak until the age of 12 - yet after which He unlocked his Talent, He became Master Spirit Bard - He used the Different Energy Dimensions to Get his music to reach his enemies No matter what.

He had a huge body count and was a bonafide rebel who frequently attacked slavery camps to liberate Captured Mortals from the Demons - He was later personally killed by the Forbidden Devil God's Projection for daring to slaughter a complete Legion of Infernal Slavers!

He surely did die with a bang - Aavesh never personally met the dude, but his exploits were incredibly Legendary - You could say he was a fan of the Man's craft in demon slaying.

The Fourth Panel Held the Picture of a tearful, Tiefling Girl in rags walking in a timid manner towards a pale woman with dark stakes embedded in her legs, The People around her looked at her with disgust and some spoke abusive words that a child should never hear, It could not be helped for she was a Tiefling- Children of Humans and Demons.

'This Girl' Aavesh Narrowed his eyes a bit - Camilla 'Greta' Emersyn. Daughter of Kristina Emersyn and Twin Sister of Yuna Emersyn - the Dhamphir that made the undead tremble with fear. But Camilla was no less herself .

She had these mysterious stakes embedded in her legs and later in her arms. But she would remove them later when her 'talent' awakened - The Psycho Queen, Pirate Goddess, Red Succubus and Bloody Rose were her nicknames - She was a bonafide slaughterhouse - who turned on both Mortals and Demons.

She hunted both sides of the war, Most of her Prey died every time she decided to hunt. No one left her hunt unscathed. She was the queen of the Black market and had Tiefling armies to back her. Aavesh was fortunate enough to never encounter her but he knew of how she died - His sister died the same way - That Demonic Insect Bug! - How he wished that shit came in the invasion, so he could kill it along with other Demons as well!

But there would be time for that later.

Aavesh then turned to the Fifth Panel - It showed a Dhampir girl - Yuna 'Kuro' Emersyn, She had the distinct red eyes and pale frost skin of a Dhampir - a child between a mortal and a Vampire. She had a particular problem as well prior to her awakening of her 'talent'. She could only see the world in black and white - she could only have a single taste - nothing ever moved her senses. Unlike other Dhampirs she had a very fragile physique and instead of having a Signature

She was incredibly apathetic, the only people she ever cared about were her Parents and Camilla, they were the only ones who accepted her and tried to accommodate her with her unique conditions. Her mother was a Dhampir from a fallen Royal Lineage and Father a Qlippoth - Demon-descended Tiefling.

Dhampirs were not supposed to have Dhampir children - Their Undead Vampiric Portions of their Bloodline would not pass to the next Generation but would only leave a faint trace of Necromantic Affinity in the descendants.

But Yuna was a special Case - So special that her parents would pay the price later in the future and this would lead her to become a Legendary Death Witch who confront the Heirs of Undeath and Even Battle the Projection of the Undead Goddess Urgathine. It was only after when she heard about the Death of her Twin Sister that She would die at the Hands of Urgathine but her War against the Undead would forever be Remembered by all Mages!

Sighing as he saw the two Sisters huddling close together with their mother while the Father came out to look menacing at the Idiot Bystanders who were insulting them for no reason. The Father Tiefling had clear Flame Burns and Acid gashes all over his chest and had been resting inside but he would not let anyone insult His Daughters with him around!

He did not mind the intense pain of the flesh and stood between the Bystanders and his family, until a guard came by and broke the staring contest by dispersing the crowd, but he did not pay much heed to the Tiefling Father.

The Tiefling father simply went inside the pod with his family - Aavesh could not help but sigh even further - was there really a need to Marginalize beings who probably born from Extra Planar summons and experimentation?

Aavesh painfully turned to the Sixth Panel - It had a special case - A hybrid Infernal - Asura Boy walking alone in the street with rags over his body but he had a cunning glint in his eyes - it was very measured and calculative. He looked like a Tiefling but was surely not one! Because Aavesh knew Him! This Dude - He was a legendary Warrior, Diplomat and Politician! Aiden 'Aodhan' Rudra, this dude - He was a master at Scheming the shit out of Others!

Aavesh met this Asshat once during a Confrontation between two Leaders in the Resistance Forces - It would have led to a critical split between the two factions and weakened the Full strength of the Army but Aiden intervened and made them the best of friends with his Silver Tongue.

He helped people like Aavesh to get the critical rescue supplies and munitions in exchange for a favor which he would collect later. He was always Man of his word and made sure to never be on the loosing side in any deal. He was excellent in entrapping troops and often fought with several Devil Generals and would always be victorious.

He had quickly become a major problem on the Devil Front and Infernal Beings began to fear him more and more.

To End His Enslaving of the Infernal Legion, the Forbidden Devil God had to personally crack space-Time and Drag Aiden to the Forbidden Level of Hell. But None of his slave contracts broke - meaning that Aiden was just trapped there by the Devil God until there was an effective contractual way to kill him. His fate was probably sealed but then again not just anyone could piss the Devil God and Live.

Even if he was an AssHat, he was still a legend to not be killed instantly by the Forbidden Devil God.

Aavesh then Turned to the Seventh Panel, it contained a Girl and a Ghost Boy sitting in an empty food counter, eating their rations silently(Yes for some reason even the ghost boy is able to consume physical food) They seemed to be very dull and a little off in the head no doubt caused by the spirit Key.

This Couple, Again he had not truly met them in person but he knew of this unique couple - No one really knew much about their origins but they went by Alyssia and Petrov. Two halves of the ☥ symbol were present on both - making them rather unique.

They wielded abilities that related to Fate, Judgement and Samsara. They were truly Neutral as they come - their abilities in combat were not the most powerful, but it was too damn spooky - especially in their fused form.

They could predict their opponents next move and shift luck towards their side! They could even spy on Traitors remotely without even alarming the culprit. Together they were a perfect Balance. They Even Assisted Yuna in her Rampage against the Undead. Until they lost their luck and were caught in a trap set by Urgathine.

To be fair they held their own by fighting a literal bone spike of Urgathine's Mortal Shell, that had descended to kill them - They fought until the Bone Spike unleashed Urgathine's Soul Wisp. The Wisp sliced the connection between the two and they were finally put down not before destroying the wisp in mutual destruction.

At Least they died with each other - Aavesh thought silently as he turned to the Final Eight Panel - A cute Girl with rainbow-layered hair and chromatic-colored Eyes was crazily playing around with a magically synthesized - bunny?

Bunny - No Wait... It can't be, It.Could.Not.Be. Please God! By Lord Irolin! Please tell me its NOT HER! Aavesh could not help but recall several headaches and awkward moments caused throughout the Resistance Campaign .

This Girl... She was a descendant of a Primordial Chromatic Elf Goddess and a Elemental Mortal Trickster that captured her heart! Seriously - this girl was a beast in her power! She could mold reality with her Tricks while fucking sleeping - Fucking Sleeping! She Turned a Moon into a ball of Cosmic Cheese to prove her point to a Demon Lord that bet on the fact that the Moon was not made of cheese!

She was the most Chaotic Individual he had ever ever ever ever ever met.

She played cruel jokes on All the Forces Involved in the war! Imagine your Pants filled with chocolate and vanilla cream just before battle - Imagine that delicious meat you ate the day before battle and it suddenly turned into cockroaches inside of your stomach!

Bro Imagine - being made to laugh to death.

She - Was - Such - a - Person.

This Girl her name - Anya 'Jinx' Salome.

She did die - After An Outside Entity forcibly joined hands with The Three Great Evil Gods to destroy her soul - But She had the last laugh on that one. When they cast the spell on her, she literally transformed herself into a rift between all worlds - I kid You not .

She fucking dragged the Outsider Eldritch entity into oblivion with her and verifiably sent all the 3 Evil Gods into a Temporary Coma which allowed people like Aavesh to escape for as long as they could from the Milky Way.

And Now For some reason she had ended up at his home turf During the Demonic Invasion. Even he could not explain it! Aavesh looked incredibly worried at the panel and for good reason - This girl was a fire starter.

She oozed literal chaos - with her infectious behavior, if Alyssia and Petrov were traumatized kids this girl was off her bonkers - She was full ON crazy. Aavesh could see it in her eyes. Suddenly she stopped and turned around to look at him and smiled in a 'sweet' manner.


Aavesh had a hundred thousand heart attacks as she started to waive her hand at him. How Could She See through Them?! Eon!!!!

Shit! She found him! Damn!

Eon who was sharing all of Aavesh's thoughts, looked incredibly odd at the Girl who was able to see through his hidden stealth means - in the fricking Astral Realm.

Damn What the F-

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Hell Yeah Thank You SO much readers for bringing my Novel to more than 12K Views! And Thank you for the Collections!

I hope you liked the first part of the Reveal - Paths can only be made if you have friends who can help- Right?

Let's see how this interaction goes.

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