
Infinite Abyss: I Have Infinite Buff

This is the story of our New hero named Rex. A orphan who was one day invited into the world called "The Abyss". This is The story of his new adventure into the world of The infinite Abyss, A world filled monster and danger yet filled with incredible opportunity and journey. Come watch him on his journey to reach the heavens and rule the abyss with his incredible gift and comrades.

Ashim_beast · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Level up...

As the smoke and fire from the explosion began to thin, the outline of a figure slowly emerged from the chaos. Through the fading embers, a young man could be seen, bloodied and battered, limping forward with a determined expression. His clothes were torn, caked with soot and grime, and his body was littered with cuts and bruises. Yet, despite the punishment his body had taken, his eyes burned with a fierce light—he had survived.

Rex's vision swam as he took slow, agonizing steps away from the epicenter of the explosion. Each breath felt like it was tearing through his lungs, every movement sent waves of pain crashing through his body, but he was still alive. Barely. His skin tingled with the faint residual energy of the barrier he had somehow conjured to protect himself, though he wasn't entirely sure how he had done it.

"Fu—!" Rex cursed aloud, wincing as he clutched his side, pain shooting through his ribs. "The pain is unbearable... but thank god for whatever the hell that energy was. If I hadn't wrapped myself in it, I'd be dead for sure."

He staggered, catching his breath, and noticed a faint glow in the corner of his vision. Notifications. His system alerts had been patiently waiting for him, hovering just outside his conscious awareness. He grunted, half-laughing through the pain. "Well, it looks like I've got some news. Might as well check them out… What's the worst that could happen?"

With a deep breath, Rex focused on the notifications. One after another, they popped into view:


[Ding! You have managed to level up!]

[Ding! You have reached level 2!]

[Ding! You have experienced an enlightenment due to your near-death experience!]

[Ding! Low Health detected while leveling up. Activating Level Up Healing Mode.]


Rex blinked in surprise, then let out a weak chuckle. "Huh... To summarize: I leveled up, I'm still breathing because of this 'level up healing mode,' and I gained something called enlightenment. Not bad, considering I almost got roasted alive back there."

He could already feel his injuries starting to heal. The dull throb of his wounds began to fade, replaced by a pleasant warmth that spread throughout his body. He took a deep breath, feeling the tightness in his chest ease. It was as if the very act of leveling up was restoring his body to a manageable state.

Curious, Rex muttered, "Status."


[Name: Rex]

[Attribute: Human (Common)]

[Level: 2]

[Talent: Infinite Buff (Ex-Class), True Vision (SS-Class)]

[Skill: None (In progress)]

[Combat Level: 3]

[Buffs: Starter, Newbie, Level Up Recovery, Enlightenment]

[Debuffs: None]


Rex rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he scanned through his status. His eyes landed on the new buffs he had acquired. "Looks like I picked up some new toys. Let's see what these buffs are all about."

He focused on the first one:


[Level Up Recovery]

Effect: Grants "Recovery" for ten seconds after each level up.

Duration: Infinite (due to Ex-Class Talent: Infinite Buff)


"Wait, what?" Rex stared at the screen, wide-eyed. "So, I get ten seconds of healing every time I level up? And because of my talent, it lasts forever?"

That was huge. Every time he leveled up, his body would automatically heal from the damage it had taken during battle. And thanks to his Infinite Buff talent, the effect didn't fade. He could heal continuously after every level-up, no matter how close to death he was. He felt a sudden surge of confidence—this buff could save his life again and again.

"Alright, what about this Enlightenment thing?" Rex muttered, tapping into the next buff.



Description: A rare state of heightened awareness and focus, usually achieved during moments of extreme danger. This state significantly improves comprehension and understanding, increasing the chances of breakthroughs.

Effect: Comprehension and learning speed are multiplied by 10×. Breakthrough chances are significantly increased.


"10 times the comprehension rate?!" Rex exclaimed, blinking in disbelief. This was even more absurd than the healing buff. In a world where power depended on how fast you learned, how quickly you adapted, this buff was beyond overpowered. He had gained it due to the intense focus he experienced during his near-death battle. The system had recognized that moment of clarity and rewarded him with enhanced mental acuity. His rate of growth would be unmatched—he could learn new skills, master techniques, and grow exponentially faster than before.

"Now we're talking," Rex grinned. "I might've just gotten the best buff I'll see for a while."

However, there were still two things nagging at the back of his mind. First, the strange energy he had used to shield himself during the explosion. And second, his race attribute. He wanted answers.

"Let's check the attribute first," Rex said. "Might as well."


[Attribute: Human]

Description: Defines the race and perks granted by the system. As a Human, certain perks apply to growth and adaptability. Humans are known for their ability to evolve quickly and adapt to challenging environments. Specific perks will be revealed as certain thresholds are reached.


"So... the attribute defines what race I am, but it doesn't tell me what perks I'll get until I meet some kind of requirement?" Rex mused, scratching his head. "Makes sense, I guess. But that means I'll have to figure out what those perks are as I progress."

Rex wasn't too bothered by the vagueness of the description. He knew that the potential of the human race in this world would likely reveal itself in time. For now, he was just grateful that the system had seen fit to keep him alive and healing.

"Alright then, let's tackle the big question... What the hell was that energy I used back there?"


To be continued...