
Infinite Abyss: I Have Infinite Buff

This is the story of our New hero named Rex. A orphan who was one day invited into the world called "The Abyss". This is The story of his new adventure into the world of The infinite Abyss, A world filled monster and danger yet filled with incredible opportunity and journey. Come watch him on his journey to reach the heavens and rule the abyss with his incredible gift and comrades.

Ashim_beast · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Journey Continues...

The Abyss, a world that seemed to reek of mystery, dread, and danger. Its name echoed in Rex's mind as he took in his surroundings. The air was thick with a strange tension, a pressure that weighed heavily on his chest. Towering jagged mountains framed the distant horizon, shrouded in a dark mist that swirled like whispers of lost souls. The ground beneath his feet was cracked, a barren wasteland devoid of life, its surface marred with scorched craters and what looked like long-forgotten bones of creatures far larger than anything he'd ever seen. This place wasn't welcoming—it was hostile, suffocating, and filled with an ever-present sense of impending doom.

Rex muttered to himself, his thoughts reflecting his cold indifference to the situation. "The Abyss, huh? Interesting name choice. It's either a scare tactic to keep people trembling or..." He glanced around, his eyes narrowing, "…this place really is deadly enough to earn a name like that. Whoever runs this world probably gets a kick out of it."

He sighed, his lips forming a small, cynical smile. "But in the end, does it even matter? I'm here now. No point in whining about it. All I can do is survive and get stronger. Beats starving on the streets back home, at least."

Rex stretched his arms, feeling the newfound strength flowing through him since his arrival. He wasn't a beggar here. He didn't have to steal just to make it through the day. Here, he had a chance to live freely, to fight for what he wanted. He chuckled, glancing up at the endless black sky.

"Whoever threw me into this world, thank you. I don't care if you're a god, a demon, or whatever. You've given me the opportunity to be something more. I won't waste it."

His gratitude, though real, was short-lived as a deep, menacing growl ripped through the air behind him. Rex immediately tensed, his instincts flaring up. He turned around slowly, his sharp eyes locking onto the source of the sound.

A dog stood before him—or what looked like a dog, at first glance. Its body was lean, ribs clearly visible beneath its charred, blackened fur. However, this creature was no ordinary beast. Its eyes glowed with an unnatural, fiery light, like molten lava trapped within its sockets, and every breath it exhaled emitted a faint trail of smoke, tinged with the acrid scent of brimstone.

Rex focused his thoughts and quietly muttered, "True Sight." Immediately, the familiar rush of information flooded his vision, overlaying the world in a transparent layer of knowledge.


[Name: Peisn2ci]

[Race: Dog]

[Bloodline: Hellhound (Minor)]

[Level: 4]

[Talent: Flames of Hell (C-Rank) (Weakened)]

[Skills: Fire Breath, Fire Step, Fire Jump]

[Status: Injured, Hungry, Mad]


"A minor hellhound?" Rex mused, studying the details that flashed before his eyes. The creature, though appearing deadly, was clearly in a weakened state. Its level was higher than his, sure, but it was malnourished, injured, and more importantly, mad with hunger. He could see its ribs heaving as it labored for breath, a sign that it was close to breaking down.

Still, he wasn't foolish enough to let his guard down. Even in its current state, the hellhound had dangerous abilities—Fire Breath, Fire Step, Fire Jump—all of which could be deadly if used correctly. But Rex wasn't about to let the beast get the better of him.

"It's strong, but desperate." He thought, his mind already formulating a plan. "If I can push it, exploit that madness, and avoid its fire-based attacks, I can win."

His body tensed as the hellhound's maw began to glow a deep crimson. Flames flickered from its mouth, slowly growing more intense. Rex's eyes widened as he recognized the telltale sign of its skill activating.

"Fire Breath," Rex muttered under his breath as the beast charged its attack.

The hellhound lunged, its mouth agape, and a burning ball of fire erupted from its throat, hurtling toward Rex's previous position. But Rex was already in motion, his instincts screaming at him to dodge. He threw himself to the side just as the fireball collided with the ground, creating an explosion of heat and smoke. The spot where Rex had stood moments ago was now a smoking crater, embers still dancing in the air.

Rex skidded to a stop, the heat from the blast prickling his skin. He cursed under his breath. "Close. Too close." He straightened up, adopting a defensive stance, his hands steady, eyes locked onto the hellhound.

"Let's do it your way then, huh?" Rex muttered, his tone dark and daring.

The hellhound snarled in response, its fiery eyes flaring with renewed anger as it prepared to attack again. But Rex wasn't going to wait for it. He needed to strike first, to dictate the pace of the fight.

Rex dashed forward, his speed surprising even himself. His muscles responded with newfound vigor, the strength granted to him in this world pushing him beyond his previous limits. The hellhound reacted quickly, bounding backward with a quick Fire Step, leaving a trail of flames behind it. Rex gritted his teeth, watching as the beast's agility allowed it to maintain distance.

"Damn, it's fast." Rex thought, narrowly dodging another flame-infused leap from the hound.

The beast's Fire Jump sent it soaring through the air, and Rex had to roll to avoid being crushed by the flaming mass of fur and fury. But every time it landed, Rex could see the strain in its movements. The injuries, the hunger—it was wearing the hellhound down faster than it could recover.

Rex waited, timing his moment as the hellhound landed after another fiery leap. This time, its knees buckled slightly on impact. Now. He lunged forward with a burst of speed, closing the distance between them in an instant. His fist, charged with raw energy, collided with the hound's side.

The creature yelped, a sound that was almost pitiful, and staggered sideways. Rex didn't let up, following with a swift kick to its ribs, sending it crashing into the dirt.

The hellhound growled, struggling to stand, but its body was failing it. Rex loomed over it, his expression cold, unrelenting. "You're done."

With one final strike, Rex slammed his fist down on the hellhound's head, ending the fight. The beast's fiery eyes dimmed, the flames sputtering out as it collapsed in a heap. Silence fell over the desolate landscape, broken only by Rex's heavy breathing.

He stood there for a moment, staring at the defeated creature. His body ached, but the thrill of victory pulsed through him. This was just the beginning.

"If this is the kind of welcome the Abyss gives..." Rex smirked, glancing down at the fallen hellhound. "I think I'm going to enjoy this world after all."

The Abyss had thrown its first challenge at him, but Rex had already made up his mind. He would survive, he would grow stronger, and nothing—no beast, no demon, no power in this world—would stand in his way.