
Infernal Spark - A Fire Force Fanfiction

Genre:➡️Action, Romance, Harem⬅️ Main Characters: * Genos (from One-Punch Man): A powerful cyborg seeking to combat Infernals and uncover the secrets of his past. * Hibana (from Fire Force): A fiery Lieutenant captivated by Genos' unique abilities. * Iris (from Fire Force): A compassionate Evangelist sympathizer torn between her beliefs and her feelings for Genos. * Maki Oze (Original Character): A brilliant inventor and Fire Force Captain mentoring Genos. * Akira (Original Character): A shy yet strong-willed recruit in Genos' company with a hidden past. SYNOPSIS:⤵️⤵️ Genos, on a mission to eradicate all evil, stumbles upon a dimensional rift that transports him to the world of Fire Force. Here, he encounters Infernals and the special firefighting force combating them. With his unmatched cyborg strength and a mysterious fire ability awakened by the rift, Genos joins Special Fire Company 8 under Captain Maki Oze. As he hones his skills and unravels the secrets of this new world, Genos attracts the attention of several women, including the passionate Hibana, the enigmatic Iris, and the kindhearted Akira. However, navigating the complexities of love and human connection proves just as challenging as battling Infernals. Meanwhile, a looming threat from the Evangelist and hidden forces within the Fire Force itself threaten to consume everything.

Lil_Maxey · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Infernal Spark: Episode 1 - Infernal Encounter

The inferno roared, a symphony of destruction. Buildings crumbled like sandcastles, their skeletal remains devoured by hungry flames that licked the smoke-choked sky. People screamed, a desperate chorus fleeing a monstrous figure wreathed in fire. Its body, a grotesque patchwork of charred flesh and pulsating embers, pulsed with an unnatural heat. This was an Infernal, a harbinger of chaos.

My metallic body thrummed with conflicting sensations. The heat was unlike anything I'd encountered, pushing the limits of my internal systems. Then, I saw her - Hibana, a fiery apparition charging towards the Infernal, her sleek black uniform the only thing separating her from the inferno. Her twin pistols blazed, each shot igniting into a miniature inferno, momentarily pushing back the creature's fiery aura.

"Get back!" she roared, her voice barely audible over the inferno's symphony. "This Infernal's Class is too high for civilians! Leave it to the pros!"

I, Genos, am no civilian. Though my flesh was replaced with cold metal, my purpose burned bright – to eradicate evil. This creature, this Infernal, mirrored an energy signature within me, a twisted reflection that Dr. Kuseno warned me about.


Dr. Kuseno, my creator, stood before me, his kind face etched with concern. "The world, Genos, is a vast place. There are forces beyond our comprehension, fueled by a twisted form of combustion… Infernals. They are a scourge, a threat to humanity."


The Infernal roared, swatting away Hibana's flames with a massive arm. It lunged towards a group of terrified civilians. My response was immediate. In a blur of metal and motion, I intercepted the Infernal, my cybernetic arm slamming into its fiery form with a resounding clang.

"Who are you?!" Hibana shrieked, a mix of surprise and suspicion flickering in her fiery eyes.

"I cannot allow innocent lives to be lost," I stated, activating my incinerator cannon. A powerful blast of concentrated heat erupted, momentarily stunning the Infernal.

The battle raged. The Infernal, a creature of fire and fury, lashed out with unimaginable power. Hibana, agile and fierce, danced around the inferno, her flames momentarily holding the beast at bay. But even their combined efforts seemed futile.

Then, the flames intensified. Trapped screams pierced the air from a nearby building. Without hesitation, I propelled myself towards the inferno, my metallic body impervious to the intense heat. Hibana hesitated for a moment, then followed close behind.

Inside the inferno, I navigated the collapsing building, my enhanced strength searching for survivors. A family, huddled together, coughed and choked on the smoke.

"Don't worry," I said, my voice surprisingly steady. "I'll get you out of here."

Scooping them up in my powerful arm, I smashed through a weakened wall, creating an escape route. Hibana helped them to safety, her eyes never leaving me.

Outside, the Infernal burst from the burning building, enraged by its thwarted attack. It lunged towards me, its fiery fist aimed for a devastating blow.

Hibana reacted instantly. "Get back, you overgrown ember!" she roared, unleashing a torrent of flames from her pistols. They formed a fiery wall, momentarily pushing back the Infernal.

"You seem unfamiliar with Infernals," she said, panting. "Who are you, and what brings you here?"

"My name is Genos," I answered. "I am here to combat evil and protect the innocent. This creature… it possesses a strange energy."

"You can explain later! We need to work together to take this thing down!"

The ensuing fight was a blur of fire and metal. I utilized my incredible strength and agility, deflecting the Infernal's fiery attacks. Hibana flanked the creature, peppering it with concentrated bursts of flame. However, the Infernal remained a formidable force. It overpowers Hibana, sending her crashing against a wall.

A surge of adrenaline flooded my systems. I couldn't let her fall victim to this monstrosity. Focusing all my power into my remaining arm, the metal glowed ominously.

"My core readings are critical," I thought. "I must end this quickly."

With a mighty roar, I lunged towards the Infernal. My enhanced arm connected with the creature's chest in a devastating punch. A shockwave erupted, momentarily extinguishing the Infernal's flames.

The Infernal stumbled back, its charred body smoking. From within its core, a faint blue light flickered. This energy signature – it was similar to the power coursing through my own cybernetic core.

"What is this?" I wondered. "This energy… it's within the Infernal itself?"

Before I could ponder further, the Infernal unleashed a horrifying shriek. The blue light within its core intensified, and a wave of searing heat exploded outwards. I shielded myself with my arm, but the blast still threw me back several meters.

Hibana struggled to her feet, her uniform singed and smoke curling from her hair. She stared in disbelief at the scene before her. The Infernal was transforming, its grotesque form morphing and twisting.

"It's… evolving!" she gasped. "We have to stop it before it gets stronger!"

I rose, my metallic body battered but operational. Ignoring the throbbing pain in my systems, I focused on the threat at hand. This creature demanded more than just brute force. I needed to understand the nature of this energy, this strange connection between myself and the Infernal.

Focusing my internal sensors, I delved deeper into the analysis. The Infernal's core pulsed with a chaotic flow of energy, similar to my own but tinged with a dark, destructive element. A surge of data flooded my neural network.

"The Infernal's core… it's unstable, on the verge of collapse," I realized. "If I can disrupt the energy flow…"

A plan formed in my mind. I redirected my core power, channeling it through my remaining arm. A faint blue glow emanated from my metal fist.

"This is a gamble," I thought, "but it's our only chance."

With a determined yell, I lunged towards the Infernal. This time, I aimed not for a direct attack, but for the creature's exposed core.

The Infernal reacted instinctively, its flaming fist meeting mine in a clash of fire and metal. But I pushed forward, the blue glow in my fist intensifying. It connected with the Infernal's core.

A blinding flash erupted, engulfing the entire area. The deafening roar of the Infernal was cut short, replaced by an eerie silence. When the light faded, the Infernal was gone, leaving behind only a smoldering crater and the acrid scent of burnt flesh.

I collapsed to my knees, my core overloaded from the risky maneuver. Hibana slowly emerged from the debris, coughing and dusting herself off. She stared at the crater, then at me.

"What… what did you just do?" she stammered.

"I… I disrupted its core energy," I gasped for breath. "It caused a… controlled collapse."

"You… you destroyed an Infernal with your bare hands?" Hibana's voice held a mix of awe and suspicion. "Who are you really?"

I struggled to my feet, my body aching but a sense of accomplishment washing over me. I looked at Hibana, her fiery eyes filled with curiosity.

"My name is Genos," I said. "I am here to help. But this… this power I used… it's unlike anything I've encountered before."

Sirens wailed in the distance, heralding the arrival of other Fire Force companies. A squad led by a stern-looking Captain, Maki Oze, appeared. Maki had short, dark hair and piercing green eyes. Her uniform bore the insignia of Special Fire Company 8.

"Hibana, what happened here? Report!" Maki demanded.

"Captain Oze," Hibana saluted, "we encountered a high-class Infernal. This civilian…" she hesitated, unsure how to describe me, "This man intervened and somehow… neutralized it."

Maki narrowed her eyes at me. "A civilian meddling in Fire Force business? Explain yourself."

"I apologize for any inconvenience, Captain," I said. "Seeing the creature endanger innocent lives, I felt compelled to act."

Maki scrutinized me, her gaze lingering on my cybernetic arm. She noticed the faint blue glow still emanating from it.

"This power… it's unusual," she remarked. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"It's a long story, Captain," I replied. "I believe my abilities could be of assistance to the Fire Force."

Maki didn't seem convinced. "We don't need vigilantes here," she said. "Clean up this mess and be on your way."

Hibana stepped forward, her voice firm. "Captain, with all due respect, he saved lives today. We could use someone with his skills. Maybe we should at least hear him out."

Maki sighed. "Very well," she conceded. "But if you cause any trouble, you'll be answering to me. Follow me."

Maki turned and walked away, leaving Hibana and me to follow. As we walked, Hibana stole a glance at me, a flicker of curiosity dancing in her fiery eyes.

Later, inside the Special Fire Company 8 headquarters, I sat across from Captain Maki in her office. Maki examined a data chip I retrieved from the Infernal's remains.

"This data chip…" she muttered, her brow furrowed. "It contains strange readings. Energy signatures unlike anything we've seen before."

"I believe this energy is connected to my own power source," I said. "Perhaps analyzing the chip could shed light on both the Infernals and myself."

Maki tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Intriguing. But before we consider anything further, you need to understand the Fire Force operates within a chain of command. We don't take orders from civilians."

"I understand, Captain," I replied. "I am willing to undergo any tests or evaluations you deem necessary. I simply want to contribute my abilities to help protect this city."

Maki pondered this for a moment. "Very well," she finally said. "For now, you'll stay with Company 8 under close observation. We'll evaluate your skills and intentions. Lieutenant Hibana will be responsible for showing you the ropes."

Hibana smirked. "Consider yourself lucky, newbie. Fire Force life is exciting, if a little dangerous."

I nodded, a steely determination in my eyes. I had found a purpose, a place where I could utilize my power for good. But a nagging feeling persisted – the mystery of my connection to the Infernals and the strange energy within me. This was just the beginning of a journey filled with fire, danger, and the search for my true identity.

Across the room, a young recruit with shy eyes and a determined spirit observed me from afar. This was Akira, a new addition to Company 8 who harbored a secret of her own. Her gaze lingered on me, a spark of curiosity igniting within her. As the fire crackled in the Company 8 fireplace, a new chapter unfolded, promising a fiery adventure for me and my newfound team.