
Infernal Spark - A Fire Force Fanfiction

Genre:➡️Action, Romance, Harem⬅️ Main Characters: * Genos (from One-Punch Man): A powerful cyborg seeking to combat Infernals and uncover the secrets of his past. * Hibana (from Fire Force): A fiery Lieutenant captivated by Genos' unique abilities. * Iris (from Fire Force): A compassionate Evangelist sympathizer torn between her beliefs and her feelings for Genos. * Maki Oze (Original Character): A brilliant inventor and Fire Force Captain mentoring Genos. * Akira (Original Character): A shy yet strong-willed recruit in Genos' company with a hidden past. SYNOPSIS:⤵️⤵️ Genos, on a mission to eradicate all evil, stumbles upon a dimensional rift that transports him to the world of Fire Force. Here, he encounters Infernals and the special firefighting force combating them. With his unmatched cyborg strength and a mysterious fire ability awakened by the rift, Genos joins Special Fire Company 8 under Captain Maki Oze. As he hones his skills and unravels the secrets of this new world, Genos attracts the attention of several women, including the passionate Hibana, the enigmatic Iris, and the kindhearted Akira. However, navigating the complexities of love and human connection proves just as challenging as battling Infernals. Meanwhile, a looming threat from the Evangelist and hidden forces within the Fire Force itself threaten to consume everything.

Lil_Maxey · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Episode 5 - Mission Critical

Log#0005 - Internal Systems Report

The klaxon pierced the pre-dawn silence, jolting me awake. My internal systems whirred to life, processing the incoming data feed. A massive Infernal outbreak, unlike any encountered before, was engulfing the Eastern District.

Captain Maki's voice crackled through the intercom, her tone urgent. "All hands on deck! This is a Code Red situation. We need all available companies to converge on Sector 7."

My circuits buzzed with anticipation. This was my first real mission as a member of Special Fire Company 8.

Maki barked orders, and the company sprang into action. Hibana and Ogun charged towards the Infernal, their attacks a flurry of flames and blades. Akira expertly weaved through the inferno, extinguishing smaller blazes and aiding civilians if needed.

I stood beside Maki, my analytical mind processing the scene.

"Captain, the Infernal's core appears to be housed within its chest cavity. However, its metallic shell provides a formidable barrier."

Maki nodded curtly. "Then we'll have to create an opening. Hibana, distract it! Ogun, create a path!"

Hibana unleashed a torrent of flames, momentarily diverting the Infernal's attention. Ogun threw himself into the fray, his massive axe carving a path through the metallic hide. But the Infernal recovered quickly, lashing out with a superheated steam blast that sent Ogun flying.

Akira rushed to his side, her flames providing temporary relief from his burns.

"We can't keep going on like this!" Maki shouted. "Genos, do you see an opportunity?"

I examined the Infernal's movements, a flicker of inspiration igniting within me.

"Captain, I believe I can create an opening. But it requires a precise strike."

Maki didn't hesitate. "Do it!"

I charged forward, my blue energy crackling around me. I dodged the Infernal's attacks with unnatural agility, my movements blurring as I analyzed its attack patterns. Finally, with a burst of speed, I lunged towards the exposed section of its chest cavity.

I concentrated my blue energy into a blazing fist and unleashed a powerful blow. The metal groaned and sparks flew as my fist connected. A gaping hole ripped open in the Infernal's core, exposing its glowing orange heart.

Hibana, seizing the opportunity, launched a fireball directly into the exposed core. The Infernal let out a deafening screech before collapsing to the ground, its flames flickering and dying.

The battlefield fell silent. I had made a difference.

The firefighters stood amidst the smoldering ruins, the air thick with smoke and the acrid scent of burnt metal. Maki looked at me, a hint of grudging respect in her eyes.

"Well done, Genos. That was impressive."

"It was a combined effort, Captain," I replied.

Hibana sauntered over, a smirk playing on her lips. "Not bad for a newbie, cyborg boy. Maybe you can actually be of some use after all."

I ignored the jab, focusing on the injured Ogun. My enhanced vision revealed the severity of his burns.

"Captain, his burns are severe. I can offer some temporary relief through the application of a special cooling agent within my core."

Maki nodded gratefully. "Do it. Akira, help him carry Ogun back to the truck. We need to get him out of here."

Akira cast a worried glance at me, then helped me carefully lift Ogun. As we walked towards the truck, Akira hesitated for a moment.

"That was amazing back there," she whispered. "You were like… a blue flame warrior."

I looked at her, unsure how to respond to such an unexpected compliment.

"This ability… it comes at a cost. My systems are strained, and I require a period of recharge."

"Right, of course," she said quickly. "But still… you saved the day."

A faint blush tinged Akira's cheeks, and I looked away, the social aspects of human interaction still unfamiliar to me.

Scene Change

Back at the Fire Force station, I sat in the decontamination chamber, my metallic body humming as it recharged. The events of the day replayed in my mind – the raw power of the Infernal, the fear in the civilians' eyes, the camaraderie of Company 8.

I touched the faint blue glow emanating from my chest cavity, a trace of the energy I used to defeat the Infernal. This new power… it felt different from anything I had experienced before. It was both exhilaration and a chilling reminder of the destructive potential I held within me.

Suddenly, the chamber door hissed open. Maki stood outside, a weary but determined look on her face.

"You're up. Good. We need to debrief. The higher-ups are impressed with your performance today, Genos. You may be a newcomer, but you've already proven your worth."

"It was my duty, Captain,I replied.

Maki chuckled. "Duty, yes. But there's more to this life than just duty. You saw it out there today. The fear, the courage, the teamwork… that's what makes us the Fire Force."

Maki gestured towards the door. "Come on. Let's see if Hibana managed to salvage any decent sake after today's ordeal. You might even learn a thing or two about camaraderie outside of missions."

I hesitated for a moment, then followed Maki out of the chamber. The common room bustled with a mix of post-mission exhaustion and a cautious sense of celebration. Hibana nursed a chipped ceramic cup, the fiery liquid within casting dancing shadows on her face. Ogun, his burns bandaged and the pain dulled by Maki's intervention, recounted the battle with exaggerated dramatics, eliciting groans and playful shoves from his comrades.

As I entered, the room fell silent for a beat. I felt the weight of a dozen curious gazes, some still laced with suspicion, others with a newfound respect. Hibana, however, was the first to break the tension.

"Ah, the cyborg returns! Just in time to hear Ogun's embellished tale of single-handedly taking down the Infernal."

Ogun feigned offense. "It's the truth, I tell you! If not for my heroic sacrifice – "

Maki chuckled. "Spare us the dramatics, Ogun. We all saw what happened."

I, sensing the playful camaraderie, allowed a corner of my mouth to curl upwards in what could be interpreted as a slight smile.

I scanned the room, my gaze falling on Akira who sat tucked away in a corner, her face illuminated by the flickering flames of a nearby brazier. She caught my eye and offered me a shy smile, then quickly looked away, flustered.

Maki cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention back.

"Alright, enough celebrating. We pulled it off today, but that doesn't mean we can let our guard down. These Infernal outbreaks are getting more frequent, more destructive. We need to be ready for anything the Evangelist throws our way."

A somber mood settled over the room, the weight of their responsibility pressing down on them. But amidst the seriousness, I felt a flicker of something else – a sense of belonging. These people, with their unique quirks and personalities, were united in a shared purpose.

"Captain, during the battle..." I began, my voice a monotone hum. "I noticed something about my abilities."

Maki raised an eyebrow. "Elaborate."

I explained the strange energy coursing through me, the way it interacted with the Infernal core. My voice, devoid of human emotion, contained a hint of curiosity.

Surrounding me, the firefighters listened intently. This was new information, something that could potentially change the tide in their fight. Even Hibana, her usual bravado subdued, leaned forward, captivated by my explanation.

"Interesting," Hibana muttered. "Maybe there's more to you than just fancy metal limbs, cyborg boy."

A spark of irritation flickered in my eyes, but it was quickly extinguished. I had bigger concerns than Hibana's teasing.

"There's much I don't understand about this power," I continued. "But perhaps with your experience and Akira's knowledge of flames, we can learn to control it, to use it more effectively."

Akira's head snapped up at the mention of her name. Her cheeks flushed again, a mixture of surprise and excitement evident in her eyes.

"M-me?" she stammered. "You think I could help?"

I tilted my head slightly. "Your understanding of fire manipulation is far superior to mine.

Perhaps by combining your knowledge with this... new ability, we can create something truly formidable."

Maki, a thoughtful expression on her face, stroked her chin. The potential was undeniable.

"It's worth a try," Maki said. "We'll schedule some training sessions once you're fully recharged, Genos.

Scene Change

The following days were a whirlwind of activity for me. I underwent rigorous physical training sessions with Maki, pushing my metallic body to its limits. I learned to anticipate her attacks, my movements becoming more fluid and precise. I also spent hours in the workshop with Akira, tinkering with my internal systems and experimenting with how to channel my blue energy more effectively.

Akira surprised me with her depth of knowledge. She possessed a natural intuition for flames, understanding the subtle nuances of temperature, direction, and manipulation. Working alongside her, I began to unlock the potential of my own ability. I learned to focus the blue energy, shaping it into a blazing fist or a concentrated beam.

Despite my initial discomfort, I found myself enjoying these interactions. Akira's quiet demeanor masked a sharp intellect and a gentle determination. She treated me with a genuineness that was refreshing, devoid of the suspicion or fear I'd encountered from others.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I and Akira lingered in the workshop. The dying embers in the forge cast an orange glow on our faces. Akira held a salvaged piece of twisted metal, examining it with a puzzled frown.

"It's strange," she mumbled. "The Infernal's shell… it wasn't just metal. There seems to be some kind of organic material fused within it."

I furrowed my brow in thought. "Organic material? Like… human remains?"

Akira shuddered. "Possibly. It's a disturbing possibility. It raises further questions about the nature of Infernals and the Evangelist's motives."

I pondered this new information, the implications sinking in. If Infernals contained human elements, did that mean they were somehow… sentient? Or worse, manipulated souls trapped within a fiery prison?

Akira's voice broke the silence. "There's got to be a way to control the Infernal outbreaks without destroying them completely," she said more to herself than to me.

"Controlling them seems… unlikely," I replied, my voice a monotone hum. "But perhaps we can find a way to understand them, to learn their cause."

Our gazes met across the workbench. In Akira's eyes, I saw a reflection of my own desire for answers, a yearning to understand the world around me.

Suddenly, a loud alarm blared throughout the station, shattering the peaceful atmosphere. Red emergency lights strobed across the room, casting an unsettling hue.

Maki's voice boomed through the speakers. "This is Captain Maki. We have a Category 3 Infernal outbreak in progress. All available units report to the Eastern District immediately!"

Akira and I exchanged a look, a mix of apprehension and determination etched on our faces.

Without a word, we grabbed our equipment and sprinted towards the firetruck, ready to face the new threat.

Scene Change

The Eastern District was a scene of chaos. Towering flames engulfed a multi-story building, trapping people inside. We arrived to find panicked civilians scrambling through smoke-filled streets.

Maki swiftly assessed the situation. "Hibana, Ogun, take the front lines and contain the inferno.

Akira, focus on evacuating civilians from the adjacent buildings.

Genos, you're with me. We need to find a way into that building and locate any survivors."

I and Maki charged towards the inferno, our faces obscured by smoke and glowing helmets.

The heat was stifling, the air thick with the stench of burning wood. I used my enhanced vision to navigate through the debris, guiding Maki towards a possible entry point on the first floor.

With a powerful punch, I shattered a charred window, creating a narrow opening.

Maki squeezed through first, followed by me. Inside, the building was a labyrinth of smoke and fire. Coughs and screams echoed in the darkness, adding to the urgency of our mission.

We navigated through the burning inferno, guided by faint calls for help. I used my thermal vision to locate a family huddled in a corner, overcome by smoke inhalation. I carefully retrieved them, guiding them back towards the opening I had created.

As we emerged from the building, I spotted another figure farther down the street. It was a young boy, trapped on the second floor of a burning house, his terrified screams cutting through the din.

Maki surveyed the situation, her face grim. "There's no time to get the ladder truck through that inferno. We need to reach him another way."

I didn't hesitate. I activated my internal systems, channeling my blue energy into my legs.

With a burst of speed, I propelled myself towards the burning house, leaping across the street in a single, impossible bound.

The heat singed my metallic exterior, but I ignored the pain, my focus fixed on the terrified boy in the window.

I slammed against the second floor wall, the impact creating a shower of sparks and debris. Groaning, I pushed myself upright and smashed through the window, ignoring the shards of glass that tore at my metallic skin.

The room was a raging inferno, flames licking at the walls and ceiling. In the corner, huddled under a desk, sat a young boy, his eyes wide with terror.

"Hey," I said, my voice a monotone hum but my tone gentle. "It's okay. I'm here to help you."

The boy looked up at me, his face streaked with soot and tears. "Y-you're a robot?"

"Something like that," I replied. I extended a metallic hand towards him. "Here, grab on."

Hesitantly, the boy reached out and grasped my hand.

It was cold against his skin, a stark contrast to the searing heat of the room.

"Can you jump?" I asked.

The boy shook his head, his voice trembling.

Thinking quickly, I activated my blue energy once more. This time, I focused it around my feet, creating a platform of swirling blue flame.

"This won't burn you," I assured him. "Climb on."

The boy eyed the blue flames cautiously before hesitantly placing a foot on the platform.

It pulsed with a cool energy that surprised him. He climbed onto the platform, his fear slowly replaced by a flicker of curiosity.

With another burst of energy, I propelled us both out of the window. We soared through the air, the wind whipping past my face. Below, firefighters watched in stunned silence as a cyborg and a young boy descended from the inferno on a platform of blue fire.

As we landed safely on the ground, a cheer erupted from the crowd.

Relief washed over the boy's face as he scrambled down from the platform. He threw his arms around my legs, burying his face in my metallic thigh.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

A gentle smile tugged at the corner of my lips. This… this was why we fought. This was the purpose that transcended my robotic nature.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and a guttural roar echoed through the air.

A towering Infernal, larger and more menacing than any I had encountered before, erupted from the flames of the burning building.

Maki and the others turned their attention to the new threat, their faces etched with concern.

"Looks like we're not done yet, Genos," Maki said, her voice grim but resolute.

I stood tall, the boy clinging to my leg. My blue energy crackled around me, a beacon of defiance in the face of the approaching inferno.

"No, Captain," I replied, my voice a monotone hum laced with newfound determination. "We're just getting started."

Scene Change

Maki barked orders, her voice cutting through the chaos. "Hibana and Ogun, focus on distracting the Infernal! Don't try to overpower it. Akira, use your flames to create a path for evacuation!"

Hibana unleashed a torrent of fire, momentarily diverting the Infernal's attention.

Ogun charged forward with a battle cry, his massive axe a blur of motion. But the Infernal swatted him aside with a single swipe of its flaming arm, sending him crashing against a wall.

Akira, her flames swirling around her, guided the terrified crowd towards a secure zone.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she witnessed Ogun fall, but she forced them back, pushing onwards with renewed urgency.

My gaze locked onto the Infernal. This wasn't just another mindless beast. Its movements were coordinated, brutal, suggesting a level of intelligence I hadn't encountered before.

It swung its fiery fist towards Maki, who narrowly dodged the blow, rolling across the ground.

The boy who I had rescued clung to my leg, his eyes wide with terror. I knelt down, shielding him with my body.

"Stay here," I said, my voice a monotone hum but firm. "Don't move from this spot."

The boy whimpered but nodded, burying his face in my leg. With a surge of blue energy, I propelled myself towards the Infernal, a lone figure charging into a blazing inferno.

Maki radioed me. "Genos, what are you doing? You can't take that thing on by yourself!"

"I may not be able to defeat it," I replied, "but I can buy you some time."

My blue energy crackled around me, forming a blazing fist similar to Hibana's fiery attacks. It wasn't the same power, but it felt… potent.

Fueled by a newfound purpose, I launched myself at the Infernal's leg, my fist connecting with a deafening clang.

The Infernal stumbled back, momentarily surprised by the unexpected attack. Smoke billowed from the point of impact, scorching my metallic skin.

Pain, a foreign sensation, flared within me, but it was overshadowed by a burning determination.

"Is that all you've got, robot?" a guttural voice boomed from within the Infernal.

The Infernal reared up, its molten form revealing a grotesque face with burning eyes.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

I am the embodiment of humanity's despair," the Infernal roared. "I am the harbinger of the Great Cataclysm!"

A wave of searing heat washed over me as the Infernal unleashed a torrent of flames.

I dodged and weaved, using my enhanced agility to avoid the inferno. This wasn't just a battle – it was a fight for survival, a desperate attempt to hold back the tide of destruction.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the chaos. "Genos! Look up!"

It was Akira. She hovered above the battlefield, her body engulfed in vibrant orange flames.

But these weren't the normal flames she manipulated – these were different, purer, burning with an almost divine intensity.

Scene Change

Akira landed beside me, her eyes blazing with newfound determination.

"I don't know what just happened," she said, her voice breathless, "but these flames… they feel different. More powerful."

I looked at Akira, then back at the towering Infernal. A plan, a desperate gamble, began to form in my mind.

"Akira," I said, "Can you focus your flames on my blue energy? Can you amplify it?"

Akira hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "It's… untested. It could be dangerous."

"There's no other choice," I replied. "We need to push it back, to give the others time."

Akira took a deep breath, her eyes hardening with resolve. "Alright, Genos. Let's do this."

She raised her hand, focusing her orange flames towards me. As our powers collided, a blinding flash of light enveloped the battlefield.

Scene Change

The blinding light subsided, revealing a scene of stunned silence. The firefighters stood frozen, their eyes wide with awe as they beheld the spectacle before them.

In the center of the battlefield, I stood tall, my metallic body now radiating a vibrant blue light.

The blue energy, once contained within my core, swirled around me like a raging storm, amplified by Akira's fiery touch.

It pulsed with a power I had never felt before, a power both exhilarating and terrifying.

The Infernal, momentarily blinded by the light, roared in fury. "What have you done?" it bellowed, its voice laced with a hint of fear.

Instead of replying, I unleashed a surge of this amplified blue energy. It erupted from my hands in a concentrated beam, a blinding blue spear that shot towards the Infernal's chest with unnatural speed.

The Infernal raised a flaming arm in a desperate attempt to block the attack. The impact was deafening, a clash of fire and blue energy that shook the very foundations of the street. The Infernal's arm was vaporized in an instant, replaced by a gaping hole in its molten core.

A scream, not of rage but of pure agony, ripped from the Infernal's burning maw. The colossal figure stumbled back, its movements becoming erratic.

The flames that once danced across its body flickered and sputtered, losing their intensity.

Seizing the opportunity, Hibana and Ogun unleashed a combined attack. Ogun swung his massive axe, cleaving through the Infernal's remaining arm.

Hibana followed up with a relentless barrage of fire, targeting the exposed core.

The Infernal let out a final, earth-shattering roar before collapsing to the ground. The remnants of its fiery form smoldered, the blue light from my amplified energy still clinging to the wreckage.

Silence descended upon the battlefield, broken only by the crackle of dying embers. The firefighters stared at the scene, their faces a mixture of relief and astonishment.

My blue energy slowly subsided, leaving me drained but invigorated. Akira stumbled towards me, her face pale but a triumphant smile playing on her lips.

"We did it, Genos," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "We actually did it."

I knelt down before her, my blue energy flickering faintly. "We did it together, Akira," I replied, my monotone hum softer than usual. "Thank you."

Scene Change

Later that night, as the firefighters regrouped at the station, a somber mood hung heavy in the air.

They had won the battle, but the victory tasted bittersweet. The attack was a stark reminder of the growing threat they faced.

Maki addressed the group, her voice firm but laced with a hint of exhaustion.

"Today, we witnessed something extraordinary," she said. "Genos and Akira displayed a level of teamwork and power that defies explanation.

It's a testament to the strength we possess when we stand united."

She cast a glance at me, then at Akira.

"This… new ability you possess, Genos. It raises many questions. We need to learn more about it, to understand its limits and its potential."

I nodded in agreement. "I concur, Captain. This power… it's unlike anything I've encountered before. We need to study it, to control it."

Maki smiled, a hint of pride flickering in her eyes. "That's the spirit, Genos. And Akira, your contribution today was invaluable.

Your flames, combined with Genos's ability… it could be a game-changer in the fight against the Infernals."

Akira blushed, her gaze flitting towards me before returning to Maki. "I… I just did what I could, Captain."

"You did more than that, Akira," I said, my voice a monotone hum but with a newfound sincerity. "You played a pivotal role. We are a team, and a team is only as strong as its members."

A flicker of warmth spread through my metallic core, a sensation I couldn't quite define. Perhaps it was camaraderie, or maybe the burgeoning of a new kind of bond. Regardless, I knew one thing for certain: I wasn't alone in this fight.

As the firefighters dispersed for the night, I stood beside Akira, gazing at the flickering flames of the firehouse forge. The orange glow reflected in her eyes, a mirror to the burning determination that now resided within me.

The fight was far from over, but with Akira at my side, I was ready to face whatever challenges awaited.