
Infernal Monarch

John had always despised fire, the merciless element that claimed his family and left him alone. When fate cruelly throws him into the flames that were meant to end his life, he finds himself not in the afterlife, but reborn in a mystical realm governed by magic. Surrounded by arcane powers, John is compelled to confront and command the very force he loathes. Follow his transformative journey as he rises from the ashes to become the ruler of flames—the Sovereign of Fire. Dive into a tale of loss, power, and redemption where John must master the element he fears most. ***** 1. In this world, power comes to those who strive for it. Our MC isn't handed strength on a silver platter; he earns it through blood, sweat, and unwavering determination. 2. If you're looking for constant face-slapping and petty rivalries, this isn't the story for you 3. Forget the harem trope

Den_of_wolves · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Whispers of Flight

Sera could sense the trap closing around her. She edged away, hoping to escape the clutches of the little devil

"Seeraaa..." Pyrrhus drawled, his voice dripping with innocence.

"I don't know why Bram was called," Sera replied, feigning ignorance.

He inched closer, poking her arm. "Come on, Sera. Tell me. I'm dying to know!"

Sera held firm, but Pyrrhus was relentless. He nudged her, pleaded, even resorted to puppy-dog eyes. Finally, she caved. "Fine. The prince needs some goods transported. The Fenbeasts and a few soldiers are the best suited for it."

Pyrrhus' eyes lit up. "That sounds exciting! I bet I could help..."

Sera groaned, anticipating his next words.

"I'm really strong, right?" Pyrrhus flexed his biceps, which were admittedly quite impressive for a six-year-old.

"Yes, Pyrrhus, you're very strong," Sera conceded.

"And I'm really useful, right?"


"And I'm pretty good with magic, wouldn't you say?"

"Just get on with it, Pyrrhus," Sera interrupted, a weary smile tugging at her lips.

Pyrrhus beamed. "I'm more than happy to lend my aid! All we need to do is convince my mother."

Sera stared at him, speechless. This kid was shameless. "I am not convincing Anya. Nope. Absolutely not."

Pyrrhus, with all the determination of a tiny general, grabbed Sera's hand and dragged her towards his mother, who was busy hanging clothes to dry. Cora stood beside her, practicing her magic, flames flickering in one hand and a gentle breeze swirling in the other, instantly drying the laundry.

Pyrrhus had a sudden urge to knock the flame out of Cora's hand but he held himself back. He might not use flames but that did not mean he could restrict the people he cared about to do the same.

Anya paused in her task, took one look at Sera's exasperated expression, and stated flatly, "Not happening."

Sera immediately turned to Pyrrhus. "See? Your mother doesn't agree. Let's go."

But Pyrrhus wasn't backing down. He crossed his arms and fixed Sera with a stern glare. Reluctantly, Sera mumbled a half-hearted attempt at persuasion to Anya, but it was clear her heart wasn't in it.

Cora, overhearing the conversation, chimed in, "Another town? I want to go too!"

Seeing her enthusiasm, Owen timidly added, "Me too, please?"

Anya threw her hands up in exasperation, glaring at Sera. Fix this, her eyes seemed to say.

Sera shrugged helplessly. "It was your son who started it!"

Just then, Elara's voice chimed in, "Seems pretty lively here. What's happening?"

Sera looked at her like a drowning sailor spotting a lifeboat. She quickly explained the situation. Surprisingly, Elara smiled. "It sounds like a good idea. A change of scenery might do them good."

The children cheered, while Anya and Sera exclaimed in unison, "Elara!"

Elara smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry. I'll join them and keep the little ones safe."

Both women hesitated, and Pyrrhus glanced between them, puzzled. Was Elara strong? He'd never gotten that impression before.

At that moment, Bram summoned everyone. He explained that they would be transporting enchanted ballistae back to Havenwood in a week or two, and that he, Sera, and Waed would be working alongside local soldiers.

Pyrrhus immediately interrupted. "I'm going too!"

Bram raised an eyebrow, looking to Anya for confirmation. She frowned but remained silent. Cora piped up, "Owen, Elara, and I are coming too!"

Bram shook his head. "Elara and Pyrrhus are welcome. They're strong additions to the party. Pyrrhus' magic would be especially helpful. But the others... not so much."

Elara stepped forward. "The other two are coming, and I will protect them." She then turned to the children. "Why don't you all go play for a bit?"

Once the children were out of earshot, Bram and Elara locked eyes. Elara's expression was grave. "We need to talk about Pyrrhus," she said, her voice heavy with unspoken concerns.

Bram nodded, sensing the tension in her words.

"You're pushing him too hard," Elara said, her voice barely a whisper. "He's just a child. He shouldn't have to bear the weight of your expectations."

Bram bristled. "Expectations? I'm simply preparing him for the realities of this world. He needs to be strong, vigilant."

A shadow passed over Elara's face as memories of her son surfaced, the weight of his unspoken burdens a heavy ache in her heart. She took a shaky breath, composing herself. "My son was strong Bram. Vigilant. And look where it got him." Her voice cracked with emotion. "Expectations are a heavy burden. They became heavier and heavier until they crush them. Don't make the same mistake with Pyrrhus. Pyrrhus is special, yes. But he's also a child. He needs time to play, to explore, to simply be."

Bram nodded slowly. "I never disagreed with that. But he also needs to be prepared. The world isn't kind to those who are unprepared, especially those with power. Pyrrhus has the potential to protect himself, to protect those he loves. Even if no one asks it of him, I believe he feels that responsibility deep down."

Elara looked at him, a flicker of understanding in her eyes. "I know you care for him, Bram. But please, give him a chance to be a child, too. Let him have a normal childhood, for as long as he can."

Bram sighed, running a hand through his greying hair. "I'll try, Elara. But know this: I won't hesitate to push him when I need to. Not when the stakes are this high."

Elara nodded, a silent agreement passing between them. They were both fighting for Pyrrhus' future, just from different angles. And as they stood there, a shared sense of responsibility settled upon them. It was their duty to guide this extraordinary child, to nurture his gifts while protecting his innocence, to prepare him for a future that would undoubtedly be filled with both triumphs and trials.

As the three children emerged from the house, their laughter echoing in the crisp air, they nearly collided with Jonathan. He stopped, regarding Pyrrhus and Cora with a thoughtful expression.

"I see you two are nearly ready to advance to the next rank," he remarked, his tone warm but with an underlying seriousness. "Excellent progress. I'll teach you some more advanced skills when you're ready."

His gaze lingered on Pyrrhus, a twinkle of intrigue in his eyes. "Pyrrhus," he said, "how do you feel about learning to fly?"

The question hung in the air, a tantalizing promise. Pyrrhus felt a thrill of excitement surge through him. Flying! It was something he'd only dreamed of.

"Really?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Jonathan smiled. "Of course. You have a natural affinity for the wind element. With the right training, I believe you could soar through the skies."

Pyrrhus' heart pounded in his chest. This was more than he could have ever imagined. A new adventure, a new challenge, and the chance to fulfill a childhood fantasy. The weight of the upcoming mission faded away, replaced by the exhilarating prospect of taking flight.



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