
Infernal Monarch

John had always despised fire, the merciless element that claimed his family and left him alone. When fate cruelly throws him into the flames that were meant to end his life, he finds himself not in the afterlife, but reborn in a mystical realm governed by magic. Surrounded by arcane powers, John is compelled to confront and command the very force he loathes. Follow his transformative journey as he rises from the ashes to become the ruler of flames—the Sovereign of Fire. Dive into a tale of loss, power, and redemption where John must master the element he fears most. ***** 1. In this world, power comes to those who strive for it. Our MC isn't handed strength on a silver platter; he earns it through blood, sweat, and unwavering determination. 2. If you're looking for constant face-slapping and petty rivalries, this isn't the story for you 3. Forget the harem trope

Den_of_wolves · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Months had passed since their arrival in Havenwood, the castle town that had become an unexpected sanctuary. Never had Pyrrhus felt such peace and contentment since being thrust into this world. Their tents now dotted the verdant fields outside the town walls.

Pyrrhus lay sprawled on his stomach, legs kicking idly as he deciphered the words on the page. Reading was still a slow, deliberate process, but the victory of even a few sentences filled him with quiet pride.

A shadow fell across his book, followed by Darius' familiar voice. "What tale are you lost in this time?"

"The kingdom's history," Pyrrhus replied, not bothering to look up. "Did you know the Ember Kingdom lasted 60 years, and the Azure Kingdom 110? Turns out, Ember was actually part of Azure."

The more Pyrrhus read, the more speechless he became. The kingdoms' histories were rife with coups, throne fights, and civil wars, their short spans marked by relentless chaos. Elara's tales of this land's turmoil seemed more accurate with each page he turned.

Darius' curiosity was piqued. "Oh? Is the founder of Ember still around, then? Mages tend to have long lives."

Pyrrhus shook his head. "He was assassinated. Joined one of the Duke families, got the opposing Duke's daughter pregnant... Messy affair. Somehow, they ended up leading a civil war and ceded from the kingdom. Should've kept it in his pants," he muttered.

A swift hand snatched the book away. Pyrrhus looked up, startled, to find his father glaring down at him, a mixture of amusement and embarrassment on his face. "Pyrrhus! Where did you hear those words?"

"From the soldiers?" Pyrrhus replied feigning innocence and tilting his head.

Darius ruffled his hair, a fond smile replacing the disapproval. "No, my little scholar. But maybe some books aren't quite right for you yet." He turned away, muttering under his breath, "Anya is going to kill me. Should've read the book first."

Now you remember I'm a kid? Pyrrhus thought wryly, recalling the time Darius had wanted to "bond" a little too closely with his mother when he was a year old. A shudder ran down his spine.

Owen came bounding towards them, a grin splitting his face, another book clutched in his hand. But Darius intercepted him, confiscating the book with a hasty, "Let me borrow this for a bit. Return it when I'm done."

"There are copies in the library, Uncle," Owen pointed out.

"Is that so?" Darius laughed nervously and beat a hasty retreat.

Pyrrhus picked himself up as Owen approached, using a quick burst of wind and water magic to clean his clothes. "You're getting really good at that," Owen remarked. "No more soggy clothes for you."

Pyrrhus ignored the comment. "Is Bram looking for us?"

Owen nodded, his grin widening. Together, they took off. It was the first time Pyrrhus had seen Owen so carefree. The timid, frightened boy was slowly blossoming in this new home. Pyrrhus had once thought family was enough, but now he realized that home – a place to belong, a place to return to – was just as vital.

They found Bram deep in conversation with Sera, a training ground laid out before them. As the boys knelt, activating their Manalocks, energy coursed through their small bodies, their eyes glowing with a soft light.

With a grunt, Pyrrhus lifted a boulder twice his size, feeling the mana surge through his muscles. He tossed it effortlessly, the rock landing with a resounding thud.

"Good," Bram grunted. "Again."

As they repeated the exercise, Bram's gaze scanned the surrounding woods, his brow furrowed. "Tell me again," he said, his voice sharp, "how many soldiers did you see patrolling the south wall yesterday?"

Pyrrhus rolled his eyes, sharing an exasperated look with Owen and Sera. "Three," he answered. "Just like every other day."

"And were they wearing their standard uniforms?" Bram pressed.

"Yes, Bram," Sera sighed. "We've been over this a dozen times."

Bram's eyes narrowed. "Vigilance is not paranoia, Sera. Not matter how good or welcoming they might seem, never let your guard down. Remember, a predator..."

"...waits for vulnerability," Pyrrhus finished for him. "We know, Bram."

But even as he said the words, a flicker of doubt crept into his mind. Perhaps Bram's caution wasn't entirely unwarranted. After all, in this world, danger could lurk around any corner.

Bram arched a brow, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Looks like you have a lot to say, boy. Perhaps we should increase the weights." He gestured towards a cluster of boulders, each one easily twice the size of the ones they'd been lifting.

Pyrrhus groaned inwardly.

Pyrrhus and Owen shared a look and approached the massive rocks. Muscles strained, faces flushed with exertion as they channeled mana through their Manalocks. The air crackled with energy, the very earth seeming to tremble beneath their efforts. Sweat dripped from their brows, mingling with the dust kicked up by their grueling workout.

Thirty minutes later, Owen lay face-down on the ground, resembling a puddle of melted popsicle. Pyrrhus slumped beside him, chest heaving. But as his breathing slowed, a different kind of energy stirred within him. He closed his eyes, focusing his mind, reaching for the gentle warmth of the light element.

A soft glow emanated from his hands, washing over his tired body. The soreness eased, muscles unknotting as the light magic worked its subtle healing. He extended the glow towards Owen, who groaned in relief.

"Cora is going to be so jealous," Owen said, stirring back to life. "She still has no luck with darkness or space."

Pyrrhus turned his attention inward, peering into the vast landscape of his mana space. The onyx spark representing Stable mana had grown, almost matching the size of the bright yellow spark of unstable mana. His mana lock, too, was on the brink of shattering.

A thrill of anticipation surged through him. The prospect of a double power-up—unlocking his first mana lock and stabilizing his mana—filled him with a potent mix of excitement and determination.

The rhythmic thud of rocks hitting the ground was interrupted by the arrival of a soldier, his boots crunching on the dry earth. He came to a halt before Bram, snapping a salute. "Captain Bram, the prince requests your presence at the castle."

Bram nodded curtly, rising to his feet. "Lead the way."

Despite Jonathan's reservations about joining the Ember Empire, the prince had been a generous host, offering them lodging and provisions. But they had politely declined, not wanting to impose and preferring to maintain their independence near the town they had come to rely on. It was an unspoken agreement: they would aid the villagers and the prince when needed, in return for the sanctuary they had found.

"Keep them busy," Bram instructed Sera, already turning to leave.

Sera sputtered, "Bu-But..."

Bram didn't break his stride. "No buts. Make them work till they drop."

He disappeared over the hill, leaving Sera staring after him in exasperation. She turned to find Pyrrhus watching her with an excited grin. She sighed, knowing full well what he was thinking.

"Don't you even start," she warned, trying to find a way to escape the clutches of the little devil.



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