
Inescapable: A match made in hell

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" He asked his cold hands caressing her thighs. Gulping heavily she forced a reply out of her quivering lips. "Yes, am aware" She replied without batting an eyelid even though she was a bit scared. "I rule not just here, but the underworld and hell" he whispered his cold hands moving further in her thighs. "You can't even stand my touch, you're shivering like a bunny." He gave a hearty chuckle. "Let's see how well you can please me. If you do well, we move to the next step" He whispered, his breath cold against her skin. ----------------------------------- Accidentally getting a ticket, she must contest to be the king's wife. Unknowingly to her and the other contestants, the king was in a disguise as a guard leaving his brother in the disguise of the king. What happens when Cecilia falls deeply for this guard ignoring her quest of winning the king's heart. She had always been a simple girl who wanted a simple marriage and a simple home which led to her ignoring her quest of becoming the king's wife. But fate uses that to bring her and the disguised guard together. ----------------------------------------- Nothing interested him for decades, all he did was to commit gruesome sins. Either by gruesomely taking advantage of anything on skirts, or destroying every thing that stood as an obstacle. He had only one aim, to get so much power to avenge his mother's death. But all that changed when he met her. She annoyed him yet intrigued him and soon she became his obsession. But fate wants to keep them apart, Cecilia has to die by the one person she'll ever love, and for Zach, he had to kill the only person he ever loved which was Cecilia. Will the saying love conquers all stand. Or will fate play it's keys by forcefully taking Cecilia away

Frostbite_ · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Two weeks

The carriage took her back to the castle. Some of the princesses weren't back, so the area was a bit quiet.

Cecilia moved her legs around inspecting the area.

Vivian also wasn't back, so Cecilia thought it wise to stretch her legs a bit.

"Hahaha... There she is... The village scum"

Two girls laughed hysterically as they approached Cecilia.

Not minding them, Cecilia started moving in the opposite direction.

"Hey... Don't run... Or are you scared of us because we aren't your class?"

They laughed again.

Cecilia gritted her teeth then turned to them.

"I am not in the mood for cheap talks. So kindly let me be"

Cecilia said softly as she didn't want to get into a fight with them.

The girls seemed annoyed by what she said and by now, they were standing close to her.

"Look... You're a mistake... A misplaced priority among princesses... So know your limits"

The blonde out of the duo said.

"It's kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one statement"

Cecilia said as she chuckled softly.

A smirk etched on Zach's face who was watching them from quite a distance.

The blonde princess bit her lip angrily..

"At least I have a decent vocabulary. What are village girls taught?"

Ava, the blonde princess retorted.

"We are taught to cater for ourselves and not rely on servants to wash even our underwears"

Cecilia retorted to see Ava flushed.

But neither of the two sides were giving up

"Come on, you have your entire life to be a jerk, while not take today off?"

Ava retorted as a victorious smile etched on her lips.

But Cecilia wasn't backing down.

"Everyone's entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you're really abusing the privilege"

Cecilia said now giving her own smile..

"You talk like an idiot"

Ava said now getting angry.

"Of course, I talk like an idiot. How else would you be able to understand me?"

Cecilia retorted still smiling.

"You know what princess? I'm busy; you're ugly. Have a nice day"

Cecilia smiled then walked away without looking back.

Zach who was watching all of this couldn't help but smile at her sassy side.

'You keep amusing me bunny'

Cecilia kept on walking without looking back.

She had been really annoyed by those princesses and she was in a sour mood.

"I never knew you could be this sassy Bunny... But it's cute to watch anyway"

Zach said as he approached her.

Cecilia inwardly face palmed herself.

'Do I just have to meet annoying people today?'

"Thank you, but I wasn't being sassy. I was only telling her what she needed to hear"

Cecilia retorted.

"You keep amusing me bunny"

He whispered softly..

"Our former deal is still on sweet..."

He said as his tall figure overshadowed her.

'What deal.. Crazy crazy guard'

She shook her head in displeasure.

"In case you still want to be my girlfriend"

Zach pinpointed what he was talking about.

Cecilia's mouth opened, but no words came out.

"Sorry, but I am not interested in you"

Cecilia said trying to make it as plain as possible.

"What can I do to make you interested in me?"

Zach asked as he stepped closer to her.

Cecilia blinked her eyes continuously as she was dumbfounded..

"Are you serious?"

She asked softly to see him chuckle shortly.

"Does it look like a joke to you bunny? I hate the way men flock around you now... It pisses me off"

He said to hear her laugh, and his brows furrowed.

"Zach... You...you... This is so funny... I.."

She laughed hysterically.

Zach's lips twitched as he watched her.

"What is so funny bunny?"

He asked to see her chuckle again..

"Sorry... Sorry.. it's nothing serious. This is a joke right? Tell me"

Cecilia said no longer laughing, but a smile remained on her face.

"I definitely am not your type Zach. You're handsome"

She said as her face flushed deeply.

"Handsome enough to get decent girls at your feet. If you can stop this guard work and be an independent man... Trust me, you'll get better girls... And besides, I know you're joking, definitely, you see me as your amusement... But dating, no way"

She said gently now noticing his aura had become icy as his jaws clenched.

"You're right Cecilia. I can get any lady I want to be my mistress, writhing beneath me on my bed. But I want you"

He made it clear to her, and from his looks, Cecilia could tell he wasn't joking.

Cecilia coughed as she tried to believe what she was hearing.

"But I don't like you"

She said softly. Definitely, there had been many men who came purposely to her store back home to seek her hand, but none of them interested her. Even at that, she rejected them kindly with kind words, and even gifted them clothes when going.

She didn't want them to feel hurt... But this...Zach...

She sighed.

"Give me two weeks, two weeks is all I ask... I'll make you feel what I'm feeling for you right now"

Zach said as he inched closer to her.

Cecilia almost choked on her own spit.

"Umm.. I need time to..."


Zach cut her statement short to see her jolt.

"I'm pleading two weeks from you bunny. Just two weeks, is that too hard for you to grant?"

He asked her.

Her heart started racing as she thought of what to do or say next.

"Remember a certain time bunny, when you said you wanted to pay me back for all I have done for you?"

Zach asked as he cupped her chin to look at him.

"Do this for me"

He said. It sounded like a plea, but in reality, it was an order.

Cecilia swallowed hard... Confusion ran in her head.

"But... But what if I get eliminated before that time?"

She asked looking for every opportunity possible to escape from his offer.

"Take my word, that won't happen"

He assured her.

She didn't know why, but she believed him.

"I'll give you two weeks Zach. But you won't..."

"I won't do anything you don't want me to bunny... In sexual aspects"

He whispered hoarsely.

"Okay... Two weeks then"

Cecilia murmured under her breath nervously.


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Love you all(Wink)