
Inescapable: A match made in hell

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" He asked his cold hands caressing her thighs. Gulping heavily she forced a reply out of her quivering lips. "Yes, am aware" She replied without batting an eyelid even though she was a bit scared. "I rule not just here, but the underworld and hell" he whispered his cold hands moving further in her thighs. "You can't even stand my touch, you're shivering like a bunny." He gave a hearty chuckle. "Let's see how well you can please me. If you do well, we move to the next step" He whispered, his breath cold against her skin. ----------------------------------- Accidentally getting a ticket, she must contest to be the king's wife. Unknowingly to her and the other contestants, the king was in a disguise as a guard leaving his brother in the disguise of the king. What happens when Cecilia falls deeply for this guard ignoring her quest of winning the king's heart. She had always been a simple girl who wanted a simple marriage and a simple home which led to her ignoring her quest of becoming the king's wife. But fate uses that to bring her and the disguised guard together. ----------------------------------------- Nothing interested him for decades, all he did was to commit gruesome sins. Either by gruesomely taking advantage of anything on skirts, or destroying every thing that stood as an obstacle. He had only one aim, to get so much power to avenge his mother's death. But all that changed when he met her. She annoyed him yet intrigued him and soon she became his obsession. But fate wants to keep them apart, Cecilia has to die by the one person she'll ever love, and for Zach, he had to kill the only person he ever loved which was Cecilia. Will the saying love conquers all stand. Or will fate play it's keys by forcefully taking Cecilia away

Frostbite_ · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Execution II

But that was the opposite of what was going on in Zach's mind.

He gritted his teeth as he saw Cecilia wink at the man.

He couldn't stand it again.

He turned his back and walked to the scaffold. The Maid had been tied in the platform as everyone awaited her death.


"So how are the babies doing?"

Bones asked her. She knew exactly who he was referring to. Her sisters.

She swallowed. Hard.

"They are fine"

She said. But she didn't know if they were really fine.

She fixated her eyes on the scaffold to see a pissed off Zach holding a sheath.

Linda walked up to the raised platform and spoke.

"This is a lesson to everyone out there who tries to steal from the royal household. You'll pay with your life"

Zach pulled out the sword from the sheath and sliced the girl's neck clean off.

Cecilia gasped as she closed her eyes.

Bones placed her head on his chest as he pet her.

"Shoosh, don't cry babe"

He consoled her.

But Zach's anger only tripled seeing Bones console Cecilia.

"I should be the one consoling her. Not you"

Zach gritted.

"He's so vile. He..he. couldn't even pity the maid"

Cecilia sobbed while Bones consoled.


After the execution, the platform was removed. While some of the princesses prepared to go back, some decided to take a stroll around.

Cecilia was one of those who wanted to go back. The gore was too much for her to handle.

"So, let me drop you home"

Bones requested.

"Aww, that's sweet. But thank you. I'll be fine"

She sniffed.

"Promise me"

He said with gentle eyes as he clasped her hands.

She pinched his cheeks gently and chuckled.

After saying final goodbyes, she made her way back to her carriage.

Opening the door she slumped on the seat closing her eyes.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

A voice jolted her.

Turning her side, she saw Zach sitting next to her in the carriage.

"What.. what are..are you ..?"

She tried asking as her heart kept pounding.

Without replying her, he moved his body and pinned her on the carriage chair as he hovered above her.

Cecilia gulped. The carriage was already hot. But because of the position they were both in, it became hotter.

"What do you want?"

She gathered her courage and asked him.

"To warn you"

He deadpanned as he moved his face closer to hers. His nose brushed her nose slightly and her face flushed.

"Warn me? For what?"

She asked as confusion set in.

'What did I do?'

She asked herself.

"Stay away from him"

He replied.

A chill ran down her spine. She thought hard on who he was talking about before her brain mentioned Bones to her.

"Why, you're not my boyfriend to tell me who to meet and who not to meet"

She replied slightly annoyed. She hated the position they were in and wanted to be free from him as soon as possible. But it was impossible.

"If I become your boyfriend, will that make me tell you who to see and who not to see? If yes, be my girlfriend"

He deadpanned and she gulped.

She didn't know what to reply him anymore.

'Be his girlfriend? I always knew he was crazy'

"It's not fair. He's my best friend and..."

"Cecilia.. I am very possessive of my things. Tell him to stay away from you. If you like his life"

He drawled.

"Why? You're not to control me"

She pouted.

He chuckled dryly as a wicked glint passed through his lips.

"Sweet bunny. You're so ignorant of what I can do"

He chuckled again.

Then his face became serious again.

"I don't want to repeat myself sweet. Else, you might not see him again"

He said and those were his last words, before he opened the carriage door and came out.

She was so flushed when he got down from the carriage.

At the same time, the words

'Be my girlfriend' couldn't get off her head.

'Such a shame, as Handsome as he is, he has no girlfriend. maybe it's because of his taunting self'

She shrugged her shoulder as she waited for the coachman.


After speaking with her, Zach couldn't contain his anger.

The images of the man holding her waist couldn't leave his head and he wasn't finding it funny.


A voice called to him. Even though the place was bustling, he could locate the voice immediately.

"I smell bloodlust around you. Don't tell me you're planning to kill the boy"

Blaine asked as he reached Zach.

Zach stared at Blaine with cold eyes without saying anything.

"Come on Zach. Tell me, do you love this girl?"

Blaine asked as he smirked.

Zach's brows furrowed.


That was a word he heard people say all the time, but he hadn't experienced it.

"What is love?"

He ignorantly asked Blaine.

Blaine sighed. He expected it from Zach. After all, Zach was only blinded with one thing all his life.


"Love. It has so many definitions, and I am not the perfect person to ask. But I have been watching you Zach. This is more than an amusement stuff. It seems like you're falling in love with her"

Blaine ranted.


Zach deadpanned.

"I don't care how you read it. She's my bunny, my amusement, my sexy Seductress, my sweet girl, and I am very possessive of her. I don't share"

Zach drawled.

"So if you have nothing else to say, you may leave. I have unfinished business with that boy"

Zach deadpanned.

"Don't kill him Zach. Win her heart"

And with that Blaine left.

Zach wasn't buying any of Blaine's nonsense.

'I will find the boy and kill him so he'll never get close to you again bunny'

Zach said inwardly, his face contoured in displeasure.


The coachman came not too long after and the carriage started.

Cecilia relaxed on the coach, her heart still running wildly.

She was now recalling Zach's words.

'If you like his life'

A lot of thoughts were running through her mind.

'Will he kill Bones?'

'What did he mean by that?'

Her breath hitched as she thought about different outcomes.

She tried calming her pounding heart.

'I'll speak with him when he gets back... Hopefully he hasn't done anything irrational as usual..'

She thought as she closed her eyes.


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