

I dont know how to write a description A man transmigrated as an incubus in a world where vampires prey on humans, and shifters with anger issues. Let us delve into Zekreus story in the world of Twilight. He doesn't know much about the world. AU this fic is trash, don't expect for it to be good. English is not my first language. DONT PRESSURE ME TO UPDATE, IM DOING THIS FOR FUN. I do not own the story this is fiction. Mostly short smut tbh SLOW UPDATES AFTER CHAPTER 10 DUE TO SCHOOL STARTING HIATUS

Axel_ace · Movies
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17 Chs


Waking up in a hotel room with a man was not something Leah signed up for before coming to the club.

She sighed, carefully getting up the bed, trying to make less noise to not wake up Zekreus who was right next to her.

Leah snuck out of the bed as Zekreus lay on it, she couldn't help but wonder if their encounter was just a one-time thing.

But one thing was for sure, their night together had brought her a sense of solace and comfort after the turmoil she had experienced.

And although the scenario of finding solace in a stranger may not be ideal, sometimes it's the unexpected moments that brings the most healing in the midst of chaos.

While walking like a newborn calf she wrote her number on a piece of paper, and left it at the top bedside table.


Zekreus woke up the moment Leah tried sneaking out of the bed, pretending to still be asleep, to not make her feel awkward.

The moment she closed the door behind her, he open his eyes and sat, finding a piece of paper on the table containing Leah's number.

' That was a good night, had a great time '

He sighed got up and picked his clothes that was on the ground due to last night's activities.

Looking at the piece of paper, ' maybe i'll give her a call and take her out to eat '.

He quickly wore his clothes and left the room, coming down the stairs and gling to the front desk of the hotel and payed for the room.


Rosalie Hale was worried.

Her mate didn't go home last night, thinking something happened to him, she went home and asked Alice of his whereabouts.

Only to hear a news that made her heart drop down to her stomach.

He was at a hotel alone with a woman, anybody can guess what they we're doing.

" Actually, she kind of look like your mate's other mate.'' Alice stated hesitantly , trying to imagine the woman's face again.

" Oh " Rosalie was still not happy, she went up her room, slammed the door and sulked, but nobody needs to know that.


As Zekreus arrived at his house, he sniffed the air and her scent was all over the land.

' she must've visited me and found the house empty'

Unlocking the door and going inside, he directly went to the bathroom to take a bath.

As he lazily made his way to the kitchen, he couldn't help but replay the events of the previous night in his head.

The way Leah's body felt against his, the way she moaned his name, the way she begged for more, it was all too exhilarating.

But now that he was back in the comfort of his own home, Zekreus's focus shifted to his usual Saturday routine.

He started off by making himself a cup of coffee, savoring the rich aroma as he sat down at his kitchen table.

Next on the agenda was a quick workout.

Zekreus took pride in his fit and toned physique.

He started small, with basic movements like push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. 1500 reps per set. ( Do you think this is too small?)

But as he progressed, he incorporated more advanced exercises such as handstands, muscle-ups, and human flags.

If a normal human were to try doing his workout they would've end up dead.

After a grueling workout, Zekreus could feel the sweat dripping down his toned body.

As he finished his workout with a cool down and some yoga poses to stretch his muscles, Zekreus felt a sense of calm wash over him.

He had successfully channelled his energy into something productive, something that benefited both his physical and mental well-being.

Wiping his sweat with a towel, he was thinking of something fun to do, but nothing came to mind.

Just as when decided to just sleep, the smell of Rosalie Hale went inside his nose.

' she's here '

He opened the door and saw her at the edge of the forest.

" Hi there student, what are you doing here?," While leaning on the side of the door with a smile on his face.


She didn't how he knew she was there, there was something about him.

She got excited, her mate might not be human afterall, she didn't have to change him.

That would be an amazing news.

" Do you want to get inside " her eyes widened at the question, not expecting her to invite her inside.

" Yes please "

" Come on in then " while ushering her with his head and moving to the side to let her pass.

Once Rosalie went inside his house, she inhaled, her eyes dilating, smelling her mate's smell all over the place, it was an addiction for her.

Seeing her eyes dilating Zekreus can't help but think ' It's not like you haven't smelled the house before '