
Chapter Twelf

I knew it. I just knew coming to this party was a mistake. It is just Luke and I tonight. We invited Kim but she refused to come. I didn't even bother asking her why because even if I have no right I'm still a little pissed off at her.

Since it's a beach party it is close to my house but I still make Luke come and fetch me. When we arrive at the party it is already in full swing. It's packed with people everywhere. There is a big bonfire in the middle of all this chaos. There is music coming from all angles.

Some are even playing it in their cars. Even though it's cold outside almost everyone is dressed in crop tops, tank tops, and booty shorts, I even see one girl wearing a swimsuit. They are all probably too busy dancing or drunk to feel the cold.

You can feel the carefree vibes just pouring out of this party, if only it was a couple of months ago then maybe I would have been as carefree as the rest of my peers.

I'm wearing simple skinny jeans and my favorite leather jacket on top.

I didn't feel like getting dressed up tonight. I didn't even put any make-up on. I didn't have the energy or see any point in trying. Usually when we go to a party Luke disappears the moment we get there, but tonight is different. He is sticking to me like a tube of superglue. I know he just wants me to have a good time but I know he would rather be dancing around the bonfire than sitting on a rock in silence like we are currently doing.

"Luke you can go. I'm gonna be fine."

I tell him.

His eyes light up at the suggestion, but a concerned look comes up on his face after a second.

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying with you."

"I'm fine." I lie.

I say with a small reassuring smile. He doesn't need me to say more. He gets up and goes dancing. After a few minutes, I don't see him anymore. I smile at the thought of Luke having a great time. I also left my phone back at home. I don't want to get any more anonymous calls. I tilt my head up and stare at the sky. It's a beautiful night with clear skies so I can see all the stars beautifully. When did things become this bad? A month ago life was so simple. No stalker. No dead boyfriend.

No lying friends and now...

Now I have no one to trust, no one.

"Hey, stalker."

I hear a voice speak next to me. After a glance, I notice that it's Cameron.

"What did you just call me?"

I ask with a frown on my face. I swear I'm going to kill this asshole.

"Well, you seem to be everywhere that I go. So you must be stalking me."

He says with a smirk on his face.

"This is a party. Half the students are here."

I tell him.

Why won't he leave me alone?

"A party which I'm attending."

He points out emphasizing on I'm. I don't bother replying I just roll my eyes. He takes a sit next to me on the rock the same time a slight breeze occurs and Cameron's scent fills my nostrils. You never realize how powerful a smell can be. Until it hits you in the face in the form of memories. Memories of the few hours I spent with him. Too bad I'm the only one who remembered.

"So are you gonna ask me to dance or what?"

Cameron asks.

Ha! Over my dead body.

And with the calling creep that seems more and more like a possibility. I laugh bitterly in my mind. As if I will ever ask him for anything.

"Don't you have a string of eager sluts waiting at your beck and call? Go dance with them."

I say bitterly. Those words felt wrong coming from my mouth because I was once one of those girls. Desperate for his attention.

"Oh, she's a feisty one. Well, I do have other girls who want to dance with a hunk like me but they are not you."

If only he had said this month ago.

"Go away, Cameron."

"You know it's not fair that you seem to know my name but I don't know yours."

I realize somewhere along the line I have revealed that I know who he is but then again everyone on campus knows who Cameron Cahill is.

"My name is none of your business."

I say just to be stubborn. He seems to have been expecting my answer because he started laughing.

"Ria! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you since Jessica's party."

A female voice interrupts us. I look over and see Emily. She is one of Cameron's friends. She and I are not close but we occasionally meet at different parties and our parents are business partners. Jessica's party is the one I went to and I ended up in Cameron's bed.

"So that's your name. Ria."

Cameron says with a happy smile on his face. I roll my eyes and pretend like I didn't hear him. Too bad Emily didn't get the memo.

"What are you talking about? You have met Ria before. She partied with us at Jess's party."

I almost jumped on her loudmouth. I can't believe she just told him. I look over at Cameron and he has a frown on his face.

"So we have met before, besides the hot chocolate thing. I knew it."

He said.

"Of course you have silly. You got along like a house on fire if I remember correctly."

She tells Cameron with a giggle in her voice as if she has just said the funniest thing on earth.

It doesn't take me long to figure out that she is drunk.

"Listen, I heard about your boyfriend. I'm sorry."

She says softly. I just politely nod in return. I don't want to think about Matt anymore.

There is an awkward pause.

"Anyway, it was nice seeing you again Ria. Bye!"

She waves at me and then leaves as fast and as suddenly as she arrived.

Leaving me alone with Cameron once again. I wonder if he will bring up what he has just heard about my boyfriend. Instead,

"You knew about this didn't you?"

I am confused for a second. Still lost in thought over Matt.

"About what?"

"That we met and hung out at the party."

I roll my eyes in response, I have had enough of this conversation. I want to go home. I need to get away

"Whatever Cameron. Stay out of my way and I will do the same."

I say before getting up and leaving. I hear him call out my name but I don't acknowledge him. Luckily for me, he doesn't make any attempt to follow me.

It's late when I arrive home. I feel guilty for leaving Luke at the party without telling him. I will just send him a text explaining. I walk as quietly as possible to my room. When I get there I take off my party clothes and put on my silk night dress.

It's been a long day and I'm so tired. I grab my phone from the vanity and get into bed. I send Luke a text telling him where I am. I debate whether I should call Kim. Maybe tomorrow. I'm about to put my phone away when it rings. Unknown Caller. Shit. I know it's the stalker. My gut tells me not to answer, but curiosity has always been my weakness.


"Ahh, sweet Ria. Did you have fun at the party?"

I freeze at the fact that he knows where I was. He knows my whereabouts. He sees everything.

"What do you want? I'm sick of your games."

"I am about to tell you what I want, but first I want you to listen. Listen very carefully."

I stay quiet and let him continue.

"I know everything about you, Ria. What you eat in the morning. How many spoons of sugar you put in your coffee. That your biggest fear is being trapped in small spaces and-"

I can't listen anymore. I don't want to hear it.

"What do you fucking want!"

"I know how important your friends are to you. Which is why if you go tell the cops what I'm about to tell you. They will all end up like Matt. Dead."

I can feel my hands shaking.

"So..so You killed him?"

I want him to say it. I want to hear him say it.

"You don't get to ask questions. You follow orders!"

The caller seems angry. Well, I'm pissed off too.

"You have 30 Days Ria. One full month."

"30 Days to do what?"

What he says next shocks me. I am not at all ready for it.

"To kill of course. You have thirty days to kill Cameron Cahill."