
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Scar Face's dreams

The sting of sunlight, One-Eyed Snake's eyelids trembled as a burst of pain assailed his sore body.

"Mother nature's surely one cruel bitch…"

Hissing he rubbed his lower back as his knees violently jerked under him then pitifully clawed himself into a sitting position.

"I'm really too old for this."

With one hand massaging his back, his one eye darted to the small pebbles laying quietly where he slept. A cool wind blew and One-Eyed Snake shivered. Towering trees with overhanging vines proudly sashayed lightly as patches of green like ribbons danced about in concerto to the morning tune. In the far horizon golden beams of light filtered through the dark blanket, illuminating the world. One-Eyed Snake closed his eyes and deeply exhaled. Getting up he wildly combed his calloused, ghost like hands that showed obvious hints of weathering through his hair. Close to where he lied previously shuffling sounds filtered into his ears.

"Morning boss…slept well?" A voice stifling the urge to yawn echoed.

One-eyed snake's eyes squinted, his wrinkled face stretched out expressing a nasty grimace, "Bullshit. You're enjoying this aren't you?"


A low creepy laughter diffused the morning air and a pair of eyes locked on One-Eyed Snake in the darkness. The morning air quickly turned sinister. Although it was dark a shadowy figure was spotted lying on a fallen tree in the darkness. One-Eyed Snake raised his chin and forced his right hand into his pocket producing a broken cigar. Bringing it just before his lips he paused then asked curiously.

"Hey creep, you can't be still thinking of marrying a beautiful wife and opening an orphanage with how creepy you are right?"

"Why would I give up?"

At that moment a beam of sunlight illuminated half of a grotesquely scarred face with a butterfly resting on its nose while the other half remained cast in shadow. One-Eyed Snake's shoulders jerked violently; a sliver of horror flitted past his calm eyes but quickly dispersed. With his heart palpitating for a moment, One-Eyed Snake used his other arm to light up the cigar and took a deep puff before exhaling a large cloud. He expressed a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "Good luck with that… you're really goanna need it."

"Don't worry boss, it'll work out somehow."

Scar Face mouth curled up into a confident smile that added another element to the already terrifying picture. One-Eyed Snake turned his face away, he couldn't bear to look anymore; he was half helpless and half scared.

"Idiot! How many times do I have to tell you not to smile like that in my presence?"

"Ah, so-sorry boss. I won't smile aga—whoa!"

Scar Face's eyes shot open, he tried to sit up and salute but fell over in the process. One-Eyed Snake's face cringed and with a black expression he harshly berated while rubbing his temples.

"I didn't say you couldn't smile. It's how you do it. Honestly your future is quite bleak… I mean if even I'm scared of you then what more a woman?"

"Which idiot is creating a racket this early in the morning, hu-uh!"

Loudly yawning and unable to go back to sleep again Blade strolled over to One-Eyed Snake.

Hawkins also showed signs of movement, "Bastard! I just dreamt of capturing an island of treasures and there were even several forbidden fruits there. Give it back or I'll ravage your wife then massacre your whole family!"

Hawkins was energetically tossing in the short grass before suddenly going completely quiet. One-eyed Snake's brows creased and he looked to where the now unconscious Hawkins lied yet again with a stream a blood trickling down his big forehead. It seemed it was the slab of jutted rock that was the culprit yet again to Hawkins never soberness. Taking another drag and glancing upwards at the hand of the tree monster looming overhead he tried to remember the figure of that otherworldly fairy imprinted within his heart and his face flushed with desire.


The image is his mind slowly disappeared as One-Eyed Snake's focus shifted. Baring his teeth, he growled at Scar Face in front of him, "What. Is. It. Now."

Scar Face chuckled, his lips forming into a knowing grin that only men understood, "Were you thinking of the girls back at the brothel, I mean since you are drooling so wretchedly."

One-Eyed Snake's face fell with his shoulders twitching. Raising a brow Scar Face waited for his boss's response.



"Bring Hawkins over here and wake him up."

"Got it."

Scar Face watched this all happen in confusion. Blade spent a few moments to awaken Hawkins and waited for further instructions.

"Good. Now then, Scar Face stay where you are and don't move until I tell you it's okay," in a strange tone One-Eyed Snake ordered.

Frowning the bad feeling in Scar Face's heart became even more intense and he subconsciously stepped backwards.

With his head still held down One-Eyed Snake opened his mouth wide and savagely growled, "Don't you dare move. Hawkins, hold his arms!"

Hawkins and Blade looked at each other. Despite being sceptical he carried the order.

Spitting out the one tenth of a cigar One-Eyed Snake said something unexpected, "Hawkins you better restrain him well. He's the guy that guy that interrupted your dream."

Hawkins hold on Scar Face then tightened considerably and he broke out in teasing chuckles. Scar Face grunted in pain then glared at Blade who only responded with an evil smile on his face. A gentle wind blew diffusing the smoke into the surrounding air.

"Beat him up Blade, make sure to use your strength," in an emotionless voice One-Eyed Snake ordered

"Happily. You know what this means right Scar Face?"

"Bastards, I'll remember this," Scar Face made a mental note collect the debts later.

Exhaling large clouds One-Eyed Snake raised his head while holding the cigar between his middle and fourth fingers and roared something loudly in a low voice.

"This is the price… how dare you compare my fairy to those cheap sluts on the roadside. Scar Face I see your still too tender so now I'm going to help toughen you up!"

With eyes of infatuation One-Eyed Snake occasionally stole peeks at the hand of the giant tree monster while the boring thrashing dragged on. Even now he shivers run down his spine however, he would not stop looking because that was his Fairy's resting place.

"That brat…he really doesn't take me seriously however I'll show him…"

One-Eyed Snake's hate for Flint raised a bit again.

"Damnit, those legs…and that chest are supposed be mine. A brat like you wouldn't know what to do with a lady like that. We really should switch places…hehe…"

For a moment One-Eyed Snake sunk into an obscene fantasy and spilled some saliva.