
Incarnation of chaos and order

Sasiki Nickel looked at what he had awakened with a look of failure written across his face. Many had awakened elements and other powerful zenya but he had awakened an old scrapbook as his zenya... Little did he know that the old scrapbook he had awakened was his own path to greatness and power. Follow up on Sasiki's journey against an old prophecy coming to pass... would he be able to overcome it or it would have to come with a cost. "You're the bringer of balance"...

Dandave · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The most basic skill of chaos

'Damn' it's regeneration is too strong" Orion thought internally, he had exhausted himself with the use of order and even with all he had done the vine beast had regenerated and gotten stronger, it had attached all the vines in the vicinity to combine with itself making it huger, it was now about ten feet tall and about four feet thick.

Vines shot out towards Orion, pushing himself he quickly rolls avoiding the first few, he estimated he could use order for about fifteen minutes more, he had to find a way to kill the beast before then, Orion spun around in the avoiding a few more vines, he racked his brain on how to eliminate the threat but he couldn't figure one out.


The beast screeched in anger, one of its vines that held Shoto had multiple ice spikes pierced onto it, Shoto could be seen in the air, he had a look of fear and anger but above all determination, an ice spear could be seen in his hand.

"Arrgh!" Shoto screamed as he threw the ice spear forward, aiming for the beast's head. The ice spear pierced through the beast's head at the same time a vine the size of a tree trunk slammed shot out of the air.

Orion dashed forward and caught the falling Shoto, he looked back at the beast and saw that the best had simply pushed the spear out of its head that spot regenerating "Keep it busy, let me go get Hinami " Orion ordered Shoto not waiting for a reply he dashed forward his right arm glowing bright.

The ten feet vine beast commanded numerous vines out to grab Orion, Orion stepped left and right avoiding the vines, his focus on the girl being wrapped by a vine beside the beast, multiple vines came at Orion at once, Orion was getting prepared to increase his use of order but then he felt an attack from behind, Orion leaped into the air at the same moment, multiple ice spikes went forward towards the beast.

The ice spikes pierced into the beast's body but they could pierce through completely, the spikes began increasing in length filling the vine beast's body, as Orion descended a pillar of ice rose from the ground serving as a platform, Orion pushes off the ice pillar, the Executioner sword appears in his right hand as he slices the vines holding Hinami.

Orion caught Hinami in his arms as they both descended, a vine moved to slam into him but another ice pillar emerged behind him.


The vines breaks through the ice pillar still slamming into Orion and the unconscious Hinami in his arms back to where Shoto stood

Orion thrashed on the floor before stopping a few metres behind Shoto m, he looked at Shoto, multiple beads of sweat filled his face, his breathing heavy 'He can be reliable it seems' Orion thought to himself, he hadn't really expected Shoto to perform as well as he did, but he seemed to be reaching the limit of his powers, Orion sighed to himself now that he had saved Hinami he believed he could use his skill freely.

Order didn't possess many destructive skills like chaos, times like this made him wish he could use chaos freely, but he believed I'd he used chaos on a simple scale it would deal less damage to him, he had decided on using the most basic skill he had learnt under chaos.

Orion stood up and walked up to Shoto who was just about to stretch his hand out to send an attack forth, the beast had already pushed out the ice inside it "Stand down" Orion said his voice filled with assurance, Shoto staggered backwards as he sat leaning on a tree.

The most basic skill he had learnt under chaos, Orion looked at his left hand. The dark red marking let out a faint glow as energy began to swirl around his palm forming a dark red orb, inside it dark energy moved around like a vortex of blades.

The vine beast let out a screech as multiple vines rose from its back, Orion's face distorted a bit as he endured the bit of pain from chaos, "Blades of chaos" Orion mumbled as he threw the orb of energy forward towards the beast.

The dark red orb of energy travelled towards the beast and the beast sent forth vines again towards the trio, the orb of energy made contact with the vine beast and it screamed in pain.

The orb of energy opened on contact tinting the area where the vine beast was with red, black tiny arcs moved around like blades at incredible speed as many cuts began to appear on the vine beast's body sinking deep into Its body, the cuts were appearing faster than it could regenerate as multiple vines fell to the floor even those ones were being sliced and diced into pieces, the trees in the range of the attack were turned into smithers.

The red tint in the area began to fade, Orion squinted his eyes as he looked at what remained of the beast m, small vines formed a ball-like shape, it had already been dealt damage by the blades of chaos but it couldn't be destroyed completely, the damaged ball of vines rolled in an attempt to escape, regeneration would take too much time so it intended to run away, a light glow seeped out from the holes in the ball.

Orion raised his right hand, energy from order moved to his fingertips as he flicked two of his fingers piercing the last of the vines, as the vines collapsed to the floor, a white flower like a lily could be seen giving out a warm milky glow.

Orion almost coughed up blood on seeing what has caused him that much issue, it was a plant beast 'Such a small thing has such strong regeneration powers' Orion thought to himself, he looked behind him, Hinami and Shoto were unconscious, he walked over to the flower.

'It could help me heal my wound faster…' Orion thought as he picked up the lily, it couldn't do anything for the time being as it had nothing it could use to fight back, he estimated it to be intermediate rank at best, '... hopefully soon I'll be able to use chaos easily' even the blades of chaos had cost him much pain internally, he placed the lily in his mouth and ate it, his right arm letting out a light glow.

His body was stronger than the average human especially with order, the lily plant beast would only serve to help him with little to no side effects. Orion looked at Hinami and Shoto who had passed out. They had to leave their current location.