
Incarnation of chaos and order

Sasiki Nickel looked at what he had awakened with a look of failure written across his face. Many had awakened elements and other powerful zenya but he had awakened an old scrapbook as his zenya... Little did he know that the old scrapbook he had awakened was his own path to greatness and power. Follow up on Sasiki's journey against an old prophecy coming to pass... would he be able to overcome it or it would have to come with a cost. "You're the bringer of balance"...

Dandave · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Land a hit

A man in a white long robe that covered his arms could be seen, he had a feminine figure on his back and he held another figure by the collar pulling it along as he moved onward.

'I spotted a cave on my way here' Orion thought to himself as he walked further, he had no sense of direction, he was equally exhausted as the two he was lifting, he didn't even know what time of the night it was m, he thought back to the lily plant beast, it had buried Hinami and Shoto when he discovered them, could it be that it also planned on giving a sacrifice, if it was so the forest had to be more dangerous than it seemed, he had walked a few hundred metres but he was still seeing some vines on trees.

Orion dropped to the floor, he was already too exhausted to move on, but since he hadn't spotted a single beast he believed he was still safe especially after killing the vine beast the vines could no longer be used as a threat, he leaned his back against a tree, Hinami unconscious beside him and Shoto on the floor face first.

The lily he had eaten worked slowly in his body, for a first the injury seemed to have reduced by a bit, but it was still covered from his chest to his stomach, he decided to get a bit of rest before moving again.

Orion's could be seen walking around in a forest, curiosity had gotten the better of him, but he had decided not to wander too far away, the forest was overly strange, he squinted his eyes and could spot a ray of light, it appeared very distant, he used order to enhance his eyesight, he squinted his eyes, and could see a building, it was really a building.

Night time in the forest was over, he quickly sprinted back to where he left the two unconscious people he lifted Hinami on his back grabbing Shoto by the collar, he moved in the direction he had spotted the building.


"Where is this?" Orion heard Hinami's voice, as her body finally moved, she was finally regaining consciousness but the light seeping through the forest from the outside caused her to squint her eyes as Orion approached the exit of the forest.

Orion finally exited the forest, the warmth of the sun landing gently in his body, at the same time Shoto began to regain consciousness, Orion looked back to the forest, 'I might have to come back here some days' he thought to himself as he proceeded towards the small village.

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The sound of a knock on the door pulled Nickel's attention from writing, it was then he realised the sun was just about rising, he almost shivered in excitement about Orion's progress and skills but he knew it wasn't the time to test out anything, he stood up and walked down to the door.


The door made a clicking sound as Nickel opened the door to be met with a huge dark skinned man, the man with the ability to control the weather, the Storm knight.


Five figures could be seen on a grassfield, it stretched out for miles, "So what's the basis of today's training you're probably wondering…" Noir's voice resounded in the ears of all present as he stretched his body, he had no shirt on, his well-built body on full display.

Erose and Ellie's face looked gloomy, it seemed they had experienced many of these types of training, Nickel stood a few steps beside them while Linda sat at a bench observing the training.

"...Land an attack on me" Noir said his voice serious "Don't worry I'll only evade" , he added with a smile.

On hearing the basis of the training even Nickel felt a bit gloomy by the conditions even if Noir said he would only evade, there were all just at the first stage with Ellie being at the intermediate rank, but none expressed their thoughts, "why is he doing this, we've never landed a hit" Erose mumbled, only Ellie and Nickel heard her words.

Ellie turned her head to face Nickel then she let out a smile "It's different now, we are with our…"

"Go" Linda voiced out indicating the start of the training and interrupting Ellie

Nickel dashed forward towards Noir, Erose following behind him, Nickel threw a punch when he got within striking range to Noir, he had no real battle experience but apart from Orion's skills he also gained a bit of experience, Noir simply side stepped avoiding the attack and then he lifted both of his hands to block an attack from both sides stopping Erose's kick and Ellie's punch.

Nickel's right hand let out a light golden glow, he moved again to strike but the Storm knight leaped backwards avoiding his attack, the moment he landed a white and red streak of lightning appeared on both of his sides, Erose dishing out a kick her leg coated with white lightning and Ellie a punch red lightning crackling around her arm.

Nickel stood behind watching the exchange for a few seconds, he raised his fingers pointing it at the Storm knight, order's energy moved to his fingertips as energy gathered, he squinted his eyes following the Storm knight's movement, he had to strike at the right moment without interrupting his teammates.


A low bang sound is heard as if a gunshot went off, the Storm knight had just blocked his daughters attacks when he swiftly tilted his head a bit to the side, he looked at Nickel who stood a few metres behind and smiled "So Linda what do you think about the training?" Noir suddenly said as he sidestepped, avoiding another of Nickel's order bullets.

"They all seem to be doing their best but the young man with the silver hair has had the highest chance of landing a hit," Linda said.

Noir blocked another of Erose and Ellie's attack and sidestepped avoiding Nickel's order bullet "Hmm… you're saying a basic knight has a chance of touching me" Noir chatted with his wife as he evaded the attacks

"I haven't even given them the blessing of my grace," Linda said with a smile.

"My dear wife, why don't we make it interesting" Noir said to Linda with a smile still evading attacks, "Drop a challenge" he said.

"Fine… continue evading the attacks without using any of your skills. And do it without moving from a single spot" Linda said with a bright smile, she looked extremely peaceful, she sat on a gold coloured bench, she looked like a Queen waiting for her King, her smile looked like it could light up the world and bring a sense of warmth to anyone's heart.

"If I win, I get a kiss" Noir said with a smirk causing the trio attacking to stop, they couldn't believe all this was happening while they were trying their hardest to land a hit.

"Sure. Ten minutes more… go" Linda agreed before starting the training again, she stretched forth one of her hands as a warm pink glow could be seen, multiple tiny pink butterflies emerged and flew towards Erose, Ellie and Nickel.

Nickel watched as the butterflies flew to his neck, five of them attached to his neck and became like a tattoo, he felt his host stats enhance by almost double.

"Butterfly's grace" he heard Linda's soothing voice say.