/Rosaile POV/
'I was excited, No I was more than excited we've hung out before but this is the first time Elijah has actually called it a date I couldn't wait I felt like I was dreaming and we hadn't even left yet'
After Elijah and I said bye to my family we made our way to his car and before I could open my door he did it for me, even though he does this every time I ride with him I still feel special, like it's only us in this world.
"So what do you want to do first" He asked me while getting into the car with a smile on his face.
"Anything," I told him with a smile just as big as his on my face.
"Alright then let's watch a movie," he said before pulling out of the driveway and heading into town.
As he was driving I couldn't help but grab his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel and when I did I felt the warmth that I can't feel alone, I smiled to myself as I began to think about our future when we get married we could be together forever I was happy.
But then I remembered that we would never be able to have a kid, and when I remembered I slowly let go of Elijah's hand and began to think.
'What if Elijah wanted a kid' I thought I mean he isn't like the vampires I know of and going by how strong he is the 'Originals' definitely have different abilities than us.
"Hey what's wrong" I heard a deep voice say and when I turned to him I completely stopped thinking about kids.
/Elijah POV/
When I pulled into the movie theater I turned to look at Rosalie and when I did I saw her looking as if she was going to cry, if she could cry that is.
"What's wrong" I asked her in a worried tone, When she turned to look at me she stared as if her brain stopped working and then all of a sudden she jumped on me.
"Are you alright?" I asked her to which she nodded before replying, "Let's stay like this for a couple of minutes" As I wondered what was wrong with her I hugged her back and began to play with her hair and 5 minutes later she seemed to have calmed down.
"Are you ready to go now?" I asked
"Huh," she said before looking around and realizing we had arrived at the movie theater.
"Ah, yes let's go," She said before getting out of the car,, when I got out she attached her arm to mine before we walked into the theater.
"What one do you want to watch I asked her assuming it would be a romance movie but to my surprise, it wasn't.
"That one she said while pointing to a movie poster that had a car on it, that's when I remembered that she liked cars, especially older ones.
When we got to the front I bought the tickets and was about to walk into the room when Rosalie told me to get popcorn, 'I was confused, she couldn't eat why would she want popcorn'.
Not saying anything as we were holding up the line I bought the popcorn and then we walked into the theater.
When we found our seats I realized that we were in the back and as soon as we sat down I turned to Rosalie,
"Why would you want popcorn you can't eat it," I asked still confused.
"I want to feed you" she muttered and I only heard it because of hearing.
"Huh" I was surprised In my 1000 years of living no one was like this to me not even Hayley who I thought was the love of my life until I met Rosaile.
"You heard me," She says before stuffing the popcorn into my mouth.
When the movie started I could tell that Rosalie was really into the movie so I didn't bother her and just sat there, until Rosalie grabbed my hand and pulled me closer before she laid her head on my shoulder.
"Hmmm" Is all I heard before she again began paying attention to the movie but this time we were much closer.
By the time the movie was over I could tell that Rosalie was having fun so I asked,
"Do you want to go back to the mountain?" I asked referring to the time when we told each other what we were.
"Yes," she told me with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face.
As We got into the car and began to drive I could feel a tension around us that wasn't here before but I ignored it for right now and continued to drive.
When we arrived at the bottom of the mountain we had to get out and run so I went to the trunk and pulled out a blanket that would be big enough for the both of us.
"Get On," I told her referring to my back as I was crouched down, Rosaile just looked at me with a smile on her face before walking up behind me and putting her hands around my neck.
As soon as she was holding on tight enough I began to run and for the first time in what felt like forever I didn't try to slow down, We reached the top of the mountain in less than 10 seconds and when I put Rosaile down she appeared shocked.
"How were you that fast?, you weren't the last time," She asked with shock written all over her voice, and then for the next 3 minutes I had to explain how I had slowed down when running with her when I was finally done I set the blanket up and then laid down.
When I was done Rosalie laid down right next to me and put her head on my shoulder, all of a sudden Rosalie asked me a question that shocked me greatly.
"Yes, Rose?" I asked
"Do you want to have kids?" She asked in a shy tone, and when I heard that I was extremely shocked.
"Why," I asked before she tried to tell me how she couldn't have kids, and before she couldn't finish I sealed her lips with my own.
"Silly, I can't have kids either," I told her with an amused look before laying her back down on my chest.
"I Love You," She said before looking at me,
"I Love You Too," I told her before looking back down at her and then I realized what the tension was in the car early, It was this but I didn't want to stop it.
As we both looked at each other we both began to draw closer together before looking into the eyes of each other and kissing again.