
In to the Warhammerverse

A man from Earth dies and gets to meet an all-powerful being which grants him 3 wishes of his own choosing.This man who is considered as the world's smartest programmer ggets reincarnated as the heir to the Dark Elves' patriarch. Will he be able to survive the everlasting conflicts of the different factions and races and rise to the top to be considered as a Legendary Lord and earn his self a place on the annals of history or will he be destroyed and be left as an unnamed lord and be forgotten as the gears of time slowly erases his legacy... There is only one way to find out. ..................................................... I don't own the cover used on this book. The original picture is owned by JonathanKirtz. Neither the Warhammer fantasy world on which this novel is set. https://www.deviantart.com/jonathankirtz/art/Dark-Elf-Black-Guard-Armor-T7-184224010

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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29 Chs

Chapter 7


As the slaves was continuing to dig underground, the situation of the beastmen confederation's senate is in turmoil. They were originally expecting the Knights of Caledor the send reinforcements to help them break this siege but from the look of the situation they won't be able to do it.

Inside the conference room the different chiefs of different beastmen tribes gathered and on the highest seat sat the High Chief, who ruled over the whole confederate.

"Where are those damn Asuryan!?" asked a fat beastman chief.

"We need to wait for their reinforcements, just be patient I trust them to do their own part of the alliance.And let's not forget they also suffered greatly from that devastating naval battle that occured quite some time ago." said a bull headed beastman as he tried to calm the fat beastman.

"Do you seriously believe the words of those pretty boys? They are known for their shrewdness!" roared the fat beastmen chief.

"Silence!" shouted the High Chief.Everyone eventually shutted up in respect to the high chief.

"Has those elves mobilized their troops already?" askes the high chief.

"Based on the events that transpired, we can say for sure they have mobilized their troops for defense,I don't think they can help us on our battle" answered the spymaster.When everyone heard this they cursed on their minds the Assuryans for breaking their defensive alliance.

"Continue sending letters to them even if they don't answer, we must at least tell them our situation maybe, just maybe they will have empathy and help us." ordered the High Chief.

Unbeknownst to them a Druchii hidden on the ceiling was spying their whole meeting from the start and was continuously laughing inside his mind.

'Kekeke, another letter to take'


Days later, the Asuryans still haven't answered their letters and they were convinced that they already left them to die in the hands of the Druchii.So with this fact, they steeled themselves. If they were going to die they would die fighting and bring their enemies with them.

As the army of the beastmen gathered at the plaza for the inevitable battle each and everyone of them has a fearless look. They were outnumbered, their enemies has more than 80,000 fresh troops and it's still increasing day by day. They have an underground tunnel that is nearing its completion.All they have is a handful of mages and 30,000 beastmen all ready to die fighting.

Everyone is noisy at the plaza they were all giving their own family their farewell. Countless children and wives cried, trying to convince their husbands to quit from the army. But their husbands already accepted their fate and they would gladly give their lives for their family just so they can buy them enough time to escape. Just then the High chief was seen walking towards a podium, he wore his battle armor that is full plate for the upper body and leather on the lower body. He stood at the podium as he unbuckled a giant axe from his back and raised it.

"Great people of the Confederation!" shouted the High chief.Everyone attentively looked at him with worship and loyalty.

"The enemy are on our gates! They wanted to kill and enslave each one of us! Will you let your children be a slave to those wretched creatures?"


"Will you let your land be trampled without giving a fight?"





"What's with the noise coming from the city?" asked a random Dreadspear.

"Who knows, they may be trying to increase their morale for a last stand." replied another random Dreadspear.

"It wouldn't work anyway, death or slavery awaits them. But at least they get to choose between the two. Afterall, not everyone gets that privilege." said another random Dreadspear.Just then the city gates opened and the army of beastmen was slowly marching out. They formed a box formation and raised their shields waiting for the enemy to attack. Seeing this the Dreadlords ordered for the troops the form a long 3 rowed line. The Dreadspears quickly formed the formation and the Dreadshards rained down arrows on the beastmen.

"Charge!" shouted all the Dreadlords simultaneously.The soldiers complied and the Dreadspears startes to run, slowly increasing their pace as they near the formation ofbthe beastmen. The Dreadlord also joined the fight.The moment, the Dreadspears collided with the beastmen warriors, sound of metal clashed against each other. The beastmen formation was slowly being breached as the continuous increase of the Dreadspears was taking a toll on their small number.

"Hold on! Your families will be safe! Just hold the line! shouted the chieftain who was in center of the formation. Upon hearing about their family the beastmen started to gain morale and managed to push back the Dreadspears a few inches. But their small victory quickly ended as all the Dreadlords once again shouted.

"For the Witch King!" This shout made the Dreadspears' eyes go bloodshot on the thought of their king.They suddenly gained a never ending morale that not even at the sight of their fellow soldiers dying can be shaken. They slowly charge,and charge, and charge until the beastmen was hitting each others back.

"Push them back! For your families!" shouted the chieftain as he lead the counter charge of the beastmen. This proved useless in the face of the fanaticism of the Dreadspears as they just stabbed and stabbed until it killed anyone from their enemy. The Dreadlors was killing beastmen like crazy to the point that they managed to get entrapped inside the beastmen's formation. As they saw that the vigor of their men seemed to falter they once again shouted.

"For the Witch King! For Khaine!" the Dreadspears heard this and did another charge but this time they killed many beastmen.

The battlefield is so chaotic that you wouldn't easily know who your enemy was. The beastmen was slowly suffocating due to the tight space.Some just stuck their head to the ground to end their suffering while some just straight on slashed or stabbed their body. Nonetheless, this still proved useless as their family was already captured by a detached legion of Dreadspear and Dreadshards.All they did at this battlefield was simply for naught. The chieftain was long killed as a group of Dreadspears surrounded him and stabbed him from all direction.

"Surrender now and your family may just be spared!" shouted Hailous as the beastmen near him stopped and looked at him with questioning eyes.The other beastmen are still fighting but other from far away parts heard Hailous and looked at the direction only to be cut down by a Dreadspear and die immediately.

"You don't need to fight this pointless battle. Our army has your escaping families hostaged. Just lay down your arms and we'll spare your families." smirked hailous as he secretly motioned for the surrounding Dreadspears to be ready to cute them down once they lay their weapons down.

"W-will you really spare our families?" asked a random beastman as he thought that what the Druchii said in fron of him must be true. After all, their families used secret passages to escape the city and they can't possibly be known by the Druchii right?

"Of course, but if you wouldn't lay your weapons down then their fate would be worse than death." the surrounding beastmen slowly laid their weapons down in surrender as the other beastmen in the surrounding also saw the scene and quickly followed a suit. thinking something must have happened for their brother in arms to surrender.

The battle stopped for a moment as they laid their weapons down. Seeing the scene, the Druchii dreadlords just smirked and immediately predicted the next events that will happen as they ordered their soldiers to cut down everything the moment the last beastman lays his weapon down.

The high chief was dumbfounded, he thought that his men were ready to die for their families but the scene also made him realize that the families must have encountered something of na accident and that accident has something to do with the Druchiis. He tried to convince his men to fight once again with a war cry but he was stabbed directly in the heart by a dreadlord.

"You don't need to worry about anything, you can now rest" said the dreadlord in a chillingly cold dreadful voice.

As the dreadloard pulled the blade out of his heart, the high chief stumbled on the ground. Refusing to die, he tried to stand up but the blade used was laced with a deadly poison that will eventually spread towards his brain and kill him. The scene stunned the beastmen warriors as they looked at the surrounding Druchii with fear and horror in their eyes.

They thought that thankfully, they immediately surrendered and they won't suffer the same fate as their high chief.

But just as they were celebrating in their minds the sound of a war cry ringed in their ears.

"For the Witch King!"

As the war cry was heard by everyone the dreadspears skewered their opponents. What fold out next was a massacre. Wailing beaatmen trying to cuddle on what little light they could see for forgiveness as their blood and the blood of their brothers spilled. The originally dark armor of the dreadspears became painted with red.

The dreadlords just looked at the scene and commended how shrewd Hailous is while smirking.

The massacre eventually ended with not even an intact body of a beastman can be seen. Their blood formed a small lake.

Their families' faith unknown as they thought of the worst possible scenario on their head just before they died.

Back at the shore, the ship of The Witch King has successfully landed and the main army of the Druchii has once again stepped foot on the large continent.

The wrath of the Witch King shall be felt once again and his wrath would be a thousand times deadlier and a lot bloodier.

It will come in all forms and just like the Spanish inquisition, no one expects it.

Hi :)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmorcreators' thoughts