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Yes I guess, I forgot to fact check this one but I remember seeing this very same thing somewhere on the internet.
Not sure, I have an idea for the reboot but that's only for about 10 chapters. I'll see how it turns out
There would be no cultivation system as it's really confusing. I'll probably implement a tier system to measure the level of power of a psyker.
Oh, I can couple this to a kingdom of heaven of some sort. This way, they could technically have infinite number of manpower by reincarnating those who ascended to perfect bodies. Thanks for the idea :)
Oh I see now. I'm thinking of technology related stuff and completely forgot about the magical stuff. I'll try to incorporate that into the story. Thank for the idea :)
Oh I see, they can shed their mortal bodies just to be clear. They can be like a total consciousness only being if they wanted. It's the same as being a ball of light except it's backed up on servers. To further clear it, if you played Cyberpunk 2077, there's a meeting with a supposed dead man named Yorinobu Arasaka. The tier 1 can be like that completely, only living on the servers. However, the chose to inhibit fleshy bodies modified by technologies.
Oh, so like a hive mind in some sense? They can shed their mortal forms but not in a sense that they'll become glowing balls of light. My idea for their ascension is like those cn novels where they "cleanse" themselves to evolve and thus continue becoming more powerful. Like transferring your consciousness to a lab grown human that has powerful psychic capabilities and stuff like that. This way, they'll both be in control of how they want themselves to look at.
Not too sure about what you mean by ascended. But they're generally immortal in a sense that they won't age and won't technically die in a sense. They have all sorts of different things that's way advanced and far better in all aspects than that of the things available to levels lower than them. An example of the technology they have access to is extreme brain enhancements which makes them way smarter, can multi task properly, and all sorts of things related to the brain. It's a given that thos elower also has access to this similar tech but the specs of it are much worse. You can even call it as an imitation. As for responsibilities, they're generally the same as your normal joe. Work, marry, have children, things like that. To help you picture everything. Imagine a pizza in the table. Level 5 gets at most 1/16, then level 4 1/8, level 3 1/4, level 2 1/2, and finally level 1 gets a whole pizza and not just some slice.
Whta I meant there is that they kept the aesthetics and overall look of the armor with the exceptions of those that are product of some poor workmanship.