
In This Corner Of The Multiverse

A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse. The catch? No cheats, no powers, no golden fingers. Watch as he crawls, schemes and bleeds for every inch of ground and every bit of power in a multiverse of world ending threats that could sneeze him out of existence. With science and technology, he will rise to new heights, conquer worlds and most importantly, have buttloads of fun. And Bon Voyage~ 7 ch/ week. 100 power stones = Extra chapter. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover fanart. First world : Rick And Morty. Second World : Heroes (TV) Third World : Star Wars Fourth World : Worm (Novel) Fifth World : One Piece (Anime) Sixth World : Marvel Cinematic Universe (Films) __________ If you feel like buying me a cup of coffee, you can support me here. Patr-eon.com/goldenfingers Thsnks for reading! __________ Doscord server : https://discord.gg/jWg6Eu6hFS

GoldFinger · Anime & Comics
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354 Chs


Hours later, Eliot shook me awake.

"Un?" I stirred from sleep.

"We have class." Margo snapped her fingers.

"Open the wards." He yawned.

I yawned and stretched.

"Yeah sure. I have.... some work too."

I put on my coat and warded it up before, with a wave of my hands the wards on the room dropped.

"You're so paranoid." Eliot teased.

"Just taking precautions. I don't have any personal enchantments yet. Say which ones so you guys use?" I asked.

"Just the standard ones. Ali 53 and Teutolsky's Internals." Margo replied, "But Eliot also has uh..."

"Fergus's A Whole Lot Of Useful Spells, Numbers 3 to 19." Eliot finished, "They're very useful."

"He just uses them so he can drink and smoke all day long." Margo interjected.

"Bambi, I don't need spells to be a functional alcoholic." Eliot said matter of factly.

"No, you just need them to survive being a functional alcoholic." Margo replied.

"Change of topic. What did we do last night. I can't seem to remember anything except drinking. A lot."

"I don't either." I said, rubbing my temples, "I just remember getting blackout drunk and Eliot talking about something Todd did..."

"Ugh....Todd. I need a drink already." Eliot laughed.

"Me too." Margo added as we reached a fork in the road.

"Ok guys. See you tonight?" I asked.

"At the Cottage. And bring some port. We're running low. Quentin guzzles that stuff." Eliot charged.

"Sure. Bye." I waved at them and parted ways, checking the time.

8:27 am.

As good a time as any.

I have two things to do today.

One. Get that battery set up. And two. Get a meeting with senator John Gaines.

John Gaines. Us Senator. Professional goody two shoes.

I know two of those don't go together but somehow he makes it work.

He was the son of Dana Wallens and Reynard The Fox.

He doesn't know it yet, but he has more magic than all magicians on Earth combined. He subconsciously mind controls the people at his rallies and even those who listen to him on broadcasts. That's just how powerful he is.

And he'll be the perfect charger for the battery.

But first, the battery itself.

I looked back at the message Julia had left and sighed.

What was I even expecting?

She can't learn that much is three days.

I will just get Eliot or someone else to make it for me.

I would make it myself but I need it to have a connection to the ambient magic so I can't make it myself.

Once I have secured a base, I can finally begin using the ambient magic of this world myself.

But before then, best safe than sorry.

I know. I feel impotent just sitting here with my thumb stuck up my ass.

And I feel naked without a forcefield protecting me at all times.

Soon enough. I told myself. Soon enough.


"And how does this circumstance affect the casting? Because I end up getting a blockage in the magic here." Julia asked.

And off topic question.

I can see what she's doing here. And I don't approve.

"Okay. This is clearly a frivolous question. I gave you all the knowledge necessary for the crafting. You're trying to milk as much knowledge from me before you let go. So I'm cutting you off." I swiped the papers from her.

"No wait!" She cried out.

"Oh don't even act like you haven't made a dozen copies of these already. It was probably the first thing you did. If you aren't serious about this, I have no business with you." I scoffed.

"Now return the living metal." I ordered, as her eyes flickered with greed and fear.

"Look I can-"

I cut her off.

"Atatatat! I see lot of yammering but no actual work. Living metal. Now."

She lowered her gaze and grit her teeth, handing over a chunk of living metal.

"And the shavings." I added.

I didn't even need to look. I already knew she had filed off shavings for herself.

The look of surprise on her face just confirmed it.

I chuckled inwardly.

Smart girl.

But the thing is she's doing exactly what I would have done in her place so it wasn't hard to guess what she was up to.

She pulled out a small glass bottle from under a pillow and handed it over to me.

"Good. At least you're smart enough to do this. You'll do just fine." I smiled, "You have talent, Julia. You just need time. Unfortunately for you, I don't have the time to waste on you. But you can keep the copies you made of the documents. Don't give up. You'll go far."

"Easy to say for you. Why don't you help me out yourself?" She sulked.

"Because I have shit to do. And there's nothing in it for me."

"I can do things for you...." She muttered softly, walking closer, accentuating her features.

Admittedly, she was fucking hot.

Would love to take her out for a ride.

But she was also disloyal and selfish.

She cheated on her boyfriend without a second thought for a cheap trick.

Multiple times.

She also betrayed her friends a lot.

Basically kills my boner.

I value loyalty. A lot.

The whole reason I bleated out that cringey 'family' bullshit so often with my kids.

I love them, but I also need them to be loyal to me.

And no amount of hotness can substitute for that.

Then there was her massive forehead.

You could build highways on that stuff.

A bit judgey, sure. But in my defence, she was offering to cheat on her fiance. At that point, it's fair game.

Maybe once I'm more secure in my power....

"Nope." I shot her down, "I have a girlfriend. And unlike you, miss forehead monster, I'm loyal."

She looked at me offended, and tried to explain herself but I just shook my head and walked out.


I came upon a meat packing factory warded up the ass, in the middle of the city and snuck around to the gate into the compound, waiting.

"What do you want, cupcake?" A voice asked suddenly behind me.

I almost jumped out of my skin.

"Okay, what is with you guys and sneaking up on people?" I asked, turning around to come face to face with a girl my age.

A very good looking one.

Why is everyone so hot here?

It's like they're constantly wearing an Instagram...filter.

Of course.

Illusion spells. Glamour.

"Oh it's just so much fun." She laughed.

I knew her.

"Marina Andreiski."

Marina Andreiski. A psychopathic hedge witch and former Brakebills student.

She was expelled from Brakebills in her final year for some reason.

I remember Fogg saying in the show.

'Marina was the most talented magician I ever had the privilege of training. But I mistook talent for character. Both are necessary to be a good magician.'

She must have done something truly heinous then to deserve expulsion.

But then again, none of my business.

Marina raised a eyebrow.

"Have we met? Because I am sure I'd have remembered someone like you."

"No. We haven't. I heard about you from Dean Fogg." I looked around, "I'm here for Pete?"

"He's back in the factory. Come, I'll take you." She beckoned as she lef me into the factory.


She was surprisingly decent.

But I guess even psychopaths aren't evil maniacs 24/7.

They eat, love and shit just like the rest.

"So, that old coot Fogg still talks about me?" She asked with a familiar glint in her eye.

"He said you were the best student you ever had." I lied.

I knew her from the show. Henry had never told me shit about her.

She bit her lip.

"Damn right, I'm best he's ever had."

Sheesh. Henry. How many students have you bedded?

Like seriously. He's got to have charmed his johnson for so many women to still crave him to this day.

"Pete, you've got a gentleman caller." She called out to a man in a suit smoking by the back door.

Pete. Otherwise known as Lovelady, a nickname he inherits with the position of the black market manager in the future.

Top grade hedge witch, creep and social climber.

If he was in a xianxia world he would be the token perverted fatso friend of the MC. Here he was a tall, handsome man with a great taste in suits.

He knows the best people to schmooze up to so he can climb that social ladder right to the top.

But he had some good qualities too.

He was a good friend. Reliable. Resourceful. A rare decent guy in the hedge scene.

And loyal to a fault when he found a thigh to hug.

And he's a hugger alright.

First he threw in his lot with Marina, then when she was gone, he joined the magic black market and became a subordinate of an earl who held the moniker Lovelady, inheriting it once the guy retired.

Which I wouldn't have done but hey, maybe he liked the gay ass name even if it made him the butt of all jokes for the rest of the series.

Then, when Kady saves his life, he supports her loyally, pushing her to lead the hedge collective they create to fight the oppression of the Order Of The Library Of The Neitherlands.

A truly mixed bag, this guy.

He rolled his eyes as if he was used to this.

"Very funny, Marina." He said, walking over, looking me up and down.

"Gordy send you?" He asked.

"No. I have a commission for you. Good pay. If you are up for it."

"Depends on what it is." He took another drag from his cigarette and blew out stars.

"A magical battery." I said, "I want one made. Kinda urgent."

"Why can't you make it yourself?" He asked confused.

"Can't cast for a week." I raised my gloved hands. I had prepared for this question.

"Had an accident."

"I see. 30 grand." He replied.

"Excuse you? 30 grand? What is this, a highway robbery? I'll pay 3 grand. At most."

"25." He offered.

"3 grand is good money." I said, "Take it while it lasts."

He tapped his cigarette, fixating a look on me.

"Living metal isn't cheap."

"You won't be buying living metal. I have it on me. Just enough for one." I showed him the chunk.

He ran his hand over it, before forming a square window with his fingers checking the metal out.

The Mann Reveal. A basic general use spell every magician worth their salt knows.

Helps detect and analyze the basic nature of materials and spells.

"Okay. So ..this is actually living metal." He muttered, gulping.

"I've never seen it like....why would you ever hand it over to a hedge like me? What do you really want?" He eyed me suspiciously.

"I want secrecy. And I want the battery. Fast. Will you do it?"

"5 grand and I can keep any excess material."

"5 grand and that's all." I laid down the law.

"But if you do well, I might have other commissions. In the future. Ones that reward more than just cash."

His eyes twinkled at the thought.

"Deal." He extended a handshake, but I just limply waved my hands, keeping up the act.

"Oh, sorry." He said, picking the metal chunk from my palm and pocketed it.

I reached into another pocket and handed him the blueprints too.

"Use these."

He skimmed the instructions, his eyes going wide.

"This is ...some next level stuff. Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Keep it after of you want." I waved his concerns off.

"Thanks boss. Will do. Come back tomorrow. I'll have it ready." Pete told me.

I nodded, and left.


One task down.

Now, let's go give senator Gaines a 23&Me.