
Preparations for The Final Tenma War

A/N: Sorry guys, there is no way I'm going to be able to finish this ff by the end of the day today. At most I'll get halfway through the remaining chapters, even though the chapters are about 50% longer on average. I've been writing almost non-stop for two days, and my motivation is at its limits.

I guess that's just what happens when you're trying to squeeze two multichapter arcs in two days. I've already skipped most of the side character's battles last chapter and will be doing so for most of the fights from now on, but I still want to overall plot to be decent, so I won't be able to finish it on time. I'll try to finish it throughout the week though and by next weekend I can begin working on the side stories.


(3rd POV)

Aboard the Prototype Flying Airship of the Empire, Rudra sat, staring up in the sky at the Slime as he consumed both Veldora and Velgrynd. His face was expressionless and his eyes were seemingly hollow. Below him, dozens of Imperial Guardians of the lower ranks were gathered.

They were there more to act as fuel for his protective barrier than any actual protection they'd give to him.

"This plan has failed." He declared as he stood up.

Beside him stood a [Parallel Body] of Velgrynd. She was truly the last line of useful defense for the Emperor. She immediately approached him, a look of worry on her face.

"Rudra, what shall we do?" She asked. She was currently disconnected from the [Parallel Body] that Rimuru had consumed and had assumed that it was gone.

Rudra looked past Velgrynd and towards the members of the airship crew. "Recall the strike group. We are going to cut our losses." He said before turning back to look up at Rimuru.

The slime's body had fully transformed now, taking on the traits of a True Dragon, however, this isn't what caused Rudra's face to twist in displeasure. No, it was the uncanny resemblance his new humanoid form held with that of the Creator. His aura was already eerily similar to that of Veldanava, and now his physical appearance reflected his master's visage even more. It was as if the slime was mocking him, telling him how he was going to usurp Veldanava's place as eth axis around which the Universe now spins.

A shot of pain passed through Rudra's body. The pulse coming from deep within was strong and threatened to burst forth at any time.

"It is the end of you, Rudra." He muttered.

Velgrynd looked shocked at what her lover had said. Surely Rudra hadn't given up! Yes today was a setback, but she was willing to endure anything to see his dreams to fruition.

"Do you mean to say you will be sacrificing your body to reincarnate?" Velgrynd asked hesitantly.

"In a way..." Rudra responded.

Velgrynd clenched her fists hard upon hearing this. As far as she was aware, there was no official Imperial Hier or Bride. Rudra's reincarnation required, at the very least, a fetus to be conceived before he could reincarnate his physical body, but if he was planning to abandon this one...

'He cheated on me and conceived a child without telling me this time.' Velgrynd thought as her heart ached. Their promise to each other, ever since the ancient past, was that they would share everything together and keep no secrets from one another.

Velgrynd was already not happy about Rudra's need for another wife besides herself. She even offered to bear an heir herself so that he may use that Dragonoid body as his new incarnation, as surely it would be strong enough to hold the power of [Michael]. He had told her 'no' to that idea. He had told her he hated needing to take on an official 'Queen' whenever he needed to reincarnate, but that it had to be done.

Velgrynd understood that which is why she allowed it in the first place. But his words, if true, meant that he no longer looked at her with the same love and trust as he had before. Velgrynd lowered her head in shame.

"Don't look like that," Rudra said, as he turned to her and opened his chest.

Velgrynd couldn't help it. She loved him, even if he had betrayed her. Maybe she was just overthinking things. Surely Rudra would never do something to betray her.

She ran to him and jumped into his awaiting arms, or that's what should have happened.

"Gyaahhh!!!" Velgrynd cried out in shock as she looked down to see Rudra's hand piercing her chest. Velgrynd looked up at the man she loved with horror and confusion.

"Hahahahaha! Velgrynd, you should be honored to be of service to me. I'll put your power to good use." Michael roared with laughter as he removed his hand, clutching the core of her [Parallel Body]. It oozed power as the Dragon Factor of Velgynd was being siphoned out of it and into the body.

"And now, using your power, I shall free myself from the shackles of 'Rudra'" Michael exclaimed as a wave of energy shot out from his body.

No one present was able to see it, but what had just been shattered and thrown into the wind was the remains of Rudra's soul. Each of the pieces dissolved into thin air and entered into the cycle of Reincarnation. Rudra's body glowed a dim red light for a moment before exhaling and sighing. Satisfied that all his preparations were now long gone.

He turned to his side, just in time to see his strikeforce returning from the Labyrinth Assault. Kondou and Damrada as well as most of the other Imperial Guardians were killed covering the retreat of the 'important' members of the plan, those being the Angels of Origin.

Only Obera was missing, but that traitor had long since not been counted among their number. She had sworn her allegiance to the half-breed daughter of the creator. Another target for their subjugation. Perfect bait for Alaster too. He'd surely come running when his adoptive daughter's life was in danger, after all.

Michael looked to Feldway and nodded in acknowledgment. "How did it go?" He asked.

"Not as well as I would have preferred. Even if we killed them, inside the Labyrinth they'd just come back to life a few moments later." Feldway spat.

"I see..." Michael muttered. /1\

"It's truly a pity then. It was our complete defeat." Feldway said, shaking his head as if to say 'it's hopeless'.

After all, Feldway wasn't exactly put off by this. They had already acquired Velgrynd's Dragon Factor, and had assumed Veldoras was also captured. Now only Velgaia and Velzard remained and Velzard would be easy due to her possession of [Gabriel]. Feldway then raised his hand to the slumped-over body of Velgrynd.

"Reincarnate in another world and stay out of our way in your next life." He said as he activated {|Chrono Saltation|} and sent her body to the end of time and space.

Feldway and Michael smiled at this and turned their attention to the newly arrived Rimuru. Even as strong as he was, Rimuru couldn't hope to stand up against them now. Not with all the Angels where.

Rimuru glared at them. "So you must be Michael and Feldway," Rimuru said as he walked closer to the two of them, ignoring the others, though giving a side-long glance at Dino, who flinched in guilt before returning his gaze to the two enemy leaders.

Michael didn't make a move only clicking his tongue. "So you got rid of them huh?" He asked.

"Yeah, you really tried to pull a fast one on me by messing with [Raphael] and [Uriel] during the battle, so I gave them up." He responded.

Feldway was shocked and flinched. "Gave up two Angelic Skills!?!"

Rimuru and Micahel ignored his exasperation to continue with their tense standoff.

"Do you intend to get in our way even further?" Michael asked him.

"Of course I do. Look at the state of my country you attacked." Rimuru responded.

"That was Rudra, not me. We even sent away Velgrynd for you." Michael coyly responded.

"I understand your goals, working towards the revival of that lord, however, do you really think I'd sit back and allow you to attack me again to get to Veldora?" Rimuru asked, his Aura flaring up.

Michael casually huffed in exasperation and closed his eyes while shaking his head. "Just give up his Dragon Factor and we will leave you be." He tried negotiating.

"Not going to happen," Rimuru responded.

"A pity. Feldway." Michael commanded.

Feldway didn't hesitate.

"{|Chrono Saltation|}!" Feldway said casually as he reached his hand forward.

Rimuru braced himself, ready to devour the attack with [Beelzebuth], but when it didn't work and the world began to spin, Rimuru began to panic slightly. "Damn it!" He said.

(Alaster POV)

"You need to be more careful with time-based abilities," I commented as I pulled Rimuru from the brink of oblivion.

"Alaster!" Rimuru exclaimed with surprise. "When did you get here?"

"Just now. I was busy... never mind, it isn't important." I replied.

I couldn't exactly tell him I nearly missed out on saving him from being flung out of the universe because I was getting some sloppy toppy from my wife.

I was shameless but not THAT shameless.

I gazed over at Michael and Feldway. They were now much more on guard than before. Feldway in particular seemed peeved at my auspicious arrival.

"How did you survive being in the middle of that vortex?" He asked through grit teeth.

I smiled wryly at him. "This isn't my first time getting thrown outside of reality you know," I replied.

"""...""" Everyone was stunned into silence by my response.

"What? It's true. Obera was there, ask her." I pled with them.

Michael, who was extremely composed until now, simply shook his head from side to side, a sweatdrop on his cheek. "It doesn't matter how he did it. We always knew he was going to be our biggest hurdle, and if that was enough to defeat him, then we'd have already done it long ago." Michael said.

"Ah, I think he's trying to sound cool even though his plan failed," I replied while explaining to Rimuru.

"Pfft-" Pico and Dino both covered their mouths, trying not to laugh, but a glare from Feldway shut them up quickly.

"I see... let us leave for now, then," Michael said, trying his best to maintain his dignity.

"Ok, I'll see you in the Heavenly Star Palace later then, when I come to kick your asses," I replied with a big smile.

I swear I could hear Feldway's teeth cracking under the strain of him gritting them so hard but that must have been my imagination. The Angels then turned around and teleported away, leaving a very confused Imperial Bridge crew behind, who witnessed the entire thing go down and didn't know what to do.

I looked around at them for a moment, wondering what to do next now that they were gone. I could have stopped them if I wanted to, but I really didn't want to fight them right now. I was in a good mood from earlier and knew they weren't going to be getting up to anything anytime soon. I was also a bit sad, because I knew that this was going to be the 'end of the story' once I killed them all. I just kinda got that vibe from them and wanted to enjoy it a bit more.

"Um... could you put me down now?" Rimuru asked.

I looked down and I had instinctively been holding him in a princess carry. He was about the same size and weight as Velzard when she was in her petite form, so out of instinct I guess I caught him like that.

Rimuru's face was blushing madly and he looked so unbelievably cute in that moment that I too felt embarrassed before gently setting him down.

'Holy mother, I was almost trapped!' I yelled in my mind.

<<Dear...>> I felt Velzard's cold glare coming from inside me as she was in her Manas form with me the entire time, she just never popped out.

'Ehehehehe!' I laughed awkwardly to try and brush off the situation.

<<No more head for you>> She replied.

My legs lost their strength and my mind went blank as my eyes hollowed. I fell to my knees. "Its over..." I said weakly.

"What is!?!" Rimuru yelled in a confused response.


"So... why am I here again?" I asked, looking around the room.

"Your wife is being targeted by those assholes," Guy responded as if to say 'isn't it obvious?'.

"No, I get that, I meant, why am I at a Walpurgis though?" I asked as I sat, looking around the table.

Luminous, Dagruel, Milim, Lilith, Rimuru, and Guy were all seated around me.

"As a man as strong as myself, surely you should be here when discussing this, right?" Guy said.

"Plus we need your help with getting into the Heavenly Star Palace," Rimuru added. "You said you could get in there earlier right?"

"Besides, our honor has been besmirched by them, so you are going to help us out," Luminous said in a haughty tone.

I rolled my eyes at that. "It's fine, I myself am enough to win," I said while rolling my eyes.

"I'm sure, but that doesn't excuse the fact we have a right to be there when you do." Guy pressured.

"Don't worry pops! We're strong so we won't slow you down!" Milim declared holding up her arm as if to show off her muscles.

Being attacked by all sides I looked over to Lilith and Dagruel who gave me sympathetic looks.

"You've got it tough," Dagruel said with a wry smile on his face.

"Sorry, Father," Lilith replied.

I sighed. "Alright, fine. I guess its best to get it over with sooner rather than later anyway since they know I can attack their base whenever I want." I replied.

Luminous nodded and sat back in her seat, satisfied with what she'd heard. "Good. Now, all we need to do is prepare for the assault. When shall we pull it off?"

"I need a bit of time to restore the forest and set up some guards around Veldora. It would be pointless to attack if he were to be captured while we were away." Rimuru stated.

<<He's lying.>> Velzard informed me.

'About what?' I asked.

<<I just double-checked. All of his Skills are being reworked, he probably needs a bit of time for them to be fully operational again.>>

'I see.' I replied while looking at Rimuru.

He saw my gaze and blushed, looking away quickly. 'Huh?'

I was confused as to why Rimuru was acting like an anime schoolgirl acting like senpai had noticed her. The others looked at this interaction with a bit of confusion, though I swear I saw Lilith facepalming and saying something about 'another one' but I ignored it. /2\

"Well, then how about this. In one week's time, we will meet up in Tempest and I'll teleport everyone who wants to come into the palace." I said, breaking the awkward moment.

"That's fine," Guy replied with a nod.

"Agreed." Luminous also threw in her vote.

"I can't wait! We'll totally dominate them." Milim replied.

Lilith sighed. "I'd rather we didn't have to fight but I guess if I'll get to show off to father, then I will accept."

Dagruel nodded but said nothing.

"I just want to get this whole thing over with..." Rimuru moaned.

I smiled wryly. "Alright, boys. The Final Tenma War is here. Let's let those angels know how it feels when their home is ruined during an invasion for a change!"

"""Whoo!!!""" Everyone cheered.

It was good that our morale was so high. We had the overwhelming advantage and it was unlikely that they would make their moves anytime soon, so there was nothing for us to worry about. All I had to do was sit back and wait a week before the story was finally finished and we could all live our happily ever after...

'I just jinxed it didn't I?' I thought.

<<Oh yeah>> Velzard replied.



Because Yuuki wasn't around to suggest investigating the Labyrinth and Gadra was with Luminous, having never had a reason to leave, the Empire didn't know anything about the Labyrinth's features. Dino didn't feel the need to tell them about it either because he was lazy.

If they knew, then their priority would be to kill, capture, or convert Ramiris to their side, which was also why Dino suggested she go to Alaster, as he knew she would be in danger if she stayed and even though he was betraying them, he didn't want her to die.


No, Rimuru isn't 'in love' with him, he thinks Alaster fell for him when he was carrying him in a princess carry earlier and is just super embarrassed by it. Rimuru is straight.

Sorry for the normal size chapter guys. I really need a break.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts