
In the world of Naruto with the Patriarch System

A young guy, who just yesterday had big plans for life, wakes up in an unknown place and finds out that he has found himself in a harsh world of incessant wars and widespread violence. Having almost resigned himself to the unenviable fate of being swept away by the whirlpool of upcoming events, the young man discovers a very unusual “Patriarch System” (It's a translation)

Angel0Sama · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 69

As soon as they finished, Kasumi approached Kenshin and asked with interest: "What kind of fighting style is this?"

- Boxing. It is not very suitable for shinobi, but provides a good practical basis for taijutsu. – Taking a breath, Kenshin said.

- Hmm, a very strange type of martial art. The impacts are very strong, but the maneuverability is minimal. Reminds me of the straightforward styles from Kumogakure. They also like to push into the gap. This is the complete opposite of our clan style. – Kasumi said, carefully examining the boxing gloves and helmet. The material, as well as the bright colors, literally screamed about the "wrongness" of these objects. She did not know such airy materials, and such incredibly bright dyes, but still remained silent, remembering that she would only find out everything if she married Kenshin.

- Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the style of your Nara clan... But I have heard a lot about your intelligence, would you like to play chess with me? – Kenshin said with a sly smile. Eleven and Twelve decided not to disturb their father and quietly left the room.

- Play chess? Hmm... I would love to, but for what? – Said Kasumi, in whose cunning mind a certain plan had matured.

- Don't they play for nothing in your clan? – Kenshin asked, feigning confusion, showing uncertainty.

Kasumi immediately took the bait and continued: "Hmm, well, it's just not interesting... How about if I win you, you'll let me go right away?" – The black-haired beauty put forward a proposal.

- Will I let you go right away?.. A very weighty condition. What will happen if I win? – Kenshin asked, raising an eyebrow.

- Well... You will receive recognition of your intelligence from a member of the Nara clan! – Kasumi answered proudly.

- Indeed, the members of the Nara clan are incredibly cunning! "Kenshin said with a laugh, and immediately added: "To be fair, you are given five seconds to make a move." If I lose, then you will be free in the next second. But if you lose, you will immediately become my wife. Agree?

- What?! Of course not! What arrogant conditions, it's not fair! I will already be free in a week, I just need to be patient, and there is no need to play this lottery. – Kasumi was indignant.

"I don't need to play with you either, thank you." Okay, let's do it this way. If you win, your time here is shortened by three days, and in three days you will be home. – Kenshin said, and Kasumi, unable to restrain herself, smiled for a second, but immediately regained her serious look and continued listening.

- If I win, then you will allow me to kiss you at any time.

- YOU! You are a scoundrel and you kiss me like that whenever you want! The most shameless person in the world! – Kasumi flared up, not expecting such vile conditions from this scoundrel.

- You see, this means the deal is practically worthless to you. – Kenshin said with a smile.

- How is it not worth it?! The honor of the entire Nara clan is at stake! And you, a real shameless scoundrel! – Kasumi blurted out, puffing out her cute cheeks with indignation.

- So you don't agree? Okay, then let's forget about this argument.

- You... You are more cunning than even our great elder! So resourceful, and also said something about the Nara clan! Before I agree, please announce all the conditions of the game.

Kenshin smiled and went to get the chess set, which, by some incomprehensible accident, had been created in the gym. Perhaps the "system" accidentally scanned his subconscious and added to the gym everything that was in the school gym in his previous life. There were actually balls, jump ropes, and all sorts of things in the storeroom. And also checkers and chess.

Having grabbed the chess set and a small booklet with the rules, he invited the girl to a more convenient place, to his "office," which also served as the observation center of his entire base. Outwardly, it was no different from the prestigious office from his previous world, and Kenshin was not worried that Kasumi would understand anything, because all the formation nodes were hidden from prying eyes.

The girl, without a second thought, went to the farthest room with this impudent guy, and was again surprised by the wealth and luxury of the room. While she was reading the basic rules of alien chess, Kenshin made two cups of coffee and sat on the other side of the table, enjoying the beauty of the young kunoichi.

Having finished getting acquainted with the specifics of chess that was new to her, the girl looked up from the booklet and saw that Kenshin was looking at her face with a stupid smile. She blushed, and clearing her throat a little, said: "I agree."

- Okay, so if I lose, then you are free in three days. If I win, then?..

"Then you can kiss me whenever you want..." the girl muttered. She was incredibly embarrassed to say this out loud, but there was no one else in the office except them, so she managed.

Kenshin couldn't help but smile that such an incredible beauty agreed to let him kiss her whenever he wanted. With particular enthusiasm, he began to place the chess in its place, and also placed a small clock next to it, deciding to measure five seconds and stop it with telekinesis.

A minute later the game began. At first, Kenshin did not show any special miracles, and confidently lost. The intellect of the girl from the Nara clan was really high, besides, she had been playing shogi and other similar games since childhood, so it was not a problem for her to immediately drive him into a disadvantageous position.

But at the very end of the game, when the girl was almost squealing with joy, Kenshin turned the tide of the game and checkmate in just a few moves. Kasumi was in complete shock and couldn't believe that she hadn't thought of such a combination right away.

- YOU! How did you manage that?! This is a completely random combination, it was impossible to plan! Let's play again! – Kasumi exclaimed, not used to losing in such games.

- Okay, but first let me taste my reward. – Kenshin said and playfully blew her a kiss. Kasumi at that moment looked like a cornered mouse. She knew that she had lost and she had no choice but to let him kiss her whenever she wanted, but she decided to win back.

- Wait! We're not done playing yet. As soon as we finish completely, then you will receive your "winnings" - Kasumi said, wincing, imagining how Kenshin would kiss her all the time, especially in public.

- Fine. What are the new rates? – Kenshin asked with a smile, also imagining how wonderful it would be to kiss this beauty at any time.

- The rates are exactly the same. If I win, I leave in three days. If I lose... You can kiss me.

"I've already won the right to kiss you at any time." Why should I play with you for nothing? – Kenshin smiled.

- Fine! What do you suggest?! "Kasumi said in a dissatisfied tone. Whatever he suggested, she did not like it in advance.