
In the world of Naruto with the Patriarch System

A young guy, who just yesterday had big plans for life, wakes up in an unknown place and finds out that he has found himself in a harsh world of incessant wars and widespread violence. Having almost resigned himself to the unenviable fate of being swept away by the whirlpool of upcoming events, the young man discovers a very unusual “Patriarch System” (It's a translation)

Angel0Sama · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 68

Kenshin decided not to put pressure on the confused girl, and turned around and walked towards the gym, pulling the black-haired beauty with him.

After arriving at the gym, Kenshin mentally commanded his sons not to call him father, and to act as if he were their employer. He also reminded them not to show their sharingans, and generally to keep quiet once again, because Kasumi could easily guess everything from scraps and grains of information.

It's not that Kenshin was very afraid of information leakage, and was worried that the influence of the "Patriarch's Charm" ability, coupled with his skills in seducing girls, would not work, but it was still worth playing it safe.

He was 99% sure that in a week he would be able to convince the young beauty and make her his. In half a day, he had already managed to get to her sweet lips and touch her elastic ass, which, among the guys who knew Kasumi, was considered impossible even in a month. Even as a teenager, she earned a reputation as an ice queen, and scared off all the guys with just her look.

The guys from the Nara clan were lazy and cunning. And although the girl had a gorgeous appearance, the difficulty of seducing her repelled everyone who had at least some rudiments of intelligence. In addition, everyone in the clan was sure that she would become the wife of the future head of the clan, and as a result, the guys stopped even casting glances at her beautiful figure, not wanting to run into trouble once again.

The views of guys outside the clan were not even discussed. Anyone who did not have the proper status did not dare to stare at the women of the noble clans on pain of having their eyes gouged out. There were not many precedents, but one of the loudest occurred six years ago, when one of the commoners, accepted into the elite shinobi academy under a social program as part of the "Will of Fire" policy from the third Hokage, dared to molest a girl from the Hyuuga clan that he liked, and forcibly hugged her.

Half a day later, several members of the Hyuuga clan visited his home, but met stiff resistance from his father, who was also a Tokubetsu Jonin. He drove away the two Chunin who came, and quickly sent his oldest son to the Konoha police for help.

By the time more serious forces arrived, the entire neighborhood was on edge, and the news reached the Hokage himself. But unfortunately, upon Hiruzen's arrival, the father of the offending boy was on his last legs. Half of his internal organs were playfully torn apart by the soft fist of the Hyuga Clan Jonin, and the man died a few minutes later.

A huge scandal broke out, and Hiruzen, resting his horn, demanded compensation from the Hyuuga clan, and also took the boy under his personal protection. The Hyuuga clan did not make any apologies, only disowned the arbitrariness of an individual Jonin, and promised to punish him in accordance with the rules of the clan.

After this incident, all the commoners were afraid to even look at the proud daughters of the great clans, so the growing Kasumi never learned the delights of courtship from many guys, but she didn't need it, at least that's what she thought herself.

Kenshin, of course, did not know about all the intricacies of the relationship between commoners and clan shinobi, but he imagined something similar. However, he was confident that sufficient strength would erase any boundaries in status. He perfectly remembered the orphan who later became Hokage. True, he did not know how this talented guy's path went, and he was almost sure that everything was not as rosy and simple as it was shown on the screen.

Interrupting his thoughts, Kenshin introduced Kasumi and Ichiro, who greeted him very neutrally and did not continue the conversation. Kasumi was not in the best mood, besides, she was not paying attention to any of these eternal Genin. She showed courtesy to Ichiro only because he was the most promising, and perhaps had already entered the rank of Chunin, but she was not sure. The others were nothing more than mere infantry in her eyes.

Kasumi herself was predicted to become a Jonin by the age of twenty-five, and she tried to do everything in her power to live up to the expectations placed on her. Now she was only nineteen years old, and already firmly standing in the rank of Chunin, so Shikaku could not get enough of how good a match he had raised for his only son.

While Kasumi was indulging in thought, sitting on a comfortable chair, watching with half an eye the training of these Genin, Kenshin decided to warm up with his two youngest sons in the next room in the ring.

Eleven and Twelve were very happy that their father decided to teach them personally, so everyone listened to his words with complete dedication. And although the Fifth clearly explained to them the basics of hand-to-hand combat, Kenshin's skills were much higher, so he was forced to adjust his sons' stances and strikes in order to lay the right foundation.

It took literally ten minutes to correct stances and the correct swing, and Kenshin began light sparring, knowing full well that knowledge is learned much faster in practice. Especially if knowledge comes with painful stimulation. He did not use his full force, besides, he was wearing gloves and hit the helmet or body, but even so it was not pleasant. He noticed that he had become a little stronger than he was in his previous life, and apparently not least because of this, he could easily suppress the power of a trained girl, albeit without chakra.

In the midst of sparring with Twelve, Kasumi entered the room and was a little surprised by the appearance of the fighters, as well as the unusual fighting style. Sitting down on the trainer's chair, she began to carefully observe this unusual sparring.

After Twelve received several blows to the body, and one blow to the face, and then fell to the ground, Kenshin stopped this sparring and began to drink, choking. The battle, first with the Eleventh, and then with the Twelfth, turned out to be extremely difficult and exhausting. The two youngest sons, with a 30% base boost from 6 skill points in the "Talented Offspring" ability, were incredibly strong, fast, and impenetrable. Kenshin won only because all their movements were incredibly slow for him, and he barely managed to dodge.