
In the world of DxD as a half fallen

Waking up in an unknown void was not how I expected my Monday to start, but I'm not surprised, it is a Monday after all. Garbage synopsis I know, but...... yeah.... got no excuse.

120_faces · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Months pass

3de: POV

In a meeting room occupied by two of the six great families, you can find two middle aged discussing something seriously.

" So, our information network have found what we assume to be the Nura clan's base of operations. But it will take us few years to confirm speculation and to gather our forces."

Said the Head if the Nakiri family, in a calm and calculated voice.


" What do you mean a few years!? We finally found out a semblance of were they could be, and you want to sit around doing nothing!!?.

I say we directly confront this so called 'Lord of Pandemonium', to finally be rid of the Tokyo yokai faction leader. Hell, calling it a faction is an insult, all they are, and ever will be is a bunch of demons forming their own yakuza."

Complains the head of the Himejima family, clearly showing his dissatisfaction with the current situation.

".... Himejima-san.. If you haven't noticed, ever since this Nura clan helped the Keikain family with Hagoromo Gitsune, they've been quite tolerant of these Tokyo yokai. So I suggest we move cautiously, to not alert any shinobi of our movements." The Nakiri replied,  with a tinge of disappointment at his fellow head's behavior.

Grunting the Himejima stayed quite.

'*Sigh* I swear, I feel like I'm dealing with a child.'

The Nakiri thought.


Shiki: POV 

It's been months since... my birth. Yeah still sound weird to say..I mean think.

These past few months have been really informative. Unsurprisingly I'm in Japan, the part that did shock me though is that it's in the Edo period, so around between 1600 and 1800 I think. I only know this cause I was really into Nobunaga when I was younger, and that was the before last year in the traditional japanese calendar. It can't be later cause.... that would suck.*Sigh*

Back on topic, I decided to try and control my emotions and reactions, let's just say... it cold be going better. Good news though, cause of that scroll thing I know a lot more about my situation, sucks that I couldn't read it, but going by what my parents were discussing I got a general idea. Like they said 'it's rare to find someone with three active bloodlines, especially a mixture of yokai, human and fallen angel'. It's good to finally race though, guess I was half right with my guess.

Also finally got used to being breasts fed, bathed, diapers changed etc. Not to say it isn't embarrassing anymore, just got a bit more used to it. Speaking about my mom, she always tells me bedtime stories before I go to sleep and their honestly enjoyable. ( Chotto matte!! ) Before you start judging me, she tells me really interesting stories about the bible, but from her perspective along with her own life stories. I don't know why, but i feel like i was religious in my last life, which would be funny considering God's dead and all.

My dad thought, well he really surprised me. Apparently he's the cousin of the supreme commander of the Tokyo yokai, Nurarihyon.

The first time I heard it I was in shock, almost lost my cool right then and there....almost.

I didn't expect for this to be an AU world, especially with Nurarihyon no Mago.

When I thought about it seriously, it didn't not make sense for him to be here, he is a yokai leader after all.

Moving on, I started getting tutors in Japanese by my dad. Apparently supernatural babies are just that, supernatural. We're supposed to be able to write basic words by 2 years old.

Seems like I'm starting early because of my talents that appeared on the scroll thing.

Last but not least, magic. Since I started learning Japanese, I've been trying something that I've seen in one of my favorite animes. Seals. Yep from Naruto, I think it's called Fuinjutsu or something. So far there's been 0 progress, it's not surprising considering I don't even know where to begin. I thought about runes as a base, but I can't understand what's written. Doesn't bother right now, 'cause I don't really need it, it was just for curiosity.

~ Present ~

In about a month or two I'll be turning a year old. 

And for that reason we where preparing.

" Alright Shiki, repeat after me 'Hello Supreme Commander-sama, my name is Shiki Nura. Nice to meet you.' Yari says for the fifth time, trying to make me remember the line. Me being the absolute mad lad that I am, decided to throw my old man a bone and repeat it to the best of my abilities.

"Hewow Shepweem Commandew-shama, mi name ish Shiki Nuwa! Nishe cho meecho."

I repeated perfectly.... okay maybe not, but in my defense I'm not even one yet, so give me a break. And if you're asking were my pride is, well  it died in the first few months.....along with my dignity.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Amazing Shi-chan~ You're sooooo smart." My mom said while clapping from the doorway, with her signature motherly smile and smooth voice. "Moooom!" I screeched while running than jumping in her direction.

Catching me with a laugh.

"Haha~ Hey there my little fallen. How are your lessons with daddy going~?" She asks me, while giving my dad a side glance.

"Ich wench gweach!! I wearn wordsh!"

(It went great!! I learned new words!)

(A/N: from now on act like he's speaking like a baby would..... I'm really not gonna write anymore baby lines.)

My mom looked pleased with my progress, putting me back down she said.

"Really~? Wow~ you're so smart Shi-chan. But I think daddy's getting a bit ahead of himself~ You can't meet the Supreme Commander  until you're six, okay Shi- chan~?" 

"Huh, why? Aren't I going to meet him on my birthday?" I asked in honest confession, I  mean he's my uncle right? ' Isn't it normal to be at your nephews birthday party? '

*Sigh*" Unfortunately not Shiki, it's tradition in yokai clans that you don't introduce yokai younger than 6 to the clan head. In this case, The Supreme Commander." Dad said with a sigh. 'What a stupid rule' He thought. How do i know what he thought? Well it's written all over his face.

"Mah~ Mah~ Dear, no need to make such an expression. Even if we don't like it, that's how it's been and probably will be for the foreseeable future." Mom commented, looking at dad's expression.

Yari: POV 

'What a stupid rule.'  I thought, my thoughts must have been written all over my face judging by Irin's response. " Can you blame me, Irin? I know it's tradition, but what purpose does it serve anymore?" I replied, with my honest feelings and thoughts.

"Shi-chan~ Can you be a dear and go play outside for a bit? Mommy and daddy are going to have an adult talk okay~?" Irin told Shiki, while the 'maids' guided him out to play." Okay mom! Bye bye mom, dad" Shiki said, probably seeing the word [Serious!] beside her head, as he describes it. ' A really useful power.' I thought, thinking of all the betrayals he could prevent with it.


Seeing the door closing, Irin turned back around, now facing me she says. " I know you're worried  Yari, I am to honestly. But there's nothing we can do. He will have to go through the trial no matter what we want, and only when accomplishing the trial can one meet the Clan head. All we can do is train and help him before the trial." In her signature smooth voice, but with more seriousness.

" I know, but that doesn't mean that I should like it." I said, moving forward and embracing my wife. 

After a moment of silence, I ask. " How are we going to train him? He isn't even 1 yet?"

Moving deeper into the embrace, she replied.

" I know, so we can't do anything physical yet. But i was thinking of teaching him in magic and mana control. Maybe if he makes it far enough, I can even teach him my specialty, mind magic."

Looking down at my wife, I couldn't help but keep a smile of my face." Maybe I could join in, and teach him a thing or two about healing and the body." I said feeling more at ease now.

Giggling she replied." Maybe you can teach me a thing or two about the body in our room~"

Yari flirted, with a suggestive expression.

Going a bit red understanding the meaning , I rebuked." I- Irin!! It's the middle of the day!  Have you no shame!" 

Giggling she separated from the embrace.

" *Giggle* Just kidding~ C'mon Yari, it was just a joke~" She said, walking in the direction of our bedroom, while swaying her hips from side to side. After a bit more walking, her head turned sideways and gives me a wink, along with seductively liking her lip.

*Ugh*' This woman wil be the death of me' I thought, regardless of the fact that I'm running after her.
