
In The Whole World, I Have 50% More Rewards

Join the Glorious Evolution! As your flesh transcends, you will no longer experience the suffering of this world. Congratulations! You have been chosen as the first batch of warriors to enter Talent Space. Awaken your talent now! The talent awakened in you shall be the Greed in the blood. You shall acquire an additional 50% of all benefits.

Forever Wandering Swordsman · Eastern
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40 Chs

The Addiction of Leveling Up

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After calming down, Zhao Gao prepared to add more stats points to himself. Such a large number of Freedom Stats points would only 'rot' if he did not add them.

Furthermore, with the Beginner Combat Training he had just gone through, it was proven that this technique was indeed very helpful in helping him control his physical strength.

Just by practicing it five times, Zhao Gao felt that he had managed to grasp 50% of his physical strength.

Upon opening the system interface, Zhao Gao added a few Freedom Stats Points to both his Essence and Magic stats.

As soon as he leveled up, the numbness and aching of his muscles assaulted Zhao Gao once more.

This bit of discomfort was something Zhao Gao was very familiar with. He was about to reach another level of achievement.

And that would be 'Feel the affliction, enjoy the affliction, and finally be immune to the affliction.'

After a minute, the feeling ended.

He had become stronger again!

He jumped into the stream and quickly washed away the sweat from practicing the Beginner Combat.

Zhao Gao then put on his clothes and his armor, and walked towards the camp.

By the time Zhao Gao reached the entrance of the camp, everyone had already washed up. They were practicing the Basic Breathing Technique under Chiliarch Ling's orders.

Chiliarch Ling naturally saw through Zhao Gao's aim.

However, what Zhao Gao could not understand was that Chiliarch Ling only took a quick glance at him before turning to focus on the person who was practicing the breathing technique.

Zhao Gao thought that he would be reprimanded! His heart was palpitating. But that was it?

Since he could not figure out Chiliarch Ling's reaction, Zhao Gao did not care as well. As long as he was not scolded, it was alright?

Zhao Gao silently walked to the back of the group and sat down cross-legged. He tried his best to appear insignificant, so has to avoid any validation of his presence.

However, after sitting down, Zhao Gao did not know what to do.

The breathing technique had become his passive skill, and he was already constantly practicing it.

He was unlike those who were still practicing the breathing technique. They were still struggling at a level below 10.

After thinking it through, Zhao Gao opened the system interface and decided to add points to his Skills.

First of all, Zhao Gao looked at his stored EXP: 54 1568.

Then, Zhao Gao began to click on the Elementary Breathing Technique.

"Elementary Breathing Technique: Level 16, 119 125 Proficiency"

"Elementary Breathing Technique: Level 17, 200 648 Proficiency"

"Elementary Breathing Technique upgraded by 2 levels. Reward for upgrading: 2 Freedom Stats Points."

"Talent bonus: 1 point"

"Current Freedom Stats points: 16.5"

At this point, Zhao Gao could no longer level up. The remaining 221 795 EXP points were not enough for the next upgrade.

Since he still had EXP points, Zhao Gao wanted to continue to increase his Skill level.

Now, he needed to consider whether to increase his Saber and Shield skills or his Beginner Combat skills.

After much consideration, Zhao Gao decided to upgrade his Beginner Combat skills first.

This was because he thought that what he needed now was a technique to quickly grasp the strength of his body, and not the Saber and Shield skills. That type of Skill was only for beginners.

Even if he had to go to the battlefield, he could still raise his Skill level then. To Zhao Gao, currently he only wanted to become stronger with every passing day.

After considering all these, Zhao Gao did not hesitate and directly clicked on the '↑' symbol of Beginner Combat.

"Beginner Combat: Level 11 3600"

"Beginner Combat: Level 12 475 580"

"Beginner Combat upgrade: Level 13, 61 480"

Up to this point, he only had 76 730 EXP points left. This was not enough to upgrade to the next level.

After leveling up, Zhao Gao looked at his Character panel that was getting more impressive. He was in high spirits.

"Name: Zhao Gao"

"Gender: Male"

"Level: 3"

"Storage EXP: 76 730"

"Essence: 8"

"Spirit: 6"

"Magic: 9"

"Talent: Greed in the blood"

"Skills: Elementary Breathing Technique (17) Basic Saber and Shield (10) Beginner Combat (13)"

"Evolution: 0"

"Freedom Stats: 16.5"

"Evaluation: I want to fight 10! Incorrect, I want to fight 20!"

"Nice!" Zhao Gao cried out in his heart as he looked at his impressive panel.

Nothing beats seeing himself get stronger bit by bit.

After closing the screen, Zhao Gao looked at the people who were still practicing the breathing technique, and began to feel bored.

Everyone was still practicing the breathing technique. He could not possibly jump up and start punching, right?

Zhao Gao could only sit down in peace. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, thinking about his future.


After a period of time, in a daze, Zhao Gao heard Chiliarch Ling's voice.

Zhao Gao quickly came to his senses and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

He did not expect that he would actually fall asleep not long after closing his eyes to meditate.

Zhao Gao had no recollection of what he thought about before he fell asleep.

It was pure futile thinking.

"Let's go and have dinner!" Only now did Zhao Gao realize what Chiliarch Ling was saying.

Zhao Gao quickly got up and followed the rest.

By the time everyone returned to the field, the carriage that was carrying food was already waiting. Zhao Gao and the others only needed to queue up and collect their food.

Zhao Gao picked up a bowl and chopsticks and placed the bowl in front of the Cook. The Cook took a big ladle and filled Zhao Gao's bowl.

The Cook's hands were not shaking at all, unlike that of a canteen auntie.

The dish today was pork ribs stewed with lotus root. It was almost similar to Zhao Gao's own cooking, which was perhaps rare in this ancient society.

Zhao Gao collected his food and took a bowl of rice mixed with corn noodles. He then walked to the wall and began to gorge himself.

"Delicious!" This was what Zhao Gao thought after taking the first bite. It was even more fragrant than what he had cooked before.

Zhao Gao picked up the bowl to observe carefully and realized the reason.

It was not known what kind of herbs the Cook had used to make the pork ribs stew. Not only did it not have a pungent smell of herbs, the combination of pork ribs and lotus root smelt excellent.

The combination of rice and stew was even more fragrant.

After just a short while, Zhao Gao with his bloated belly, returned the cutlery to the carriage. He then walked over to the wall and leaned against it to digest.

Leaning against the wall and looking at the distant setting sun, Zhao Gao felt his sense of security begin to return.

When he first entered this place, he was worried about the cruelty of the Talent Space. He was also afraid of not being able to survive in the Scene World.

He was always worried that he might be robbed of his life in the next instant.

It was especially so the day before. Chiliarch Ling's savage figure had always struck fear in Zhao Gao's heart.

Zhao Gao could clearly remember the fear in his heart, the horror on his face, and his trembling legs, as he thought of the situation then.

All these showed him that the Talent Space was nothing like the modern, peaceful society he had lived in.

This place followed the law of the jungle-where the strong ruled.

However, it was different now. His talent could allow him to become a powerful juggernaut-one who could determine the life and death of others!

This was the sense of security that strength had given him.