
In The Whole World, I Have 50% More Rewards

Join the Glorious Evolution! As your flesh transcends, you will no longer experience the suffering of this world. Congratulations! You have been chosen as the first batch of warriors to enter Talent Space. Awaken your talent now! The talent awakened in you shall be the Greed in the blood. You shall acquire an additional 50% of all benefits.

Forever Wandering Swordsman · Eastern
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40 Chs

Elementary Breathing Technique Level 21

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Dong… Dong… Dong!"

The next day, Zhao Gao and the others were woken up by the drums.

Zhao Gao quickly got up from bed and put on his armor. After emptying his bladder, Zhao Gao ran to the field.

Was there any chance of being able to wash up? No way.

He did not dare to wander about or fetch water. Without water, how could he wash up? Was he supposed to use his urine?

Leveling up the Character Stats would solve 90% of his problems.

For example, when he first came in, his body was covered with acne, pimples, and blackheads. His skin was rough due to the late nights he kept.

All these symptoms had left him after he had leveled up twice.

Every upgrade caused the human body to evolve. The impurities that were expelled from the human body were considered minor.

At Level 3, Zhao Gao not only had his skin restored to infant tenderness, his pores shrank and his skin became fairer. His body had also gained volume and was starting to close in on perfection.

Zhao Gao had bidden farewell to his old self, especially his oily and sallow skin. Now, he looked radiant. He was also starting to transform into a masculine man with six packs; one who would be admired by women.


Zhao Gao quickly arrived at the field and waited at his usual spot.

While waiting, he quickly opened the system interface to increase his Character Level by 1.

"EXP depleted: 19 450"

"Character upgrade"

"Current level: Level 4"

"Upgrade Growth gained: All stats will automatically grow by 1 point."

"Talent activated. Growth gains additional benefits. All stats will automatically grow by 0.5"

Instantly, Zhao Gao felt the throbbing pain again.

He endured it in silence. A minute later, the feeling was gone.

"Whoosh…" As Zhao Gao let out a breath of air, he felt energized. His condition had returned to its peak once again.

Just as Zhao Gao was about to upgrade another skill, Chiliarch Ling walked in.

Only then did Zhao Gao realize that everyone had gathered.

"Grab your saber and shield, and start training!"





Following Chiliarch Ling's slogan, everyone picked up their sabers and shields and began training.

After an hour of training, everyone stopped. They started eating breakfast at around 7am.

As Zhao Gao queued up to get food, he also observed everyone.

Human beings can really adapt fast. Prior to yesterday, everyone was still terrified. Today, they had started to gather in groups, talking and laughing amongst themselves.

Zhao Gao observed that most of the people formed cliques in accordance with the dormitory they were in. They were mostly in groups of five, eating and chatting.

They talked about what skills they had upgraded, how strong they had become, and what would happen in the future! They talked about their 'daydreams'.

That's right. To Zhao Gao, whatever they talked about were just daydreams.

They did not even consider their chance of survival in this Scene World, and yet they dared to utter nonsense.

Or perhaps, they did not want to think about it at all!


After getting his breakfast, Zhao Gao squatted at the side and quickly ate his food.

Within 10 minutes, Zhao Gao had finished eating and he put his bowl back into the carriage. He leaned against the wall, and began to add points to his Skills.

The moment he opened the system interface, he heard the EXP notifications.

Zhao Gao counted carefully. Since last night, he had a total of 18 EXP updates-one update for every half an hour.

This meant that 9 hours had passed by.

Zhao Gao went straight to the Character interface and checked his EXP points.

"Storage EXP: 941 286"

Zhao Gao was delighted to see that he had close to 1 million EXP.

"I wonder, with so much EXP, how many times can I upgrade my Elementary Breathing Technique?" Zhao Gao thought to himself.

Without delay, Zhao Gao clicked on the Elementary Breathing Technique.

"Elementary Breathing Technique ↑"

"Elementary Breathing Technique upgrade successful!, Level 19 (266 616)"

"Elementary Breathing Technique: Level 20 (305 642)"

"Elementary Breathing Technique: Level 21 (349 000)"

"Elementary Breathing Technique level increased by 3"

"You have received 3 Freedom Stats Points."

"Talent bonus: 1.5 point"

"Total Freedom Stats Points: 22.5"

With a few swipes, Zhao Gao upgraded the Elementary Breathing Technique 3 times. He was left with only 678 EXP points.

"Phew… This time, my EXP points will be obtained even at a faster rate," Zhao Gao was secretly delighted to see his breathing technique at Level 21.

Although Zhao Gao was glad to see his skill level increase, he realized that he still had many Freedom Stats Points left.

Zhao Gao felt more awful than eating s*it!

Of course, Zhao Gao had never eaten s*it before. It was just a metaphor. If anyone had eaten it, they could very well talk about it and would be 'worshiped' by me.



Shortly after the meal, Chiliarch Ling gathered everyone again.

Everyone had gotten into line within 3 minutes.

Cjiliarch Ling walked in front of Zhao Gao and the others, and said, "Put down the saber and shield and begin practicing the Black Stone Fist!"


After Zhao Gao and the others placed their sabers and shields on the ground, they began to prepare for the Black Stone Fist.



"Elbow Strike!"




"Cross kick!"

"Battle Ax!"




Zhao Gao was extremely meticulous with every movement.

As Chiliarch Ling shouted the slogan, everyone trained and shouted.

Their shouts were filled with a powerful aura.

Once, twice, one hour, two hours. After 3 hours, everyone was red from head to toe.

There was white smoke rising from their bodies, and they had beads of perspiration dripping.

Only then did Chiliarch Ling let everyone rest.

"That's all for now. We'll start our afternoon cultivation after lunch. Those who want to go to the latrine, go quickly. There's a latrine behind this field which you guys can use."

"Seriously, the military tents are filled with the smell of feces and urine!" Chiliarch Ling cursed as he walked out.

Everyone looked at each other and was embarrassed by Chiliarch Ling's words. To think that despite being modern people, they were criticized by an ancient person, for being unhygenic.

But this was no fault of theirs!

Over here, they were not allowed to wander about. The minute they walked out of the activity area, they were stopped by the patrolling soldiers.

Hence, they could only settle their 'urgent needs' behind the military tents.

The first day was still alright, but it had been three days since. Even if one only needed to move their bowels once a day, he would still need to pass urine at least four or five times per day!

It was no wonder that the stench could be smelt 30 meters within the military tents!

It was truly indescribable!