
In The Whole World, I Have 50% More Rewards

Join the Glorious Evolution! As your flesh transcends, you will no longer experience the suffering of this world. Congratulations! You have been chosen as the first batch of warriors to enter Talent Space. Awaken your talent now! The talent awakened in you shall be the Greed in the blood. You shall acquire an additional 50% of all benefits.

Forever Wandering Swordsman · Eastern
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40 Chs

Blood Purification

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"See that? You have to do like I do."

"Raise the saber powerfully; shout the slogan loudly."

"Do you hear me?"

"Yes!" There were scattered responses.

This made the man even angrier. He shouted angrily, "Have you not eaten? Louder! Do you hear me?"

"Yes!" The slogan was still not in order.

"Do you hear me?"


Finally, the deafening slogan shook the sky.

The man nodded in satisfaction, only on hearing that..

"Raise your shields!"


"Keep shield!"




"Retract your saber!"


The man shouted every ten seconds. And everyone did this for about half an hour.

Finally, something happened.

As pampered people in the modern world, everyone initially listened to the man's instructions because of curiosity and fear of this new place.

However, this long training was a huge challenge to their physical strength.

How many people in the modern world could have gone through this kind of hardship, especially the girls? They were not used to any hardships at all.

"Bang… I'm tired. I need to rest." Suddenly one of the girls dropped her saber to the ground and let out her displeasure.

The man sized them up with interest. "Is there anyone else who's tired? If anyone is tired, he can throw the saber in his hand to the ground, like what she did."

On seeing that the man was not angry, they thought he seemed agreeable.

"I'm tired too. I don't want to train. I want to rest."

"Me too!"

"Me as well."

Scattered answers were heard, and they were accompanied by the sound of sabers being thrown onto the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the end, about a hundred people threw their sabers down, not wanting to carry on with such tiring training.

Zhao Gao quietly watched all of this. He did not think that the man was so agreeable.

Moreover, now, they were on a world battlefield with infinite space. Even though he had never seen the cruelty of a battlefield before, to throw down one's training saber was like seeking death.

"Anyone else? You can drop the saber in your hand, if you like. This is the last time I'm asking you." The man continued to ask, without showing emotions.

"Bang! Bang!" Another few dozen people threw down their sabers.

When no one else threw down their sabers, the man said to his assistant, "Put all those who threw their sabers into the prisoner-of-war camp and use them as a frontline human shield to block the enemy's attack against our soldiers."

The man said these cold-blooded words calmly. It was only now that Zhao Gao and the others realized that their lives here were as worthless as grass.

This was not a peaceful and prosperous modern city, but a purgatory-like world.

"Yes!" The adjutant shouted loudly. He waved his hand to signal the soldiers around him to bring out the people who had dropped their sabers.

"I don't want to. Who do you think you are? Let me tell you, this is illegal. I must call the police to arrest you." Up till now, there were still people who were unable to grasp the situation.

They were no longer in their original world. There was no law here to restrict anyone.

"Brothers, pick up your weapons. We have more people with shields and weapons. They definitely can't beat us."

As a person in modern times, he had heard of the term 'prisoner-of-war camp'. Even though he did not know the details, he knew that it was not a good place.

Facing the soldiers with long spear pressing on them, some smart people began to shout,

"Right. We have weapons. If they try to hurt us, we'll cut them down. If we cut them down, we'll be free."

"Yes, kill them."

"We want our freedom."

Looking at this scenario, the man seemed to have already known what would happen. He waved his hand to signal the soldiers to retreat and waved to those who were shouting loudly.

"Come, let me see how far your freedom can go. You have more than two hundred people now, and I am alone. As long as you defeat me, you will have the freedom you speak of."

"I'll give you one last warning. You must have the determination to kill me! Otherwise, all of you will die."

"Let's begin!" As he spoke, the man drew a large saber from his waist.

However, how many people in the modern world would dare to use a saber to cut people down? What's more, on seeing the serious impression on the man?

To them, shouting loudly was the best they could do.

In fact, all of them were afraid of the consequences. They looked as if they dared to attack but actually did not dare to. They wanted to wait for someone to take the lead or force the man to agree with them.

They naively thought that as long as there were more of them, they could make the other party comply, like in a modern city.

"Why? Aren't you coming up?" The man tilted his head and asked them with interest.

Yet, the man's confidence caused them to be even more afraid to move.

"Since you don't want to come up, I won't stand on ceremony," the man said as he walked towards them, swinging his saber.

After taking about four steps, the man's face turned serious and he shouted loudly, "The first rule of the military is that, those who affect the morale of the soldiers shall be executed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man's figure disappeared before everyone's eyes. When he reappeared, "Sss….Ugh!" A decapitated head flew up in front of everyone's eyes. The sound of blood spurting could be heard along with the final scream of the person who was killed.



"How dare he?!"

The screams from the girls and the fearful voices of the crowd sounded.

However, that demon-like man would not stop just like that.

"Sss… ah… don't!"

"Let me go! Please let me go."

"No, I don't want to die. I have money. My parents are wealthy businessmen. I can pay you."

Everyone started to beg for mercy.

However, none of this could stop the man. Every time he disappeared from everyone's sight, another person would die when he reappeared.

In the end, all those who resisted his orders were beheaded or cut in half at the waist.

The various forms of death caused Zhao Gao and the other people from modern times to scream in fear and vomit in disgust.

These Blue Star people who had also come here. The unwillingness, the fear in their eyes, the pleading look, were clearly seen by Zhao Gao. His hands and feet turned cold and his heart started pounding. His calves were trembling uncontrollably.

His stomach started churning.

"Ugh…" Smelling the stench of blood on the field, Zhao Gao could not help but join the 'vomiting team' too.

Zhao Gao did not know how much time had passed since he started vomiting. He only knew that there was nothing left for him to vomit, and all his stomach acid was almost vomited out.

The man's voice came from the front again.

"Alright, those who are disobedient have been dealt with. We have to prepare for our next training."

Zhao Gao looked in the direction of the man. His calm face was covered in blood and human specimens.

Zhao Gao could not help but feel a chill run down his spine. The man's hellish appearance was deeply ingrained in his heart.