
In the Naruto world, I'm a teacher: My students save the world

Read up to 12 advanced released chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Pervy_Sennin Plenty of r+18 in this work. The smut will always be brought back into the picture. ________________________________________________ In the Naruto world, I became stronger, and later a teacher. It was all thanks to a system called the Universal Gym. In the Universal Gym, anything you do can make you stronger... Including lemon time... hehe My disciples are the characters of the original world (Naruto, Sakura, Ino...), what could change if they became stronger due to my training? Hmm... How about I give this disciple of mine a Devil fruit? ________________________________________________

Pervy_Sennin · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

The tumor of Konoha

Thank you to: Dani Otaduy; eric; omar amurrio; Angelo Meßmer; NovelLover; Heitor Prado Bortoletto; Galad Yousuf; SlamDatWeeB; Georg Tasche; Haralds Mārtiņsons; for becoming my patrons. I appreciate you guys so much, you motivate me to write.

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Tsunade then started to ponder quietly, and the two with her gave her time.

If what she was told was true, then this guy basically had the ability to raise an army of Kages overnight if he wanted to.

And knowing Naruto and Sakura, she was more inclined to believe in them. Especially since what they were saying was proven in them and how they got stronger.

"Alright, let's go with what you said being true, is it possible for anyone to become his student… even me?"

Tsunade after a while posed this question. She was asking this mainly, to see if they can send a few more toward him for training.

But she didn't expect the two to smile at her at this moment.

"What are you laughing at you two brats"

"You think I'm the strongest or what? I'll have you know that there are far more monstrous beings than me in this world, might not be alive, but against them, I'm not proud of my strength."

She was annoyed as she reprimanded them.

She wasn't delusional and she knew there were many strong people in this world past and even present.

She refused to think there was no one stronger than her in this world.

And by their own words, wasn't their teacher very strong? Then what was wrong about asking if she could be trained under him?

She didn't care as long as she got stronger, that way she could protect her village as best as possible.

After all, by now, she was mostly convinced this guy was real.

"Or is that he isn't that strong?"

She turned her eyes to the both of them and snorted.

To be honest, she wanted to meet this guy at least once and see what he was all about. So that was part of her request.

Meanwhile Sakura with a smile replied.

"I'm pretty sure that teacher Hayato is the strongest, as such he can definitely train you Master Tsunade, the only problem is, he doesn't choose his disciples"

Tsunade paused at that.

Then how did these two…

Without letting her think about it more, Naruto said this time.

"You have to find his disciple token, and that is completely up to luck, that's how we both were chosen,"

Sakura nodded her head in return.

Tsunade was disappointed at that moment.

But she didn't linger on that too much, it was just that she was excited since it seemed like this guy could provide a magical solution to her.

"Well, then now that I know about your circumstances, is that all you wanted to tell me?"

She steered the convo back toward the main point of this meeting.

She felt these two had more things to talk about.

Naruto and Sakura shared a look.

And then Sakura started to speak.

"Master Tsunade, there is one other important matter,"

"This might sound like a joke, but I would never dare kid about something like this. That is, we need to unite Konoha fully and prepare extensively, because according to teacher, a huge threat is coming to the world of ninjas, and we're going to need to be ready for it,"

"I know you'd think what he said is wrong, but it doesn't hurt to unite Konoha either way, it's a win-win situation"

Sakura spat it out to get right to the point.

Otherwise, she would keep beating around the bush for no reason, really.

Might as well get it over with.

And her words were true.

Tsunade was about to refute such a claim, but then she looked at her two disciples who looked earnest, and then remembered what Jiraiya had once told her.

There was a prophecy, and thus she knew that rough times were up ahead.

'Was this what Jiraiya was talking about?'

She wondered idly. After all the child of the prophecy was going to save them according to Jiraiya and bring about peace.

Still, if it was just Konoha being ready, then why not now?

"What's wrong with Konoha right now? Aren't we ready already?"

Tsunade voiced her confusion.

Sakura then sighed.

"There is a serious problem in Konoha, and that problem is the tumor called Danzo Shimura!"

At the mention of the name, Tsunade grimaced.

She was the Hokage, as such, she had access to some files of what this guy had done so far.

However, they were approved by the Third Hokage, and from a Konoha standpoint, she didn't think they were wrong.

But what she didn't know, was that Danzo had done other things that weren't available to her.

And if she knew them, then she would strangle the guy herself the moment she laid her eyes on him.

"Master Tsunade, I don't have the evidence to prove all this to you, but I want you to authorize me to investigate Danzo,"

"That way, I can show you the many things he has done to harm our village, instead of just saying them to you, however, please don't get your hopes up that he might be innocent because you'll only be disappointed."

Sakura sighed and said her piece.

There was no point in listing Danzo's crimes here at this moment because they didn't have any proof, as such, Sakura was going to infiltrate root, and then gather the intelligence herself, and show it to Tsunade.

That way, Tsunade can have a case against him, and finally remove this tumor from their midst.

'After all, sensei said that most of the tragic things that happened in the shinobi world had the shadows of Danzo's hands on them…'

Sakura thought to herself.

Tsunade looked at their expression again and was defeated by the sincere look Sakura was giving her.

'Sigh, this troublesome child,'

She was truly soft toward her disciple.

But when she looked at Naruto, she noticed that the moment they noticed Danzo, he was sad and exuded a feeling of loneliness.

'What did Danzo do to him?' that was all Tsunade could think of.

She finally nodded her head.

"I don't know the validity of your claims, and as Hokage, I can't do anything with just that… but, if you bring me the intelligence you said, then consider me on your side,"

"As of now, you'll be assigned an S-rank mission to infiltrate root, and gather intelligence about Danzo Shimura! I'll place my trust in you with this mission Sakura,"

Tsunade finally replied to Sakura making her heave a sigh of relief.

"You've given me much to think about, so for now, if there is nothing else, let's talk about this some other time"

Tsunade sighed from the mental exhaustion.

Being Hokage was surely tiring.

Sakura and Naruto who regained his smile after seeing her agree with them, nodded their heads with happy faces.

"Finally, before we split up, there is one thing I was meaning to tell you,"

Tsunade then looked at them.

"Two Jonins had recommended you both, to become Jonin"

She smiled at them both, as their growth was something she loved for them.

She enjoyed the look of surprise on their faces.