
Chapter 82

“No. But I have some time to kill, so let’s do it.”

“Hell of a reason, but you’re on.”

Given the state of Ryan’s finances, they ended up at a wholesale outlet store. There wasn’t a wide selection, but he managed to find a charcoal gray, two-piece suit which was inexpensive enough he could afford a shirt to go with it.

It wasn’t until they got back to the boarding house that Ryan realized he’d neglected to buy a tie. He said as much to Shaun just as Walter came down the stairs. “I’ve got plenty of them,” he told Ryan. “Left over from when I had an office job. Why I kept them…” He shook his head. “Anyway, feel free to borrow one.”

Ryan thanked him, then, after dinner, went up to his room to see what he had. At Walter’s suggestion, “To add a bit of color,” he chose a gray and red striped one.