
In The Multiverse With Essence of Ideal Growth

I never really liked Hiei in the anime: Yu Yu Hakusho. my sentiment is proven even more so, when I realize my perfectly normal second life was interrupted by being turned into a thrall for Hiei's stupid spirit sword that showed up in the beginning of the anime! I thought this was a normal world! Why was I reincarnated into Yu Yu Hakusho just to die like a bitch in the very beginning of the story! [Would You like to try again?] Is the last thing I hear as my vision goes dark and I die, my body being puppeted by a demon! "YOU BETTER FUCKING BELIEVE I WANT TO TRY AGAIN!"

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Mourning for a lost chris.

After several hours of walking through dark forest paths in we finally arrive back at Night Riad's base in the mountains and forests.

We walk through the door, exhausted. I drop the injured Bulat onto a cot, in the medical center and Sheele gets to stitching him up with healing magic, while Mine helps Lubbock with His wounds. Mine is using healing magic on Lubbock which is helping her recover faster than normal for someone who has taken so much punishment. Mine is also treating herself at the same time for minor burns from her contact with pumpkin's outer shell.

"Way to multitask!" Tatsumi exclaims.

"Whatever, let me focus!" She replies with a smile.

Leone comes in with a report from a scout team sent into town after hearing about a massive demonic invasion happening in a nearby village. They had no luck finding any survivors in the area though. She also tells us about what they found in the Demon City which used to be the capital of the empire.

"There's a lot of dead people in the village. Some were burned to death, others just had their heads chopped off. There's also a lot of demons and undead wandering the streets. The whole place is a mess and the army is sending troops in to secure the perimeter. But now that the Empire is gone it's slow going." Lubbock grimaces as he sits up. He's resting in the infirmary room next to Mine's quarters which are located in the rear of the building's 2nd floor. Mine is currently tending the wounded in the front office of the facility. The Revolutionary army is now no longer the revolutionary army, but the Night Raid. "I guess we need to rename Night raid now that it's the seat of governance." Najenda says. "How did that even happen?" Yunyun starts whistling but immediately cuts herself off, Seeing as I gave her a secret mission to eliminate the revolutionaries who wanted us dead and in the wind as well.

"So basically all of the Empire is destroyed." Mine says with a sad frown on her face.

"Yeah; it sucks. But we got what we wanted. The evil prime minister is dead, the seat of governence is " she adds.

"Do you think the Empire will ever rise again?" Tatsumi asks.

"It better not." Najenda spits. "Not the way it was these past 10 years. This world needs peace and stability to survive, and that means the Empire won't return anytime soon." She says with a hint of sadness and anger mixed together. She had served the Empire loyally until it became a corrupt cesspit and spat her aside. She wanted it to be restored, as a new government, but it was completely destroyed instead. She was forced to flee to the Revolutionary Army, but her loyalties are to the Night Raid now and forever.

She collapsed into her chair, having no idea what to do, her dream of fixing the empire through revolution can't happen if there's no revolution or empire at all. She looks up at me with pleading eyes but I don't know how I could fix her problem right away, I'm too busy with other things vI shrug. "We could always use my power to travel Planes. It's not like this world is worth crap anymore."

I look around and notice chris is still missing. She said that she was able to find her way out after Shele healed her. "Hey sheele, When was the last time you saw Chris?"

"A minute before we left the Demon city. She said there was something she had to do. and only she could do it." sheele replied with a finger on her chin.

aww crap.

"Alright guys, I'm go back to the Demon city and find her! I'll be back as soon as I figure out where she went. Don't worry, I'll bring her back safe." I say. I really hope I find her soon because I'd hate to lose a member of our party.

After thinking that, the connection between me and her had snapped on its own without myinput! Oh shit! That probably meant that I lost my link to Chris' body! What am I gonna tell her parents when I- I then deadpanned at myself, she was Eris' Avatar, and had no parents and no family to speak of. I felt bad about losing her but I couldn't afford to waste more time searching for her. I rushed out of the infirmary room. I took one step towards everyone and told them to gather together.


I just sighed, "Chris just died. I felt my connection to her snap." I say solemnly. I barely knew her. The only reason there was a magical connection at all was because I gave her the ability to cultivate Now that she's gone Everyone will be sad. The only person here who doesn't know her that well is me and Yunyun. I look around at everyones reactions. Darkness storms off, her sister in all but blood just died and I heard a slam of a door.

"Hey... uh.. sorry for your loss." Tatsumi says awkwardly and he covers his mouth with a hand and coughs a few times before continuing.

"That must have been tough for her, this is the first comrade she's lost." Najenda says, trying to hide her tears behind a strong mask. Mine has a similar expression on her face but it seems less genuine than Najenda's fake stoicism. Lubbock has his head bowed low with a single tear running down his cheek. I feel a little bit guilty about my lack of reaction. Lubbock has his head up when he notices everyone staring at him. He wipes away another solitary tear from his eye.

"Sorry..." he says quietly.

Yunyun is looking at everyone else but avoiding my gaze.

Sheele looks stricken, she was the last to see her and is looking really upset over it. She's shaking with grief but is keeping up appearances with everyone around her with an air of confidence. I look at Leone, but instead of sadness I see rage. She's glaring daggers at everyone but especially Lubbock. She's pissed that Lubbock didn't protect Chris from getting hurt in the first place or even warn us about it, but since he wasn't involved directly in the fight he isn't being punished for it.

"Well everyone's done mourning the deceased so lets get moving!" She says angrily.

"Where should we start?" Yunyun asks nervously as everyone stands up and follows the Najenda outside the medical facility.

-Chris POV-

Fuck this whole fucking situation! Chris was alive, She had betrayed everyone, and severed her bond with the essence using the last of Eris' divine ichor She had sacrificed everything and gotten nothing in return except some temporary relief from pain and boredom. Why the fuck did she have to serve nigh raid anyway? Just cus her Divine body wanted her to? just because she was Eris in all but name? "I have power now!" she screamed, her power increasing quickly. I'm FINALLY FREEE! AND IT's TIME to JoIN the DemOn KING!"

I shouted in joy when I realized I could control my powers again. She turned around and ran in the opposite direction of the self-righteious justice brigade. "FUCK night raid!"