
In The Movie Worlds With My System - Fixed Grammar Version

A regular college student accidentally obtained a fragment of a system through traffic accident! He believed he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a movies with a mission to collect system fragments that exist in different worlds. first world = The Mummy second world = Resident Evil third+ world = read to find out I do not own any of the characters except for the original character (OC) in the novel. This is a grammar rewrite/translation atp, with hopefully readable grammar. lmk if you find anything wrong by commenting and I will fix it.

cmluis · Movies
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63 Chs

Chapter 15: Caught?

Ardeth Bay, who had just arrived, was also stunned.

"Alex, are you joking?" Eve asked.

"No, Eve, I am not joking. We cannot handle all of them, and there is also your son. We cannot take the risk," Alex said.

"No, Alex, you cannot do this. Imhotep will kill you if he sees you," Ardeth Bay said, standing by Eve's side.

"Don't worry about that. I will take care of it," said Alex as he walked towards the leader of the group.

"You can take me now, but don't harm them," Alex said.

A person came from behind and knocked Alex on the neck with a gun, attempting to make him faint. However, Alex, with skin thicker than steel, did not faint and played dead. After watching him faint, the leader signaled for them to carry him along.

"Thank you for your cooperation," said the leader. The leader left first, followed by the person carrying Alex. As Alex was about to disappear from their view, he signaled with his hand that he was fine, which both Eve and Ardeth saw. After some time, O'Connell and Jonathan arrived and saw Eve and Ardeth Bay sitting with bitter expressions. O'Connell asked,

"What, those guys attacked you too?"

"They not only attacked us, but they also took Alex with them," said Eve.

Upon hearing this, O'Connell's jaw dropped, and asked them to explain everything. Eve explained everything, and upon hearing that, Ardeth said,

"He missed one thing. Whoever wears the bracelet has to reach the golden pyramid before the morning sunlight hits the peak on the seventh day, otherwise, they will die."

"Is that true?" Eve asked.

"Well, it seems Alex hasn't changed," said Jonathan.

"Now, who are they, and what do they want?" O'Connell asked.

"They're a bunch of fanatics who want to revive Imhotep and rule the world, and he is their leader," said Ardeth Bay, showing the photo of the leader. Upon seeing the photo, Little Alex recognized him as the proprietor of the English museum.

"So, what now?" asked Jonathan.

"Prepare to bring back Alex," said O'Connell. They all nodded their heads and headed towards the museum. After arriving at the museum, Jonathan and Little Alex stayed outside while the rest went inside.

Inside the museum, a group of people were kneeling around Imhotep, and Hafetz was studying a spell in an ancient language. Alex remained tied to a table, watching out of the corner of his eye and smiling.

O'Connell and Ardeth Bay arrived at the center and witnessed the scene. There was movement from Imhotep, and a few seconds later, a mummy emerged from a stone fragment and spoke in an ancient language.

"What year is it?" asked the mummy.

"Sir Imhotep, it is the Scorpion King's year," said Hafetz.

Upon hearing this, the mummy smiled and saw his lover, who had just entered the room. They conversed in ancient Egyptian language, and she said,

"I brought a gift for you," pointing towards the bracelet on Alex's hand.

Imhotep saw the bracelet, however his smile faded as he noticed Alex's face. At that moment, Alex stopped acting and got up, saying,

"Hello, long time no see," with a sadistic smile.

Seeing this, Imhotep remembered the memories of being beaten by Alex.

"Kill him!" said Imhotep in the ancient language, and Hafetz ordered everyone to throw Alex into the fire.

Observing this, O'Connell fired at the guys from above, hitting the formation behind Imhotep, causing a fire. Alex released himself from the ropes and confronted Imhotep, enduring the barrage of bullets that had no effect on him. Punching Imhotep in the face, causing him to fly backwards, planted firmly in the wall. Seeing this scene, everyone stopped their attacks and watched in awe, as if witnessing some sort of demon.

The bracelet displayed a hologram of the previous location of the golden pyramid. Seeing this, Impotep got up and ordered a retreat. He now knew he couldn't deal with Alex.

While he was retreating, all the people dressed in red focused their fire on Alex. However, the rain of bullets didn't harm him. Alex stood there calmly, and soon they all retreated. O'Connell, Evy, and Ardeth Bay approached Alex and said,

"Alex, are you even human?" O'Connell asked, astonished to see Alex safe after being hit by a rain of bullets.

"Yes, Alex, what is your body made of? Bullets can't even kill you," Evy added.

"It's not that important right now. What's important is to stop Impotep," Alex replied.

"Well, where are they going?" O'Connell asked.

"Didn't you see? They also saw the map. I think their destination is that pyramid," Ardeth Bay, who was standing beside O'Connell, said.

"Long time no see, friend," Alex turned towards him.

"Nice to meet you too, Alex."

"So, what now?" Evy asked.

"What's the need for discussion? If Imhotep absorbs the Scorpion King's power and his army, we'll be the first on his kill list," Alex said.

Saying this, Alex turned around and walked out of the museum. He came outside and saw Jonathan and Little Alex in the car.

"Jonathan, long time no see," Alex greeted.

"You too, Alex. Is the problem solved?" Jonathan asked.

"No, it has only just started," Alex replied.

"What started?" Jonathan inquired.

"Impotep came to life and is trying to kill us."

"What, is that a joke?"

"No, it's real, and they saw him too," Alex pointed towards the group who were discussing.

"So now we just have to kill him before he comes to kill us. Let's go on a journey to defeat him again," Alex declared.