
In the mind of an NPC

After reincarnating into the past as an NPC, Girisia was faced with two options, either fall into despair and continue to barely survive in the lowest drenches of the society or make a stand and find out who played this ugly game with his life. Now, if destiny is to be challenged, there should be nothing wrong in using the immortal resources that come in the form of Players. After all, "A hunter cannot be blamed for hunting a prey that willingly served itself." ***** Read my other work called "Jealous Nerd vs The Immortal Army". The story of an unlikely manipulative hero without shame or care for the world. Born with a vulgar mouth and equally cursed ability, the immortals will regret meeting him. If I have to say, he is polar opposite of the MC in ItmNPC.

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360 Chs

1.06.2 Protect me, oh! great player - Part2

Girisia never placed his hopes on the military. He has learned to expect nothing from anyone around him and this rule included his own older brother.

Hell, it would be safe to say, it's his bad experience with his family that forced him to be self-sufficient and taught him that in time of need, no one will come for his help.

The player in front of him was the same too, he didn't know whether she cared about his safety or her quest more, but none of that will matter to him in a few minutes. 'But! I can't take any chances.' Seeing that Tara's attention was more on moving forward and she was not looking at him.

Girisia placed his remaining free stat point into his constitution.

Race: Karabit

Class: None[1]

Trait: None

Racial Trait: Blood Infusion

Title: Beggar of The Riber city

[FSP: 0] [KP: 10] [Exp: 9350]


STR: 0.6

CTS: 3.2

DEX: 1

INT: 0.7

SPR: 0

WIS: 1.3

Passive Skills: Tenacious[lvl1] | Danger Discernment [lvl1]

Active skills: none

'This will increase the upper limit of my health and stamina for a bit.' Feeling a warm energy flowing through his body, Girisia heaved in relief.

The small luminisces on his body was not noticed by Tara who had her eyes on the front.

'Now let's see if my plan works.'

Girisia, knowing his nose was not working properly, perked up his ear and eyes. The danger discernment passive requires his senses to feed his brain proper information before the skill calculates the danger.

The other passive of his is nothing more than one of the common ones that a Karabit player obtains, <Tenacious>, that multiplies his base defense by two.

Usually most players spawn with only one passive and the same for true for Girisia from the other timeline.

But in this life, he had an extra passive too and it was not a weak one in early stages of this world. This skill was the reason why Girisia was so sure that he can survive this mission.

"Hah! We are here." Exclaimed Tara while grasping for breath. In front was the original entrance from whence they entered this huge trap.

"Yes, we are here." Girisia said while lifting his survival blade and slashing it with all the force his 0.6 strength can muster and hit Tara on the place where the siren pup bit her.


The sudden attack on her thigh confused her as much as the sudden debuff she got.

Status Debuff: Crippled[right thigh]

Effect1: The crippled limb won't be able to work till its fixed

Effect2: Bleed - 2 minutes, lose 2 points of HP every 5 seconds.

Effect3: Deterioration - 30mins, if wound is not treated in time, an infection may spread.

"Wha?... Why?" Tara cried in utter confusion, she thought a siren stealthily attacked her, but in truth, it was the NPC she had been calling Uncle all this time.

"Didn't you promise to keep me safe?... I am sorry." Girisia said as he kicked her, dislodging his survival knife in the process. "Look there… focus, you can hear their footsteps coming closer and one of them is way heavier. It seems killing the young one had riled them up, they are not hiding it anymore."

Girisia said while pointing in the direction of the entrance which he deemed to be safe. ANd following his finger another Sirens slowly walked out of the corner. But this one was entirely focused on Tara.

"But, uncle! Why would you do this?..." Tara questioned, still confused by the series of events she went through now. She never once imagined that an NPC she was meant to protect would harm her this way.

"This… I will explain if I "survive" this little event." He grimaced, this was his actual answer, how can an immortal being understand the woes of those that need to live in fear each day. For Tara, this may just be an eventful quest, for Girisia this is life and death matter and while Tara can come back to life, there is no repeat for him.

Leaving Tara as a distraction, Her blood's smell will probably attract the focus of most of the sirens in this building which will give him enough time to create some distance. And if what he remember's of the sirens is right, then completely eating her would take the sirens only 2-3 minutes of time.

And this was enough. He had 3 points in constitution, he could run for a long while and the camp was only two kilometers away from where he was.

"Luck has never been my strong suit. I just pray that she keeps those dogs entertained." And entertain, Tara did.

Siren, finding the helpless prey in front, jumped on her body and placed its jaw above her head before she could react. Her life ended fast but not before she eked out a single curse toward Girisia, "Mother FUCKE!!" Which was cut short by the bite on her head causing her brain to splatter all over the floor. And this burst of blood also attracted other Sirens around the building.

And while these small pups were enjoying a refreshing meal after a long time, a bigger siren completely ignored the meal and its kid to take revenge on the one that killed its youngest.

"Kiyu…" It growled in the voice of a sad young girl.


"Seems like she couldn't attract the attention of the big one." Girisia sweated hard as he ran through the urban jungle. He had thought his plan would at least give him extra time, but not everything goes as one expects them to be.

The threat of the mutant beast not only remained, but it increased too. A mature Siren is not only agile as the small ones, their skin is also bulletproof. Tara's boomstick won't even penetrate its outer skin.

And as the mature siren closed in on him, so did the sound of Girisia's heartbeat.

He pushed himself as hard as he could which put a lot of strain on his body and heart and after a time, he couldn't listen to anything beside his heart as he looked straight ahead.

"I need to survive! Can't die so easily." He motivated himself, that was the only skill he could muster in his situation. But, motivation doesn't provide him anything other than mental assurance and support.

So, his body that was already trembling due to his straining sprint, and a mind that was going numb under all the mental pressure and stimulus around him caused him to falter, just a moment's mistake caused by lack of coordination between his two legs.

"Shit!"Gasped Girisia as the momentum of his sprint alone resulted in him colliding with a tree.

"*Backk" Came the sound, as Girisia grimaced in pain.

But the beast won't stop just because its prey fell down, instead the Siren seemed happy that it caught Girisia so fast. And not just caught, the prey seems to be presenting itself like the other one did to its children.

"It was this close already?" Girisia exclaimed, as he pushed up his trembling hand which had the blade towards the flowery head of his hunter. Though, as he mentioned before, his luck has never been good.

There was no fuel left in him. And the mutant beast was also not in the mood for play after the death of its young.

It slowly stepped toward the shaking visage with tears rolling down his eyes and gave a slap with its front paw.

Girisia could only cry in pain as his right shoulder was completely dislocated from the impact while his body flew four meter to the right. A huge claw mark ran from his shoulder to his wrist which now was only a mangled piece of flesh. The right hand which once held the blade had long disappeared.

"FUC! THIS HURRTS! UGHH!" He cried, snot and tears flowing from his ugly face. It was an appearance he had never shown to anyone in his life, not even his family. 'I don't want to die.. Don't wanna die… fuck fuck!' Desperation and fear of death was all that remained of the person named Girisia.

This was the real him.

"I can't die like this… this is too early. I want to at least talk to my family once." He tried to say these words, but failed. His low energy and senses flaring up due to pain has long left his body in shock, his mouth couldn't' utter the words he wanted to say properly.

'Why is it always me?' He wanted to shout, but he couldn't.

"Why give me this redo?" He questioned his mind, but no answer came.

"Was I put here as a jester?" He considered, but then laughed off the thought.

"Life… life has always treated you like this, how can you forget this Girisia." This was the answer Girisia eventually arrived at.

In the past, in a different time, before his transmigration in the real world, Girisia asked some similar questions with only difference being it was him on the side of the road with his body splattered all over the highway after his car slid of the wet roads and hit a divider.

On that damp and dark night, the road was empty and he was riding at high speed. So when he eventually was thrown out of the car, the momentum caused most of his body to break apart bit by bit, till the road was painted in his guts.

But the thing he always desired to forget is what came next and it was emptiness. His mind for some reason was not as damaged as the rest of his body, the only thing that was left intact was his upper torso and some organs flowing out of it. And they say the mind releases endorphins to numb the pain in the event the body experiences trauma.

But this never came true for him, he was on the road crying for help in his thoughts as his body slowly died, he cried and cried and no one came.

He even went so far to ask for forgiveness from the gods, that they relieve him of this pain, but that too never came true.

His torture ended after what felt like lifetimes after his mind stopped functioning.

No one ever came to help him then and no one will come to help him now.

"Well this proves it, this guy is really not one of those anomans and is pretty weak." Watching the desperate struggle of Girisia on the screen, Tarkov confirmed.

None of the anomans in his knowledge has shown such genuine expression of fear and reaction to pain. The desire for life in Girisia was for all to see, meaning, he only had one life to squander.

"Well, we can't let him die so easily… we need to learn what he knows first." Tarkov ordered, nodding toward the field operative controlling the drone.


When life gives you lemon, make a lemonade.

A saying that Girisia has seen a lot on the internet which he used to consider bullshit, but considering his predicament, that was the most optimal choice.

He only had one working arm and a boomstick now. Though not considered a danger to the beast in front of him, Girisia still wanted to give it a try.

Heaving heavily, Girisia pushed with his feet a bit till his back hit the tree where he first collided, the tree that once was the reason for his fall, now supported his back. While he held the boomstick in his left hand.

"Yor Frck me bad." Girisia blurted out with a hoarse throat, all those prior screams and cursing had damaged his throat. But the damage to his body was way worse.

"Crom and fruck me more!" He taunted, in a louder voice than before while he clenched the boomstick in his hand.

And the beast relented to his request, the beast never planned to waste its time, it only wanted to punish the human that killed its child before devouring it.

And as it stepped closer, the siren opened its mouth to crush the skull of Girisia as its other child did to Tara. But a hail of bullets stopped the beast from finzaling the fate of Girisia.

The bullets bounced off its skin and didn't hurt it at all.

These stealth drones were never built to fight, so the firepower on them was not good to begin with. They were only capable of suppressing fire against the enemy and it worked better than expected.

The siren's genetic memory had lots of information hidden in it. And it knew that the small drone of this kind entailed.

"We will reach the target area in 30secs."

So the siren ignored the half dead human and tried to turn away, though it didn't notice when a hand had entered its mouth.


A small explosion went off in its mouth, the pain of which caused the beast to clench its teeth, a stimulus more painful than the pellets that were striking its body.

It wanted to kill the human that caused him so much pain, the human that had lost his other arm and was crying hard once again. But it ignored him, the beast's senses were going off, warning him about the danger that was approaching it soon.

"Sir, the target seems to be alive. But I don't know for how long." The man said in his comms while the rest of his companions pursued the escaping siren.

—"how long can he live for?" Tarkov asked.

"Tha…" The field operative stopped mid sentence. He saw Girisia barely lifting his mutilated right hand with a bone sticking out of it.

"What are you doi.." And before he could ask anything, a hoarse voice came from Girisia.

"Gret frcked"

Girisia's words were followed by a small explosion and the dying cry of the siren.

His mutilated arm with bone sticking out was not only a middle finger to the siren, but to fate itself.