
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

This Is Too Formal!


"I have recently reached the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and I just need a freshly killed ghost fox inner alchemy as the main material for condensing the golden alchemy.

"But Wraith Fox's combat strength is superior, and it has powerful illusion skills. Immortal cultivators of the same level are no match at all."

"The only way to do this is to ask the immortal cultivators at the Golden Core stage to help hunt them down."

"Originally, I spent all my time trying to inquire everywhere, asking my friends if there is any senior Jindan Qi who I know can help, and I am willing to pay for it.

"Now this Immortal Net Mission Hall can - issue missions."

"Then as long as I release the mission, won't I be able to invite the seniors of the Jindan stage, and I won't have to look around like headless chickens anymore?"

In a cave.

A cultivator looked at the introduction with surprise in his eyes.

His name is Zhang Haitao.

It is about to break through the golden core.

But he is not a genius.

So you need outside help.

And the appearance of the Immortal Net Mission Hall really solved his urgent need.

But this is a new app after all.

Zhang Haitao was not in a hurry, but continued to look at the second sentence of the novice instructions.

"To release the mission, the rewards need to be paid in full, and the rewards will be temporarily kept by Tianyan Holy Land!"

Seeing this sentence, Zhang Haitao frowned.

How can you pay for all the spirit stones just after releasing the mission?

You know, ask someone to help you in the world of cultivating immortals.

Usually a deposit is paid in advance.

After the task is completed, the balance payment will be paid.

Otherwise, what if the other party takes the spirit stone and does not do anything?

Then his spirit stone, isn't it in vain.

And the rewards were paid in advance.

The immortal cultivators who did the task probably didn't pay enough attention because they already had the spirit stone.


Therefore, there has never been a precedent in the world of cultivating immortals to pay the full amount directly.

However, Zhang Haiquan remained patient and continued to read.

"The spirit stones are kept by Tianyan Holy Land. If no one accepts the task, the immortal cultivator can cancel the task freely. After canceling the task, the paid spirit stones will be returned to the payment account within an hour.

Still get money back?

This is good news.

After all, in the world of cultivating immortals, if you want to get back the spirit stones you handed over, it is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Even if you can get it back, it is probably because a lot of expenses have been deducted.

Just take it back a little bit.

At this point, the new application is very conscientious.

Zhang Haitao continued to watch.

"After the mission is issued, if there is a cultivator who wants to take the mission, he will appear on the mission candidate list."

"Employers can view the information of all immortal cultivators in the task candidate list.

"Choose one of the most suitable immortal cultivators, and make sure to hand over the task to the other party to perform.

"Until the employer confirms, there are no consequences for canceling the mission and a full refund."

"However, if there is no reason to cancel the task after the task executor has been determined, then 20% of the already paid Lingshi will be deducted, 10% will be used as compensation for the task executor, and 10% will be used as a commission for the Immortal Net Mission Hall."

"If the task executor has already started the task, it will not be possible to cancel the task.

"But if the task executor is not strong enough to complete the task, the employer will not have to pay any commission.

"Employers must ensure that the mission intelligence information is accurate. If inaccurate information causes mission performers to encounter greater risks, or leads to mission failure."

"Employers will need to compensate task performers additionally, and it will reduce reputation scores."

"Repeatedly deliberately concealed, released false mission information, and in serious cases, the waist was banned from using PHS.

See here.

Zhang Haitao's face became serious.

Publishing tasks is obviously not something that can be fabricated at will.

If there is false information.

Lightly deduct money.

More importantly, they will be held accountable.

It will even be banned, and even Tianyan PHS cannot be used.

This is indeed quite strict.

However, Zhang Haitao was not slow in this regard.

Instead, his eyes sparkled.

The requirements are so strict.

On the contrary, it shows the formality of the Immortal Net Mission Hall.

I have also found a middleman who can issue tasks.

But the other party didn't care much about the details of the mission.

Just jot down a general idea.

Only care about getting paid.

This made Zhang Haitao feel uneasy.

The Immortal Net Mission Hall is so strict, and you can also check the information of the immortal cultivators who accept the mission.

This is undoubtedly a higher guarantee for the completion of the task.

Anyway, Zhang Haitao thinks that he has no intention of deceitful.

Just want to hunt a ghost fox.

In this situation.

Immortal Net Mission Hall is completely my best choice.

However, Zhang Haitao was not in a hurry to enter the application and issue tasks.

Instead, look down again.

Since there are various requirements and codes of conduct for employers.

Then what kind of requirements does this Immortal Net Mission Hall have for the mission executors?

Employers cannot always be restricted by various regulations.

Task performers can do whatever they want.

Zhang Haitao is very concerned about hiring Jindan Stage Immortal Cultivators to help him hunt down the Wraith Fox.

There is actually one thing that worries me the most.

That is, what if the immortal cultivator at the golden core stage not only wants his own spirit stone, but also wants all the resources in his body?

And that ghost fox is also considered a precious demon bomb.

Many materials on the corpse are quite valuable.

If the opponent succeeds in hunting, he will swallow the ghost fox instead.

Then at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, there is nothing the other party can do.

The most frightening thing is that the other party slaughtered himself together.

It's not that Zhang Haitao is careful.

But this kind of thing is not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals.

I once had a friend who hired a strong man through an intermediary force.

But during the mission, the hired strongman plundered everything.

Even the cultivation base has been abolished.

In the end, he died miserably.

Therefore, Zhang Haitao paid 10,000 points of attention.

I want to know whether this Immortal Net Mission Hall can guarantee its own safety.

If not.

That Zhang Haitao still planned to go to find a close friend to introduce Senior Jindanqi, and ask him for help.

Although doing so, it does not necessarily guarantee the success of the task.

But at least they will be more familiar with each other's reputation and style.

Both parties have common acquaintances.

The other party will be more scrupulous about doing things six!.