
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Incredible New Application!

Zhang Haitao sank his mind.

Continue to look down.

"Any immortal cultivator can become a task executor."

"As long as one's own cultivation meets the minimum requirements of the mission, one can apply to accept the mission.

"After being approved by the employer and confirmed as the task performer, you can start to perform the task.'

"In the information of the cultivator, the cultivation level must be based on the information during the real-name authentication, and you cannot fill it out by yourself. If you want to update the cultivation level, you need to go to the Tianyan Pavilion in various places and re-certify the cultivation level."

See this one.

Zhang Haitao nodded in satisfaction.

Other information of the cultivator can be filled in by oneself.

But the cultivation level needs to pass the certification of Tianyan Holy Land.

That is to say, in "One Six Three", there will not be any incidents where immortal cultivators are greedy for task rewards and deliberately conceal their cultivation.

This kind of thing is rare in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is not uncommon.

Some cultivators think that they are the sons of destiny, and they can kill the enemy beyond the realm.

Therefore, they will falsely report their cultivation base and take on tasks far beyond what their own realm can bear.

It didn't end well in the end.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for these scams to implicate the employer.

Anyway, it's a lot of trouble.

Now it has the certification of Tianyan Holy Land.

Will not have to worry about this problem.

Zhang Haitao continued to look down in satisfaction.

"Other information about the task executor, such as what level he is good at in a certain six skills of cultivating immortals, and what kind of Taoism he is good at, can be filled out by himself."

"But please ensure the authenticity of the information."

"If there is a mission failure due to false reporting of other information by the executor."

"The task executor will bear the loss of the employer. In serious cases, it may even ban the Xianwang Mission Hall, and even the qualification to use PHS."

"Task executors are prohibited from harming or insulting their employers in any form during the performance of their tasks.

"If it happens, the qualification to use the Xianwang Mission Hall will be banned directly."

"If it appears that the executor kills the employer."

"Will be hunted down by Tianyan Holy Land."

"But in the same way, the employer does not allow any actions to slander, insult, hurt, or kill the task performers during the task.

"It is not allowed to instruct the task performer to do anything unrelated to the task."

"Offenders will also be banned from using the Immortal Net Mission Hall, and those who are serious will be held accountable by Tianyan Holy Land.

"Both the task executor and the employer should use the fairy net photo stone to take pictures and keep evidence when performing tasks and delivering task items."

"If there is a dispute about the task later."

"You can appeal directly to Tianyan Holy Land."

"Tianyan Holy Land will judge right from wrong based on the mission video."

"The wrong party must compensate for the loss of the lost party..."

"Including but not limited to deduction of commission, deduction of margin and other forms.

"If the compensation is refused, Tianyan Holy Land will send strong men to intervene.

A series of prohibited behavior regulations are extremely detailed.

Seeing this, Zhang Haitao's eyes lit up, and he felt more at ease facing the Xianwang Mission Hall.

The regulations are very clear.

Anyone on both sides who fails to comply will be compensated and punished accordingly.

Even if one party refuses to compensate.

Tianyan Holy Land will even send strong men to carry out offline sanctions.

It was so reassuring.

After all, that is the Holy Land of Tianyan.

One of the most powerful resorts in the world today.

With such a powerful guarantee, there is really no need to worry about being robbed by employers.

Increased security.

See here.

Instructions for beginners are still not complete.

Zhang Haitao looked down expectantly.

"After the task is over, both the employer and the task performer can rate each other."

"The higher the employer's score, the more positive reviews, and the tasks posted in the future will be able to get more push traffic.

The higher the executor's score, the more likely he will be selected by the employer, and even be invited individually for some more secretive and lucrative reward tasks!"

See here..

Zhang Haitao smiled.

This is a bit like the evaluation system of Xianwang Taobao.

Since the evaluation score is related to the location of the store, the number of impressions, and the position of the search ranking.

The service quality of various online stores has been improving.

Just for good reviews.

And this Immortal Net Mission Hall actually has a set of evaluation templates.

This is very good.

After all, when you release tasks in the future, you can see the evaluation of the immortal cultivator by your previous employers, and you will undoubtedly be able to better judge whether the other party is suitable for you.

The score level will also affect the choice of employers.

After all, the level of the two immortal cultivators is not much different.

That must be to choose the immortal cultivator with a higher score.

Employer reviews are also useful.

Immortal cultivators are all strange and different.

Some are grand, some are furry, some are digging and searching, and some are repeated.

An employer who is happy and calm is definitely the employer most cultivators want.

No one wants to receive a task from a flimsy employer.

And with this evaluation system. 1.6 In the future, if you accept tasks by yourself, you can also choose better.

"This Immortal Net Mission Hall is really amazing!"

At this moment, Zhang Haitao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

And at the same time.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Countless cultivators have read the novice instructions.

They also coincidentally showed the same look as Zhang Haitao.

In this Immortal Net Mission Hall, although most immortal cultivators can guess the function when they see the name.

But when it was discovered that the functions of the Immortal Net Mission Hall were so perfect.

It still gave these immortal cultivators a huge shock.

In the world of cultivating immortals, accepting missions and dispatching missions can be so simple and safe?

It's incredible.