
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

That's The Holy Master Tianyan!

"Could it be that he knew the elders of Tianyan Holy Land and walked through the back door?"

The shopkeeper was extremely unconvinced at the moment.

Because no matter what the comparison is, our own company has an advantage over another company's peers.

Then why when searching for the refining shop, the results displayed show that the other party's ranking is third.

Home is behind?

Unless the other party knows someone.

But at this moment, the little servant hurriedly said: "No, no, he is not qualified to know the big shots in Tianyan Holy Land.

"Shopkeeper, you must have not looked carefully at the Xianwang map. In the Xianwang map application, click on the My option, and in the list that comes out, apart from options such as uploading map information and member trading areas, the bottom is an advertising cooperation option. "

"Click in and you'll see."

"One is the ability to buy map placements.

"The second is that you can buy search listing rankings."

"Their family must have bought these two advertisements, so they can be ranked first, and their names appear on the street map."

heard the words.

"Six Eighty Zero" flashed in front of the owner's eyes.

So you bought it from Hua Lingshi?

As long as it can be bought with spirit stones, it's not a problem.

If the other party buys it, you cannot buy it yourself.

Immediately, the shop owner devoted himself to studying the advertising business that he had neglected before.

That map display is fine.

It is limited.

In the case of different scales, a certain area cannot sell too much.

Otherwise, when cultivators look at the map, all they see are names, which is too complicated and affects the user experience.

However, there is still space in this area of ​​my home, where I can buy advertisements.

Search rankings are a little trickier.

This search ranking is bidding, there is no fixed price.

If you have more spirit stones than the other party, you can show them in front.

This mode obviously costs more spirit stones.

But looking at the crowd of people in the same industry, people come and go.

The owner made up his mind.

Advertise when you advertise.

As long as they can attract so many customers, they can easily earn back the Lingshi they advertised.


He immediately opened the online Tianyan Pavilion.

Made an appointment to discuss advertising business.

Then he rushed directly to Tianyan Pavilion.

However, before leaving the shop, the shop owner was full of emotion: "Before, I thought to myself, how many people will become members if Tianyan Holy Land gives out members so generously to cultivators? stone."

"Now I know I was thinking too much."

"It turns out that Tianyan Holy Land has no plan to rely on members to earn spirit stones at all."

"Not to mention anything else, the display of this map alone is an astonishing income in terms of the huge area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation World.

"And this bidding ranking is even more frightening, with a radius of 1,000 kilometers, a search ranking for a category requires a lot of spirit stones.

"And there is no clear price tag. If you want to be ranked first, you have to compete."

"It's hard to imagine how many spirit stones you can earn."

The owner was very moved.

Although everyone is open.

But talk about earning spirit stones.

All the cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals must learn from Tianyan Shengtian.

And not far away.

There is a pawn shop.

A bearded man in the late stage of Foundation Establishment entered the shop in a happy mood.

Seeing the young man in the shop, he smiled and asked, "How many spirit stones have you earned this month?"

"Have you met some big fat sheep?"

Hearing this, the boy was full of bitterness, and shook his head timidly: "Shopkeeper, in the first two days of this month, I opened two tickets and made a small profit."

"But after half a month, there was not a single guest.

"We've only earned two middle-grade spirit stones this month."

Hearing this, the bearded man immediately stared: "What? Only two middle-grade spirit stones in one month?"

He immediately grabbed the boy by the collar: "Did you secretly hack Lao Tzu's spirit stone?"

The boy hurriedly shook his head in a panic: "The shopkeeper, I don't have one."

"It's not me, it's because I have created a new thing, and I have written all the things about how we cheated people before."

"Once a cultivator wants to come to the door, he will be able to see those, and then he will not dare to come in."

The bearded man frowned when he heard that: "Fart, I just left customs, walked from the street to the store, and didn't see any sign saying something bad about our store.

is talking.

A cultivator walked to the door of the store at this moment.

The bearded man had a joy on his face, and planned to clean up the servant later.

He hurriedly changed his expression, ready to welcome the fat sheep.

As a result, the fat sheep in his eyes stood at the door for a while, and then showed a look of fear.

Glancing at the bearded man through the gate, he turned around and left.

This time, the face of the bearded man was completely gloomy.

"What's going on? Could it be written in front of our store?"

After speaking, he went directly to the door of the store and watched carefully.

But saw nothing, exactly as usual.

The servant stood beside him tremblingly: "The shopkeeper's name is not written in front of the door, but on the fairy net!"

fairy net?

The bearded man's expression turned cold. Could it be that there are immortal cultivators who exposed their own family on Xianwang Weibo and attracted a lot of attention?

All the cultivators remembered their homes and did not come in.

"Who did it?"

The bearded man had a cold expression on his face.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

He was able to open such a black shop because of the support of the elder Jindanqi from Yumojing...

Who deliberately messes with himself like this.

Wait to find out the identity of the other party.

Be sure to ask the elders to kill this official.

Hearing this, the corner of the boy's mouth twitched: "Yes..."

"Quickly say, no matter who it is, I will make his life worse than death, and let him ruin my business until the end.

The bearded man urged with a cold expression.

The servant hurriedly replied: "It's the Lord Tianyan!"


Holy Master Tianyan?

The face of the bearded man turned pale instantly.

It turned out to be the Holy Lord of Tianyan?

Could it be that my family cheated people before, didn't see the details of the other party clearly, and resisted the people around the Lord Tianyan?

That would be a big problem.

The servant replied in one breath, "Holy Master Tianyan is not targeting us."

"It's the Lord Tianyan who developed a new application, Yingwang Map.

"On the Xianwang map, you can rate and comment on all stores."

"Our store suddenly became the target of public criticism, and many immortal cultivators who were deceived by us gave us low scores and negative reviews.

"Nowadays, when cultivators go to unfamiliar stores, the first thing they do is to read the other party's comments and ratings.

"So it's been more than half a month."

"There is no immortal cultivator at all!"

Hearing this, the bearded man turned pale.

He was in retreat before and didn't know about it at all.

At this moment, quickly open PHS to check the new application.

After quickly figuring it out.

Sure enough, I saw my own store, and the poor rating and 100% negative review rate.

It does have a good review.

But it's very irritatingly written.

"Although this store cheats people, 1.5, at least it has a good attitude until it cheats you, and it will turn around after the scam is over. Just because of the service attitude before the scam, I have to give it a good review!

The bearded man looked at the comments, the corners of his mouth twitching.

This time, everything is understood.

His eyes were full of despair.

The good days of being able to cheat people casually were ended like this.

Don't cheat anyone, it will be extremely difficult for him to earn Lingshi in the future.

But at this moment, he found out who the person who cut off his money was.

But the bearded man never dared to mention any revenge.

Didn't even dare to curse.

After all, that is the Lord Tianyan.

The real number one powerhouse of this era.

Sweeping everything, suppressing two states.

So don't say that you are colluding with the elder of Yumozong Jindan to open a black shop.

Even if he is in collusion with the new suzerain of Taoism.

In front of the Lord Tianyan, he is just a scumbag.

"Hey, accept your fate! Change your career."

"With this thing, the era when we lay down and earn spirit stones is really over."