
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Do You Have Contacts In Tianyan Holy Land?

"My son has really grown up!"

Lin He's father stroked Lin He's head with a smile on his face: "Okay, daddy treats you to a spiritual meal, the monster meat here is pretty good."

"Just to make up for you."

Hearing this, Lin He nodded: "Okay, let's go to Lingmanlou to eat, their monster meal is the best, and the evaluation is very high.

Lin He's father nodded.

He has never eaten in Fangshi, and he always eats the poor-tasting jerky monster meat that he has hunted.

If my son says it's delicious, let's go.

When we arrived at Lingmanlou, the taste was really good.

After one bite, you will feel warm and full of aura~, nourishing your body.

Lin He's father saw his son happy and drank a few glasses of spirit wine.

After the two finished eating satisfactorily, Lin He-father was going to pay the bill.

Lin He stood up quickly: "Father, I invite you today!"

Hearing this, Lin He's father was overjoyed: "f**k, daddy, I earned your spirit stone. When you build the foundation and earn the spirit stone yourself, you can invite me."

But Lin He shook his head: "Father, I really didn't ask you with the money you gave me."

"Through this journey, I found a dozen places on the map of Xianwang that needed to be updated, uploaded them all, and earned a full two middle-grade spirit stones."

"Just enough for the meal."


Hearing this, Lin He's father widened his eyes in surprise.

"Can you earn spirit stones from the map of Xianwang? And you earned a full two middle-grade spirit stones?"

Now, Lin He's father was really shocked.

Lin He smiled slightly, while using Xianwang Cloud Flash to pay the shopkeeper's checkout.

He opened his mouth and said to his father, "Yes!"

"Xianwang map is not a free application, and most of the functions in it must be paid to use."

"But Xianwang Map has an incentive plan."

"As long as you find that there is a mismatch between the reality and the map, you can shoot a video and upload it to the map minister.

"After the map review is completed and the information is confirmed to be valid, you will be rewarded as a member of Xianwang map.

"And members can sell it at a 20% discount."

"That's how I earned my spirit stone."

"Father, I heard from people on Xianwang Weibo that the information on the Xianwang map in many mountain ranges is somewhat incomplete, and there are many things that need to be added."

"Father, when you enter the mountain in the future, you can pay attention to it, and if you find it, take a video and upload it."

"Maybe it's even more profitable than you can earn from hunting monsters."

Lin He's father was also moved by his son's words.

Totally curious now.

Opened the map of Xianwang, and under the guidance of his son, completed the map of Xianwang.


Lin He's father heaved a sigh of relief, filled with emotion: "This fairy net map is really a magic tool."

"I have to say that the Holy Master is really the hero of our immortal cultivation world, and his contribution is even greater than that of the immortals.

"In the past, the road to immortality was difficult, and you had to be scammed by black shops when you went out, and you were even more likely to be attacked by monsters, which was extremely dangerous.

"Cultivation techniques are not only expensive, but even if you want to buy a slightly higher-level one, you can't buy it."

"As for the various medicinal instruments, needless to say, the price is expensive, and there are only a few, you can buy it or not.

"Even if you are lucky enough to get a treasure and want to auction it off, you may be blackmailed."

"But now?"

"Treasures can be auctioned at any time, and they are not afraid of blacks and blacks at all, and they can be sold for the highest price.

"I don't have any suitable ones in the local area, such as elixirs and magic tools. I can just buy them from Xianwang Taobao, and they will be delivered to my door in two days."

"Not to mention exercises and the like, there are everything in the Xianwang Sutra Pavilion."

"Now you have navigation to plan a safe route when you come and go out, and you can also check if it is a black shop.

"The changes in the fairy world in the past few years are really incredible, which makes me wonder if I am dreaming."

Hearing this, Lin He's eyes were full of longing: "Indeed, the Holy Master has changed the entire world of cultivating immortals!"

Immortal cultivators who hold such thoughts.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals, there are countless.

Countless cultivators are grateful to Lord Tianyan.

Because of the appearance of Ye Chen.

It really made their fairy road, which was full of darkness and hardships, much easier.

This act.

It is impossible for the immortal to return to the fairy world.

As time goes by.

The fairy net map has completely entered the lives of countless immortal cultivators and has become a part of their lives.

Navigation is a must when traveling far.

Some prudent ones will navigate even if it is a shortcut thousands of miles away.

See if there are any risks.

And go to offline stores to buy, eat, or enjoy.

Immortal cultivators have also developed the habit of searching for shops and reading reviews on the map of Xianwang.

It's not that there can be bad reviews.

After all, there are so many customers, no store can cover everything, there will definitely be something that makes customers dissatisfied.

But those bad reviews are acceptable as long as they are not serious problems such as deliberate deception by the store.

It is also because of the emergence of the scoring system of Xianwang map.

All the shops in the Xiuxian world paid more attention to service.

Some stores that used to have the means of stealing and defrauding people immediately changed their appearance and chose to be good for the sake of rating.

And those undisguised black shops.

It was directly abandoned by the cultivators.

In just half a month after the release of the Xianwang map.

The entire world of cultivating immortals, two continents.

Countless stores have been closed.

These are black shops, and they have been left with countless bad reviews, which can no longer be washed away.

Many new stores were opened with an emphasis on service.

Let the offline shopping experience of the whole Xiuxian world rise in a straight line.

Even offline stores, which have been robbed by Xianwang Taobao, have recovered.

After all, offline stores still have their own advantages.

If the service is good, it is not unacceptable.

In short.

The appearance of Xianwang map.

Cleared up the trend of cheating and abducting in offline stores in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Let the cultivators no longer have to worry about being cheated when they enter the offline store.

It also made the business of those conscientious shops much better than before.

The offline stores in the entire Xiuxian world have thus entered a virtuous circle.

But there are also shopkeepers.

The rating is not bad.

But looking at some of the nearby peers whose business was far worse than their own before, the business is suddenly booming these days, and I am a little puzzled.

"What's the matter? I checked, and our store has almost the same rating as the other party."

"Why does the other party suddenly feel that it is a lot more lively, and there are more guests than us?"

"Could it be possible to secretly lower the price? This is immoral. If everyone lowers the price and everyone starts to pay the price, it will be hard to live!"

The world of cultivating immortals basically does not engage in price competition.

Because once the price drops, it is difficult to rise back.

And when the profit is low, it is natural to reduce the cost. The quality of things is not as good as before, and the cultivators are not satisfied, so they might not buy them.

In the end, it can only cause the entire industry to rot.

Shopkeepers in the world of cultivating immortals understand this truth, so they basically don't play low-price competition.

When the boy in the shop heard the words, he hurriedly answered the shop owner: "I heard that the other party bought what kind of search advertising space and display advertising space?"

"When cultivators look at our street map, they can directly see the name of the other party's shop.

"Besides, when cultivators search for crafting shops nearby, the other shop is ranked first.

"And we're eighth."

"It's probably because of these that it attracted more guests."

Hearing this, the owner's eyes widened instantly: What? Why?"

"Obviously our store is bigger, why not display our name?"

"There is also a search. Our store is a century-old store. Their store has only been open for 70 years. They are not as famous as us, not as many customers as us, and their ratings are not bad.

"Why is he ranked ahead of us?"

"Could it be that that person knows the third elder of Tianyan Holy Land?"