
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Avoid The Pit Of Black Shops! Give A Good Review!

Lin He's father suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

Together with his teammates, he walked towards Fangshi.

I plan to sell the materials I got this time to shops first.

Pass the spirit stone to his son.

Then rest for two days and continue to enter the mountain.

The square market at the foot of the mountain is very large, because there are many monsters and beasts in the mountain, and there are also many materials produced.

There was an endless stream of merchants arriving.

Therefore, on weekdays, 20,000 to 30,000 immortal cultivators gather in this square city.

The square city is even more lively.

Enter from the Fangshi gate.

In the crowd, Lin He's father seemed to vaguely see his son.

But did not see clearly.

He wanted to take another look, but then it was a doctor.

The son lives in a sect hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Zongmen is not peaceful here.

My son is only in the middle stage of Qi training, so he can't come here at all.

Therefore, I probably missed children too much and misunderstood.

He immediately walked towards the city, intending to go to the shop that often sells materials on weekdays, and pack up the materials.

But at this moment, a call came from his ear: "Father!


Why does this voice sound like his own son.

He immediately widened his eyes and looked back.

He actually saw his son, and ran out of the crowd with a look of excitement.


Lin He's father's eyes widened.

With surprise in his eyes.

But soon, 660's surprise turned into anger: "Why did you come here?"

"This place is a hundred thousand miles away from your sect. There are many monsters and countless dangers along the way. How dare you come here alone?"

"If there is something wrong with you, will you be worthy of my father and me?"

Lin He's father was really angry.

Seeing his father's appearance, Lin He hurriedly explained: "Father, don't worry, there is no danger.

"Don't you know the latest Xianwang map of Tianyan Holy Land? The navigation function in it is very powerful."

"It directly guided me to a particularly safe path."

"Although I'm sorry and the delay was a little longer, I didn't even encounter the fur of a monster along the way, so it was very safe!"

Xianwang map?

Navigation function?

what is this?

In the past few days, Lin He's father and his team have been chasing and killing a group of monsters. They have been busy for several days without closing their eyes, and have not paid attention to the PHS updates at all.

I heard my son say that.

Lin He's father didn't believe it at first.

The worry is that the son is afraid that he will blame himself and lie to himself.

He immediately searched on Xianwang Weibo.

It was found that it was true.

Is relieved.

For a big man like the Lord Tianyan, if the application made is safe, it must be safe.

Lin He's father's eyes softened a bit, but he still said (dbfb) a bit serious: "If you don't have time to practice well [what do you come to me for?"

"You can become a foundation, that is the best reward for me."

Lin He lowered his head a little aggrieved, and whispered, "Father, you haven't seen me for five years!"

"Didn't I miss you, I won't do it next time

Hearing what his son said, Lin and his father also felt warm in their hearts, and swallowed back what they wanted to teach them a lesson.

It's not easy for my son to travel so far to see me.

Let's not talk about it.

He touched Lin He's head: "Okay, okay, father won't talk about you anymore."

"Father has gained a lot this time. When father sells the things, he will take you to a good meal. Aren't you about to compete in the sect? I will pick a suitable magic weapon for you by the way, and try to win A good ranking."

Lin He didn't say much after hearing the words.

He obediently followed his father to sell materials.

When my father came to the door of the store that often sells materials and was about to go in.

But Lin He hurriedly stopped his father: "Father, wait a moment, I'll see how the reviews of this store are, and I'm not playing tricks!"

Hearing this, Lin He's father smiled: "The place where Dad often sells materials, the price is not bad. Although it is a bit picky, it is definitely not a scam. Moreover, the reviews of the store are not from the fairy net Taobao shop online store."

Hearing this, Lin He shook his head: "Father, offline store reviews are a function of Xianwang map.

"I didn't say that you should pay more attention to the updates of PHS."

"Because the updated application of PHS is really useful for us immortal cultivators."

Hear the son educate himself.

Lin He's father smiled.

Although I don't think it's necessary.

But seeing his son like this is quite gratifying.

Five years no see.

My son has really grown up.

And soon, the son shook his head: "Father, we don't want to sell materials in this shop anymore!"

"The score of this shop is only 3.8 points, although it is not considered a black shop."

"However, there are many low-scoring comments in the comments, saying that this store will deliberately pick thorns and find faults with the materials, relying on the cultivators who sell the materials do not understand the six skills of cultivating immortals, and lower prices for some materials that are clearly the whole site."


Lin He's father was taken aback when he heard this.

Is there really a problem with this store that I always come to?

However, it is true that I come to sell materials every time.

The shopkeeper will choose for a long time, every time there are one or two materials, because of the size, knife workmanship, or the wound, the other party dislikes it, and only willing to give out a little spirit stone to collect

Is it possible that those materials are okay?

This time, Lin He's father was really confused.

Because he doesn't know how to refine tools and alchemy, he really doesn't know if there is really a big problem with his materials, and if he has been cheated.

After hesitating for a while, he still said: "Then let's see, which handmade material shop has a good evaluation?"

Lin He has found it now: "Changxiang Store."

"This store has the highest score, reaching four points.

"Ninety-eight percent of the comments are positive, and most of them praise the other party for not lowering the price and giving Lingshi a good time."

"And it is said that the attitude is very good, the efficiency is also very high, and there is no ink."

Cheong Cheong shop?

Lin He's father had also heard of this shop.

And I heard it has a good reputation.

However, I had a familiar shop before, and I was afraid that I would be cheated if I went to Changxiang shop.

So I have never been there.

Since my son said it today, let's try it.

Soon, the two arrived at Changxiang's shop.

The steward inside was very enthusiastic and invited the two of them in directly.

Estimates are even faster.

Just a few hundred breaths.

The stock price is out.

Hearing the price, Lin He's father was overjoyed.

Because the price was 20% higher than what Lin He's father had estimated in his mind.

what does this mean

Before, I was really cheated.

If it weren't for my son's reminder.

Still have to be kept in the dark.

However, Lin He's father did not intend to trouble the previous store.

If the other party can open a shop, there must be a backlash.

Being cheated in the world of cultivating immortals is unavoidable.

Just avoid it next time.

But Lin He's father was still very surprised.

The function of this fairy network map is really powerful.

Not only is it able to navigate the safest route, but it also allows a low-level immortal cultivator like his son in the middle of Qi training to safely traverse a hundred thousand miles.

You can better see the evaluation of offline stores, and avoid black stores smoothly.

This is simply an artifact.

With this app, you really don't have to be afraid of encountering black shops in the future.

While thinking about it, Lin He was warmly sent to the door by the owner, and finally said: "Guests, if you think our store is fair and the price is okay, please give us a good review on the map of Xianwang. Grateful!"

Lin He's father nodded and left politely.

But I was even more amazed.

Even the shop owner cares so much about ratings.

It seems that this fairy net map is very popular in the world of cultivating immortals now.

But how long has this new app been released?

It seems that the son was right.

In the future, I have to pay more attention to the applications in Xianwang Xiaolingtong...