

Jade and Candace called Chris

and she was surprised when she

heard them asking her about her

pregnancy because she never told

them anything. Since it was a video

call, they could see each other's

facial expressions. Chris looked

at them suspiciously and said, "how

did you two know about my

pregnancy? I don't remember telling

you anything after I discovered that

I was pregnant." They were surprised

at Chris's question. Then Jade said

"sometimes it surprises me to see

that you are a celebrity yet you don't

have a notification on yourself. Aren't

you supposed to have a notification

that pops up when anyone searches

your name on the internet? I think

you should check what's trending

on the internet right now." 

Chris took a deep sigh and put her

hand on her forehead as she said

"I have been having this bad feeling

anyway, that something is going to

happen. Who could have done

something like this? I'm even tired

of trending for one thing or the other

which I want to hide. I am not the

first or the last person that will get

pregnant out of wedlock so they

can talk about it all they want. That's

their problem, not mine. So Candace,

how is Mica coping without her

father?" Candace shook her head

as she said, "my daughter's name is

no longer Mica. Her name is now

Elise." "Jade, you let her do that?

Candace, that's childish."

"Chris, I can't believe that you are

telling me about childishness. Can

you allow Doja to name your

daughter Ima?"

"Why should I let him? When it's

not like he wants me to kill him.

Okay, Candace, I understand you."

Jade and Candace laughed at Chris's

dramatic reply before Chris said

"well ladies, guess what? Yesterday

was one of the most horrible days

of my life. Doja came along and

dragged me down to the hospital

because I have been missing my

appointments with the doctor.

Anytime I am going to the hospital

for my checkups, I'm usually tensed

because I don't know what the

doctors will say about my health and

yesterday was no different. The

only difference about what happened

yesterday was that one of my

greatest fears was confirmed. The

doctors saw something different.

Now I know that the two of you

might not see it as a problem but to

me, it is a great problem. We did a

scan yesterday and the scan confirmed

that that stupid doja has two of his

babies growing inside my womb."

The two women listening to Chris

were short of words after hearing

what she just said and a few minutes

later, they both shouted together


"Are the two of you for reals? Are

you supposed to be congratulating

me now? I was almost having

hypertension thinking of how I will

raise one child and now there are

two of them. I knew from the

beginning when I decided to leave

this pregnancy that it was a bad idea.

This is really a disaster."

Jade and Candace were very excited

but Chris was terrified. After listening

to Chris talking about her frustration

on how to raise children and all of

that, Candace decided to speak first

"Chris, having a child or two is not as

bad as you are thinking it. I promise

you that after having those kids, they

will become the best things that

have ever happened to you because

you will start living for them and not

for you anymore. That's the extent

of the love that you will have for

them. You are afraid because you

have no prior experience or anyone

around you who can help you with

the children. Just look at Jade and

me. We also had no experience with

children when we had ours. I know

that you will say we are surrounded

by family members who were helping

us with the kids, but your children

will have you and their father and

that's all they need." Chris began to

touch her stomach and said, "I hope

they're not boys because I don't

think I have the strength to handle

boys. If I end up having two boys,

they might end up becoming the

parents and I'll be the child because

I won't have the strength to keep

going after them and correcting

almost every mistake that they make." 

Jade and Candace laughed again

after listening to the silly things

that Chris was saying. "Chris take

a look at Jade's son, Kellan. Aren't

the girls more troublesome than

he is? Boys are not necessarily

stubborn. And have you thought

about it, that you will be a very

beautiful mother who your children

will be proud of? "They kept talking

for a while before Chris told them

that she will be having a studio

session today with Jay, so they

promised to talk to her some other

time and said their goodbyes.

Immediately Chris disconnected the

call from her friends, she heard a

bang on her door. At first, she felt

that she had missheard, but the

banging on her door continued and

she was wondering who will bang

on her door when there is a doorbell.

She was walking towards the door

when she heard her manager's voice

calling out to her. Chris rolled her

eyes as she knows that her manager

is not here for anything good. She

walked towards the door and

opened it and as her manager

stepped in, she started scolding

Chris immediately. "Chris tell me

what I am seeing on the internet

is not true. Since yesterday's evening,

the news of your hidden pregnancy

has been spreading everywhere like

wildfire. So what's the deal about

this pregnancy rumor that I am

hearing? And do not even try to lie

to me because I will still find out

and of course you know that

pregnancy is not something

anybody hides." 

Chris walked back into the living

room and said "at least take a seat.

The rumors are true and I don't know

how anyone came to know about it

or how someone was able to take

pictures of me without being noticed."

Before Chris could say more words,

her manager flared up as she stood

from her chair "what is wrong with

you Chris!? You should know better

than getting pregnant at this time.

This period is very critical to your

career and you are not a child that

will say she got pregnant by mistake." 

Chris got tired of the way her

manager was treating her and she

raised her voice at her "now listen

to me Itohan! If I don't work, you

don't get paid. So stop talking to

me like I'm a child because I'm

not. It happened by mistake and

Doja got the results before I did else

I wouldn't have left it. Do you think I

don't know how this will affect my

career? Or you think I don't think

about it every day and sometimes

even feel like going to the hospital

to have this pregnancy terminated

immediately?" While Chris was talking,

her manager was busy pacing in her

living room.

"I thought that you don't like Doja, so

when and how did the two of you

get together to the point of making

a baby?" Chris looked at her manager

and said, "you are wrong. It's not

baby, it's babies."

No, Chris, you must be joking. Two

of you had sex to the point whereby

you got pregnant with not just one

child, but two. Well, congratulations

on getting pregnant, and

congratulations on having a failed

career also. How many months gone

are you? "Two months going to

three." Her manager laughed and

said "So, you've been pregnant for

almost three months and I just came

to find out through social media.

Wow! It's obvious that I mean nothing

to you because if you take me as

your friend, you would have told me,

but you saw me as someone who

deserves to know through social

media. I wish you the best of luck."

After speaking, her manager stormed

out of the house and Chris felt


She feels that being pregnant is her

decision and it's her choice to tell

people about it or not. As she was

getting ready for her studio session

with Jay, her phone began to ring

and when she looked at the caller's

name that was displayed on the

phone, she smiled and refused to

pick up the call because it was Doja

who was calling her. 

Immediately Chris drove out of the

estate gate, there were reporters

everywhere trying to get stories from

her. She tried escaping but they

surrounded her car and she couldn't

move. As many were taking pictures,

others were busy flooding her with

questions. Chris couldn't believe

what was happening as she felt

that she was being harassed by

these reporters and there was no

one here to save her from them. She

felt so angry that she wanted to

come out of her car and give them

a piece of her mind but she knows

that doing that on her own is suicide.

 She was happy when she refused to

pick up Doja's call before she left

home as she felt that he was calling

to disturb her again as usual but

unfortunately for her, Doja was

calling to warn her about this. If

only she had picked up his call she

wouldn't have fallen into this trap

that the reporters have set for her

outside her residential Estate gate.

Doja was seated in his office when

his assistant came with a phone and

showed him the footage outside

the estate where Chris lives. He

looked at the video which was

playing before him and smiled.

"This is what happens to those

who think that they are hard-headed.

I called her up this morning but she

refused to pick up my call because

she wanted to please herself and

I guess now she's enjoying the

results." He stopped looking at the

video and told his assistant to go

and his assistant asked him "Sir,

do you mean I should go and help

her out?" Doja picked up a book from

his table and slapped his assistant's

head as he asked him "when did I

say you should go and help her out?

Don't tell me that you are now

crushing on her because I don't

understand this your act of saving

the damsel in distress. If she can't

save herself in twenty minutes, then

you can go and help her out and I

guess this will teach her a lesson."

His assistant rushed out of his

office and did not wait for twenty

minutes before going to Chris's

rescue because he knows that if he

leaves her there for up to twenty

minutes, she will suffer a nervous

breakdown. Seeing how she was

reacting, it was obvious that she

has no experience in dealing with

reporters. He pitied the lady when

he saw her sitting in her car and

looking down because she doesn't

want to raise her face for those

vicious reporters to take pictures.

 As Chris was sitting in her car she

received a text message from Doja,

telling her how he wanted to warn

her about this, but she refused to

pick up her calls. He told her that

he has sent someone to come and

rescue her from her situation and

he also hopes that she has learned

her lesson from this.

 The reporters were vicious and

some of them were acting like

someone put them up to it. Some

of them were sitting on Chris's car

proving to her that they are not

willing to leave until they get her to

say something to them. As some

reporters were sitting on her car,

others were standing around it. A

military van started driving in and

there was a soldier holding a cane

which he used in beating up everyone

in their path. The military van had

no plate number and the soldiers

were masked. As they were beating

up reporters in their path, everyone

began to run away and that was how

Chris was able to drive her car back

into the estate.

She ran back into her house because

she knows that these reporters will

follow her anywhere she goes. She

went on the internet to see what

was really said about her and her

pregnancy and what she saw made

her marvel at the imagination of

the writer. She couldn't believe that

people were contemplating if the

pregnancy was for Jay or Doja. Some

of them even said that at the rate at

which Chris was going right now, it

can be for neither of the men whose

names were being mentioned.

Chris kept reading different

comments about her and when

she couldn't take it anymore, she

clicked on the home button to bring

her phone back to home screen

before calling Jay to cancel their

appointment and explaining what

happened to her. Jay also told her

that he was surprised after seeing

the news as he asked her if it was

true that she was pregnant. Chris

had no choice but to come clean

with her friend and she told him

that the one-night stand she had

with Doja was what resulted in the

pregnancy and she really has no

idea how these people came to

find out about it.

Jay was very angry at Doja as he

told Chris that since Doja is

responsible for her pregnancy, he

should have provided her security

and they should have used a hospital

abroad or get the doctors to come

home. Jay couldn't understand why

Chris and Doja are doing things the

wrong way because both of them

have the money to afford private

checkups and treatments but they

are taking everything with levity. Jay

asked her how she was supposed

to complete the movie that she's

acting in peace because reporters

are like bees after honey. As long

as they want a story, they are willing

to follow you anywhere that you go,

to get the story from you and they

don't care if you are hurt or not.

Jay spoke to his friend for a while

before they rescheduled their

appointment and Chris decided to

go back to sleep because she has

been feeling very sleepy these days.

Ima was surfing the internet again

as usual when she came across

Chris's story and pictures the previous

day. Immediately she saw the story

of Chris's pregnancy, she got so

angry that her face looked like the

face of someone who was possessed

by a demon from hell. She felt that

she was about to lose Doja forever.

She did not want to trash everywhere

so that her mother will not be mad

again and give her another beating,

so she bit her phone, threw it on the

floor, and stood on it. She told herself

that Shulamite was very lucky to

escape death but Chris will not be

this lucky as she will make sure that

Chris dies with her pregnancy and the

little bastard in her womb will never

see the light of day because it's

only her who deserves to have

Doja's children.