

Chris was on set when Doja arrived

at the location and immediately

she heard that he was around, she

knew that he was here to ruin

whatever it is that she was doing.

Doja has never agreed to her acting

from the day he heard about her role

in the movie titled "THE LATE NIGHT

GUEST." Chris's first time of acting

didn't go too well because she was

nervous but after a few takes, she

got used to it and became more

comfortable. In the scene that she

was acting when Doja arrived, she

was supposed to give the guy a lap

dance and push him down on the

bed while having an erotic dance

on top of him. Chris had her

reservations about acting such a

role but when she heard that Doja

has arrived, she acted it so well in

order to annoy him and everybody

was wowed at her moves.

In this movie, she's acting as a

singer and a dancer who appears

to a guy in his dreams every night

to sing and dance for him and

when he finally meets her in reality,

she was just a struggling waitress

who could sing and dance but had

no platform to display her talent.

When Doja saw the mother of his

unborn child acting that scene, he

cursed her in his mind and also felt

like going there to drag her off the

guy but he decided to respect

himself and stay calm. He is also

an investor in the movie and

although he hated the movie even

from the title, he had no choice

but to invest because he will love

to visit the actors on set every once

in a while in disguise of seeing Chris.

Just when Chris thought that she

was done with dramas in her life,

she came across Stephanie who

is an actress and also on the same

movie set as her. Stephanie hated

Chris from the first day that she

set her eyes on Chris as she felt

that Chris does not deserve the

role of the second lead actress

and that it was given to her

because of the high-ranking men

she sleeps with in the modeling

industry. The first day that Chris

came on set, Stephanie and friends

came and sat close to her as they

began to discuss certain models

who are not contented with what

they have but rather, they like to

jump careers by sleeping their

up just to inconvenience others

who are working honestly.

From the time Chris heard that

conversation, she knew that she

will have a hard time here with

Stephanie and her friends. She

has been avoiding Stephanie as

best as she could because she is

not here to make friends or enemies.

She's only here to work and that is

what she will do.

 Today after Chris acted that scene

with the actor, Stephanie looked

at her and commented as she

spoke to her friends "well, our

second lead actress did not need

to put in any effort in acting this

scene as that is what she does

every day in her life." Chris was

passing by when she heard this

comment from Stephanie, so she

went closer to her and said, "Hi

Stephanie, have you gotten me a

man whom I'm going to please for

the night since you know the job I

do and you are my manager who

arranges the men for me. I know

your kind and I know that when

you don't get any story on somebody,

you try to create your own for them.

If pleasing different men is what

you do every day of your life, do

it in peace and don't try to extend

your dirty deeds to me." 

Chris smiled at Stephanie before

walking away to her dressing

room to change her clothes. As

she was walking back to her

dressing room, Doja saw her

and was really infuriated as he

couldn't believe that the world is

going to see the mother of his child

in such scanty clothes and also

see parts of her body which were

supposed to be meant for only

him. After thinking about it, he

began to laugh at himself because

she has always been a model who

has worn worst clothes on the

runway than the ones that she is

wearing right now and he has

never had issues with her wearing

those clothes back then. He

changed his mind and realized

that he has issues with her kissing

another man and giving him erotic

dance moves.

 Doja felt that he was the only

one who deserves such a dance

from Chris but he knows that the

only way that he will get her to

dance for him, was in his dreams.

Sometimes, he just wishes that

Chris could love him and they

could have a normal relationship

like every other couple but Chris

is very different and maybe he

deserves her. Sometimes when

Chris treats him like trash, he feels

like this is karma because he has

treated many ladies like that in

the past. Sometimes he feels like

he's just paying for the ill-treatment

that he has given to some ladies

and their hearts that he has also

broken. Because of how Chris treats

Doja, he saved her mobile number

with "the punisher."

He walked into her dressing room

and wrap his hands around her

waist as he whispered into her

ears while kissing her. "Are you

trying to corrupt our baby with such

acts? If at all you want to do such

things, you should do them with me

because I am the father of the child

and it wouldn't seem weird. Chris did

not reply him and tried removing his

hands from her body before

Stephanie and crew will come in

uninvited and prove that they have

been right about her all along but

Doja refused to let go of her and

he said, "I came here so that I can

drag you down to the hospital if it

comes to that. You have refused

to attend all your appointments

with the doctor. Are you aware that

you have a complete human being

growing inside you? What do you

want to happen to that baby if you

do not take care of it?"

"Then do you think that by coming

here create a scene, you will get

me to follow you down to the

doctor? Don't you know that every

time I think about this child, going

to the doctor, and hearing them talk

about the child freaks me out? It's

not like I do not care about the child,

Doja I am just."

Doja turned her around to face

him so that he can look at her

face when he reassures her of being

there with her all the way. "Chris, I

have told you this before and I will

say it again. You do not have to be

afraid of anything because I'm here

for you and our child. You are free

to tell me all your fears, worries,

and frustrations about the pregnancy

or the raising of the child and I

promise you that I will listen because

I love you and this child also." 

After Doja was done speaking,

Chris looked at him like he is

saying something weird and she

said "okay, I've heard you. Enough

with the motivational speeches

already. Let's schedule another

appointment with the doctor and

I will go with you for the next one.

"Doja smiled at her "we do not

need to schedule another

appointment because we already

have one. I won't let you escape

again, so young lady, we are heading

to the hospital right now." 

As they were leaving in Doja's car,

Stephanie looked at them and

sneered. "Stupid b***h! She will

come here and act all high and

mighty when she's nothing but a

cheap prostitute. I've always known

her type,  they act like they are still

virgins but they are the worst kind."

Stephanie looked at the pictures on

her phone once again and smiled

"I bet you, Chris, that the world will

come to know you for the pretentious

b***h that you are. By the time

these pictures get to the media, I

will see if you will be able to come

out of your apartment let alone

coming on this movie set again."

She called someone on the phone

and said "I would like you to release

those pictures now." 

Sarah came to the house to see

Jamil as usual but on this day, she

was surprised to see her worst

enemy in the living room when she

entered. She didn't want to show

her hate towards Itohan in the

presence of Jamil, so she smiled

hypocritically and said, "hello, it's

been a while. Wow, do you still live

in this country? I thought that you

would have relocated but it's nice

to see you anyway." Itohan looked

at Sarah and said, "enough with the

hypocrisy already. I have already told

Jamil how you came by my office the

other day and I gave you the beating

of your life." Sarah's smiling face

changed instantly and she said "okay,

since Jamil now knows that you and

I are not friends, there is no need to

hide anything from him anymore. I

hate you and that's it." Itohan laughed

and stood from her seat and she

looked towards Jamil "well, I am

glad that Sarah here just said it

herself that there is no need to hide

anything. So, I will tell you what I

know about Sarah. If you like, believe

me, or choose not to believe me. I

really don't care whether you believe

it or not anyway. I just want to warn

you so that you can know the kind

of Viper you live in the house with.

Do you remember the first time we

met when you came back the other

day? When I mentioned that Sarah

came by my office and told me that

you lost your wife. Sarah herself

told me that your wife's name is

Samantha and she died of snakebite

which she Sarah who is standing in

front of you and I here, was the one

who got the snake into your shopping

bag and you took it home to kill

your wife without knowing it. Sarah

here has always been infatuated

with you and any lady that she sees

with you, she scares her away.

Samantha refused to be scared

away and Sarah decided to get her

out of the way in her own way. Back

then, when we were still dating

also, Sarah did everything possible

to make sure that she separated

us and she succeeded. Actually,

I'm not angry about that. I am very

grateful else, I would have been in

Samantha's position now. I am

really sorry to mention your wife's

name in this, but that's the truth. I

have said all I want to say so I am

taking my leave." 

Itohan picked up her bag and was

about to leave when Sarah pulled

her back with tears in her eyes. She

looked so aggrieved and she said "I

know that I am mischievous and

all that. I even accept coming in

between you and Jamil when you

were still dating because I felt you

were not the perfect match for him.

But it's not fair to take out your

revenge on me this way. You could

have said anything you wanted to

say but dragging Samantha who

is already dead into this, is wrong.

If I killed Samantha, why will I be

so stupid as to come and tell you

about it when I know that you and

I are mortal enemies? Finding out

the name of Jamil's wife is a piece

of cake. You don't need me to tell

you that because she is well known."

Sarah cried more and said "I don't

know if Samantha's mother put you

to this because that's all she's been

accusing me of right from the day

that Samantha passed on. It's not

fair that all of you are doing this to

me. I am trying to put all those

accusations behind me and now

you're coming up with it again. If

what everyone wants is for me to

kill myself because Samantha is

dead, then you will all get your wish." 

After Sarah was done talking, she

ran into the kitchen, took a knife, and

slit her wrist. Jamil rushed into the

kitchen fast and he held onto her

wrist as he tore his shirt to tie it up

and rushed her to the hospital. When

Itohan looked at him, she saw that

look which he gave her a few

years ago when Sarah did almost

the same thing. Itohan laughed

and said "I wonder when Sarah will

learn to use a new tactic because

this one she's using his old. She

has used it before when you and I

were still dating. Back then, I felt

very bad when I saw this look in

your eyes but today, I really don't

care how you look at me because

I am not a silly little girl in love

anymore. The day you come to

realize that I am telling the truth,

please don't come looking for me

to tell me about it because I am very

sure that I will murder you by myself

on that day." 

Itohan turned around and left the

hospital but Jamil ran after her

and said "you don't have to leave

like this. I know that you are angry

at Sarah for many things but the

accusations you just laid on her

now, are the same things that

Samantha's mother has been

saying over and over again. Even

if I believe what you are saying,

how do I prove it? Where is the

proof that she killed Samantha?

When I heard Samantha's mother

accusing Sarah of killing her

daughter, I doubted it, but with

all the discoveries that I've been

making about Sarah recently, I

have come to realize that she is

capable of murder.

 I am sorry for doubting you all

those times and for not seeing

the truth about Sarah back then.

sometimes I still remember the

look that I saw in your eyes that

day when you were walking away

and that look has always haunted

me in my dreams. I guess the death

of Samantha has made me grown

and understood certain things

which I couldn't understand back

then. Sarah has always called

herself my sister but now I know

better that she is no sister of mine.

I am making my own investigations

but I do not want to alarm her. I

am sorry but I have to pretend not

to believe you in her presence as

that's the only way to keep her close." 

 Chris was seated in the doctor's

office trying to digest the news that

she has just received and she

didn't know whether to shout,

laugh, or cry. The scan has just

revealed that she is having twins.