
Stupid Host

I sighed as I stared at the white light that sorrounded me. "Haaaaaaa what the fuck is my dogshit luck?!?! I was just finishing the last chapter of fairy tail too" I whined as I looked around.

*Ding* *Ding*

[The system has chosen new host. Hello host. Welcome to the magnanimous and all-pitying system.

Would you like to go through a tutorial?]

A voice droned in my head as I looked all around me.

[Host is too stupid to see me]

The voice said, as I winced at the harsh, computerized voice of the I-guess system. "Ok system. Full me in on the tutorial."

[System knew that host would choose the tutorial, because host is a stupid!!

This is a system that will help the host, that is you , in surviving in the fairy tail world.

Host will be sent to the time of the great human-dragon war, and will be one of the first Dragonslayers along with Achnalogia. Host will train as the space dragonslayer under the tutelage of Ajax, the dragon of time and space.

The options provided by the system are:

1) status screen

2) one randomly selected cheat

3) system store {locked}

4) mission board.

5) Snarky system AI

I hope the host will use all these facilities to thrive in the region.

Transporting host..........

Suitable body found.... Sending....

*Ding* done.

Welcome host to the world of fairy tail!!]

{ In the forest somewhere...}


Ne ne, who are you? Why did you bring me here???"

I asked trying to keep up with the image of a six year old.

Infront of me there was a dragon. It looked azure blue, with two heads. It's red eyes stared down at me amusedly, as it's whisker swished. It has a pair of horns that sprouted from its head.

Most of all though, there was ANOTHER KID WITH THE DRAGON ALREADY!!!!

"Hoho the child has woken up atlast. Hello young one, I am called Ajax, the dragon of duality and the warden of time and space." The dragon said with it's deep and graty voice. " This here is Nanya. He will be your brother from now on.

I have decided to adopt you both. Please take care of me." He said. Though it sounded kind of funny, him asking us to take care of him.

I almost felt it in my teeny bones. This was going to be a loooong thing.

{10 years later}

I winced as the bamboo hit me. It had been ten years since I had met Ajax, and I had still not learnt the true dragon slayer magic. Everytime I had asked father ( as Ajax wanted me to call him) he had given me a long sermon on how space magic required for a very strong body, with a strength much greater than even metal.

And so here I was. Hitting myself with tall bamboo trees. This had been my training for the past month, my hands were tied to the stumps of bamboo trees. I had to pull the tree towards me until it touched my shoulder, then release it. To toughen up my muscles and to 'harden my skin'.

Sometimes I really hated this.

*Ding* [mission completed.

Hit yourself like a masochist. 'Get hit 1000 times in a single day' rewards:

1) Magic dispersion magic. (Learned)

All lesser magic can be dispersed.

2) shady cloak

A purple cloak that makes people want to have sex with the host.

3) +1 level

Current level of host 40. Average level of all other Dragonslayers 37. Host is ready to learn spatial dragon magic.

"What is space?" Father asked trying to sound profound. His eyes stared at me in keenly.

" Space is the magic of the void... A magic that connects you, to everything around you.

When all around you shall pay homage to you as it's sovereign, only then can one be called a true space dragonslayer. "

He said.

My training had only just begun....

Yo guys.

The author here. Since this is the first time I am writing, I would be grateful if you point out any problems with the grammar or the spelling ( I am quite bad at spelling ☺☺☺). Any who want to know what will happen to the mc??

Also how many of you want the mc to loose his virginity? Since I was planning on making him loose it quite early..??

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts