

Cain walked down the street, a ramen bag in his hand. His other hand was engaged in a furious text to one of his playmates. And by playmates ofcourse I mean his gamer palls. His jeans seemed slightly tight for him as his fingers played with the ends of the plastic bag.

He sighed as he reached a signal it was time for him to cross.

Suddenly his sneakers snagged against the ends of the pavement as he fell face first onto the hard asphalt. To top it all off, just at that moment a nice, and friendly Samaritan car-kun came screeching towards his face. As the heavy vehicle neared his face, only a single thought ran through his mind. ' If I survive this I am going to start a protest against you car-kun!!!'....

Yo guys. Here I am trying to write a fan fiction. Hope you like it. (:

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts