
In the DC world with Marvel Chat Group.

Schiller transmigrates into a professor at Gotham University. On the very first day, Bruce Wayne asks him, "What is the meaning of life?" Activating his Marvel Chat System, he asked the urgent question, "Someone is asking me 'What is the meaning of life?', an answer is needed quick!" Thanos: Killing is recommended! Charles Xavier: Don't listen to the one above, let me use my powers... So, this way, Schiller became the most famous psychology professor in Gotham. Batman likes to call him "Teacher”, Joker calls him “Sick Lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Slippery Loach”, and Nick Fury thinks he's a “Ghost.” Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel, and other comics do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom. Do become a PATRON! Go to www.pàtreon.com/shanefreak Read over 60+ chapter in advance on patreon, 5+ chapter release on Pàtreon everyday... This is not my novel, I am just translating as I read. Have fun!

ShaneFreak · Movies
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187 Chs

Chapter-76 | Gobble Up Wolves... (2)

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"I knew it, I knew it. Hey, who do they think they are? The Godfather is getting old and they think they can do whatever they want? I can only say that they wish they were dead sooner..."

In a bar in the East District, a man with a big beard holding a cigar, who was the second-in-command of the Coca gang, was given a glass of water with a shot of whiskey by the bartender. The man took a sip of the drink and smoked his cigar, blowing out smoke as he spoke, "They haven't experienced that era, they don't understand..."

"All the Godfather wants is sincerity," he tapped the table with his finger, emphasizing his words, "He's telling us that if we want to get a piece of the pie here, we have to follow his orders."

"Just like what he did many years ago, how he brought together all the gangs in Gotham and established the twelve families, those young punks will never understand."

The man opposite him was skinny and not as imposing as him, with a pale and gloomy face. He was the manager of the bar and a member of the Coment gang, one of the four big gangs in Elizabeth Street. He smoked his cigarette and said, "I've heard from my boss, you know, our big boss was the first leader of Elizabeth Street, he used to work under the Godfather."

"Those outsiders from the metropolis, they think they've challenged the Godfather, but the fact that he's been quiet for a while means he's scared of them. They're so naive, the Godfather doesn't need to take action himself..."

"He doesn't need to," the man with the big beard said, "Gotham isn't in the era where the big boss needs to pull the trigger anymore."

"He's telling these gangs, even though he's old, as long as he's alive, he'll always be the underground king of Gotham," the skinny man said.

"The head physician got injured so the psychiatric hospital shut down? Only those newbies would believe that BS, damn head physician!"

"What's the need for a head physician there? To treat the chickenhead on the next street who gets trembles just from seeing an egg? "

The skinny man and the people around him laughed, the bartender cleaned the glasses and said, "Where can't you find a head physician these days, I think I'm qualified too, it's just counting the money and writing medical records, there's no patient to treat there?"

"That's why I said, it's all lies, the Godfather intentionally cut off this industry, to let the gangs know that if they want to make money with him, they have to listen and help him take care of his enemies, otherwise they can forget about making money."

The man with the big beard took a sip of his drink and continued, "Many years ago, that's what the Godfather did. He held two poppy farms and threatened the downstream industries' gangs to take care of the biggest thorn in his side at that time, that... Anthony. It was a big business, if he could really have control of the products from those two farms, he would have made a lot of money. But as you all know, that French guy's head was on the Godfather's table the next day."

"They won't live much longer," the skinny man said darkly, "those metropolis accents should go back to their holes and not interfere with Gotham's affairs."

"Go back? They probably don't have the chance to go back, they're dead."

On the other side, Schiller was on the phone in the hospital saying, "Yes, thank you for your concern, I'm fine, ...yes, just need some rest, I really didn't expect..."

As soon as he hung up, the nurse came in with a big bouquet of flowers and said, "It looks like it's from the Lauren family."

"Put it over there, thank you, can you take these flowers away too, they're not fresh anymore."

The nurse tidied up the bedside, where there were all sorts of flowers and gifts sent by various gang families. The nurse couldn't help but think back to the words they had said in the hallway, that the Godfather being sick wouldn't necessarily result in such a large turnout.

Schiller, on the other hand, was in a good mood. He was on paid leave and these past two days, he had received dozens of pounds of various expensive wines and cigars. He didn't know who had spread the word about his love for cigars, but now his estate had an additional collection of cigars worth millions of dollars.

The idea of feigning illness came from a sudden inspiration one morning.

He didn't need anyone to remind him that most of the people coming to visit were definitely here for him.

Previously, Death Knell had received money from his employer to kill him, but he had managed to talk him out of it. The person behind the scenes wouldn't just give up like this. It was likely because Death Knell had failed to kill him that they had chosen to use a group of thugs rather than hiring a famous solo assassin.

If it were normal circumstances, Schiller would have to start a wave of attack and defense with them. But in the style of Gotham City, it was probably impossible to find the police. The enemy was in the dark and he was in the light. All Schiller could do was spend a lot of money on hiring good bodyguards or finding someone to protect him 24 hours a day.

Even if he could use the fog to locate them, Schiller had to be careful and cautious in order to capture and kill a few of the lone members. But that was too foolish, Schiller thought. He didn't want to bring himself down to the level of those thugs and get defeated by their rich experience.

Since the person behind the scenes could afford to hire Death Knell, the thugs he brought with him wouldn't be small fry. They must have some sort of skill, otherwise they wouldn't have come to Gotham City and killed the Godfather's men.

Living in fear and hiding every day, always on guard against possible assassination attempts? Schiller would never do that.

So, after informing Falcone, Schiller simply "got injured" and it was not a minor injury. He needed a long time to recover and his mood was not good.

It didn't matter that he was injured, the mental hospital also had to shut down because there was no chief physician. How could those gang leaders sit still?

The mental hospital had been running for so long and the first few people to get in on the business had already made a fortune. The people who followed were still working hard to establish their own industry. They had spent a lot of time and money on this, and now that it was about to pay off, it was cut off. How could they be willing?

Those who had already made money were even less willing. They didn't need to risk gunfire and explosions, they just had to make a deal with Schiller and get a cut of the profits without doing any work. Who wouldn't want that? They had already made a lot of money and still wanted to make more. If they stopped now, wouldn't that mean they were losing out?

On the first day that the psychiatric hospital announced its closure, all the phones were ringing off the hook, including Bruce's.

During the time that Schiller had returned to Gotham University, Bruce had been managing the entire hospital. Schiller hadn't discussed his plan with Bruce beforehand, but as Batman, he knew Schiller's intention within a few seconds.

So, the billionaire put on a show and told all the gang leaders who called him trying to get information that he didn't know, wasn't sure, and didn't understand.

"I'm just a wealthy person with nothing to do and a blank head, what use am I to you? You might as well ask Evan."

Evan had also been working well in the hospital. After all, he was the Godfather's son and naturally belonged to the same group as these gang leaders. So, they could only call Evan.

Evan also expressed his difficulties, he could only tell these gang leaders that it was his father's decision and he couldn't intervene.

When the bosses of the gang heard this, they all understood what the assassination and injury was about. It was clearly the work of the Godfather. They weren't stupid, they knew that this was the Godfather warning them. If the Godfather lost face, then no one would be safe.

The group of people from the big city, daring to disregard the rules of the ghetto, while others were watching on the sidelines, everyone thought they wouldn't be able to make money anymore.

The gang bosses thought that this was indeed a warning from the Godfather. If they still wanted to make money together, they had to show sincerity and hit whoever the Godfather pointed to.

After weighing the options, the gang bosses realized that the people from the big city were clearly just outsiders and trash. They immediately sent people to find them and kill them, alive or dead.

In order to continue making money from their business in the mental hospital, the gang bosses dug three feet deep to find and eliminate the outsiders from the big city.

The toughness of the Gotham gang doesn't need to be said anymore, especially when this matter threatened their real interests. All related people were frantically searching for and attacking the outsiders.

Originally, these people had found their target, Schiller, just a few days after entering the big city, but they didn't take action yet. They had confidence in themselves and wanted to set up the situation to be foolproof before taking action.

Schiller moved out of Gotham University, and they were already at the end of their plan to catch him. But before they could take action, Schiller suddenly got injured!

What? He was attacked by outsiders from the metropolis? Outsiders from the metropolis? Aren't we them? We didn't do it!

The thugs from the metropolis now have a sh*tty attitude. After so many years in the business, we've encountered all kinds of strange things, but this is the first time we've been framed!

We haven't even started yet! It's his own fault for falling down! It has nothing to do with us!!!

But obviously, this is an unclear situation. If you want to find evidence to prove that they did it, it's easy to find, but they have to prove that they didn't do it themselves. Now that the victim is in the hospital, what can they say?

The victim says who did it, so it must be who did it.

Besides, even if it wasn't them who did it, if the godfather says it was, then it was.

They had originally found a good spot to plant a bomb near Schiller's estate and had found a good spot to hide nearby, planning to lure Schiller over, but now it's bad. The whole of Gotham's gangs are looking for them. The original hideout was discovered and they had to change their location.

Even though they had initially caught the godfather off guard, it was still an ambush. In these past few days, they have witnessed the gangs of Gotham fighting like a small war, burning everything down. Where in the metropolis is there such a force? Now, these gangs aren't fighting each other, but instead uniting to fight against them.

Looking at the rows of machine guns on the armored vehicles, the individual rocket launchers, and even the few rocket artillery cars that some unknown person brought, who wouldn't feel their heart race? You stomp your feet all you want, but you'll still feel scared!

So now, these people trying to hide in some corner had become the target of these gangs. The gangs in Gotham also seem to have no interest in capturing them. The places they previously hid have been found by these gangs and were directly bombarded with rocket launchers. They don't want any live witnesses, they just want corpses, even if they're not complete.

When it comes to the level of craziness of gangs, there is no city in the world that can compare to Gotham. And when these crazy gangs unite to attack a common target, the tragedy of that target can be easily imagined.

The frequent transfer of bases results in not only difficulties in supplying materials and storing daily necessities, but more importantly, once caught, retreat is only possible with someone covering their backs. After several transfers, they have lost several good members and the group has gone from a dozen or so people to just a few.

They may want to give up the task and run away, but the Gotham gangs will not give them this opportunity.

It was unknown who spread the word, but whoever delivers the task first will get the biggest slice of the pie. With greed as the main motivation, the gangs were all frantically trying to capture them and claim credit.


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