
8. This World's Waiting For(1)

"Hey," Skye said, smiling as she walked up to her friend.

"How was it?" Beckett asked her.

"Good, I think I'm ready," Skye replied. "At least I hope I am."

"We'll find out tonight," Beckett said.

"What? No saying that I will do fine?" Skye asked with a smile.

"You've heard it constantly since we got here," Beckett said, smiling herself as they walked together out of the studio.

"Are we still going for lunch together?" Skye asked her when they'd stepped outside.

"Yeah, that place around the house," Beckett said. "But you're going to drive right?"

"I am," Skye said with a slight laugh. She took the keys to her car that her friend handed her and she told her, "Though I'm still curious why we're on our own."

"I feel the same," Beckett told her. "But Mary was insistent."

"So she either wants you to interrogate me about how I'm feeling or… no, just that," Skye said jokingly as she opened the car as they'd reached it.

"She didn't mention it to me, but wouldn't you tell her how you're doing?" Beckett asked once they were sitting inside.

"I have been, I guess she just wants me to relax," Skye said as she pulled out of the parking lot. "And she wants to be with the kids."

"And everyone else," Beckett reminded her.

"Naturally," Skye said with a firm nod of her head. They looked at each other for a moment and then laughed together before she got onto the freeway to reach Santa Monica. When they got to the restaurant she said, "It will be nice though," as they were getting out of the car and looking at one another across the roof.

"It will," Beckett replied.

"How have things gone while I've been out?" Skye asked her.

"Good, they have their lessons done and they were working on their homework when I left," Beckett said.

"My girls?" Skye said.

"They wanted to come with me," Beckett told her as they walked inside the restaurant. "And I think Mary wanted to too."

Laughing slightly Skye nodded and said, "That doesn't surprise me." She glanced up at the menu before she said, "I wonder why she didn't."

"I think she wanted one of you to be with the girls," Beckett said, looking at her friend from the food choices. "And since she was there already…"

"True," Skye said with a nod. They didn't talk again until they'd ordered their food and said, "Mind if we head to the park across the street?""No," Beckett said with a nod as they were waiting. "Do you do that often?" she asked.

"We do, though with the kids more than just Mary and myself alone," Skye answered.

"I didn't think you came with Mary alone all the time," Beckett said in amusement. "Maybe you need to spend some time with her alone once you're home.""I couldn't ask," Skye started to say before her name was called, and she walked over to the counter to get their food so they could head outside. "And we need to be with the girls."

"The girls will play with the other kids there," Beckett reminded her.

"Why are you pushing my wife and I into our bedroom?" Skye asked her jokingly in Russian while they were waiting to cross the street.

"I'm not," Beckett said simply though in amusement as they reached a picnic table. "You can do whatever you want."Skye frowned for a moment before she then said, "Well… we'll see what the girls say once we're back." She ate from her bowl and then said, "Would you and Rick want to do anything on your own?"

"Oh no, we have a play date with Josie," Beckett said. "What?" she said when she saw the smile on her friend's face.

"Did you ever think you'd be saying that?" Skye asked.

"Before Julia? No," Beckett said. "Before Marie and Kath?" she then said to her friend.

"Not at all," Skye said. "Oh… I knew I'd eventually want to adopt a child or two," she added after eating a little more. "But the idea of talking like a mother was…""You couldn't think of it," Beckett supplied. When the investigator nodded she said with a smile, "I thought the same myself, but I think we're settled into being mothers."

"I'll remind you, you have four children to my five," Skye said teasingly.

"I know," Beckett replied, throwing one of her cherry tomatoes at her friend.

"Thank you," Skye said, holding the vegetable up and then popping it into her mouth.

"When are you going to the show?" Beckett asked after they'd been eating for a while.

"At my usual time," Skye replied. "I feel bad the kids won't be able to come along with."

"They know they'll have a chance later," Beckett said. She then smiled and said, "When are they going to start having themed weeks?"

"I'm not sure… I would imagine next week but they haven't told us stars," Skye replied. She then shook her head and said, "Do I really deserve to be called that?"

"You do," Beckett said, finishing her bowl and then standing with the investigator who'd finished as well. "You're a singer remember."

"True," Skye said slowly. "Not recorded though."

"You have the short live album and music videos with Paul," Beckett assured her. "But eventually you will be on a full album."

Nodding Skye said, "We can head home now?"

"You're the one who's driving," Beckett told her teasingly.

"Then I'm going," Skye said exaggeratedly before they laughed and went over to the car. She drove them back to the house and she wasn't surprised to find the kids in the front. "Do I need to honk?" she asked Beckett as she slowly pulled in.

"No need," she replied as they watched the kids waving at the car. "But our spouses don't look too ragged so that's a good sign."

"That's a good sign, see the meter's moving…" Skye sang. She laughed when Beckett pinched her shoulder lightly and said, "It's a good song so I can't resist it."

"I don't blame you but get us to the garage they are holding back the kids," Beckett said since their spouses were doing that. When they were finally to the structure they got out and she smiled as her daughters made a beeline for her.

"How was lunch Mommy?" Eliza asked, peering up at her.

"It was very nice," Beckett said, putting her arms around them and pulling them with her to the house. "But I missed you."

"Even Dad?" Julia asked with a smile.

"I did," Beckett said, smiling at him as they were approaching him. "You're in one piece."

"It wasn't hard to be," Castle replied. "We were playing hide and seek."

"Daddy said it's P.E." Eliza said eagerly.

Laughing, Beckett squeezed her close for a moment before she said, "We should head inside."

"Go Mum," Marie said. "Mom told us that you would probably take a nap."

"Oh, she did," Skye said, looking at her wife.

"We're going to get them ready with their snack," Mary replied. "And then we'll go," she added in Japanese.

"Okay, I'm assuming you lot made the snack?" Skye said.

"We made it a lesson," Beckett told the investigator. "Math for each of them where we could."

"Ah… smart," Skye said. "What is it though?"

"Look!" Iris said, taking her hand and pulling her to the fridge.

Opening the door, Skye laughed and said, "Apparently an art lesson too," as there was a plate with fruit cut into shapes and stuck together with toothpicks to look like bugs.

"And science too," Peter commented.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that," Skye said with a nod. "Alright, I'll be taking a quick nap," she said as she started to hug her daughters in turn. "But I'll be up an hour before I need to leave and we'll play together."

"Go Mummy," Fleur said. "So you won't be tired."

"Thank you," Skye said, running her hand over her hair. She leaned over and kissed the top of her head before saying to Martha and Jim, "Thank you for watching them too."

"We had fun," Jim replied though they'd been putting Josie down for her nap.

"Yes, rest since you'll need to glide this week," Martha said.

Skye laughed and nodded before she went up the stairs, going to the master bedroom where she was holding the door before she paused as she heard footsteps down the hall. "I was wondering," she said in amusement as Mary walked by her.

"I had to tell them I needed to check on you," the doctor said with a smile. She waited for her wife to close and lock the door and then grabbed her hand, pulling her with her to the bathroom. As soon as that door was closed she stopped the tub and ran the water while she could feel Skye watching her. When she had turned off the faucet she then turned to her wife and was about to ask her why she hadn't gotten undressed when the investigator was stepping up to her and cutting her off.

"What did you want grá?" Skye asked her wife.

"Just this," Mary answered reassuringly. "I want you to relax."

"Alright," Skye said before she started to undress while her wife stood. When they both had their clothes off she expected to go inside first but looked at Mary in surprise when she grabbed her arm gently.

Stepping into the water, the doctor got on her knees and waited for her wife to join her which she did soon after. "Better?" she asked, making her lean back against her.

"Yes," Skye breathed out in pleasure. When her wife wrapped her arms around her from behind she said, "I'm not really that anxious. I just want to get this dance right."

"I know," Mary said before she kissed the back of her shoulder. "But you'll do a great job with it of course," she told her.

"As much practice as we've been doing with it…" Skye said.

"Exactly," Mary said firmly. She carefully moved her hair away from her neck and leaned down to kiss the side of it a few times before she told her, "And you'll be going tonight to practice."

Skye laughed and said, "Nice way to avoid saying you'd think I'd be safe this week." She moved then and turned around to face her wife telling her, "Have you told anyone this song applies to you as well?"

"No, you didn't write it," Mary said teasingly. She laughed when her wife pinched her side and they kissed gently before they soon parted. "But I don't want to think about anyone else right now."

"Neither do I," Skye said in agreement, wrapping her arms around her wife so they could start kissing. They were doing that for a while until she ended the kiss to look at her. "We're still just taking a bath, right?" she asked her.

"Yes," Mary said simply.

"Good," Skye said before she was leaning over and kissing her again while they held onto each other tightly as they took advantage of their time alone in their bath.

"Here," Castle said to the baby as he handed her a foam ball.

Watching as Josie let go of it quickly after, Beckett said, "What were you hoping for?"

"Nothing," Castle told her seriously. "It was more to see how long she could do that."

Beckett was about to speak when she paused and then looked over at the stairs as she'd heard footsteps. "Why did you come down that staircase?" she asked Skye who was ahead of her wife.

"We wanted to see if the kids were in the front in that window by the stairs," Mary explained.

"They're in the back," Beckett told them.

"And your kids?" Skye asked.

"With them, everyone's in the back," Beckett said before she looked at her husband.

"Yeah, I'll follow you," Castle said before he handed Josie over to her. He walked with her after the couple and they stepped out into the backyard to see all the kids standing down the grass from an archery target.

"Whose idea was that?" Beckett asked, looking at her father as he was walking over to her.

"Marie and Kath," Jim replied. "But I don't think they're very happy with what they have."

"They're going to have to play with what they have," Skye said firmly, as the archery set was a child's one.

"You guys don't have one?" Castle asked them.

Shaking her head Mary said, "It's not something we really like to play. Darts yes…"

"Oh… give over," Skye said, rolling her eyes. She looked at the others and said, "She's actually better than I at that, we've played at the pub on the Promenade before."

"Just one time?" Beckett asked in amusement.

"Just the one," Mary said, glancing over at her wife.

"We were on a date and I had lied and said I'd loved darts," Skye confessed. "Boy did she figure out I'd lied fast."

"She did marry you," Castle said.

"That she did," Skye said with a nod. "Are you finished?" she asked Fleur who'd hurried over to them and was wrapping her arms around her.

"Yeah, can we play something else?" the little girl said.

"Of course," Skye said. "What would you like to do?"

"What about the new one we got?" Fleur asked hopefully.

"You and your sisters have been waiting to ask that haven't you?" Mary said jokingly. When the little girl just smiled she said, "I think we should, we keep forgetting it."

"I'll grab it," Skye said.

"What is it?" Castle asked Mary after he'd kissed the top of Josie's head so Beckett could give the baby to her father.

"A big game," Mary said simply.

"Alright, alright, calm down!" Skye said as her three youngest daughters were gathering around her. "I know you all want to play but we need to get it set up."

"What… basketball?" Clive asked in confusion as he saw the wire basket type of object the investigator was carrying.

"You'll see. Grá?" Skye said, calling to Mary.

"Is it a life size version of KerPLunk?" Castle asked as the women were starting to stick long dowels of wood into the wire.

"It is, we saw this at a bar in Venice and the girls were wild to try it," Skye said. "And it gets them outside of course."

"Is the gameplay the same?" Jim asked.

"You want to play Dad?" Beckett said to him with a smile.

"I'd like to," Jim replied.

"We'll group into three teams," Skye said, motioning to the base that had three slots for the plastic colored balls Mary was pouring into the top. "And take turns though I should warn you we may not have the chance to all go."

"We need to let them?" Ivy asked.

"Yes, they won't have the game when they return home," Skye replied.

"We're ready," Mary told her wife. "Eliza?"

"Grandpapa you go," the little girl said to him. "For Josa."

"Okay," Jim said after he'd looked around at the kids to make sure they didn't mind. He reached for one of the dowels; studying how they were set up; and then pulled it out with nothing falling. He then stepped away and watched as Eliza moved up to the game, looking at it closely before she hurried to her mother.

Picking Eliza up, Beckett said, "Make sure you know which one you want to get."

"I know," the little girl replied. Eliza pulled the dowel and held her breath before she cheered as the balls stayed in place.

As they went through the rest of the kids by age Castle said, "It also keeps them calm."

Skye laughed and then said, "I suppose you're right. You should try and find this game… or others for them to play."

"We have less time to play them," Beckett commented.

Scoffing, though she smiled soon after, Skye then said, "You can take them inside you know. We'll likely do that when it rains."

"I'm sure he'll want to try and find them when we go back home," Beckett said with a smile.

Skye nodded and then looked over as the kids were groaning making her say, "Don't worry," to Iris who'd just pulled a dowel. "It's only two and there are a lot more." Satisfied her youngest wasn't upset, she then looked at Beckett who'd touched her arm.

"Do you have more games like this?" she asked.

Smiling Skye stepped closer to her friend and murmured, "One we didn't tell them about but it's only for two at a time."

"Should have just spoken this," Beckett said, speaking in Russian. "Did you want to wait for us to leave before you showed them?"

"No," Skye replied. "But I'm just concerned who'll want to play first."

"We'll watch them," Beckett said before she felt a hand taking hers and looked down to find it was Eliza.

"Mommy, I'm thirsty," the little girl said.

"Oh, pereryv na napitki," Skye said. She paused when she realized what she had just said and then switched back to English telling them, "A drink break."

"But…" Marie began before Mary pulled out her dowel and the rest of the balls dropped to the bottom. "Never mind."

"Better at darts grá," Skye told her wife wryly. She laughed when her wife pushed her playfully and then said, "We'll be back."

"Do you need any help?" Beckett asked.

"No, we're fine," Skye replied before she took her wife's hand and they walked together up to the house.

"Now what?" Peter said.

"We need to pick this up," Beckett told them. She wasn't surprised when the kids groaned, and she said with a smile, "We all played with it so we need to all help."

Castle, hoping the two women would come out soon, helped the others in getting the game picked up so it could be put away in the garage which he took. When he stepped back out he saw the couple was walking over to the others and he said, "Good timing."

"We figured we should hurry," Mary commented as she held the tray down slightly for the kids to take the glasses of juice on it. "And there's enough for us all."

"Why did we have to put the game away Mummy?" Iris asked after she'd taken a sip from her cup.

"We have something else to play," Skye replied.

"Not the archery again," Julia said, trying not to groan though she couldn't help it.

"No," Skye said simply.

"We'll find out," Beckett said with a smile at her daughter when she turned to her.

"You know already," Julia said.

"Of course, we're the adults," Castle commented before he smiled as Julia frowned at him. He ruffled her hair to her laugh and they finished their drinks before he took the tray with the glasses into the house urging the investigator and doctor to get the other game.

"We have this," Skye was saying to the girls once she and Mary were out of the garage. "But we can't all play at once."

"What is it?" Mari asked, looking at the large board with holes in it.

"Ever heard of Connect Four?" Mary asked.

"Really?" Julia said eagerly.

"Yeah, right here," Skye said. "But as I said, we're too many and there're only two players needed."

"Teams?" Marie asked her.

"I was thinking that myself," Skye said. "Oh, we can do that now. Should we have New Yorkers versus the Californians?" she suggested to Beckett.

"Alright, but we'll have the kids take turns," she replied with a nod.

After they'd split up, the teams started to put their pieces into the game in order of age until Beckett was putting their last piece and winning for them.

"Well… that'll do it," Skye said, nodding as she studied the board. "Good game though. Alright, girls, go on and play with your bubbles it's nearly time for us to head out to the studio."

Castle put away the game that time as well before he joined his wife on the patio as she was nursing Josie while the others were with the kids to give her some privacy. "Okay?" he asked, sitting with her.

"I am," Beckett said with a nod. She smiled at him and said, "She knew we needed to go soon." She was startled when he didn't respond to her, but as he draped the towel on her shoulder over his she smiled and said, "You don't want to join the kids?"

"I think our girls would want me to be here," Castle said simply. He squeezed her shoulder and then said, "But I am looking forward to tonight."

"Oh?" Beckett asked, glancing at Skye and Mary as they were walking up to them.

"Yes, you know there's something with this dance," Castle said.

"Yes, dancing," Skye said. She laughed with the others and then said, "Really, that's all there is."

"I don't know," Mary said, looking at her wife. She cupped her cheek when the investigator looked at her with wide eyes and said, "I get the feeling too."

"O furo ni modottekita," Skye commented wryly, telling her wife the phrase 'that would have been back in the bath' in Japanese.

"Sore mo dōyō ni," Mary responded, saying that as well.

"Guys, we don't know what you're saying but if it's s-" Castle began.

"Which is why we were just speaking in Japanese," Skye commented. "It wasn't," she added hurriedly as her wife palmed her face. "But you'll see the dance… there you are."

"When are you dancing?" Beckett asked her after she had given Josie to Castle and her blouse was fully closed.

"Third," Skye said. "Which is nice; get it over with." She saw three looks and said, "What?"

"Despite what you say grá we can tell you enjoy it," Mary told her first.

"She's right," Beckett said. "Or is it the anticipation of the scores?"

"The elimination," Skye corrected her. Shaking her head, she then said, "Hate that part."

"You got great scores last week," Castle told her as she'd tied for first with the actress the week before.

"Very true," Skye said, tempted to say something about the votes but her wife was holding her hand and she smiled. "Oh, Lenora should be here soon," she told the couple.

"We have to get ready?" Castle asked.

"Soon," Skye said. "I thought you didn't mind dressing up," she said teasingly.

"Did she tell you that?" Castle said in surprise.

"No, I can tell by how you are," Skye said, shrugging her shoulders,

"Oh… I forgot you need to be observant," Castle told her.

"Yes," Skye said with a wide smile. She scratched her cheek and then said, "Don't cook tonight," to her wife.

"No?" Mary said in surprise.

"No, grab something but don't cook," Skye told her. "I don't want you to feel like you need to cook… any of you," she said, looking at Castle and Beckett.

"We wouldn't mind," the former said.

"No, not tonight," Skye said.

"What're you in the mood for?" Beckett asked, watching her friend.

"I suppose Greek," Skye said, looking at her wife.

"That's fine, you didn't think I'd agree to it?" Mary asked her with a smile. She laughed when Skye shrugged and then hugged her with one arm before they left the patio to go to their kids who were calling to them.

"She's nervous," Castle commented.

"Of course, but Mary's good for that," Beckett said.

"She is," Castle said with a nod. He then said, "We should get her ready."

"I know," Beckett said, standing before him. She waved to their daughters and once she was sure the two saw them they went inside. He was about to walk to the stairs when she placed her hand on his shoulder, making him turn around to look at her. She wrapped her arm around his neck and they kissed soon after before they were holding hands and making their way up together to get everything ready for their evening.

"I'm not sure I'm really all that necessary here," Beckett commented to Mary.

"I'm not even sure if I should be here," the doctor replied.

"That's horrible to say," Skye called from behind the changing screen.

"It's true, you don't need me for help," Mary called to her.

"Or me for anything," Beckett said.

"Bugger it all, I just want you two here for support!" Skye said though she was laughing soon after so there wasn't any sting to her words.

"Should have just said grá," Mary said.

"You two don't want to see what I'm wearing?" Skye said.

"We do, but we don't want to receive special treatment," Beckett replied.

"Which you aren't," Skye commented as she stepped around the screen. "Ta-da," she said simply as the two women studied her.

"Minor fanfare? You look great," Mary said as she walked up to her wife.

"Thanks," Skye said.

"I'm surprised," Beckett said as her friend was looking at her. "Though I think it works."

"Good," Skye said as she looked down at her coat. She was wearing a black coat that had long sleeves and was form fitting to her waist. Below it the coat was cut in two places on the sides; more towards the back; and it ended above her ankles. She was also wearing black trousers and a white blouse under, though the latter couldn't be seen. She then said, "Watch what it does, this is why Stella is amazing," before she spun in front of the women.

"Interesting color," Mary said, holding up the bottom of the coat so she and Beckett could see the paler sky blue lining underneath.

"Her suggestion," Skye said, looking pointedly at her wife before she finally smiled and spoke.

"I thought it would bring out your eyes more," Mary said simply.

"It does look nice," Beckett said, unable to help smiling as the investigator groaned and leaned over slightly. "But you're lucky she didn't suggest a darker blue color."

Laughing Skye said, "My Ravenclaw robes; by Stella McCartney," as she then went over to grab her hair brush from the vanity.

While the investigator sat on the chair there and Mary began brushing her hair Beckett said, "No boots?"

"I'm not sure I'm ready to start dancing in those yet," Skye replied, looking at her dance shoes with the low heels. "And these'll help me move around better than those."

"Are you dancing the Paso at all grá?" Mary asked her teasingly.

"I'll try and use those then, better for stomping," Skye answered. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and once her wife had checked it she got down from the chair and headed to the door. "Time to prepare," she told the two before she stepped outside. "Derek," she called, seeing her partner.

"Hey, you look great," the dancer said with a smile as he continued down the hall towards them.

"You do too," Skye replied.

"Like George?" Derek asked.

"A lot like George," Mary said.

"She's right, but is anyone going to say anything about that?" Skye asked.

"I told you," Derek said reassuringly, since he was wearing a denim shirt, jeans and white tennis shoes as the singer was on the album cover. "We explained it in the opening, so they'll understand."

Nodding her head Skye said, "Good thing it was both of us."

"Okay," Derek said after he'd nodded. "We better go and get makeup done, they're about to start the music."

"Break a leg," Beckett said as Skye turned to her first. She embraced her friend tightly and then stepped back, watching Mary grab onto her wife.

"You're liable to cut off circulation grá," Skye told her teasingly.

"I won't," Mary said simply before she let her go. "I'll be waiting impatiently."

"I know, so will we," Skye said. They hugged one last time before they let go of each other and once they had she said, "Have fun dancing."

"We will," Beckett said before she and Mary walked back out to the ballroom together.

"She's ready?" Castle asked once his wife was with him and the others at their seats. That time they were sitting to the right of the judge's table, between it and the stage, and he had been watching the kids to make sure they wouldn't run up onto it.

"Almost, they went to get their makeup done," Beckett said as he took her hand.

"What're they wearing?" Julia asked, having been waiting for her mother to be able to ask her that.

"You'll see," Beckett said. She smiled at the slight frown on her daughter's face and told her, "It's better if you see them; I can't describe them exactly."

"Oh, I thought Skye told you not to," Clive said as he and the other kids had all been listening.

"No," Beckett was able to say before the first song started. "Don't go on the stage you guys," she told the kids before she went with Castle onto the floor. She moved close to him before he was speaking, placing his hand on her back so she could hear him.

"They were dancing already," he told her. "And they kept teasing me about the stairs."

"They know they can," Beckett said with a smile before she kissed his cheek and they turned their attention to the song. When it finished and the next one started she went to Eliza with him and they grabbed her so they could dance together.

Jumping up and down with her parents, the little girl started to move back and forth until the song ended and she groaned saying, "I wanna dance more!"

"We need to sit sweetie," Beckett told her, urging her over to the seats.

"Is it gonna start?" Eliza asked hopefully.

"I think so," Castle said as the cameras were moving and shortly after they were watching the intro to the episode on the screen.

With the quick previews from some of the pairs, Julia smiled at Mari when there was footage of Skye and Derek before the screen switched to the cameras on the ballroom. She watched out for the pair as the couples were stepping out onto the dance floor from the stage, and soon saw them, looking at her friend again with wide eyes as she wasn't expecting the investigator to be wearing what she was.

"It's cool," Mari said, looking at Julia to see if she liked it herself.

"It is," the girl breathed as Tom and Erin were speaking about that week. Julia then sighed in slight annoyance as the model and Tristan were going next before she settled back to wait for Skye and Derek's turn. She suddenly realized; after the pair had danced their Cha-Cha; that her mother or Mary would know, and she tried her best to wait patiently until she could ask.

"What?" Castle said to Julia as soon as the show had gone to commercial.

"What?" the little girl asked in surprise.

"What did you want to ask," Castle explained to her. "I had a feeling seeing the look on your face."

Julia wrinkled her nose for a moment and then laughed before she said to her mother, "Do you know when Skye and Derek are going to dance?"

"Third," Beckett replied. She jumped slightly when she heard groans to the left of them and looked over at them seeing it was the McDouglas girls.

"Your mum can't go first all the time," Mary told them.

"She's right, but at least she isn't last," Castle pointed out.

"I guess that's alright…" Marie said first, slowly.

Beckett bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing as the girls looked at each other before they were nodding. She luckily had the distraction of the show starting up again and she watched while Oliver and Peta danced. While it was on commercial she looked down the seats at Mary as she was whistling when her wife walked down from the Sky Box with Derek.

"Calm down," the investigator said, walking over to them. "Quickly grá," she told her before they shared just a quick embrace as she was wearing lipstick. She did the same with their daughters before giving her father a brief hug saying, "Everything's ready."

"It better be," Liam told her.

Smiling, Skye squeezed his arm before she hurried back to her partner so they could talk about the steps one last time.

"What is it Grandda?" Kathleen asked Liam.

"Nothing," he replied, shaking his head before he then smiled. "You'll find out very soon though," Liam added.

"Grandda!" the girls said, almost at the same time.

Since one of the crew was counting down, Castle smiled at Liam putting his finger to his lips before they were all looking back at Tom.

"Welcome back," the co-host said. "Next is our singer and investigator who with Derek took a personal path with their Viennese Waltz."

Beckett turned her attention to the screen; though she couldn't help noticing the crew setting up a microphone and speaking with the pair on the dance floor when they approached it; as their intro package began.

"This week we have the Viennese Waltz to Behind That Locked Door," Derek was shown saying the Monday the week before. The footage went to him teaching Skye the basic steps and his voice saying over that, "This song is important to Skye, not just because it was written by George Harrison for Bob Dylan to get him to perform again, which is what we're going to play a bit with, with her being uncertain. But because she likes to think of it as applying to her wife singing it to her after her own hesitation."

The screen then changed to the two standing together and Derek saying, "So you want me to dress like George and you'll be…"

"Not Bob Dylan," Skye said quickly. "I couldn't do that. But I like to think George would be alright with an artist taking this song as encouragement to just perform."

"Mary," Derek said.

"You're not dressing like me," the doctor said as she was there with them in the room. Her tone was so firm that the audience laughed before on the screen Mary was saying, "And it's George's song."

"I wasn't always eager to perform," Skye said, the footage going to the pair dancing in the old ticket room at Union Station. "But practicing with Mary I realized it was quite a lot of fun. And that's why we're here at Union Station, practicing. I'm with the band Mary and I are part of to film some music videos. I am practicing as much as possible with Derek when we can, and I'm letting him join in with the others."

Julia wasn't surprised when the other footage showed the pair practicing at the Promenade, but it then went back to them in the dance studios they had been to the week before. She was startled when Derek stopped them suddenly and walked away from her saying, "It's a little hard to get this started."

"I know, but remember, this is a song of support," Skye told her. "You can perform for me so let everyone be able to see your artistry."

"Alright," Derek said after a moment of obviously thinking that over before he got back into hold with her and they began to dance once more.

"Skye's determined," Derek said in a voiceover with them dancing repeatedly. "And I think she's determined to honor this song for both her wife and George. With that, I think the sky's the limit."

With the footage over, Skye stepped close to the mic, waiting for the announcer to say, "Dancing the Viennese Waltz, Skye McDouglas and her partner, Derek Hough." She took a deep breath and as the spotlight focused on the microphone she stepped up to it, holding it with her hands before the opening music started. She started to open her mouth but then stopped, doing her best to look uncertain, stepping back into Derek's arms as the first lyric began and at the second they dipped and moved around together.

Why are you still crying?Your pain is now through

Turning around, Skye got into hold with her partner and they began their basic steps until they stopped after the next two lines

Please forget these teardropsLet me take them for you

Spinning Skye, Derek held her as she leaned away from him and when she spun back to him he was ready to take her into his arms before they danced again until they reached the second to last line.

The love you are blessed withThis world's waiting for

At the next line, Derek spun Skye at the two instances of the word please before they were dancing together again at a short instrumental.

So let out your heart please, pleaseFrom behind that locked door

Beckett took the moment to look at Julia, not surprised at the admiration on her face before she turned her attention back to the pair, seeing them gliding almost over the floor. When they reached the microphone, she wasn't surprised when they went to the last verse of the song before Derek brought Skye in front of him. She was startled when; at the second lyric; the pro spun her in front of him as it could have become a lift. But the coat was short enough that it wasn't hard to see her right foot was still firmly on the floor. After that they danced a few more basic steps again before Derek was spinning Skye, leaving her at the microphone at the very last line.

And if ever my love goesIf I'm rich or I'm poorPlease let out my heart please, pleaseFrom behind that locked doorFrom behind that locked door

As the very last of the music played, Skye stepped up to the microphone and closed her eyes before she then began to sing the second verse, the band behind her playing for her. She looked around, though with the spotlight on her again she couldn't see anyone, and she just hoped the audience would enjoy it as she had decided to repeat the last line twice unlike in the original recording of the song.

It's time we start smilingWhat else should we do?With only this short timeI'm gonna be here with youAnd the tales you have taught meFrom the things that you sawMakes me want out your heart please, pleaseFrom behind that locked doorFrom behind that locked door

As soon as Skye stopped and started to bow, her family and friends were applauding, and she could see them standing as more lights were brought up. She smiled and blew kisses at her family, waving at her friends before she turned to Derek and hugged him tightly.

"I think they liked it," the dancer said to his partner with a laugh.

"Let's hope," Skye said before they went hand in hand to where Tom was standing.

"Alright, let's see what the judges say after your performance tonight," the co-host said. "Very nice singing; George Harrison would be proud."

"I'm hoping," Skye said.

"Len let's hear from you first," Tom told the judge.

"Well that was a very nice, simple waltz," Len began. "No playing around-"

"You didn't think the microphone was?" Bruno asked.

"No, no," Len said quickly. "You mentioned it in the opening that this was the purpose of the story. And your dance was over before you sang; that's what I'm judging. Thank you for keeping in hold long enough and your extensions and posture have improved. Well done."

Mouthing the words thank you to the man, Skye looked to Bruno who Tom called on to speak next.

"I agree with Len, you were very happy dancing that," the man said. "And you have taken our advice which helped you by leaps and bounds. I can see you're becoming more comfortable and hopefully that will help you next week." With the audience applauding he then added, "Wonderful performance! Both of them."

Laughing, as the judge had said the last a little exuberantly, Skye looked over at Carrie-Ann who was waiting for the applause to die down so she could talk. She had to wonder what the woman would say but waited as patiently as she could to hear what she'd thought about what they'd done.

"I can tell you enjoy that song a lot," the female judge said. "And you were able to tell the story of the song through that. I'm glad to see you listened to us concerning your posture and extension, and it was just a fantastic performance." She waited for the applause to die down before she told Skye, "Thank you for keeping your foot down or else I'd have to call you out for a lift." Carrie-Ann laughed with the pair who were nodding, and she then said, "Great job."

"Sounds like you'll have some good scores," Tom told them. "Head on up to the Sky Box."

"You did fantastic," Derek was telling Skye as they went over to the stairs.

"Thanks, great choreography," the investigator replied with a smile.

"Come on over you two," Erin said to the pair as they reached the box. "This seemed to be a very personal song for you."

"A bit personal, and something I admire," Skye said with a nod. "Can I get a quick cheer for George?" she then called to the audience behind them. She laughed when they quickly did so and she called a quick, "Thank you!" before she turned back to the co-host.

"You were filming this week in LA," Erin said. "We saw you practicing at Union Station, you mentioned two music videos, when can the public see them?"

"Not just yet," Skye replied. "We'll have them soon though."

"Derek, how has it been dancing with Skye so far?" Erin then asked the pro. "You seem to be doing well together."

"We are," Derek replied. "She does her best to learn and it helps that she enjoys the songs so much, they help my choreography." He looked at Skye and they gave each other a high five before Erin was speaking.

"Alright, let's get your scores," the co-host said.

Turning her attention from the screen where she and the others had been watching what was going on in the Sky Box, Beckett looked at the judges as the announcer said, "Carrie-Ann Inaba."

"Nine," the judge said.

Crying out with joy, Skye hugged Derek; though Gerry and Tristan had already gotten the first nine of the season for their Jive. She turned with him to see what they'd get next, her arm wrapped around him tightly.

"Len Goodman," the announcer then said.

"Eight," the British judge announced.

Nodding her head, Skye gave Derek a high five before they waited to see their last score as the announcer said, "Bruno Tonioli."

"Nine!" the judge said.

"That gives you a score of twenty-six," Erin said as the pair were hugging one another tightly.

"I think we're very pleased with that," Derek said.

"It's fab, thank you judges!" Skye said, knowing they were in first place so far that night.

As Erin spoke about voting and Tom talked about Eddie and Jonathan going after the break, Castle looked at Mary and said, "You're lucky."

Her cheeks slightly red, the doctor said, "I'm aware," since she knew he was talking about how Skye had been making sure people knew her role in the investigator's life. "So now we wait," she said to get the subject off that.

"Mum will be alright," Marie said firmly. "They'll want to see her dance again, maybe sing too."

"And you Mommy!" Iris said, wrapping her arms around the doctor.

"I'm sure they will," Mary said, smiling at Liam. "But for now, we have to be fair and watch the others."

"I want to see Eddie dance," Peter said.

Beckett quieted the kids down as they were all agreeing with the boy and she said, "I do too but I think the basketball player is first." She shared a smile with the other adults when the kids all groaned in disappointment, but they stayed quiet as the crew was calling they would be back from commercial shortly. She felt her husband taking her hand and she looked at him, entwining their fingers before he smiled at her and they looked back to the dance floor as the countdown from the crew member began.

"Tonight, in jeopardy," Tom was saying after the last dance and all the pairs were together on the stage, stairs and dance floor. The intense music played and continued until he said, "Daisy and Sasha."

Since they were next to the pair, Skye took the photojournalist's hand and squeezed it before Tom was announcing the next pair.

"Lisa and Keo," he announced.

"What?" Skye asked in surprise though she couldn't be heard as the audience was protesting that announcement.

"And last," Tom eventually said when the reaction of the audience died down enough. "Wade and Jenna. The rest of you are safe."

Skye breathed out and shared a hug with Derek before they remained where they were to let the announcement of the elimination begin.

"After three weeks of competition," Tom began. "The couple going home tonight is…"

"I hate this part," Beckett murmured to her husband as the music started up again.

"Me too," Castle said with a nod and quickly as he knew the co-host would speak shortly.

The music played for a little more before Tom said, "Wade and Jenna."

As the audience was reacting, Skye started to applaud with the other stars and dancers. She waited for them to speak with Tom and Erin briefly before they went together to the pair and hugged them in turn. She could just barely hear Tom when he was talking about the next episode, thinking he'd said something about memorable year. But she had to turn her attention to her family, smiling as her daughters were the first to reach her and embrace her.

"I knew you were gonna stay Mum!" Kathleen said.

"Thank you," Skye said with a laugh. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"We didn't say we did," Ivy told her.

"I knew," Skye told them before turning her attention to her wife. She stepped to her and embraced her, sharing a brief kiss before saying, "Good?"

"Fantastic," Mary replied. "Are you heading out?"

"We have to," Skye said with a sigh. She hugged Beckett and did the same with Castle briefly before telling them, "We'll see you at the studio."

"I guess that means we head home," Martha said, smiling at her granddaughters when they looked at her.

"Do you want to come with us Gram?" Julia asked.

"Oh no, but promise you'll tell us what they have for next week," Castle's mother said.

"We always do," Eliza said.

"We're looking forward to that," Jim said.

Saying goodbye to the two and Liam; Castle, Beckett and Mary gathered the kids and made their way over to the building where the studios were. They were directed to the one that Skye and Derek were assigned; not surprised to see it was their usual one on Monday nights with the stairs for them to sit on.

While they were waiting, Julia and her friends danced together in front of the mirror to be able to watch their reflection.

"You should dance your dance for the song," Mari eventually said. "The song for tonight," she quickly corrected herself.

"That's okay," Julia said. "We-"

"Hullo everyone," Skye said as she and Derek walked inside. "We have the song and dance."

"What are they?" Julia said eagerly.

"It is…" Derek began as he then opened the envelope he had. He reached inside for the paper and said, "It's the… uh-oh, Mary will have to dance with you," he said as he looked over at the woman.

"The Rumba?" Mary asked.

"Yeah," Derek said. "To Someplace Else," he told everyone, looking at the investigator.

"My choice," Skye said with a smile.

"Did Tom say it was Most Memorable Year?" Castle asked.

"It is," Skye replied. She then said, "And I chose the year 2009, the year Mary and I had our first date."

"Not the first time you met?" Beckett asked her.

"It wouldn't sound right," Skye said slowly, looking at her wife.

"I leave that up to you," Mary told her.

"You'll have to explain that," Derek said, since the cameras had come in after him and Skye.

"I know," Skye said. "Should we listen to the song?"

Derek played it, listening to the lyrics and frowning as they went on before it finished. "Why that one?" he asked.

"Not the song in its entirety, but lyrics here and there," Skye explained. "But it is a beautiful song and deals with the need for two people to be with one another. It's from the movie Shanghai Surprise, but it can apply to anyone I think."

"Now," Derek said. "Wait," he said, turning. "Have you danced this?"

Shaking her head, along with the others, Julia said, "We're too young."

"Yeah, Ms. Grey said we have to be in high school," Clive added.

"And we need to get permission from our parents before that," Mari added.

"Okay, so you guys will be learning this time," Derek said. "Along with you."

"Yipee," Skye said sarcastically before she smiled. "I just hope this works out."

"It will," Derek said. "Let me show you some of the basic moves and we'll see what we can do if you have problems dancing with a man."

"A little more closely," Skye commented, walking over to him. When he looked at her she held up her hands and said playfully, "I knew I might have to dance this when I agreed to the season."

"Alright," Derek said in amusement.

Julia, watching the pair, stared in rapt attention as she hadn't had much experience with the dance. She took in every step and saw why her dance teacher didn't want to teach the kids it since Derek was instructing Skye to dance as if she wanted to get as close to him as she could.

"This is where the acting comes in," the pro told her. "You really have to sell it, you have to imagine that the song and the dance is for the two of us. You like me…"

"Not love?" Skye asked with a smile on her face, putting her hands on her hips.

"That might be asking way too much," Derek replied with a returning smile. "But if we can get a like that's perfect.""Let's hope," Skye said, breathing out heavily.

Watching the woman as they were practicing more, Beckett had a feeling that she was having trouble with the connection she needed to have with Derek. And when the investigator stopped suddenly and turned away with a groan, she wasn't surprised when Mary jumped up and went to the pro.

Castle wondered what the doctor was talking to Derek about, but did his best not to say anything to ask before he was nodding and he and Skye went back to dancing. He looked down at Julia eventually, not surprised to find her watching closely along with her other classmates. He glanced at Eliza, seeing she was leaning back against her mother, and realized she was bored. But taking a quick look at his watch he knew they weren't going to be there for much longer, relieved as he knew that dance that week was something Skye and Derek needed to take care of themselves.

"I'm worried," Skye said to Beckett, leaning against the counter next to her.

"I noticed," she replied, looking over at the investigator while washing the plate in her hand. "But there has to be something you can do. Your wife?" she asked, saying the last in Russian.

"She has something up her sleeve… but I'm worried about that," Skye admitted.

"Why would you be?" Beckett asked her. She smiled when her friend looked at her and she said, "It could be sexual."

Skye thought about that and then sighed saying, "You're probably right."

"Again, why would you be worried about that?" Beckett said.

"She's passionate," Skye said before they were laughing together. "Okay, I'm not worried about that, just that she might be too much so and I'm exhausted tomorrow. Which I'm realizing I shouldn't have told you."

"I guessed," Beckett replied with a quick laugh. "But she'll take care of you." She watched the investigator nod and then turned her attention to the cleaning she was doing as Skye left to go back with everyone else. It was later in the night; after Skye and Derek had been shown on TV; so most of the kids were in bed. They'd had dessert after their dinner, baklava, and she'd cleaned the plates from that. "Hey," she said to her husband as he walked up to her.

"Hey, what were you talking about?" Castle asked.

Beckett smiled as she turned off the water and said, "You don't need to know." When he let out an annoyed sound she lightly flicked her wet fingers at him telling him, "You don't, I was able to guess. Not details," she said, adding the last as he looked at her with wide eyes. "But an idea."

"I'll figure it out," Castle said firmly. When he felt his wife's dried hand he looked at her and said, "What?"

"I don't want you thinking about another woman," Beckett said teasingly but a little firmly.

"Oh… sorry," Castle said when he realized it sounded like he was.

"It's okay," Beckett reassured him.

"Do I owe you something?" Castle asked in Irish.

"No," Beckett said with a soft laugh, shaking her head. "Let's go."

"Oh, true," Castle said, walking with her over the family room.

"Pipe down kids," Skye said jokingly. "You all need to go to bed, it's time."

"But…" Julia started to say before she trailed off. She groaned and then told the others, "We're later."

"Yes, come on, upstairs and change," Beckett told them. She wasn't surprised when they went but were complaining the entire way. Finally, they were upstairs and she stayed with Skye, Castle and Mary in the hallway while the kids went to their rooms.

"How're you doing?" Castle asked the investigator.

"Okay, I had an easier dance today luckily," Skye asked, knowing he was asking if she was tried. "And next week should be nice too."

Beckett did her best to hide a smile at the way Mary took her wife's hand and distracted herself from that telling the two, "We're going to have school tomorrow. I'm assuming we'll be doing that every day except for Wednesday."

"Right," Skye replied. "Derek thinks we might need to practice every day."

"Even at the Queen Mary?" Castle asked in surprise.

"Even there," Skye said. "But… I need to learn."

Looking at her husband, Beckett was afraid for a moment he was going to ask about how she would learn exactly when the kids were all calling out to them from their rooms. She smiled at the others and she went first to Julia and Mari's room, seeing her daughter was waiting for her with her hairbrush. She was about to ask if they both wanted her to brush their hair when her daughter was talking first.

"We're ready Mom," Julia said.

"Did you brush your hair?" Beckett asked both girls in slight surprise.

"No, I mean besides that we're ready," Julia said quickly.

"The boys are ready," Castle said, coming up behind his wife.

"Come in," Beckett said. She went over to the bed and took Mari's hairbrush to comb it out before doing the same with Julia. She could see the two boys out of the corner of her eye while she was doing that, and she tried her best not to smile as they were yawning. After the girls had put their brushes away she stood up and told her husband, "Say goodnight to them before you take these two."

"Sure," Castle replied before he waited for the girls to come out.

"Night," Mari said with a smile at Castle.

"Goodnight Mari, we'll see you in the morning," he replied before reaching to Julia.

Hugging her father tightly Julia said, "Night Dad, love you."

"Before I say that, are you okay with not going in to watch their practice this week?" Castle asked her.

Julia pretended to think that over before she nodded and said, "I am, I know we can't help her and Derek will do that a lot better."

"Good, I was worried you'd be upset," Castle said. When she looked at him questioningly he smiled and told her, "Just making sure." He laughed when she hugged him tightly and then told her, "I love you too Julia, night."

"Goodnight Peter, Clive," Beckett told to two as they went over to her. She hugged them briefly in turn and then said, "We'll see you in the morning."

"Night," the boys said before they went with Castle out of the room.

Turning to the girls Beckett hugged Mari, telling her goodnight, before her daughter was throwing her arms around her tightly. She wondered what the reason for that was; knowing there was; when the girl was telling her.

"Sorry Mom, I'm excited about Wednesday," Julia said.

Beckett laughed softly and said, "I know, but I hope you'll pay attention to the classes you have tomorrow."

"I will," Julia promised. "But I'm excited… are you sure I can't go on the lockdown?"

"I'm sure," Beckett said firmly. She smiled when the girl sighed, and she hugged her again saying, "I love you sweetie, goodnight."

"Night Mom, I love you too," Julia told her. Sharing a quick kiss with her she said, "At least I can meet everyone."

"Exactly," Beckett said with a smile before she let her go and had the girls climb up onto the bed. She kissed her daughter's forehead before she tucked the two in and said goodnight to them before she pet Macca and JoJo. She stood in the doorway for a moment to watch them, to make sure they weren't talking, and then turned to the hallway to find her husband at the stairs down to the kitchen.

"They're making some coffee," Castle told her once she was near enough for her to hear him whispering. "For themselves; tea for us."

"Why coffee?" Beckett said in surprise as they were going down the stairs.

"I have no idea, they wouldn't tell me," Castle said with a shrug before they stepped off the staircase.

"Hey, just in time, the water's ready," Skye said.

"You're having coffee?" Beckett asked the investigator.

Smiling Skye said, "It's early yet. And Corey brought this."

"How is he?" Beckett asked.

"Good, he and his family just returned from Hawaii," Skye said.

"They brought us this bag from there," Mary said. "Small but it smells amazing."

"It does," Beckett said.

"Sorry we didn't wait until-" Skye began.

"Don't worry," Beckett said rapidly. "I can't blame you because she's right, it smells great." She then turned to her husband and said, "Have some."

"I-" Castle started to say.

Shaking her head Beckett told him, "Have a cup," urging him. "You never had to stop drinking for my sake."

"It was my choice," Castle reminded her.

"Here," Mary said, putting a mug in front of him.

"Thank you," Castle said though he still felt bad. But with the way his wife was looking at him he knew he couldn't say no and he picked up the cup. He inhaled the aroma before sipping and he said, "Yeah… nice."

Beckett immediately laughed and said, "He likes it, he's trying to suppress that."

"I gathered," Skye said, Mary nodding behind her. "Isn't it hard to stop drinking?"

"Not really," Beckett said. "At least not for me. But I did miss it of course and I've ended up getting a taste for tea."

"She did that before when she was nursing Eliza," Castle said.

Smiling, Beckett squeezed her husband's arm before turning her attention to Skye saying, "You looked more comfortable with the dance as your practice went on you know."

"Comfortable? I was like a bloody board, stiff and…" Skye started to say before shaking her head. "I really did try and relax but being that close to a man…"

"What exactly are you feeling grá?" Mary asked her.

"His hips," Skye said simply.

"What… is wrong with that?" Castle said slowly.

"They're not like her hips," Skye said, nodding to her wife.

"When have you guys been d- never mind," Castle started to say before he realized what exactly he was going to say.

"No, you're right," Mary said. She couldn't help laughing briefly at the way the writer's eyes went wide and she told him, "But that doesn't apply to just two women together, that's the missionary position whoever's going through it."

"To change the subject," Beckett said, watching Skye who looked uncomfortable.

"No, no," Mary said. "We need to address this Skye."

"With them here?" the investigator asked doubtfully, glancing at the couple across from them.

"They might be able to help," Mary said, though she sounded doubtful herself. She shook her head and said, "Sorry."

"It's alright, I'm not surprised you're a little desperate to help her," Beckett said.

"I thought the same," Castle added. "And I wasn't going to dance with her." He wasn't surprised when the women laughed at that and he smiled himself, his words meant to do that to lighten the mood a bit.

"Okay, now it's time for that subject change," Skye told them.

"Julia mentioned Wednesday," Beckett said suddenly.

"Did she?" Skye asked. When her friend nodded she said, "I think the question is what are you feeling about that?"

"I'm not really sure how I should feel," Beckett said. "Though I would like to see the ship."

"It's beautiful," Mary told them.

"Have you stayed there before?" Castle asked. "The hotel, not the lockdown."

"We did; our third anniversary," Skye said. "I have no idea why we chose that…"

"We wanted to try it," Mary said, looking unsure too. She then laughed and said, "I don't think it matters now. But we should try to head back."

"Hopefully it won't be too difficult after the lockdowns you've done," Castle commented.

"I don't know," Skye said to her wife when Mary looked at her. "We'll have to see."

With a brief nod, the doctor said, "We will."

"Let me take those," Skye said, seeing the mugs the couple had were empty.

"We can-" Castle started to say.

"We're fine, you can head to the guest house," Mary said.

Beckett saw her husband was about to speak; knowing he was going to offer to clean himself; and she touched his arm, squeezing a little hard. "We'll take care of breakfast," she told the two women.

"Or help me," Mary said.

"I'd like you to come with me grá," Skye said quietly.

"Oh… alright," Mary said in surprise.

Turning to Beckett who'd walked over to her, Skye hugged her friend tightly saying, "I can't really have the kids there this week."

"We know but you're not surprising her?" Beckett asked as they let go of each other.

"After tomorrow, she's only staying until lunch," Skye said, glancing at her.

"I thought you might do that," Mary said wryly. She embraced Beckett briefly and she and her wife did the same with Castle and they walked the two to the sliding door. Saying goodnight to them she smiled when the pair walking to the guest house was congratulating Skye on her score.

"Well, let's hope I can do as well next time," the investigator told her wife as she turned to her.

"You will," Mary said firmly, leaning over and kissing her on the lips briefly. "Now come on, you need to get some extra practice done."

Breathing out, since it wasn't the first time her wife had told her that, Skye followed her to the kitchen sink and watched her washing the mugs. "Any chance you'll tell me what's going on in that head?" she eventually asked her.

"Not yet," Mary said. "But soon."

Skye did her best not to roll her eyes, but her wife was finally washing her hands and she let her take her hand. Following Mary up to their room, she waited for her to say something as she closed and locked the door.

"Okay, I was watching Derek," the doctor said as she went to her wife. "Closely because I had a feeling you'd have this trouble."

"You wouldn't?" Skye asked.

"I never said I wouldn't," Mary replied easily. "And I'm interested in seeing how two women can do this… Standing up."

Breathing out a little Skye then said, "Okay." She was expecting her wife to come up to her and start them dancing, but when she tugged the bottom of her workout shirt she looked at her with wide eyes.

"Come on, off," Mary said simply, unable to help smiling at her wife's expression.

Though she wanted to protest, Skye reached for it and pulled it off before she looked at her. When Mary reached over to slide her finger under her bra strap she said, "Do you really-" before she was pressing her fingers to her lips.

"You don't know what I have in mind," the doctor said simply. Mary watched as her wife disrobed and when she was naked she smiled and said, "Good."

Skye's breathing became a little rougher as her wife undressed, her hands suddenly not knowing what to do since Mary was going slowly; for her benefit she knew. "Grá-" she started to say as her wife walked up to her.

"Shh, we'll take it easy," Mary told her before she pressed her body close against hers. "Now, it's all about the hips again. You remember that right?"

"Yeah," Skye gasped out, reacting to her wife's skin flush against hers.

"Well?" Mary asked her after they were both quiet for a moment.

Skye looked at her in surprise, but then had to move as her wife was doing the same which made her say, "Do we really need to do this naked?"

"Do you see any other way?" Mary replied easily. She laughed when her wife gave her a look and pressed closer telling her, "Really Skye, just move with me. Move with me and remember this when you're practicing."

"That might make things a lot more difficult," the investigator replied.

"No, it won't," Mary said, wrapping her arms around her wife's neck. "Just move with me."

Though Skye still wasn't sure, she started to move her hips and groaned in pleasure with her wife as they could feel their skin sliding together. "Okay! Okay, that's enough," she said suddenly.

Smiling, Mary cupped her wife's face with her hands and leaned into her, kissing her gently on her lips. When she moved away she told her, "I think you're right."

"What… what do we do now?" Skye asked her. She let her wife pull her to the bed and laid on it first, waiting for Mary to get on top of her before they were kissing deeply. She wrapped herself around her wife the best she could, and she and Mary were working to come together until they could lose themselves to everything they made one another feel.

"What are you going to do?" Castle asked his wife after they were inside the house.

"I'm not sure," Beckett replied. "Do you mean now?"

"Why did you ask that second?" Castle asked in amusement though he knew the answer to that already. He squeezed her hand and then said, "Although I should ask what you're going to do now."

"I was just going to change," Beckett said simply. "I did take a shower earlier.""Ah, then it's my turn," Castle said.

"Come on," Beckett said with a slight laugh before they were going upstairs together. She watched him going over to the bathroom and when the door was closed behind him she quickly changed before she went to the bed. Grabbing her book she had there, she settled against her pillows behind her but didn't open the tome yet. She became a little thoughtful before she set it aside and reached for her husband's phone. She began to play one of the new games he'd gotten, hoping he wouldn't mind since he hadn't had the chance to start it either.

Coming out of the bathroom a while later, Castle paused when he spotted what she was doing and was about to speak when he hesitated. He looked at her, and then smiled as he realized what she was doing. "Kate," he said.

Nearly jumping, Beckett looked up at him and said, "Where're your clothes?"

"I think the question is, what're you doing?" Castle asked.

"I'm playing your new Street Race game," Beckett said, smirking. "Before you."

"Yeah, I gathered that," Castle replied, reaching the bed and sitting on his side. He knew he should be worried about the towel wrapped around his waist but decided it didn't matter as she was glancing down at his lap. While she was distracted he carefully took his phone out of her hand saying, "I've been waiting years to be able to do that."

Beckett gave him a look and said, "Congratulations, now what?"

"How was it?" Castle asked in response.

"What about your shower?" Beckett said.

"My shower was a shower," Castle said. When he saw her studying his erection he said, "It was, with you out here? Why would I bother?"

"You couldn't wait," Beckett told him.

Laughing briefly Castle said as he stood, "I could, my hand only does so much."

"Mine does a lot more," Beckett said. When her husband reached for her she allowed him to pull her off the bed so she was standing in front of him. "What?"

"You expect me to believe you touched yourself?" Castle asked her.

It took Beckett a moment to answer before she smiled slightly and said, "I don't know… I had your phone."

"I have no photos of myself," Castle said firmly. When she then laughed he embraced her tightly and told her, "I adore you Kate.""I was distracted," Beckett replied, holding him as well. Kissing his chest a few times she then told him, "Or else you would have found me playing with myself."

Kissing her briefly Castle said, "Would it have been enough?"

"Of course not," Beckett replied. She let go of him and after he'd done the same to her she tugged his towel, pleased when it fell off him easily. She bit her lower lip considering the extent of his arousal and was about to tell him she had changed her mind when her husband was suddenly grabbing her by her arms firmly and she gasped for a moment before he murmured to her huskily.

"I want you," Castle said. He forced himself to let her go and pulled away saying, "But-"

"Don't worry," Beckett said, reaching for the bottom of her NYPD shirt she'd been wearing. "I do too."

Nodding, though saying something about how she wanted herself was niggling at the back of his mind, Castle shoved it aside and just watched her undress. When she was stepping out of the last of her clothes he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and kissing her as hard as he could. He groaned into her mouth while she was moaning, feeling each other's bodies as they held onto each other at the same time. After they stopped he pressed his forehead against hers and said, "I should still punish you.""You should," Beckett replied. When her husband moved away from her she smiled and said, "Really."

Castle found he couldn't really speak at how serious she was though she was smiling, and he ushered her to the bed to get her onto it. He wasn't sure how he was able to get her onto her hands and knees but got the feeling it was what she wanted. He cupped her ass with his hand and was about to slap her but then paused saying, "What do you want?"

Beckett bit at her lower lip a little hard before she looked back at him over her shoulder and told him, "You can make me faint." She then paused and said, "If you'll be okay waiting for me."

"I always am," Castle replied, moving down to her so they could kiss. He slipped his tongue quickly into her mouth and teased hers with it until they were rubbing together. He wished he could let that last for a lot longer, but he knew she was in an uncomfortable position so he ended it but moved to her back, kissing down it until he reached the small of it. He breathed a little heavier as he had a sudden idea but didn't linger before he was going to her skin, kissing the small expanse of it he loved the way it reacted to him. He then moved, sitting up on his knees before he cupped her ass and felt his wife moving back against him to his surprise.

"You're teasing me with that," Beckett said in slight frustration.

Castle opened his mouth to reply but then nodded before he swung his hand back and slapped her, watching her go down onto her arms but remain on her knees. He did it a second time and shuddered when she cried out a second time while her hands were clutching at the sheets underneath her. "Kate…" he began before he cut himself off as he wasn't sure he could ask her.

"What?" Beckett asked, looking over at him. She saw the hesitation on his face and said, "Tell me, I'll do it."

"You… you're that trusting," Castle said, stating it instead of asking since he was aware already she was. He expected her to respond verbally to him, but when she just nodded her head he breathed out hard and leaned over to whisper into her ear.

When her husband began to nibble at her earlobe Beckett shuddered in joy and whispered, "I'll do it." She waited for him to move away before she did as he'd requested, reaching for her clit after pushing herself up on her left arm. She moaned in pleasure as she had already been aroused and did that for a little longer until he was touching her hip. She lowered herself down on her arms and looked at him saying, "I'm ready for you."

"That's not why I asked you to do that," Castle said, moving. "Fast?"

"For this? Extremely?" Beckett replied. She caught the slight frown on her husband's face and then told him, "Just for this."

"Good," Castle replied before he then began to move so he could enter her. He saw the way his wife was looking back at him and knew she wanted to touch him, but he just said, "Later," before sliding inside her. He kept himself still after he had just gotten the tip of himself in and as he knew she wanted him to thrust hard, hearing her cry his name before their skin slapped together intensely. He was breathing a little faster already at the sensation himself and he leaned onto his hands so he could reach her back. Kissing over it a few times he then moved his hips, a careful thrust that would let him test and see what he could do.

Beckett couldn't help feeling frustrated again at that single thrust, but she was aware of why her husband was doing that. A part of her knew she should tell him she wanted him to begin but she kept quiet, waiting for him to move himself as she wanted to leave it to him. Luckily, he was starting up shortly after as she found herself holding onto the bed underneath her again. She thought at first; as his beginning thrusts were a bit dodgy; that he was having trouble finding her g-spot but a second later he slid directly against it and she was screaming shortly at the surprise and pleasure of it. His lips were on her back and she told him, "Don't stop… I… that feels so good!" as he was trying to move away from it.

"I'll fuck you better after this love," Castle groaned as he wasn't being unaffected. Her sex was tight around him as it wanted him to remain in her and the sensation of her constantly trying was pleasurable. But knowing she'd gotten a taste of what he could do to her he sought out the right spot and finding it quickly he moved rapidly again.

Beckett closed her eyes as tightly as she could with the way her husband was building up so much within her and she knew she wasn't going to last. She took the chance to enjoy every time he thrust in her and finally it was too much. "Rick!" she was able to cry before her orgasm seemed to explode within her sex. She knew he had stopped moving immediately but she wasn't, writhing and just trying to handle everything he made her feel until it was too much. All her ecstasy roared through her body and she was calling his name one more time before she let everything overwhelm her and she passed out.

Castle, feeling his wife go limp, moved to get her onto her back, holding her tightly before he laid his hand on her sex. "I just want to feel Kate… I'm sorry," he breathed out to her though she was still unconscious. He kept his hand still, to feel as he'd told her, but as soon as her folds stopped twitching he removed it and just watched her to wait and see the second she'd rouse which wasn't too long after.

"Rick?" Beckett breathed out when she was a little more awake.

"Hey, are you okay?" Castle asked, watching her closely.

"Yeah that was…" Beckett started to say before she turned onto her side slightly and brought him down to her for a kiss. She was pleased when he responded to her and their tongues were very quickly tangling around each other until they needed to breathe. "I love when you do that," she told him, kissing around his jaw that she could reach in between her words.

"I'm glad you do," Castle said. "It scares me seeing you collapse like you do."

Beckett, cupping underneath his erection, smiled and said, "I should make it up to you," as she watched him close his eyes.

"Wait," Castle told her, taking her wrist gently. "I should tell you while you were still coming I did this."

Gasping briefly when her husband cupped her sex Beckett smiled and then said, "So?"

"You don't mind?" Castle replied, slightly surprised.

"Why would I? You just did that didn't you?" Beckett said. When he nodded she kissed him and said, "Then I don't. But what I mind is you not having your turn."

Castle moved hurriedly to pull her up with him and he wrapped his arms around her while she was straddling his legs. They were kissing frantically at first before he took her tongue and they calmed down though they were very passionate until they were parting to breathe. "Like this?" he breathed to her.

"To start," Beckett said with a smile. She wasn't surprised when he kissed her for that and she was doing the same to him while she was running her fingers through his hair. After they parted to breathe she smiled again and told him, "To start."

Taking that as a hint immediately, Castle took her by her hips and helped her raise her body above before he held himself. He watched her closely as she lowered herself on him, holding onto his arms before he was inside her and their hips were meeting as she hadn't hesitated or stopped the second he'd slipped inside her. "Did I tell you I adore you?" he breathed out to her.

"Hmm, you have," Beckett said. "I feel the same about you… you're… perfect inside me."

"You're perfect holding… me," Castle started to say before he was trailing off into a groan, just barely able to say the last word as he was groaning in his pleasure so heavily. He held onto her more tightly when she pushed herself up and they were kissing each other while he was doing his best to move with her since he was on his knees as well.

Beckett was doing her best to move while still kissing her husband, but she soon found it too difficult and they parted before she was tilting her head back. She was pleased her husband took her hint, leaning up and kissing at her neck. Eventually he stopped and she bowed her head down to him before he was tilting his head to her. Their lips brushed together and they could feel each other's breath until she stopped moving.

"My love," Castle said, his voice husky with his desire. He flipped her around onto her back and then started to thrust instantly. While he'd moved at her pace he'd been driven crazy not having any set end as she'd already had. He kissed her deeply as soon as he'd started his own rhythm, rough and fast, and he hoped she would be able to join him once he was climaxing.

"Please! Harder Rick… I want to feel you come in me this time!" Beckett was crying out to him in joy as his length in her was working her up. She was pleased as she wanted to be with him when he got to his peak, though she realized a part of her wanted to not be. She bit her lower lip and said, "W-will you make me come again?"

"Of course," Castle groaned, trying to handle the friction that was between them. He was moving harder and was suddenly tensing for a second before he was calling her name. So involved with his pure delight he was startled when he realized his wife wasn't throbbing around his still rigid erection as she would have been had she joined him. "Kate?" he asked her.

"Move," Beckett told him firmly. She gasped when he pulled out of her, but she knew what he wanted and she reached down, grasping her hand around his length. "You're going to make me come fast," she told him.

"Yes," Castle said. When her response was to pull him to her he didn't stop and entered her again. They were kissing as he fucked her as hard as he could, feeling his muscles screaming in risk of being overused. But he wanted to feel them literally exploding together and he found that as they were climaxing nearly at the same time shortly after.

Crying her husband's name repeatedly, Beckett dug her nails into his back a little hard as she felt him with her and she felt filled again. She had no idea how long it took them both to stop and once they had she held him to her, arms and legs wrapped around him as they'd been since he'd set her on her back. "Thank you so much love," she breathed against his ear, nibbling at his lobe.

"You're welcome," Castle said. He had spoken into her neck and then moved away to tell her, "And you wanted to feel me?"

"Of course," Beckett said with a smile. She studied her husband as he looked suddenly uncertain and she said, "Do you want to do this again?"

"You don't?" Castle asked though it wasn't that much of a question. When she slowly shook her head he said, "I know, we have things to do tomorrow." He knew he needed to leave her but found it difficult to do so until he finally forced himself and withdrew carefully from her. "Think we could take a shower?" he said as she sat up, cupping his face with her hands.

"You already took one," Beckett said though she was smiling. She leaned over and kissed him lovingly before they parted, and she got off the bed, pulling him after her. She wasn't surprised when he followed her in a rush and they were soon inside the shower stall with the water pouring down on them. She wrapped her arms around him as they were kissing again but they were sensuous instead of passionate and they didn't let it last for long. She was relieved that he was alright with their shower as they were only touching one another while they were washing each other off.

"Best shower ever," Castle told his wife as he turned off the water once they'd finished.

"Pervert," Beckett told him teasingly. "But I am surprised you think that," she said while she waited for him to step out first.

"We don't have to make love," Castle replied as he grabbed her towel and held it out to her. "Not all the time. And we just did that out on the bed."

Beckett laughed softly and waited for her husband to dry her off before she wrapped herself in her towel and she asked him, "Do you have a towel?"

"Yeah, oh mine is out on the floor," Castle said as he recalled the other one. He let his wife dry him with another towel and then put it around himself as he followed her to the bedroom. They were dressing together, quickly, and he grabbed his first towel of the night before he followed Beckett back into the bathroom. "I didn't really follow through with that punishment," he said suddenly while he joined her at the sinks to brush his teeth.

Glancing at him, Beckett didn't say anything before she was finishing and rinsing out her mouth. "How much punishment would you have really done?" she asked him as she turned to him.

"Good point," Castle said after thinking about that for a moment. He then smiled at her and said, "But you enjoyed yourself."

Beckett pushed him away from her playfully before she let him wrap his arm around her. "I did, and you did too," she pointed out to him.

"Yes," Castle said quickly. He smiled when she laughed, and they walked out together to the bed before she got under the sheet first. Following her rapidly he laid on his side before she got onto hers while watching him. "Still early," he told her rapidly.

"I noticed," Beckett said in amusement. "But we do need to rest."

"We do but do you mind holding off for a s- not a second," Castle said. "But for a story; that's better."

Laughing softly for a moment Beckett said, "Alright. Are you telling it?"

"Yes," Castle assured her. "It's in 1936 and we were in San Francisco on April eighteenth with our girls; since it was a Saturday. Your mother and sister were there as well as Patrick and Mary."

"They met us," Beckett replied.

"Here," Castle said, moving to lay down and then taking her in his arms. "They were painting the fire hydrant that saved that side of the city."

Beckett nodded and waited with her cheek pressed to his shoulder as she recalled them at the little fire hydrant painted gold.

"Ma, why can't we go to the park?" Alexandra asked as Kate was holding her hand.

"Shh, we're going to see something very important," Kate told her as they walked through Dolores Park to 20 th street. She spotted the people crowding near the corner of the intersection between it and Church and she said, "There it is."

"We're not late, are we?" Rick asked his wife.

"No, I think we've made it," Kate replied before they managed to reach it in time to find the rest of their family.

"I was afraid you'd be lost," Rose said to her sister as they embraced.