
In the Academy as Sukuna (Updating in fanfics)

THIS STORY IS BEING UPDATED UNDER FANFICS WITH SOME CHANGES AND HEAVY IMPROVEMENT . He wakes up one day as Sukuna in a world he remembers from a game. His goal? To bring chaos to this realm, but his mere presence already complicates the storyline enough. Will he hide like a mouse in the Academy? No way! If he's already stirred chaos, he's going to take it, AND TRIPLE IT. Manipulation, murder, blackmail—you name it, he'll do it to climb to the top. Yet, despite his chaotic tendencies, he's not all bad. There are people he loves and will protect at any cost. Is he good, evil, or my favorite-chaotic? Who knows! But one thing's for sure—he's having a blast. He gets nerfed, but does he let that destroy his goals? HELL NAH! If you think this is a fanfic with no plot, no story, no character YOU'RE DEAD WRONG, at least I think so, unless I'm overestimating myself.

ImaMelonFarm · Fantasy
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37 Chs

A Young Girl's Choice - Despair to Darkness

I asked ya'll to drop a review on the story and nobody did (╥_╥)

How can you play with the heart of a pure young writer like this?

Especially you, nectarifle

And you, Noiir

Did you think you escaped, Kammen?

What about you, Mr. Shadow Monarch - Atrox?




POV: Unknown and Unimportant Character

I am Ai Yogahe, just a normal worker in an orphanage.

I joined this orphanage 10 years ago, when I was 23.

This was because I saw and pitied the children that didn't experience familial love.

Every child deserves to be loved by a parental figure, every child deserves to be happy.

That is why I try to smile and make the children cheerful all day long.

Even the children seem to like me, and it makes me ecstatic.

Although, there is one girl who I have never seen smiling, or enjoying.

She is the weakest of everyone in the orphanage, her mana reserves are close to zero, which is why she is bullied every day.

I have tried to stop this many times, lecturing the bullies very harshly, but they go back to it soon enough.

She even gets bullied in school by kids of noble families, which I can do nothing to stop with my power.

I tried to talk to the owner, but she does not even care, not moving her repugnant overweight ass from her chair.

Today, as I was playing with the children, the girl wasn't there.

I asked the other children where she is, and they were hesitant in telling me.

They told me that she was looking much worse than usual and sat on the roof of the school all day long.

I was having a bad feeling, so I went to the school to pick her up.


It is currently about 8 pm, and I have reached the children's school.

This school is not too well-made, but enough to provide goo education to the orphans, even if the management is bad.

I was about to call her name, when I saw her standing on the edge of the roof of a building.

Before I could think of anything, she spread her hands, and dropped down.

My heart was hammering against my chest, I tried to go towards her, but she was already close to the ground.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what would happen.

But, there was no sound, just a silence interrupted by my beating heart.

I slowly opened my eyes, only to see her in the hands of a man.

His face was hidden due to the darkness, but I could tell he was looking at the girl with extreme focus.


I screamed out, tears streaming down my face.

It was because of my negligence of her that she ended up trying to end her own life, and it was because of this man that she was saved.


He started running off at an incredible speed with her still in his hands.

I tried to follow him, but he completely disappeared after taking I right turn.

I was left standing there, dumbfounded.







POV: Unknown and Quite Important Character

I opened my eyes and saw a roof made of rocks.

I was lying on a bed, a bed softer than what I was used to.

This was the first time I was woken up without someone tossing a book at me, or throwing cold water on my face.

It felt . . . good.

I looked around, seeing that I was in a small room with walls, floor and a roof made of rocks.

There was another chair on the other side of the room, where a man was sleeping, his hand supporting his head.

I felt something on my cheek, I wiped it with my hand and it was . . . tears.

Why was I crying?

I suddenly remembered what I tried to do, feeling a mixture of shame and anger welling up inside me.

The man woke up and looked towards me. He pushed himself into a standing position.

I got frightened and retreated towards the wall, still sitting on the bed.

He pulled the chair towards my bed, keeping it very close to it and sitting back down.

We were now very close, facing each other.

He raised his hand towards my face. Thinking that he was going to hit me, I tried to shield it, but my body didn't listen.

But, he didn't hit me, he gently wiped off my tears with his fingers before his hand went up, and he patted my head.

It felt calming and . . . safe.

"Why did you try to do that?" He asked me, his voice gentler than any I've heard.

Though, the question made me remember some bad memories.

He ruffled my hair and said without changing his expression:

"What did they do to you?"

Remembering the torture my life has been up till now, tears formed in my eyes, hot and stinging.

A sob escaped my lips, then another, until I was crying my eyes out.

He pulled me into a hug.

"It's fine," He said, "Let it all out."

"They called me names," I choked out, "They threw . . . threw food at me in . . . the cafeteria."

My voice was shaking. I was barely able to speak.

He didn't interrupt, just listened patiently.

"They . . . they burned my textbooks, tore my drawings"

My face was buried in his chest, his hug feeling warm and comforting.

"I just wanted them to stop . . . but nobody cared."

I could feel tears still running down my face.

"I told my teachers, the principal, the owner . . . of the orphanage, but . . . nobody listened to me."

He patted my back with his hand, a little gesture that made me feel better to keep going.

"Today, they . . . slapped me. Made me . . . eat things from the trash can"

I could feel the anger welling up inside me, my hands balled into fists.

"They . . . stepped on me, and took . . . pictures."

I could feel his hug getting tighter, as if he was angry along with me.

It felt good seeing that someone finally understood me and my pain.

He broke the hug and wiped away my tears, looking at me right in the eyes.

"Do you think what they did to you is unfair?"

He asked, his voice more serious than before. In response, I nodded without hesitation.

"What do you want to do to them?"

His question echoed in my mind, the memories of the bullies' cruelty flooding back with every breath I took.

"What do you want to do to them?" he repeated, his voice firm.

I looked down at my hands, the same hands that had been pushed, slapped, and mocked.

Anger bubbled up inside me, hotter and more intense than ever before. "I want them to feel what I felt," I whispered, my voice shaking. "I want them to hurt like they hurt me."

He nodded, his eyes locking onto mine.

"You have the right to be angry." He said, his voice a low rumble that almost made me scared.

"What they did to you was unforgivable. They deserve a punishment."

I frowned, confusion mixing with my anger. "How?" I asked.

He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "You can fight back. You can make them pay for what they did."

I nodded, hoping that this man can help me do what I want.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "There are ways. I can help you. But you need to be strong. You need to be ready to do whatever it takes."

I looked into his eyes, my heart racing. The 'me' that had been hurt and broken for so long, felt a flicker of hope.

Hope that maybe, just maybe, I could finally stop the pain.

"Will you kill them?" He asked, his voice a chilling whisper.

Fear crept into my thoughts, fear of ending a life with my own hands.

I remembered a bedtime story about a princess who forgives her enemies, but that memory went away as quickly as it came.

My anger took over me, I wanted the bullies to suffer, to die.

"I'll do it."

He smiled and backed away, putting his hands behind his back, a piece of a cake kept on a plate suddenly appeared.

He gave me the cake with a nonchalant smile.

"We haven't introduced ourselves have we?"

He said, looking cheerful.

He was completely different to the cold and scary person I had talked to before.

Looking at his attitude, I, too, unintentionally smiled.

"I am Elara Bloom, 10 years old, nice to meet you!"

I said, trying to mirror his cheerfulness, but I'm sure the tears on my face made it look weird.

"Nice to meet you too Elara! I'm Ryomen Sukuna"

He said with a happy smile.

He pointed towards the cake before walking out of the room, giving me a thumbs up.







POV: Ryomen Sukuna

She is quite interesting indeed.

A child willing to kill at her age, a very rare find.

When I saved her from the fall, I moved without thinking, I don't know why, but I felt an urge, a duty to save her.

When I caught her, I noticed that she didn't have just one, but three souls.

Even though one was visibly bigger than the other two, they still existed.

It is souls' nature to try to devour each other, so how can three of them live without harming each other? How can three souls coexist?

This really intrigued me.

Although, A little guilt pricked me, I was getting attached to her.

The desperation in her eyes, and the flicker of hope within the fear stirred something unexpected within me.

I felt sympathy for her, I'm still human after all . . . for now.

But, I offered her a twisted form of revenge, of justice, intending to show her bloodshed at such an age.

I suppressed these thoughts for now.

This does not affect my plans too much, I also did not put the Eva thing into motion, so I can change stuff up a little.

Also, since I got all the information from Shade, I had a lot of blackmail material about World Nobles.

So, I politely asked them to put in a request for me to meet Aiden.

A response from Aiden is pending though.

Anyhow, I have already told Eva about what we will be doing and she has already found a good place for it.

I pulled out a mobile phone and called my dad.


"Hey dad, I'm going on a date with Eva today, so I'll be late."

"Okay . . . wait wh–"

I cut the call.


I'm doing a coin flip whether to make Elara just a pawn or a daughter to Sukuna, ig u'll see the results next chapter ;>







And drop a review, please :>


>1700 words this chapter

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