
Chapter 02

The sky was dressed in a black suit worthily sparkled by the few sparks that seemed to appear in everyone’s view. This dark, calm and dashing atmosphere was crowned tonight by the momentary visit of a goddess whose inestimable value feels desired and contemplated by tonight’s passers-by. She, who by her vigorous light softened from her throne, bruised hearts, also intended to fulfill the wish of the one who presents himself to her with a heart on her hand. Under half a round of form, Lady Moon makes her appearance and makes it clear that she will take its full form soon. His sparkling and countless children were absent last night. They, with whom she walks in the big black suit, are all shiny and sparkling. Dame Lune is surely right to leave them at home tonight: IT’S VERY FRESH, as fresh as the word can imagine. And as a « Promised thing, a thing hard », this lady must fulfill her obligations. In a few hours, it will eclipse leaving a bluish layer again that will illuminate the day.

It was already ringing at twenty o’clock. We are all at the table for dinner according to the evening newspaper. Mom served us a delicious meal: Roasted chicken! Yum! My always romantic father tries to say a few words although he has his mouth full. « Darling, the shares cook well huh? »

We burst out laughing and my mother spoke:

- Thank you my love but finish your meal before talking!

- It’s gallantry, let’s see!

We have fun laughing again. We are very happy in our family. Everyone finishes their dish and we look at the information together.

At twenty-one o’clock, I go up to my room and stand in front of my laptop to chat with my friends. I finish distracting myself around twenty-three hours and thirty minutes and I lie down. The first image that appears to me when I close my eyes is that of this Pink woman. I think about her again and an inexplicable heat takes me. I like this one. I turn on the brewers to make this intoxicating heat disappear while thinking about it and seeing it again one day. I let myself be dropped on the bed « Rose......... I’ll see you again. »

Just after this sentence, Lady Morpheus took me in her arms and I fell asleep like a baby.


The sun’s rays filtered between the serrations of the clouds. So the day had matured. You could hear the songs of the roosters on both sides. The birds sang with their succulent voice. The most talented, the Thrush, did wonders with her voice. The sky was a blue mixed with white to delight. The sun with its radiant and bright light attested that it is daylight. I rub my eyes and get up from bed. I arrange my room as best I can and take my bath. I’m going to the living room and tea is already waiting for me. I bus it slowly and my mother approached me. I get up to hug him.

—Hello mom!

—Hello my dear!

- Always as early, huh?

—Oh yes.

—Mother, I’m going out at 3 p.m. I am visiting Hubert.

—Okay. Give him a hello from the whole family.

—I won’t miss it. All right. I’ll leave you, mom.

- But... and the bread?

I come back to give her two kisses that make her all happy.

—No. It’s already fine with me...

I go to our garden to relax a little, my laptop at hand.

At 2 p.m., I prepare to visit my friend. Equipped with a simple t-shirt and washed panties, I put on one of my sneakers. A comb in my hair and here I am all beautiful again. I get into my car and head to Pressing Clear. I arrive at the scene at 2:30 p.m. and a.m. and Hubert was already there waiting for me. I park and then he comes to me.

—So buddy, always so stylish huh

- Brother, we have known each other since childhood on this level. So are you going up?

—With pleasure!

We got into my vehicle and Hubert told me about his home. What a coincidence! Hubert lives in the same alleyway in which I deposited this woman yesterday. So luck smiles at me. We arrived at Hubert’s house thirty minutes later.

I enter his living room and...

—Fringe!!! But this voice resembles that of... DIDEROT, Yes... It’s him.

We hug each other. These guys surprised me. I had never thought of seeing Diderot again so soon. Everything was already prepared before I arrived.

A good dish was served to me: Rice and fat accompanied by large fish. The three of us enjoyed each other. We chat and remember the good old days for nearly two hours.

—Good... Guys, I’m delighted to have met you both.

—So we are Rich! Did they answer?

—I’m going to ask to leave. A date a gallant appointment awaits me. Said, Diderot.

—I’m going home too.

Diderot and I wave our hands to Our friend and everyone gets into his vehicle.

As soon as I started, my thoughts turned to Rose. I stop at the alleyway hoping to see her again and to my surprise, she goes out. She was so beautiful dressed in a dress that highlighted everything she has. I immediately lower the window to call her.


She stopped, looking with her eyes for the voice that calls her. I drive and stop at his level. She recognized me and smiled.

—Good evening Richy!

—So how are you?

– Super good

—Where are you going?

—Nowhere, take a walk to relax a little.

It’s time to put on the big game, don’t you think?

So I’m getting started.

- Would you mind if I ask to keep you company around a refreshing one?

– .....

—Yes, please say so! How can such a beautiful woman walk alone?

She smiles and I can read that she accepts my proposal. I open the door and it gets into the car. I drive her to a restaurant not far from her area. We took a table and asked her what she wanted.

– Champagne?

—Oh no! Of beer.

—Boy! Two bottles of beer, please!

I watch the fairy in front of me and .... she was so lovely. I order two dishes of spaghetti and we enjoyed it.

- « You are so beautiful tonight. I told her touching her hand and she answered me « Thank you Richy » with a smile.

Her smile dazzles me and what excites me the most is the movement she makes with her mouth while eating. I try somehow to hold back.

– Rose...


- I haven’t stopped thinking of you since the day we met at the supermarket. You are rooted in my memory and I can’t forget you. I feel that I feel something inexplicable about you and I would like to know if you are already taken by another man.

—No. I am single.

- So would you agree to give me the chance to be the man who will fulfill your desires? I want you, Rose. I like you.

—I like you too.

- (in a victorious voice) So will you let me discover the colors of love?

She doesn’t say anything but I can read « affirmative » in her eyes. I get a little closer to her and when our eyes cross, I put my lips on hers. The cow!... How good it is! His lips are so... How to say it? So intoxicating..., refreshing... if... finally too many things that make me lose my mind. I feel that she responds to my kiss. She kisses me and I get lost in her kiss. I release his lips and tell him

- I love you, Rose.

- As well as me.

To be continued...